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The Awakened - First Pillar (IC Thread)


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Lydia Archer looked the desk in her new office. She had recently acquired the workspace when promoted to be head of the new department. The desk was neatly kept and tidy, save for a small stack of papers sitting on top. She pushed a loose lock of her brown hair away from her green eyes as she flipped through them, taking a quick glance at the contents of each. They were all files on recently discovered Awakened, detailing everything that was known about them. There were ten of them. She sighed, taking a seat in her chair and preparing commit the files to memory. She had only just sat down when there was a knock at the door.

"Ms. Archer?"

She stood up, returning the papers to the neat stack they were in before.

"Come in. The door's open."

The door swung aside to reveal a tall and muscular man in a black suit. He was in his early thirties with a cleanly shaven face, and short-kept brown hair.

"Ah, Mr. Taylor," she remarked. "Is everything prepared?"

The man gave a short, crisp nod. "Yes, Ms. Archer. All preparations for BOA are complete."

"Good. It seems my department is now in action." She motioned to the papers on the desk. "You've already sent members after these cases, correct?"

He paused, seeming a little unnerved by the question. "...We're leaving these cases to the police for now. We don't expect much resistance."

She gave a short nod. "I see. Thank you, Mr. Taylor. You are dismissed."

The man gave a small bow and turned to leave. Just as he reached the doorway, Ms. Archer called out again.

"One more thing, Mr. Taylor. What of Olympus?"

He looked over his shoulder. "They're on standby. I believe we have their cooperation on the matter."

She gave a small nod, appearing to return to her thoughts. "Good, good..."

Mr. Taylor resumed his pace, leaving the room. There was a small sound as the door shut behind him.


Sirens sound in the distance behind you as you run from the police. There are distant shouts of orders, and the faint sound of approaching footsteps. You turn the corner, only to find another regiment of police. There is nowhere left to run. It seems that you will be forced to use your power, whether you wanted to or not. The only other way leads you into custody. You prepare yourself as they approach. You can hear the sound of a voice being amplified from a short distance away.

"Come out with your hands in the air! I repeat, come out with your hands in the air, and you will not be harmed! Resistance will only make things worse!"

It seems the time is upon you. The time to act, and decide your course of action. The time that will ultimately decide your future.

(((All characters are very far away from each other at this point, not in a group. You will not be meeting each other yet.)))

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"Just Beat Cops, huh?" VIktor whispered under his breath. "These are just normal guys, with normal families. I don't want to kill them if I can help it, but I don't know if my power will let me." Viktor grabbed an Iron Cross out from under his Trench Coat, he clutched, and hoped he didn't need to use it too much. He saw the a man round the corner, yelling to come with his hands up. Sorry, but that only leads to my death. The man collapsed.

Viktor clotted an artery in his neck, closing his windpipe. It wouldn't out right kill him, but other cops would have to attend to him, so it eliminated more than one. Half of the cross Viktor was holding, instantly vanished. Much more used than I thought, guess I have to ration it out now. Viktor, now pulled out an M9 pistol, it was left over from his SWAT days. He placed the silencer on the end of it, and hoped he didn't need to use it. He was in a parking complex, so there was plenty of places to hide. The darkness was also on his side, making it harder to locate a single man. Viktor kept low to the ground, weaving and ducking between cars. Shoot anyone you see, no time to ask questions. The Muzzle Flash will be decreased by the silencer, nothing to worry about. He saw a Female officer, He took a shot in her kneecap, then one in between her eyes. He kept moving, Offciers swarming to his position. This time Two Officers found him. There was one either side. Viktor decided to shot the one between him and the exit. One Shot, Left Leg. Two Shots, Heart. One Shot, Between the eyes. With that Viktor's shots flew. All hitting their marks. VIktor than made a mad dash for the exit. THe other cop for a second was stunned by his partner going down, but he snapped out of it. He fired at Viktor quickly, trying to kill him. His shot didn't land true, but damaged Viktor's shoulder. The Bullet Wormed it's way into his left shoulder and stayed there. Viktor kept moving. Keep running, no time to stop now.

He had been on the move for about 45 minutes. He managed to get out of sight for now. His shoulder was still bleeding something fierce. Viktor pulled a pair of pliers out of his gear, pulling out the bullet. (with a lot of biting his lip, to maintain his quiet.) Having removed it, the wound started bleeding. Viktor focused. the blood pouring out the wound quickly stopping, a nasty scab appearing. Viktor had managed to clot the wound, though it still hurt like hell. For now he managed to evade the cops, but he wondered how long he could do that on his own.

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"Call for backup!" an officer shouted. He was the captain of this particular case. "Send out search parties! He can't have gotten far!" He paused taking a look at the mayhem that had already been caused. "Your orders are to shoot on sight. Capturing this one is not a priority..."

