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Everything posted by Jory

  1. I saw this on Google Images and laughed my ass off. EDIT: So I made it my desktop, big whoop, want ta fight about it?
  2. Jory


    One time I played Emerald and the first catchable wild Pokemon I ran into was a shiny Lotad. Caught it and used it the whole way through c:
  3. Jory


    Banned for not packing STAB Explosion.
  4. What is love~?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ikaru
    3. Joker


      I will personally eliminate the next person to post a status like this. <<

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Bby don't hurt me~

      Don't hurt me~

      No more~

      Jory hurts me all the time though ;c

  5. I actually love you guys for picking Flygon as a counter-Gene lead. Personally I prefer Scarfrachi packing the Fire Punch for that, but it takes a bit of prediction as I don't lead with Rachi. Anyhow, I'm just curious as to your reason for selecting Blissey over a Rock-type special wall such as Lunatone as long as you're mucking about with sand. I find that Lunatone's access to Ice Beam makes it the perfect counter to Ground-types, although you're admittedly already covered that with Rotom-W and Flygon. EDIT BEFORE POSTING THE FIRST TIME (!!!): Natural Cure/Heal Bell and reliable recovery, no?
  6. Jory


    Banned for having the most powerful of the five kinds of demon as your primary interest.
  7. Jory


    Banned for Australian ninja skillz
  8. >Already done, but I like mine better >:3 Luke, I just met you and this is crazy but I'm your father so join me maybe? Hey, I just met you and this is crazy but I main Gangplank and I poke with Parrrley. Hey, I just met you and I'm support Voli The pain train's coming so get flipped, maybe?
  9. For some reason, sometimes I just start feeling really sad (I feel you, Amumu) and I feel like crying but I can't identify why or even what's making me sad. It's just a feeling that comes over me and it makes me upset because generally I like to think I'm a pretty happy, peppy person.
  10. tfw Tryndabear top getting smashed because for some reason Amumu and Katarina are going top together
  11. Jory


    Banned because #yolo #swag #swolo #hashtag #swirve #sheperdingmoonlitsheep
  12. Erick, don't be shy and please stop asking me for nudes.
  13. Jory


    Banned for putting that adorable Togekiss nex tto a scurry dragon D:
  14. I'll have to go with Minccino because people say I'm "cute" and "adorable". Not trying to toot my own horn. Also I'm pretty quick on my feet.
  15. Jory


    Banned for actually recognizing what my sprite is
  16. Oh, sorry, you must have misheard. We said... uhm... Mirish. Yeah. That.
  17. School is yucky :c

  18. Nice job, man! That's super impressive! We need to play again soon. EDIT: This is all I ever think of when I say "super" https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoWQnf3ZDmuIKGRyEX92kSTXWdpfawZq2MRI5kqoIHnfVpF32f OTHER EDIT: I can't get that dang picture to show up in my post :c
  19. Jory


    Banned because cut-off shorts are soooo 2003.
  20. Kyurem-B simply cannot compete in Ubers. However, I would like to point out that Fusion Bolt breaks through Skarmory and you can slap Earth Power on it. It's coming off a base 120 SAtk stat, which even unboosted can do tons on tons to anything but SDef Heatran.
  21. So I probably sound like a dumbass, but I can't seem to get a picture to stretch over my entire desktop without getting all grainy and stuff. Any advice? ;~; EDIT: It definitely seems to have to do with the images themselves, as some come out nice and sharp when I set them to desktop while others get grainier.
  22. Jory


  23. Halo 4 with Mael is awesome. Also, I just got into LoL and back into Guild Wars 2. I guess I've been playing a bit of Skyrim on the side because one-handed blocking character without shield is 2pro4u.
  24. I got bored during English. You don't have to look if you don't want to. It's pretty bad. And now
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