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Everything posted by Shgo

  1. if i didn't have people over i think i'd die from boredom right about now :/

  2. I think Vayne could use a Hunter's Machete
  3. No gym for 6 weeks wot?

  4. tfw just spent an amazing sort of night with the guy i like also tfw no one you want to talk to is on fb or skype and you don't feel like being that person who makes an "inbox me" status even tho you really want to talk to someone about things but then you end up making a post in the that feel topic hi c:
  5. Need 3(maybe 2 if Libra stops being a bish) people for Malice Ruins(EE). If you play hmu!

  6. Of course EE is down when I finally feel like getting on it after not playing for a few days ;-;

    1. Mashew



  7. points to light for showing me this
  8. Kind of over -Grind- Goss Mountains >>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mashew


      no its more like a holy fuck its not me and colin alone

    3. Shgo


      mhmm! a friend showed me EE and it's been pretty fun so far ngl

    4. Shgo


      oh, feel free to add me(LunarKey)and maybe you and colin can teach me how not to be a scrub at this game sometime x:

  9. EE is pretty legit ngl c:

    1. Mashew


      not sure what you mean by EE

  10. a friend showed me this ages ago and i kind of just re-discovered it just then and oh em gee EDIT: she has good taste in music c:
  11. About that Spirit Guard Udyr that just came out!!1!!!11111!!

    1. Dana


      All I see, are soon-to-be Ashes.

  12. About that Spirit Guard Udyr tha just came out!!1!!!11111!!

  13. It's not your fault so please stop your crying now

    1. Pocky


      no fuck you

    2. Maelstrom


      Pocky want a cracker?

  14. If I could fall into the sky

    1. Ikaru


      my last status update would suddenly make sense

    2. Maelstrom


      Time might pass Tony by.

  15. 2 am, can't sleep, friends left over an hour ago, played a quick game of LoL, wat do now?

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      Play moar LoL c:

    2. Dana


      There's monsters near by. you should take care of those.

    3. Maelstrom


      Take some nyquil z.

  16. Something a little different This is what they play when people aren't hitting each other with huge ass swords
  17. i didn't know this tynpgg also some stuff that was legit like a gzillion years ago that i'm listening to now for whatever reason
  18. +1 meanwhile in the land of actually posting music here
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