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Dark Desire

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Dark Desire

  1. Praise the lord, Lucian's been nerfed!

  2. I still don't understand why people have to cheer everytime somebody kills a pink ward in the LCS........it is so annoying XD.

  3. Huh... I started watching Madoka Magica due to the recommendation of a friend but it's not that bad, just slow starting.

  4. Any good ecchi/harem/comedy/action sort of anime?

  5. Any good ecchi/harem/comedy/action sort of anime?

  6. So... I think the new browser chat will destroy my grades and/or my social life.

  7. dd needs to give me rupees :(

  8. Finally watched Madoka, it was interesting to say the least.

  9. am accepting donations to the "help DD pay for a new graphics card" foundation

  10. am accepting donations to the "help DD pay for a new graphics card" foundation

  11. am accepting donations to the "help DD pay for a new graphics card" foundation

  12. NOOO right before my battle with Laura qq

  13. I'm starting to give up on Noel. Seriously. I'm sick of this bullshit.

  14. To those random people who came up to me today at rehearsal today and told me they liked my voice thank you. I don't know if you know how much it means to me, someone who has no confidence int he sound of his voice to hear complete strangers say they thought it was good. Thank you.

  15. Welp I have to do the entire school year over again all thanks to sickness.

  16. Lauraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa noooooooooooo

  17. $R 900 to the first person that can name this game http://i.imgur.com/wg97pPM.jpg

  18. I really need to get Jinx, srs.

  19. someone tell kamina to hop on PS

  20. Let's make a petition for amethyst to sing let it go okay? ok

  21. Ame's going to be cursing my name with all the sprite requests I'm buying.

  22. I think Top Nidalee is harder than mid Nidalee

  23. if I listen to this before I post it I won't end up posting it. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1oVT17hJrAd

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