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Everything posted by Jory

  1. Rooftop After watching Gavriil leave the rooftop, Bark turned to face Vixen. She still hasn't given her name. Trust issues, much? he thought to himself before speaking. "So, I suppose it's time to get started," Bark said idly. The large man looked down to the street, hoping to see what direction the Protectors would go in. "I know you're not much for giving people your name, but what should I call you?" he asked, hoping to gain at least some modicum of trust.
  2. I still have yet to see any "what what"s, but I'm glad to see that at least 2 people are still interested. Anyone else? On a side note, I feel kinda like the hot dog guy at a ball game. NEW PLOT DOGS HERE, GET YA NEW PLOT DOGS! NEW PLOT DOGS, JUST A DOLLA, GET'EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT!
  3. Alright everyone, since Dobby and Chim are lazy shits (jk ily both vm) this is looking more and more like my ship to steer, at least until Chim is able to pick this up again. Over the past couple of weeks I've created my own plotline that strays away from RoG, which is Chim's territory, and toward a completely different evil organization. Among ourselves the co-hosts have determined that if RoG happens, it will be if this RP ever makes it to Year Two. My question is basically this: Who here is still interested in this RP? Ideally we'd wrap up the earlier tournament rounds almost immediately after starting back up. That way, the final round of the tournament can be the setting for the reveal of a brand new team, a brand new plotline, and hopefully brand new interest. For all you homies still out there willing to put up a post every so often, can I get a what what?
  4. The Organization Lux grinned lightly, glad for the levity of the conversation. Finally, just a regular person with powers, he thought to himself. Everything had been so serious of late that he'd almost forgotten he wasn't even 20 years old yet. It's a lot to be thrust on a teenager. It's heavy, but having good people around me should help lighten the load, he thought, trying to stay on the brighter side of things. "I'm Photon," he introduced himself, trying to phase out his actual name. "I'm something of a magician myself, although my abilities apply to light. I can store and manipulate it. Basically, just don't piss me off in a greenhouse," he said lightly. "Mr. Sterling's been kind enough to keep me in whatever qualifies as 'in the loop' around here. I'm honored. He must think very highly of me given my age."
  5. Rooftop "I'll join our new arrival in hunting the Beast if she doesn't mind," Bark added. "That way if we need to, one of us can go for reinforcements while the other holds it back."
  6. Rooftop Bark looked at Vixen with interest, noting how tense the woman seemed to become around the Protectors. Looks like I'm not the only one who's not a fan of them. However, he remained mostly expressionless, not making it public knowledge that the two had met before. With the two of us along for the ride, the Protectors should be able to be kept in check. We lucked out this time. He then put on a sociable expression and grinned. "Looks like it's really a party now! With so many people helping out, we shouldn't have too much difficulty tracking down the Beast, especially one that powerful. And neither will the Preservers, he finished in his head.
  7. "Hey, civil tongues," Lux reminded Ace. "Even though they're unfamiliar to us, if they're here it means Mr. Sterling trusts them. And that means we trust them. So, do you care to rephrase?" the young leader asked. Hopefully asserting myself will help convey my place to everyone else. It's not a permanent strategy, though- do it frivolously and people will call it abuse, he cautioned himself.
  8. Lux tapped his fingers on the desk in anticipation. Since the run-in with the more powerful members of Olympus, the young lieutenant had been noticeably tenser and he didn't seem to have patience for anyone or anything. Those guys... They're on a whole other level. Even with my abilities, I doubt I could hold my own against them. They're trained killers, he thought to himself. I thought I could play at this hero thing, but I think I might be in over my head. Sure I'm smart and good in a scrap, but I've never been one for bravery. What's going to happen when they see that side of me? he wondered, questioning for the first time his decision to join up with the Organization. Maybe... Maybe I made a mistake... he ruminated. Somehow, something inside him rebelled. No. I at least have to try, he decided reluctantly.
  9. Beach Group Arthur sighed and sat near Arial, not feeling particularly chatty after his run-in with the police the day before. How can we figure out more? he thought to himself, not entirely sure what to do.
