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Everything posted by Shgo

  1. Once you're in you can't get out. Just ask half the people on here.
  2. The struggle is soooooooo real...
  3. DD stop requesting nerfs for my favourite champions ;-;
  4. No big deal.. just Elliot and I 4v5ing while Ame, Ikaru, Kio, Dana, and Wes-senpai watch Points to Ikaru for giving me the ss Also it shows as Normal because I grabbed it from spectator mode; it was Ranked and they did very well c: Also also no problem! ~Ikaru
  5. I agree with this, but noting down where your team went wrong can give you more of an insight to what you did wrong in a game. @Anyone A couple of jerks were telling me earlier how I shouldn't be so hard on myself in game. So try to identify where you went wrong in a game, but don't think everything is your fault because sometimes things are just out of your control. Some teams suffer from N.E.S. I'm not referring to the console; I am of course referring to Never Ending Syndrome. If you don't force objectives while you have the lead, eventually they may be able to beat you late game due to their team scaling better. That's where the game comes down to communication. If you or your team won't listen, you won't win; it's that simple. hashtagshotcalling Pre-EDIT: This imo is probably like number 2 in the top 10 reasons games are lost in low elo lol
  6. First of all I cannot stress enough that what I'm about to say shouldn't be taken the wrong way and isn't directed at you or anyone for that matter. There are games in low elo where the rest of your team just don't know what they're doing(low elo exists for a reason). Now, while I will admit that as you get better at the game you'll eventually climb up Bronze and get out, there are games that are just near impossible to win. I've legit had a game(keep in mind I myself played pretty poorly that game) that a Platinum smurf couldn't carry and he had over 30 kills. Imo, implying that you can carry a team of 4 people who just have no clue whatsoever is a pretty arrogant statement to make. I'm not saying games like this happen all the time and it's impossible to escape elo hell gg no re 420yoloswag, but you can't expect to win every game you play.
  7. you need to stop right now until you're confident enough to win the next four in a row so you at least get bronze 1 you have no idea about the terrors that reside in low bronze; please don't put yourself through that...
  8. Lucian is stupidly annoying to lane against; in fact from what I've seen, it's pretty much confirmed that he's first picked and banned in high Diamond/Challenger almost every game. Read up on his kit and it's pretty easy to find a link to why he has such a strong laning phase atm. Onto what I actually wanna discuss, Vayne. She still scales incredibly well into late game, but that's about it. Her laning phase is mediocre on a good day and to quote Doubelift, "It wasn’t even the nerfs to how you can use Condemn, it’s just that every other AD is so much stronger than her, and supports can literally 1v1 weak ADs ever since the changes." The fact that people are starting to max Q and rush BT on her shows how bad her trading potential is right now. tl;dr: You can't rely on playing passive until late or being hashtagtristanasyndrome to win a game(because we all know how well that goes).
  9. is that qtpie playing FFX during queue?! o:

  10. out damaged libra hashtagsweg 840 yolt
  11. Much worth very meta. I'm sure you know enough about both champions so it honestly comes down to personal preference. I'd go Shyvana personally, but either one is good and I like both champions a lot in any case. As for the buffs.. Smaller lizards used to grant only 20 exp, but they might have changed it back or something. I'll have to try it out myself.
  12. Always time your buffs, enemy buffs and neutral objectives(dragon, baron and inhibs). Know the difference between ganking for kill potential and ganking to relieve pressure. A lot of people will probably say map awareness to this, but ping as often as possible when ganking, taking objectives, or requesting assistance. It's always nice to let your team know you're there and communicating is key to getting the most you can out of your team(whether solo queue or pre made). Warding is everyone's job; so don't forget to place a few! Take smaller camps as often as possible when appropriate. A nice thing to note is the respawn timer of when you finish taking your first buff at the start of the game is around same as your opponents; so try to take advantage of that knowledge. There's not really much to it tbh. I guess you can improve your mechanics to Challenger level and study every champions jungle potential, but that's about it. Enjoy the Bronze advice EDIT: You can't get to level 3 by rushing both buffs anymore; so when you finish your first buff make sure to grab a smaller camp on the way to your second buff.
  13. I will never get enough of this channel <3
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