He got into the squad car, sending a call back to HQ. This suspect was much more dangerous and hostile than they had initially been told. He would see if HQ could send a call to the higher-ups for support. It seemed that they had underestimated the Awakened, even if they branched from civilians.


The police begin to approach upon Viktor's location. The sound of screeching tires fades in the distance as reinforcements arrive. They cannot see Viktor yet, but he is massively outnumbered. Soon they will be upon him...

Edited by Flux
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They never give up, do they? I wouldn't expect anything less. I guess i'll have to distract them long enough to get away, as usual.

Kenny then launched an Aura Sphere at the Cops, making sure that the trajectory of the sphere misled them to think that he wasn't in the location where he actually was. the Cops saw it coming, and dived for cover when it made a small crater on the ground where it hit, and then ran to where they thought the Sphere came from. Kenny then sprinted out of there when he saw them fall for the trick, temporarily getting away.

I won't be able to fool them forever. I need to get to the Pillar before they get to me!

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Ace was riding his motorcycle while he was on the run. the police officer manages to shoot the motorcycle's gas tank as it leaks slowing him down.He finally got him cornered into a wall as he stops, turns off the engine and removes his helmet dropping it into the ground.

"My little baby! man my pension won't cover for these bullet shots" said hysterically as he soothes his motorcycle's dent and slowly turns around to the police force with his hands in the air.

"What are charges officer? did i break the speeding limit or something? are you going to give me a ticket?" as Ace said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Come out with your hands in the air! I repeat, come out with your hands in the air, and you will not be harmed! Resistance will only make things worse!"

"Typical government, using violence to resolve anything what they didn't understand, i always hate that." he mumbles. as their guns click and seems to fire at any moment.

"Whoaa! J.K. L.O.L...chill i give" as he slowly puts his headphones on his head. "Wanna see something cool? it kinda loud and destructive tho.. so brace yourselves boys and gals. "

His body began to levitate as air was suck into the area. the police didn't hesitate to pull the trigger as shots are being fired at him. he dashes with great force as he evades them and the air seems to crack (Whitebeard style)as he manages to outrun and escape them with great speed leaving a loud thunderous boom that shattered their police cars and send the police force flying from the shockwave as he runs toward the open city.

He finally found a hiding place under a manhole as it seems he was suffering from overheating as he loosen and rips his clothes. "it stinks in here..Man i hate doing that.. huh, huh.. but i have no choice. huuuh" as he catches his breath inside the disease ridden sewer.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Hmmm, Fire escape. Good Angle, and High Ground advantage. I got shape charges buried in the main entrance, and all over the back. However, there is too many of them for just me, even in this alleyway. It is not enough of a chokepoint. I can use the charges to cover my escape. With that Viktor fled back down the alleyways. He was super carful to not step on his own shape charges. He didn't get up very many of them due to his injured shoulder, but they hopefully would cover him long enough. He moved quietly trough the alleys, going further and further into the city. He was headed for the slums, specifically the sewers. He had been living down there, by himself for awhile now, and it was the perfect chokepoint against foes in hot pursuit.

((different sewer system by the way, Ty ninja'd me, wasn't planned lol.))

Edited by Hukuna
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Anver had been walking out on the sidewalk, towards an agreed upon meeting place with one of his old connections. he had taken extra care to try and blend in with the crowd.... though not like it would work now...

So much for that... He thought to himself as a voice boomed through the air, ordering for him to put his hands up and surrender. People around him took quick looks at him for the first time, and recognizing his face, rushed away from him, many into various shops and stores lining the street, which subsequently locked their doors or turned their signs to read CLOSED, taking away any chance he would have to simply dissapear back into the crowd and evade detection that way. within a few moments, he was standing alone as the cops began to close in.

But He had spent a long while evading capture, and he didn't intend to let all the time he'd spent being so prudent go to waste now...

He ran into a sandwich shop as he passed it, thanking Jesus that the employees hadn't been smart and locked the doors, and tore through the dinning space filled with actual customers and people from the street, and past the counter and register with a young man in his late teens standing behind it, wearing a green collar shirt with his name embroidered on the left breast. He could hear several officers flooding into the shop behind him, along with the screams and shouts of startled patrons. He ran into the back area, searching despretely...

"Come on, Damn It!" he cried "There has to be one here... Every eatery has one..." Then he laid his eyes on his query, the handle for the back entrance that would probably lead out back to where the shop kept it's dumpster. he heard an officer enter the back area, and crouched low behind a row of boxes in front of the back entrance, edging closer to it.

"He's in here!" the officer cried "I heard him!"

more and more footsteps approached. Anver looked to the door... it was padlocked...

