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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Its thundering outside, oh how I love storms.

  2. Yes, I am the new Dr. Connal *runs from Saphira* I WAS JOKING I SWEAR! NO, PUT DOWN THE BUZZ SAW!
  3. I. Love, animals. Alot. As I do pokemon. Pokemon battle with eachother to strengthen the bond between them and their trainers as well as the opponent and their pokemon. PETA has just been going overboard. There are alot of things people don't like, and not everyone gets their way. PETA scars children more than pokemon, digimon or most scary movies do. I know their cause is just but they're attacking the situation in the wrong way.
  4. I wish I had some nice dreams. I either can't remember my dreams or their just random, like looking out of a window, or walking down hallway or talking with a friend. I've tried lucid dreaming but to no avail. I really wish I could...
  5. What Zini said. Its all about the way you 'phrase' what you are saying. At one point I felt like people were just happier if I talked less; they were happy, so was I. That didn't help anything and just made me look apathetic. You don't need to change your personality, just the way you convey what you mean. Like your tone for example; if your in a chat room (like PO), sometimes a correctly placed comma, period or even smiley face could help you with telling a person how you really feel. If its irl then use upbeat tones and body gestures to convey positive feelings, and vice versa for negative ones. I had trouble with this too in the past to the point where I was cryptic and people just didn't know what to think of me. But you're a great guy and both you and I know that. And do stop talking, that'll make worse, MUCH worse. And sometimes you might just have to come out and say "I'm serious", "I'm very happy for you, honestly" or "I really appreciate that" sometimes. No ones perfect at it and everybody has a different way of doing it. But you'll be fine, promise
  6. Yes, this now Reborn's official board game thingymagigawiga, so in short... JOIN UUUSSSSS...
  7. Is Noel really just an evil little child? Does Ciel constantly use Thesaurus.com? How did Arclight get into the music buiness? Can Amaria make it rain? What was Laura's childhood like? Can Samson do an arnold schwarzenegger impression? Can Charlotte drop it like its hot? Are the rumors true that Shade can twerk? What is Bennett's relationship with his mother? What does Serra think about the movie frozen? Is Terra in a relationship with MC Hammer? And finally does Aya really now what a "hollaback girl" is? Stay tuned!
  8. Sour gummy worms and Sprite. You'd think this would get me hyper but all it does is clear my mind so I can think clearer.
  9. For a while I liked the glasses look, but lately I've been disliking them more and more. Can't see without 'em though, maybe ill try contacs (however you spell that)

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      believe it is spelled Contacts, since they you know contact your eye.

  10. This is bananas ~B.A.N.A.N.A.S~

  11. Hypno/Drowzee - Anything that can hypnotize you is EVIL. EVIL I TELL YOU! People say "Oh dark types are evil, which is why they don't have a gym." GHOST AND PSYCHIC TYPES ARE EVIL. All the creepy stuff happens with them. You got Frillish, Jellicent, Hypno, Mr. Mime, Bannette(disgarded toy that comes back to haunt you), Gengar, Gothorita, Dusknoir, CHANDELURE (dont even get me started).
  12. You'd have to be brain dead to think I wouldn't wanna join this. Every time I read 'RIS' I can't help but think of 'IRS' But absolutely, I shall join!
  13. I don't know if I can muster the courage to take a selfie. Lemme kill some of my acne first...
  14. So basically you're Velma Dinkley from scooby doo. I see, however you probably can't without your glasses.

    1. Tempest


      Why do I read that in a really creey voice?

    2. Bluewolf


      Oh wow, wasn't actually going for that but good turn out anyway XD

  16. I.... .......I'm not sure what to say. Saying goodbye is difficult, and you not being here to be honest, leaves a whole in my heart. But I have to respect and understand that what every your doing or going through is more important. I really hope that we...I see you again. Because you don't need to talk face to face with someone to grow to appreciate them. So to keep this short...goodbye my friend... *holds back tears* QQ
  17. Yes, dissapearing into nothing and nonexistence is a fear I also have. One for me would be the inablity to dream/daydream. I always feel safe whether their dreams or nightmares. I confide in them and trust them. To not dream would mean losing my self, sense of freedom, sense of protection and trust in anything. I'd be constantly afraid and nervous. Sometimes, I just want to live in my dreams and cast reality's badgering taunts aside.
  18. (20:02:00) Scrub Executive Jory: >>Swagfag- someone who thinks he or she is hot shit, but really he or she is cold diarrhea.
  19. Focus Energy Kingdra with Scope Lens
  20. Name: Adrian Raziel/Kornelius Raziel Birthday: 1998, Dec. 21 Appearance/Characteristics: 5'10. Lanky with long arms. Short black hair, dark skin. Eyes change between sea blue and blood red. Retractable tail. Things to Know: Is an empath who combines his ability with music. Has an alternative personality that increases strength, speed and cognitive ability. Loves to make jokes, make music, eat, and look at cute animals(dont be judgin'). Universe: hmmm lets see. Roleplay tags - Action, Comedy, Superhuman, Magic(maybe), SciFi, Fantasy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JPnRoqeMls Can't forget character music
  21. I would add a battle fronteir. I could do so many fun things with that
  22. Spring Break...why you over so soon T__T. I don't feel like waking up early again *pouts*

    1. Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo


      I know...School sucks...

  23. Im just gonna...leave this here... (21:32:30) Jelly: MY ASS HAIR KEEPS GETTING PULLED OUT ...I have done nothing.
  24. Ehhhh....nope. You can't feel pain but neither can you feel anything else (such as emotion and touch)
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