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Everything posted by Shgo

  1. original other stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qFxQD37HVU
  2. Let me give you a run down of my mmr We do good early game. We hit mid game and people start making stupid mistakes because they're ahead. 60% of the team starts feeding and falls behind. Then somehow we hit late game; no one wants to group up anddddddddddddd we end up losing due to either A. lack of focus or B. someone being caught out resulting in a 4v5(or if you're lucky a 3v5! ) fight to save the nexus. Long story short they milked the shit out of those
  3. You know what they say

  4. I didn't notice the lack of adc on your team when you showed me that... Still not sure if you carried x:
  5. i just posted the most relevant shiz you have ever seen in your life
  6. Why is it so hard to get to level 59 from 58 in Eden..?

    1. Ikaru


      probably the same reason it's so hard to get to 250 from 249 in maple

  7. Libra logged on the forums.
  8. lets all pick an adc mid against an assassin!

  9. I'm posting everywhere today yo
  10. ^ may or may not be a little off genre x: beat is soooo catchy o.o
  11. Gohan: Oh my god you're here! I love you dad! Goku: That's right, Gohan. I AM here.

  12. For example if you see a random Plat 5 in your queue, it probably means they got elo boosted and they've been losing like.. a ton of games since making Platinum which brought down their mmr.
  13. GP and Twitch..? Also I wouldn't jungle Fiora but that's personal opinion
  14. K Rudd's legalizing gay marriage within 100 days of his reelection

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Linux


      a big step backwards...

    3. Maelstrom


      ^ don't see how.

    4. Manes


      And nobody mentions his unfortunate name. So mature~.

  15. vega went 26/11, light was yi, and I was a ninja c: we had 17 points left for like 10 minutes while they had 300ish; then we came back and they called bs
  16. that feel when people who overreact to 1 death. dying once does NOT mean you fed someone; everyone makes mistakes.
  17. idc anymore i'm taking mid every game and carrying myself to at least silver

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shgo


      Assuming I force them back/get a kill. I also have easy access to both enemy buffs assuming I have vision on their jungler which allows me to ward objectives for a possible steal.

    3. Shgo


      Long story short, if I have to carry then mid's the place to do it(in Bronze anyway).

    4. Shgo


      "Them" being my opponent in lane. Can you tell i'm over Bronze yet?

  18. this hasn't been posted enough so here sarcasmxdxd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD8nAt2xJZM A Tornadus flew around my room before you came. Excuse the mess it made. also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcLsd8RCVq4 EDIT: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5121466/sky_idgaf.mp3
  19. why are the lead singers in screamo bands sooo hot?1!<3

  20. this is what it's like down here
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