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The Magistrate Council (Community Project) - World Building


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I just though of an idea for a story line,

The to main continents are at war (reason unknown) and behind the scenes people are trying to corrupt the whole world. eh? : D

I appreciate the idea, though story will be the focus more towards the end, after we have the world mostly built. I'm also thinking of creating the story with one or two people who will help host via PMs, so as not to spoil anything. It wouldn't be as fun to RP in the world if we all knew the entire story, right?

I'd be sad to see Aervana go. That being said, there seems to be little (if any) interest in actively pursuing that RP, as that entire last bossfight was a back-and-forth between Flux and myself (featuring Marissa). I'd be more interested in this if it weren't the death sentence for Aervana.

Well, I suppose I can continue it if there's legitimate interest in the people who remain. Towards the end there, I kind of felt like I was forcing you all to finish rather than you participating because you enjoyed it. But again, if enough people want to continue, I guess I can make room for a third RP since I don't plan on hosting this one entirely myself.

Add me to the list ~!

Added. ;)

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You make that in paint? ((funnily enough.....I need to make some maps for Graterras, but they need to be detailed.)) Also, I feel like there really isn't much here, I am going to assume this is just one part of the world, there has got to be more places, no?

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You make that in paint? ((funnily enough.....I need to make some maps for Graterras, but they need to be detailed.)) Also, I feel like there really isn't much here, I am going to assume this is just one part of the world, there has got to be more places, no?

well thats all she/he stated (idk what gender :P) so there was little i had to work with :3 And yes I did it in paint, isnt it gorgeous! <3

Edited by EXLink32
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attachicon.gifRP world.png

I made a quick world map that we could use as a visual reference, or not if you wanna be mean and make my 15 mins wasted ;-;

That's actually pretty spot on a to what I had in mind, so this will be a good start. Well done.

Also, I feel like there really isn't much here, I am going to assume this is just one part of the world, there has got to be more places, no?

Yep. There are more continents than these two. (Though they're bigger than they may look. They're very large masses of land.) These are just where I've started and put the most thought into. There's a snow covered mountainous continent farther north than these two where some more viking-esque humans (and maybe a yeti-like race? What do you all think of that? Armored yetis with weapons?) live. I'm sure we'll add more continents with time as we fill in these ones.

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Not bad for Paint lol, anyway I personally will be staying out of that Northern Continent.....don't want to accidentally recreate Aurora in this world lol. Otherwise, we trying to keep this somewhat realistic climate-wise? ((Also, i do approve of dem Yetis. Rarely are Yetis very civilized so it will be a cool thing to see them, at least partially be. Though, I imagine it would be a shitty place to live with Armed Yetis running around. XD))

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Yetis with weapons are an awesome idea. Who needs Armoured bears when you can have Armoured Abominable Snowmen :D

Also I'd be interested in helping you flesh out the world, but I won't be RPing, as you know.

Sure thing, I'll add you to the list. It'll be nice to have you join in on this. :D

Otherwise, we trying to keep this somewhat realistic climate-wise?

Um, can you give me an example of non realistic climates vs. realistic. I don't want to give you an uninformed answer, though it'll probably depend on what the majority of us decide to do anyway.

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Basically, it would be weird to have a tundra on the equator of the world, or a Rain Forest at the Poles. That kind of thing, basically are we at least trying to have some semblance of realism?

Oh. In that case, let's try to keep it as realistic as we can. We can make exceptions if need be, but I feel like this would make the most sense.

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As these are very large masses of land, there will likely be different dialects for cities/regions. Just a thought.

EDIT: I would also like to be added.

Edited by Jory
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As these are very large masses of land, there will likely be different dialects for cities/regions. Just a thought.

EDIT: I would also like to be added.

Added. I've also moved the list of those involved to the OP as well.

So now that we have a pretty decently sized group of brainstormers, I guess we can officially start on deciding things. As long as everyone is comfortable with the basic idea of the two continents, we'll skip past that. (Please speak up if you aren't.) We'll go more into deatil on them at a later point.

So the first topic will be races. We'll start with these basic questions:

1. Are there any races currently listed as playable that you think dislike and do not want included?

2. Are there any races that are not playable that you think should be?

3. Do you have a race that you yourself created and think would fit into the world?

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Added. I've also moved the list of those involved to the OP as well.