  10. Outside the Alleyway Bark took his hand off the building and opened his eyes. The last several minutes played through his head. After leaving the alley, he'd stopped and turned toward the building. Placing his hand on it, he'd closed his eyes and listened hard for the vibrations given off by voices. He'd managed to detect two conversations. So they're here hunting the Beast after all. And with so many people, I might be better off working with them. He grimaced, thinking of what he'd heard Kouta say to Vixen and her reply. He may not know it, but she's shaken from that. And she wasn't even on the ground. She knows we're dealing with more than just a Beast. The man sighed. I hate this part. He walked back into the building, following Noriko into the elevator and wearing a far more amicable expression on his face than last time. "If you're going to be tracking the Beast, I'm sure you could use an extra hand. I know we didn't get off on the right foot and I'm sorry about that. It's simply the fact that even with Protectors, you factions are kind of a mixed bag. All sorts of goods and bads just thrown into a sack and mixed up like some kind of high school word problem. You people seem to be better than most, though. So whether or not you want my help, well..." he grinned. "You have it."
  11. {Jacob vs. Danielle} The Trainer grimaced, then nodded to himself. This is it! "Teo, use Bide! Chalchi, use Ice Shard on Teo, then Protect yourself!" The Trapinch began to glow red as his Dig attack collided with the Larvesta's Acrobatics. After taking a few hits, the Lapras's Ice Shard attack managed to reach him. One or two hit him, but then something odd happened. The Trapinch glowed bright red and turned his head, then swatted the Larvesta out of the sky with his massive jaw with incredible force. The Lapras barely managed to get her shining shield up before the Dark Pulse hit, resulting in her being slightly damaged by the concussive force of the explosion on the shield.
  12. Alleyway Bark looked down at Nagi, dismissing her outburst with a wave of his hand. "Someday you'll learn that being a leader isn't all about individual strength. For now, I think we can all agree that the most important thing is to stop that Beast from harming innocent people. So we can either stand around here having this little pissing contest or we can actually go try to track it down before it gets even farther out of our reach." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't have time for this. Sparky was right to leave before you all opened your damn mouths." With that, Bark strode past the Protectors and out of the alleyway. Now to figure out where it might have gone.
  13. Alleyway Bark's eyes narrowed at Noriko and his face took on a blank expression. Was this kid really threatening him? Lately it seems like there's no such thing as respect for one's elders, he thought sardonically. "I'd like to see you try," he said flatly. "But we have more pressing matters to deal with than your injured pride. The easiest way to find something is to think like it. So the question we need to ask ourselves is relatively simple: Based on what we know about Beasts- that is, they do not feel fear or the need for self-preservation- what would cause one to fly off like that?" He pondered his own question for a moment before noticing the flare that Vixen had shot off. "Looks like we have more company," he added.
  14. Alleyway Bark's gaze hardened at the mention of the Preservers and he gripped his hammer tightly. Suddenly, his weapons and armor dissipated. His hair returned to its usual length and his street clothes were miraculously back on him. Despite not being transformed any more, he still managed to stand taller than the transformed people in the area. He noted this with satisfaction before eyeing Noriko warily. "You could say I have," he said curtly, clearly interested in playing his hand close to his chest. "And we're on the same page. That Beast is one of the more powerful ones I've had the displeasure of encountering. It seems to be a creature of depression and ill will, which makes it extremely dangerous to have running around. So maybe you Protectors should do your jobs instead of questioning the people trying to stop it."
  15. {Henry's Group} Jacob's mouth opened like a Magikarp's, moving but making no sounds. He nervously looked down at his belt, touching each Poke Ball as if making sure they all hadn't spontaneously died in the past five minutes. "Dang...." he said softly, his expression becoming sadder and sadder by the moment. If somebody didn't stop it soon, he was going to begin looking like Droopy. "I can't believe that happened to Java. There's no way he could've known Nemo would do something like that." He recalled his team's battle against Mareek's and the sheer grit and determination of his rival's Porygon. He looked to the others, still a bit in shock. "I think we should all take this moment to appreciate the partners that are still with us. Because apparently we never know when they'll be taken away," he said solemnly. The teenager bowed his head, lost in thought.