"well... not like I haven't been faced with this challenge before..." He said as he focused his mind on raising the temperature around his hand, which in turn began to take on a deep fiery hue. a normal person would feel excruciating pain from such heat, but Anver wasn't normal... not anymore. he grasped the padlock in his palm, and soon felt it began to become molten... he focused harder, and the padlock was reduced to a puddle in his palm. he pulled his arm back, bringing the now liquid-metal away from the pin it formerly occupied. the backdoor fell open, apparently the padlock was actually holding it in place. he tossed the molten metal in his hand, and though it wasn't Anver's intention, it landed onto the shoe of the officer who had alerted the others, the youngish man beginning to panic as his shoe caught fire from the heat of the substance, and hopped about on one leg, trying to beat the flame out with his hand.

"Sorry about that." said Anver hastily before he dashed out of the door into the back alley, tearing across an avenue and into another alley. he heard gun shots behind him, and heard a few whizzing sounds past his ear.

"Get you're hands in the Air!" he heard behind him. yeah... like he was ever gonna do that...

He didn't want to have to use lethal force, but they had started shooting now, and that was all the authorization Anver required himself to have. he pulled out the gleaming silver-plated Glock he had been given by an old friend the night he first began on the run. he loaded the chamber, then threw his arm out behind him as he ran, taking a second to take aim. he fired, not sure at first if he had hit something until he saw one of the pursuing officers fall to the ground clutching his outer thigh.

he made it to the other end of the alley and began running towards the doorway of an open shop he spotted across the way, ducking inside and watching from the window as a few cops began to appear from the alleyway on foot, and even more appeared from around the corner in squad cars. he looked around the shop, searching for anything he could use or any way out... nothing...

Until he noticed the stair case tucked into the back corner of the shop.

Edited by Stratos
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To put it in layman's terms, Lux was pretty screwed. The police had surrounded him on both sides, ten cop cars ringed around him. Ah, crap... he thought to himself. I can't take all of these guys down at once. He looked behind him, smiling at his good fortune. He was on a relatively wide street and the sun was shining just enough for the young man to feel its energizing heat on the back of his neck. He looked toward the cops and began to speak. "I don't want to hurt any of you. I know some of you have families that you want to go home to later. Please, don't make me do anything rash." The cops looked to one another, not sure whether to believe the youngster's threats.

"I'm sorry son, but we have orders to bring you in. And that's what we're going to do!" the police sergeant said, pointing a shotgun at Lucius from behind the door of his car. The other cops continued pointing their guns at Lux.

"I warned you," Lucius said softly. He closed his eyes, channeling the sun's energy into a burst of extremely bright light. The police officers were all momentarily blinded by the sudden flash, covering their eyes and stumbling around shouting for Lux to stop. The young man sprinted for the ring of cars, sliding over the hood of a police cruiser and kicking the officer taking cover behind it in the chest. The cop was sent backward to the ground and Lux continued running, keeping the sun at his back and reveling in the energizing warmth. He then took a sharp left into an alleyway and, after roughly a half hour of running through tiny, winding sidestreets, burst through the shoddily-locked door of a warehouse. He began to run across the floor toward the opposite door and burst through it into another alleyway.

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Jude may have just arrived in the city, but he knew he was being watched. It had only been a month since he had killed that damned senator on national television and he knew that the police would be overzealous in their search for him. He looked back and a few cops had already been slowly stalking him, he knew this would be his last chance, so he ran.

Jude twisted and turned down every street, but with each passing moment the cops only grew closer and larger in number, until eventually he ran into a dead end.

"Come out with your hands in the air! I repeat, come out with your hands in the air, and you will not be harmed! Resistance will only make things worse!"

Jude smiled, he was tired of running, he yearned for one thing and one thing only, vengeance, and he knew his vengeance would be justified by the all-mighty. He pulled his sword from his cloak and jumped through a wall and quietly waited.

Two police officers made there way to his location. The older officer turned away from the wall where Jude was hiding, "Damn, the bastard must have dissapea---," but before he could finish the statement a sword had impaled him. The other officer unloaded his gun at Jude, but the bullets merely passed through him.

"You poor fool," Jude said while, the officer backed into a corner helpless, "I will give you a moment to pray our Lord for forgiveness."

Tears ran down the officers eyes, "Please, I ... I have a wife and children please PLEASE!" he yelled out. But it was too late, Jude had already sliced the man's neck.

"FIRE!" an officer yelled as a barrage of bullets were fired in Jude's direction. Jude didn't have time to react as a bullet grazed into his shoulder. Jude clenched his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding as the rest of the bullets passed through him. "PUT DOWN THE WEAPON!" The police had stopped firing, but Jude was surrounded, he had taken too long, he now only had one option.

Jude put his hands into the air and slowly backed toward the wall behind him. "STOP MOVING OR WE WILL FIRE!" the same officer bellowed, but it was too late. Jude quickly turned around and slipped through the wall.

After passing through he heard a roar of gun fire hit the wall. Jude quickly turned and ran, he knew he didn't have long he'd have to hide. He noticed a parked car nearby and phazed through into the trunk.

