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Dark Desire

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Dark Desire

  1. Never try to play LoL while your internet modem is overheating and your sister is downloading WoW & watching youtube at the same time. It's just a bad idea.

  2. Okay. The Last Of Us was everything I was hoping it would be. Naughty Dog always pulls through.


  4. Alright, so my mini vacation is here, and I got my bachelor's degree! I'm excited! Be back Friday. <3

  5. So the Fairy Type is real. Are there actually enough pokemon for a new leader though?

  6. ...well I mean I'm honored to be stalked but I mean when I don't know you and your outside of my house, it's kinda creepy. Where's my written will...

  7. Bought Jayce because he seems fun and I want to learn a new champion and YOLO

  8. By the time I get back to playing LoL on a daily basis, I'll probably suck or suck so hard that everyone complains.

  9. If...if you love someone, you should tell them before they're gone...but...but what if it isn't right?

  10. My reborn game isn't opening. Fuck I broke it.

  11. Hey guess what I love you all!

  12. I hope that mewtwo form is just a bad joke because it's hideous. They took his tail and attached it to the back of his head. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?!

  13. I wish I could show how much I care without looking so stupid

  14. Mcdonalds... y u be so far away?

  15. Guyz. I have died of boredom. Halp me. Suggest stuff to do D=

  16. Well, I hope I'm able to beat Anna, isn't she like the last person other than Amaria to use Singles? If so, GREAT.

  17. happy anniversary to me, happy anniversary to me, i know no one cares about me, but happy anniversary for me :o

  18. Got these things called expanders inbewtween my teeth. They hurt. A lot.

  19. There is nothing worse in the world than a sinus cold.... I sound like a frog and I feel like my head is going to explode :/

  20. Gone all weekend, have fun, don't let the Venipede bite~

  21. Latias why you gotta get the most useless Hidden Power type ever qq

  22. ARGH! I HATE Single battles. I keep gettin beaten every time by Bennett's team! What on earth do I need to do?

  23. do you ever just stop and think... wow, my teeth are really sharp

  24. Man I am prone to some extreme mood swings. All day I was totally depressed, but now Im laughing harder than I have for months...

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