  16. {Jacob and Robert} Before Jacob even had a chance to reply to Robert, Henry addressed him with his usual greeting of cynicism, sarcasm, and more than just a tiny bit of dickishness. The teenager gave Henry an affable smile, trying not to let the Coordinator get a rise out of him. "I actually don't even know what happened. Normally I'd assume that something you'd call bad is good for the rest of us, but from the way you're talking about it I assume you're being serious." He paused for a moment, eyeing the new arrival. Another Coordinator from the look of that cape, he noted before turning his attention back to James. "James, what happened? Did I miss something important?" he asked, not knowing what kind of tale he was in for.
  17. I like to think I'm pretty wise for my age Although Chim definitely takes the "I sound like a grown adult listen to me" cake.
  18. As the wave of purplish energy reached him, the imposing man was thrown a short distance backward. His head hit the pavement, making a thunking sound. As he got up, he watched the Beast slice through Vixen's net. "Shit...." Bark muttered as his opponent flew off unscathed. He touched the back of his head gingerly, feeling a small lump forming. Now it's going to be even more work to track it since it knows we're looking for it. Let's just hope we don't run into any Preservers, he thought to himself. He then turned to all the other people in the alley. Just as he was about to make a snarky comment a spear thudded into the concrete right in front of him, followed shortly by Noriko and Gavriil. He raised an eyebrow at the newcomer, giving her a look of appraisal. "In case you hadn't noticed, you're a bit late to the party," he said calmly. He sounded more annoyed than concerned or curious. "So are you gonna help us or try to save that Beast?" he asked Noriko, hefting one of his hammers to his shoulder. If it's a fight she wants, she'll get more than her fair share from me.
  19. {Jacob and Robert} Princess gave the Goomy a menacing stare. Who did that slimeball think he was to be looking at her like that. She hissed loudly before finishing her poffin, then pressed her head against the button on her Ball. The serpent disappeared in a flash of light. Her Trainer sighed and shook his head, a bemused smile on his face. "She's gonna be a piece of work, but she has the determination that any Pokemon needs to be a part of my team," he commented. "But what kind of Seals should I put on her Ball Capsule? I was thinking some black hearts and maybe some purple sparkles..." he trailed off, lost in thought. He snapped to, shaking his head. "Sorry about zoning out there, Robert. Whenever you're done feeding yourself and your Pokemon, lead the way to the waiting room. ((We're going to be meeting up with Claude and Marius, so whenever you're ready just make a post. Feel free to have Jacob follow Robert.))
  20. Ughhhh sorry I always miss the posts that I'm looking for.
  21. Just remember that comments in the OOC generally refer to your character, not you as a whole. Also, TurboAura I'd like to see a post from you soon because I want to post too ;~;
  22. Bark grimaced as he was recoiled from the Beast. Damn. Its armor is too strong, he thought disappointedly. Then, he saw Nagi begin to try trapping the beast instead of killing it. This was a good idea, he realized. And one I can contribute to. He swung his hammers down at the ground. A trail of broken pavement followed the shockwave as it made its way to the draconian creature, culminating in a prison of stone that grabbed the same leg Vixen had shot at.
  23. {Beach Group- Last ditch effort!} Arthur looked up at Flaggstarr, pain and hurt in his eyes. This had better work, he thought to himself. "Please, Officer Flaggstarr, we're not trying to be disruptive. We... We just thought this might be related to..." Arthur's voice broke, and he gulped before speaking again. "Officer, our teacher was killed recently. And he was an extremely kind and gentle man, but so far the police haven't made any headway on the case. We're just trying to find out what happened to him so that we can get justice for him." He paused as though it was difficult to continue speaking, then looked back up at the officers around him. "Please, as police officers you guys know what it's like to want to solve a case at any cost. We may not have gone about it the right way, but we're just a bunch of kids trying to make sense of something really sad. Even if you can't let us in or let us stay, can you at least tell us what's going on?" he pleaded with his best sad face.
  24. Henry officially has a new roommate. If Bfroger comes back, we'll just give him Kenny's old room. Also, welcome back Bibs
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