He began putting pressure on the wound and began a silent prayer from what he believed to be the safety of the trunk. "Please give me forgiveness my lord, for I have failed you. But do know, I will deliver your chosen people from the hatred of this world and I will carry out your vengeance."

Edited by Supernovae
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In a sense, Alice was freed from the high tension and awkwardness that was felt between herself and the driver, who had picked her up and agreed to drive her to what would be the 8th city she went through on the run. She was not good with strangers, she didn't have much to say to them but this guy kept making attempts at small talk, it didn't help that the vehicle was very small and crammed.

Alice sat up front, as the back was too crowded to be used. Her backpack was clutched in her arms, the weight was notable as it was sitting on her legs. Watching the outside go by at a steady pace, she was running the recent events through her mind, thinking of all the things that could happen. Transportation was no problem as she had become rather adept at hitch hiking and she wondered what would people do if she said that she was an Awakened and asked to use their vehicles. A onesided grin flickered on her face for a moment before going back to the same blank, slightly cold default expression.

As Alice heard the sirens, the thought of what might happen if she was caught sent a cold shiver up her spine but she quickly steeled herself. She noticed how there were no other visible cars in the area. She looked to see if the driver was speeding but this was not the case and with a icy dread she realized they have found her. Maybe they were tailing her all this time, from when she first got in the car near the exit of the last city, they were just waiting for an isolated area like the highway to confront her, maybe not. Maybe they were after the car for a reason, not involving herself, but she knew when the driver pulled over, they would recognize her. It would not matter.

As the driver pulled over she nodded curtly to the guy behind the wheel, a very large man with bushy red hair and jolly brown eyes. "Thank you sir," she said, getting out of the car before it came to a complete stop.

He gave her a look. "Hey wait, where are you going?" He asked in a surprised tone. Alice didn't reply and she started running, the cop car that was pulling them over had came to a hasty stop and the partner and the driver were getting out. Looking to her left, she saw there was a steep valley and to her right was a heavily wooded area at a slight upward slope that evened out for a few yards before going up at a gradual pace. The right is the right way, right? She already had a few yards on the officers and she was a good sprinter.

Just as Alice got up past the initial slope she heard the sound of a gun cocking. She turned around, facing the two officers who stood at the base of the hill with their guns pointed at her. There was a flash of recognition on their faces. Immediately, the lady grabbed the radio that was on her uniform and said something that cannot be heard from the distance.

"Stop as you are and keep your hands where I can see them." A firm male voice said, the speaker, as Alice saw, was in his late 20's to early 30's, his partner was a female that was not much older. Her gut wrenched at the thought of seeing them there. They were just doing their job and following orders, they were just as innocent as any other person passed in the street, they just chose the wrong job. She turned around, following as instructed with her hands raised infront of her shoulders. She hoped things did not escalate.

"Hello, how are you this fine morning?" Alice asked with a slightly flat tone, standing firmly on the ground. She just needed a bit more time to work out what to do to get out of this situation with no casualties. The vehicle she once was in started moving and sped off, the officers payed no attention.

"You need to come with us," The lady said, ignoring Alice's previous comment. Got it.

Alice laughed, a grin rising on her face and she walked forward, somewhat awkwardly down the hill, a almost crazed look on her face. "Oh really? Fine, fine, but if you manage to get me into your car, what would you do then?" She started walking forward. She was a pretty good actor, and then, some small part of her was not acting. Faintly, so very faintly, the sound of sirens were hitting her ears, more were coming. She was silently hoping they would take her bluff, she was shaking quite fiercely.

"We would take you to the station, now, stay where you are and don't move!" The guy spoke up. There was now a solid, invisible wall between them, she paused for a moment, concentration before replying.

"Do you think that you can keep me in the car until you reach the station?" Alice asked in a soft, menacing tone. She raised her right hand and immediately there were shots fired, the bullets stopped in mid air and fell to the ground softly, hitting the wall. She moved her hand in a diagonal slash like motion and the two officers were forced back, hitting the ground hard like they were hit with a heavy metal bar in the chest. They basically were. Alice bit her cheek for a brief moment to brace for the following dizziness and she turned and ran back up the hill and into the forest. She hoped they weren’t too badly hurt.


There were many more officers coming, she could tell but she could not tell where. Alice was jogging at a steady pace for 3ish minuets now. She was moving as fast as she could, trying not to disturb the plants to make a clear path to her and it was difficult with all the shrubbery to full out sprint. When the amplified words hit her ears, she stopped to listen, there was a good distance between them but the voice was deep and carrying.

"Come out with your hands in the air! I repeat, come out with your hands in the air, and you will not be harmed! Resistance will only make things worse!"

Oh what a tempting offer. Got to pass on it though, things have got to be bad to worsen. She kept running.