So now that we have a pretty decently sized group of brainstormers, I guess we can officially start on deciding things. As long as everyone is comfortable with the basic idea of the two continents, we'll skip past that. (Please speak up if you aren't.) We'll go more into deatil on them at a later point.

So the first topic will be races. We'll start with these basic questions:

1. Are there any races currently listed as playable that you think dislike and do not want included?

2. Are there any races that are not playable that you think should be?

3. Do you have a race that you yourself created and think would fit into the world?

1. No

2. No

3. No

(Sorry if this isn't much help :T)

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Y'know, i'm interested in this. i'd like to join.

Added to the list.

1. No

2. No

3. No

(Sorry if this isn't much help :T)

As long as those are your honest opinions, this is perfect.

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No, all the races seem good.

No, there is enough normal races for there to be no need to add anymore from those that currently exist.

No, because Victonaris are the only race I have ever created really, and those are my babies. Besides, they don't fit this world as they are a more Warrior and honor type of society. Magic not really their strong suit. ((if you ntoiced there has been no full blown mage Victonari in Graterras yet, and there won't be most likely, they tend to be rare.))

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Added. I've also moved the list of those involved to the OP as well.

So now that we have a pretty decently sized group of brainstormers, I guess we can officially start on deciding things. As long as everyone is comfortable with the basic idea of the two continents, we'll skip past that. (Please speak up if you aren't.) We'll go more into deatil on them at a later point.

So the first topic will be races. We'll start with these basic questions:

1. Are there any races currently listed as playable that you think dislike and do not want included?

2. Are there any races that are not playable that you think should be?

3. Do you have a race that you yourself created and think would fit into the world?

if it's alright if I chime in,

1. Not particularly.

2. Goblins could be playable. Fungrals seem neat but a bit too. . . ridiculously deadly to be PCs. Half-Ogres could be good too.

3. Not really, but there are a lot of DnD races that might work with minor gloss. Kobolds would fit in just fine, I think. Shardminds (basically sentient entities made of a bunch of crystals) seem like they'd fit in pretty well, and their more technological counterpart, the Warforged, could work too. They could have originated as magical or mechanical constructs. Shardminds could also arise naturally from magical energies. Warforged could be relics from whatever civilization left all the power cores behind, laying dormant until some kobold disturbs them.

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if it's alright if I chime in,

1. Not particularly.

2. Goblins could be playable. Fungrals seem neat but a bit too. . . ridiculously deadly to be PCs. Half-Ogres could be good too.

3. Not really, but there are a lot of DnD races that might work with minor gloss. Kobolds would fit in just fine, I think. Shardminds (basically sentient entities made of a bunch of crystals) seem like they'd fit in pretty well, and their more technological counterpart, the Warforged, could work too. They could have originated as magical or mechanical constructs. Shardminds could also arise naturally from magical energies. Warforged could be relics from whatever civilization left all the power cores behind, laying dormant until some kobold disturbs them.

I think the Grumman's kobolds (like the ones in Graterras) would fit in best given the dominance of mammalian life in this world. They could be relegated to scavenging in the Wasteland and southern continent.

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if it's alright if I chime in,

1. Not particularly.

2. Goblins could be playable. Fungrals seem neat but a bit too. . . ridiculously deadly to be PCs. Half-Ogres could be good too.

3. Not really, but there are a lot of DnD races that might work with minor gloss. Kobolds would fit in just fine, I think. Shardminds (basically sentient entities made of a bunch of crystals) seem like they'd fit in pretty well, and their more technological counterpart, the Warforged, could work too. They could have originated as magical or mechanical constructs. Shardminds could also arise naturally from magical energies. Warforged could be relics from whatever civilization left all the power cores behind, laying dormant until some kobold disturbs them.

I've added you to the list if that's all right.

I think Kobolds could fit in pretty well, and Shardminds and the Warforged sound like they'd be perfect, though I'd have to read into them a bit. (Never heard of those until now.) As long as nobody has objections, they should be able to enter the world pretty easily. I like the ideas for how to work them in as well.

I think the Grumman's kobolds (like the ones in Graterras) would fit in best given the dominance of mammalian life in this world. They could be relegated to scavenging in the Wasteland and southern continent.

Sounds good to me. Anyone else have thoughts?

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