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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Keaton had left the sewers in an attempt to reach his house and print the gun he needed. It would take a half-hour for each of the four pieces required to make the gun, so he would need to make trips. Fortunately, making the ammo takes a manner of minutes. Peeking from an alleyway, Keaton saw an opening down the road that would take him to his house. Grinning, he took a look at his cell phone. Because he hooked it to the underbelly of the city earlier, he had some access to simple manipulations of city joints and junctions.
Taking his phone in one hand and his gun in the other, he made swiftly for his home. That plan would be interrupted by the police officers that so rudely blocked his path. He ducked into an alleyway, but not before being seen.
"Come out with your hands in the air! I repeat, come out with your hands in the air, and you will not be harmed! Resistance will only make things worse!" one officer shouted through a megaphone. Keaton looked around the alley, and spotted some string. He grabbed it, quickly wrapping it around a light that was on in the alleyway. Next, he routed the string towards the entrance to the alleyway, took out a shell of his gun, and dumped the innards of it on the string. The heat from the light set the string on fire and caused a small-scale explosion from the clip, blocking off the entrance of the alley, just as the police officers arrived. He cocked the pistol that was loaded, ducked behind the dumpster, and shot through the fire, running towards the door under the lamp. From there, he had three options: return back outside and head upwards, climb the stairs and run from rooftop to rooftop, or go from building to building.
By then, Keaton needed a vantage point. He began climbing the stairs to reach the roof.

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As Viktor waits in the sewers, he is startled by a methodical tapping noise, like that of footsteps.

A man in a white lab coat rounded the bend in the sewers, turning to face Viktor. He had long black hair that reached over his shoulders, with loose strands hanging untamed over his face. He was of average height, and bore a wild grin. He spoke in a voice tinged with insanity.

"Ah, so you must be the one I'm here for. Viktor, right? You sure weren't hard to find." He began giggling uncontrollably. When he finally calmed down, he spoke again, suddenly serious. "I'm here with an offer for you. I really just wanted to kill you, but they said I need to at least give you the offer first." He frowned, looking thoughtful. "However... They wouldn't need to know that I didn't give it to you... I could just say you rejected.... Yes, that would be fun..." He appeared to think this over for several seconds before coming to a decision. "No, no. They watch us all very closely. I'll just give you the offer." He focused his gaze back on Viktor.

"How would you like... to work in the government!" His face broke into a childish smile. "It's really fun! I get to do my research, kill people, and get paid for it!" His smile faded as he appeared to remember something. "Though sometimes they don't want us to kill the people. That's not really any fun..." He was silent for a while before speaking again. "They need more people with abilities like us. They don't tie us down and probe us like everyone seems to think. No sir, they don't. They offer us positions like mine, to help hunt down the more dangerous people with abilities." A rat scurried past, as the man spoke. He reached out and quickly snatched it with his left hand. He began to speak again as it squirmed in his hand. "You see, we're the ones with real power. They need us, if they hope to have any "power" for themselves." His hand began to glow a dark purple, casting an eerie glow over the walls of the sewer. The rat stopped squirming, obviously dead. He smiled widely. "And there are benefits for us as well. Paid wages, safety for ourselves and our families, and I get to do what I enjoy." He paused, the wicked grin still evident on his face as he waved around the dead rat in his hand. "So, how 'bout it?"



The police ran to the area that the projectile seemed to come from. There was no sight of their target. The leading officer of the group walked up.

"He's tricked us. Send out search parties. Do not let him get away, whatever it takes. Shoot on sight."

The officers scattered. Five men began approaching Kenny's location, though they still could not see him.



As Ace waited in the sewer, he could hear the footsteps of the police overhead. A while later, the sound of the patrol cars driving away could be heard. It seemed safe to leave the sewer.



Lux rounded the corner into the alleyway, Only to be face-to-face with a tall, thin man. He had a cleanly shaven face and baby blue eyes that showed no emotion. His short hair appeared to be dyed the same blue color as his eyes. He placed a hand on Lux's shoulder. There was a bright flash of blue light around both of them before they disappeared.

They reappeared on the rooftop of a building many miles away. They were many stories in the air, far too high to jump. The rooftop was completely empty, save for a chair that the man was now sitting in. There was apparently no way off of or onto the roof except for this man. His hands folded with his elbows resting on his lap. He was leaning forward, resting his chin on his folded hands. He wore a blue Hawaiian T-shirt, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes. He sighed and then spoke in a calm voice, that of a gentle man.

"I'm sure you have plenty of questions for me. I assure you, I mean no harm to you. I am here to help."



After a long while, the police gave up the search for now, heading to other areas. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the trunk of the vehicle, followed by a strong, commanding voice.

"Come out. I know you're in there." The voice paused. "I assure you, I do not work with the government. I represent an entirely different organization. I am here with an offer that I believe you will find perfectly suited to your own goals."


Snap Crackle Pop

A small bug flew in front of Alice's face. She could see that it was a box elder as it landed on her arm. It looked up at her before flying around her head again. It flew forward a few feet before turning to look at her again.



As Keaton appeared on the rooftop, he was greeted by two men. The one on the left wore a white suit and white shoes. He had a muscular build that was clearly evident by the tight fit of his suit. His skin was slightly tanned, offsetting his golden hair that cascaded over his shoulder. He had a shortly trimmed beard, with no mustache. His eyes were a bright blue. He was very handsome, and he had a friendly look on his face.

The man on the right wore a navy blue suit and black shoes. His brown hair was short and slicked back. He wore glasses over his brown eyes, and his face bore a serious expression. He spoke to the man in white.

"Zeus, if you would, please?"

The other man nodded, walking over to the door that had led to the rooftop. He placed a hand on the knob. Electricity crackled around his hand, and the electric lock on the door activated. He returned to the other man's side. Zeus turned to face Keaton, the friendly smile returning.

"Hello there, Keaton. We've heard reports of your superior intellect and problem solving skills. As such, we're here with an offer for you." There was a banging on the door as the police reached it. Zeus glanced at it before returning his gaze to Keaton. "I'll try to make this quick, just in case they do manage to open that. We belong to a small group called Olympus." He chuckled. "It consists of three people. Myself -- codename Zeus," he motioned to the man in blue. "codename Poseidon here, and another -- codename Hades. We are the first three documented cases of Awakened. Our codenames were derived from the powers we were gifted with. It seems convenient that they should represent the gods of Mount Olympus -- hence the group name. We work alongside the government of our own free will." He sighed. "The government has garnered a lot of unnecessary hate in the past year. Fellow Awakened seem to be of the opinion that they hunt down those with powers and lock them up, performing cruel experiments on them. This is not the case. It is true that they send men after those deemed dangerous, but many who have been captured have already been returned to their families after questioning. They are watched discreetly, but that is to be expected if the government truly wishes to ensure the safety of all. Most in the government would rather work with us than against us, hence our position." He waved his hand. "But I'm getting distracted from the main point. We are here to offer you a job. Your safety will be ensured, as well as that of your family. You will be given a paid wage, and your talents can be put to good use protecting the innocent." His face became more serious.

"I know you feel the same urge that all of us do. You want to go to the Pillar. You may not know why, but the urge is there. What better way to get there than to earn the trust of those controlling it?" He paused. "So... What do you think?"



(((I'm going to let you continue on your own. There not a whole lot to follow up with for now.)))

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"Hmm, I see your point." Viktor said, pulling a cigar out from under his jacket."Sure, I was a government dog once, don't see harm in doing it again. Though, hope they got over me killing my entire unit by now, really don't want to deal with that again." he said as he lit the cigar. He released a puff of smoke, thoroughly enjoying his last cigar. He had been on the run for awhile now, maybe he could finally get some rest in his bones. "Also surprised you knew my name, most only know me as the Crimson Tide these days."

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"Excellent!" the man exclaimed. He really didn't think it was excellent. He had wanted to kill the man.

"We can head back to Olympus now. We'll wait to see if Zeus and Poseidon bring anybody back, then we can get you assigned all at once." He began his insane laughter once more. The man turned to face Viktor. "The Crimson Tide, eh? I've got a nickname too, you know. You can call me Hades. The first of the Awakened, #0001.

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After hiding in the trunk Jude began applying as much pressure to his shoulder as he could. It wasn't a huge bullet wound, but the bleeding just wouldn't stop and Jude feared if he didn't move soon he would begin to lose consciousness. He was about to slide back through the car and make a mad dash to the nearest hospital when he heard knocking and a voice from outside the trunk.

"Come out. I know you're in there." The voice paused. "I assure you, I do not work with the government. I represent an entirely different organization. I am here with an offer that I believe you will find perfectly suited to your own goals."

Could this be divine providence? Had the almighty sent his faithful servant, powerful allies in his hour of need, or was this a trap meant to once again test Jude's resolve? There was only one way to find out.

Jude grabbed his blade and phazed through the car. After phazing through the Sun glared strongly in his eyes, he must have been in that dark trunk for hours and the light outside was blinding, still there were more pressing issues than his hampered eyesight. Jude also looked to be in a horrible condition with dry blood all over his clothes and face and small amount of blood still pouring from his shoulder. Jude turned in the direction of the stranger who had knocked on the car, unable to really make them out due to the harsh glare.

"Who are you and what organization could possibly want me, the Right Hand of God, the man who assassinated a senator on national television? Unless your organization seeks for the freedom of the Awakened, God's chosen people, then don't even bother explaining who you are and leave." Jude proclaimed through clenched teeth, he wasn't in the condition to be making threats, though unless this man was also an awakened Jude knew he could handle him.

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Anver tore out of the stair well and into the second story of the shop. it seemed to be a type of work shop area, with various tables and machines and tools scattered all about the area. there was a sign on the far wall:

Frank-ford's wood working and carving

Est. 1988

"Well, that explains all this up here..." Anver said, his attention stolen away by the sound of glass shattering downstairs. the cops were closing in...

Anver rushed back over to the door of the stair well, slamming it shut and again heating the air around his hand as he had in the sandwich shop, pressing it to the door knob and holding it there, watching as the knob became a molten liquid in his hand. He took the molten metal and smeared it across to the heavy metal door frame, cooling the air there to far below zero, causing the molten metal to solidify again and become a makeshift lock that would prevent the door from being opened without breaking it down.

For good measure he turned over a few of the tables that weren't occupied with materials and pressed them flush against the door, forming a barricade, then ran up the smaller stair well he had spotted in the back of the work shop, bursting through the door at the top and out into open sunlight as the sounds of something heavy slamming into the other door began...

He was on the roof of the building. the wind whistled and rippled his clothing. he crept over from the door of the stair well and to the ledge, looking over... the place was completely surrounded at street level, with various cruisers and many cops on foot on the prowl. he looked across to the roofs of the other buildings, hoping that he would be able to leap over to them and get away...

But both of the neighboring buildings roofs with a good ten feet higher than the one he was on, taking away that option.

"God Damn it..." He cursed, reaching into the pocket of his blazer and pulling out his silver Glock. He flicked the safety back off and loaded another round into the chamber...

"The bastards have finally managed to corner me... looks like i have no choice but to fight my way out." He walked away from the ledge and returned his focus to the door way of the stair well, he knew that even with a piece of melted and re-solidified steel preventing the door from opening manually, it wouldn't be long before they broke it down, came through the work shop, and start pouring onto the rooftop.

he checked the bullets in his clip.

"Enough to take out the first bunch who come, but after that... I'll have to think of something else... like setting this place on fire."

He lifted his gun to the door, and steeled himself, preparing for the fight he knew would come soon.

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"Oh, lovely. I'm not a fan of prison cells, though, so I'm afraid I will need to decline your request." Allen took a step forward, appearing to move away from the wall he had nearly run into earlier and toward the police forces. The man suddenly vanished, prompting one or two of the police officers to open fire before a swift reprimand. Allen finished his step, safely on the other side of the wall. "This has to be the single most convenient ability in existence," he remarked out loud. Walking through small wormholes invariably threw off anyone who happened to be trying to catch you. I should probably head somewhere that they won't find me, though. I would rather not get cancer running away from cops. There was a medium-sized hotel nearby. Nothing too large, but not falling apart, either. I'll just stay here for a night or two. Evading the cleaning staff shouldn't be nearly as difficult as avoiding government capture.

A flash of barely suppressed rage rose at the thought. Bastards. I should be at home, not living like some sort of criminal because I can do something no one else can.

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"Hmmm, Patient Zero, huh?" Viktor said, as he released another puff of smoke. "Hopefully, after all this shit is over, I can finally go home." he threw down the cigar, and stomped it out. "Let's get a move on, Tired of running around in sewers, want to get a nice wash and a shave."

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Alice stopped running after she came across the strange bug, being amused by it. She had run in a straight line away from the highway and she now took a left, always making sure she knew what direction the main road was so that she could head over there and hitch another ride when the coast was deemed clear. As she watched the bug she tucked her ponytail under her jacket, being annoyed at how it was swinging around as she ran. She decided that if it came to it, she may have it cut short to trip up the police, if only for a short while so that she would not be recognized from behind as quickly. She continued on at a brisk pace in the direction previously mentioned.

"S'cuse me," She murmured for no particular reason as she walked past the bug.

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Ace was well rested as his body temperature seems to return to normal. "Man i need a drink" as the speedster finds another way out of the sewers. He notice a pub nearby as he peeks through the open manhole in the alley. "He..he.. lady luck just smiled on me" he said while walking through the pub as he approach the counter.

"here's the plan bub...give me one of your finest cold pint and keep em coming until i pass out. don't ask, lets just say my troubles are catching up to me." he said to the bartender while looking at the window as police cars pass by with their loud sirens.

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"Who are you and what organization could possibly want me, the Right Hand of God, the man who assassinated a senator on national television? Unless your organization seeks for the freedom of the Awakened, God's chosen people, then don't even bother explaining who you are and leave."


There was a brief silence before the man chuckled. He spoke in the same commanding voice, the voice of a man who is in charge and knows it.

"The freedom of the Awakened is exactly what we're after."

As Jude's eyes adjusted, he could see the man more clearly. He was tall and fit, with dark brown hair that reached almost to his shoulders. It was parted to the sides in front and hung down over the sides of his face. He had a regal, clean-shaven face, seemingly chiseled to perfection, like that of a king in a fairy tale. The man appeared to be in his twenties. He wore a form-fitting dark blue trench coat, embroidered with golden designs. It was open, revealing a fancy white shirt and black pants and boots. Jude could also make out a second person waiting behind the man. It was a yougn girl. She looked to be about eight years old. She had long black hair tied back in a ponytail, and her face bore ablank expression. The most noticeable thing was her eyes. They were a bright violet color, matching the purple dress she wore. The man began to speak again.

"I am the leader of a group called Utopia, whose goal is to purge this world of all but those gifted with power, such as ourselves. We are the elite race, destined for greatness. All others merely hold us back. I'm sure you can understand the truth in this." The man paused, entering the realm of his thoughts. He didn't know about "God's will," but this man would be a valuable asset, and they believed in the same general end anyway. He turned to the young girl behind him.

"Kiri, would you tend to this man's wound? It would be problematic if he fainted on us." The girl nodded, before walking up to Jude. "Stay still..." she mumbled quietly. She moved her hands over the wound, a faint light appearing around them. The pain ebbed away as the wound closed and mended. "Thank you, Kiri." The girl nodded, returning to her place behind him.

"My name is Zweiss, by the way. So, what'll it be? Will you join us?"



As Anver prepares for the battle, he hears a voice in his head.

"In a pickle, eh? You want some help, or are you gonna try and do this alone?"


Snap Crackle Pop

As Alice walked past the bug, it got increasingly irritating. It began to fly into her face, ramming itself into her over and over. Once it had her attention, it flew to the right, the opposite direction she was going, where it hovered, staring at her.

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"In a pickle, eh? You want some help, or are you gonna try and do this alone?"

Anver chuckled a little. as it turned out, Help was just what he needed right now.

"Sure, some help right now would be very much appreciated."

The banging sounds from downstairs at the workshop door grew stronger. Anver knew he'd only have a few more minutes before they finally broke through and came out onto the roof

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Lux looked around, bewildered. How did we get here so quickly? Did he...? No, even these days, that's a bit far-fetched. He studied the man in front of him for a moment, staying on the balls of his feet. The man was seated and seemed to mean Lux no harm. However, considering how quickly they'd gotten several miles away from their previous location, Lux was not about to let his guard down. "How did we get here? Did you..." Lux thought for a moment, then decided on a word. "... teleport us here? That would make you one of us, wouldn't it? So why have you brought me here?"

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You senile bug, what are you doing? Alice thought with annoyance. She ignored it for a while and continued walking but she soon grew impatient. She was about to smack it but it dawned on her that it may not be a regular bug, no, it probably wasn't. She narrowed her eyes slightly for a moment, turning to watch it with a slight frown on her face.

It could be a trap, but... that would be too subtle of the police, wouldn't it..? If they were aware of my location they may have just shot me out right, in the leg so I couldn't move or maybe just outright kill me.... Perhaps it is a trap that is intended to work with that line of thinking. Maybe it's just a really irritating bug and I am the one going senile. She laughed softly at the thought. If that is so, it does not hurt to indulge in curiosity.

Alice started walking towards the bothersome creature, despite just wanting to run or, better yet, just kill it and keep going her way.

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Beverly sat in the back of a police car, completely unbound, Laughing to her self as she remembered how she got out of this current predicament.

Beverly was holed up in a small store surrounded by four police men, the one in charge held out a megaphone "Come out with your hands up, if you don't resist you will be unharmed" he called through it. How did they find me, is there anyway out of this, she thought as she looked around to see if there was any such way. Consigned to her fate she slowly walkouts of the store, the police quickly forced her to the ground "Please don't hurt me i haven't done anything wrong." She said in her best crying voice. As quickly as she was forced to the ground she was in handcuffs and put into the the back of one of the police cars. She saw the one in charge talk into his radio though she could not make out what he said. As the man then got into his car with his partner and drove off, this was her chance to get out she realized. As the other two cops headed back to the car she stared screaming, and crying as loud as she could saying that the cuffs hurt and burned her as the cops not sure of what was going on got close one of them took off Beverly's hand cuffs to look at her wrist, at that time she grabbed both officers bare wrist with her bare hands the needed condition to use her power. She then proceeded to erase and rewrite their memoirs to have them believe that for the last fifth-teen minutes they have been trying to protect her form the rest of the cops. Playing on this she then asked them "Please take me closer to the pillar".....

The car stooped snapping Beverly out of her thoughts "Miss, this is as far as we can take you without the rest of the police knowing something is up." Steeping out of the car Beverly looked around judging by the looks of the place they where at it probably was something close to a Red-Light District like in other places. Turing around Beverly waves and says" Thank you I know you went through much risk to bring me even this far, I won't forget it." Waving once more Beverly turns and runs down the street as the car drove in a different direction.

She finally stopped running once she reached a relatively safe looking place which was a twenty four hour diner. Walking the waitress looked up from one of the other tables, seeing Beverly she quickly sits her down and pours her something hot to drink before going to take other patrons. "She probably thinks I am a girl fleeing from someplace in the district, she probably has seen that many times working here well I can play that for a little bit anyways." Beverly thought to herself as sipped her drink.

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