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Hackers, and how much we hate them


Hacking and online gaming  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about hackers?

    • Scum of gaming, deserve perma-bans
    • Ok, as long as they dont do it on anything i play
    • I am a hacker
    • Butt hurt much?

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Just ran into a bunch of hackers on CoD: Ghosts on the PS3. Now, normally i dont run into hackers. but this set me off. They would shoot, into the ground and kill my team. thats all they did in a round of Blitz. Didnt score, didnt move, just shot into the ground and padded their K/D.

So, i left the match and did what any normal person would do. I reported them, i sent them a message saying i reported them and hoped they got banned.

I got a message back, with my fucking address, phone number, email AND my real name.

Hackers to me, are the scum of online gaming. They feel the need to show of their "skills". If they really had skills, they wouldnt need to hack in the first place. They suck at the game, so they go and get an unfair advantage that they know practically nobody except another hacker can beat.

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Here's where you went wrong: You were playing Call of Duty

That is so true....

CoD was never fun. If you don't want to deal with hackers, play single player games then :)

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Here's where you went wrong: You were playing Call of Duty


>taunting hackers with "I reported you"

That's also a mistake you made.

Report, ignore, hide, move on.

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dad and little brother refuse to buy battlefield, wont let me buy it either. they claim battlefields a ripoff of CoD and refuse to buy it, dad even said if he sees it in the house, hes breaking it so sadly i have no choice but to play the toxic "FPS" that is call of duty

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>Toxic FPS that is CoD

You do realize that it's a matter of who you're playing with on that game, right? Find some people that don't spend the game being complete shitlords, play with them, and you'll find that most of the unsavory characters are gone. They typically reside at the lowest levels of play, where it's easiest to troll/be a fuck in general.

Find a good clan, play with 'em, ride them up the clan boards, and watch the way your games go do a complete 180.

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i run with a clan, DMF, but since i joined i havent been getting into games with anyone so ive been considering leaving. I get messages about contributing to the clan and playing with fellow clan members, yet i send invites get no replies. I have people added, no invites.

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tbh i used to play cod a lot. like an unhealthy amount. back in mw2 i was like 300ish in f4a. but once you realize that basically every other game is full of some toxic shit stains it really turns you off. yet i play league still for what reason exactly? but yea, absolute #1 rule of reporting is to never ever ever ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER tell people you reported them.

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I go by the term programmer although.

However some people feel that with their abilities they can use it to cross whatever bounderies they see fit without any real work. Most hackers feel the need to break down all walls and achieve greatness and power by flaunting their skills. It's sad really, that such talented people resort to such things, but that is what society does. However, hackers a complex in which they feel it is scientifically impossible for them to lose. I'm not encouraging for you to cheat as well, but whatever person has your information, they probably can do nothing to harm you. As only the notoriously weak and cowardly would intimidate with such tactics. So yes, ignore them, join a different server, they love attention. And I reitterate, hackers are harmless to YOU. Maybe they have some control over your computer, but most aren't as skilled as to find your credit card info or anything like that. Besides, learning a little coding wouldn't hurt so you know how to defend yourself. Ignore them, and itll be like they never existed.

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I havnt played Cod but if this is what goes on i will rather buy gta 5 and Battle field soz to anybody who likes CoD but i dont wanna get murdered by hackers wo know my personal info

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dad and little brother refuse to buy battlefield, wont let me buy it either. they claim battlefields a ripoff of CoD and refuse to buy it, dad even said if he sees it in the house, hes breaking it so sadly i have no choice but to play the toxic "FPS" that is call of duty

It's not like you're forced to play the game.

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You know that what they did isn't actually hacking, right?

They most likely just ran an IP check and did a little bit of research, not that hard to do if you have no life by hacking into CoD already.

But yeah. CoD is a no-go regardless. Either save up to buy BF, or just find a different FPS to play. >>;

Edit: If they actualy got ahold of your phone number/address, you could've just taunted them into trying to make them call you and forward it to the authorities to have them trace the call etc. >>;

Edited by RainbowDash
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They most likely just ran an IP check and did a little bit of research, not that hard to do if you have no life by hacking into CoD already.

That's not how IPs work.

Chances are more likely he got doxed through bits of information he left around on the internet.

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That's not how IPs work.

Chances are more likely he got doxed through bits of information he left around on the internet.

You can get far by just knowing a person's IP. Very far. Unless that person uses a proxy.

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You can get far by just knowing a person's IP. Very far. Unless that person uses a proxy.

No, you don't. You'll only be able to find out the general vicinity of the IP's owner, only rarely their precise address.

Unless they just recently developed something new. Then by all means share it.

Edited by Doj
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tf2 player here. I have encounter 9-10 hackers. Most of them were heavy, except one who was a scout. Most of the time aimf**kingbot and SPEED.

EDIT; I am a console player myself(Own ps4,xbox1,ps3,xbox360,and gamecube) but on ps3, it practically almost impossible to hack on it, xbox on the other hand try cod 4, OVER 9000 HACKERS, I don't own cod 4 but bf4 in the process of fixing. bf3 is certain the better one but I must ask why you own cod ghosts?

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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PS3 has been hacked before which is why all servers were shut down a while back got free games so I was happy PS3 may be harder to hack than XBox but it can still be done and it is a larger target for most hackers because they want to show off their skills.

As for the part of them finding out all your personal info that must suck. Yes with an IP you can find out where someone lives but nothing more than that and it is also just the area, but with the IP you can get further info and so on and so forth, such as leaving info laying around. However because they did find out your personal info through an online service that is supposed to keep all that confidential, you could bring it to the police depending on a few things that...I'm just going to stay away from legal stuff >.>

So yeah, hackers are just really smart morons that don't know how to use their talent/knowledge for good things or to take over the world.

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You know that what they did isn't actually hacking, right?

They most likely just ran an IP check and did a little bit of research, not that hard to do if you have no life by hacking into CoD already.

But yeah. CoD is a no-go regardless. Either save up to buy BF, or just find a different FPS to play. >>;

Edit: If they actualy got ahold of your phone number/address, you could've just taunted them into trying to make them call you and forward it to the authorities to have them trace the call etc. >>;

You say that like it's a long strenuous process to do it. From installing the homebrew to installing the mods on your PS3, the entire process takes all of 30 minutes. Let's not pretend we're better than others because of how they choose to fuck around. As long as the mods aren't used to ruin the game for others, it's all good.

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yet they use the mods and hacks to ruin the game and claim they have more skill then someone who can actually do good without mods and hacks.

On a good day i can go 25/9 in a TDM, depending on a whole bunch of variables (map knowledge, weapon used, player skill, mood) but that match i went 0/30. That one match threw me off my game for the entire sessions.

Normally, i dont care about my K/D, as far as im concerned its just a number for bragging rights and measuring the almighty E-Peen. But my clan requires i carry at least a 1.2 K/D. Before i went into the match i had a 1.3 K/D, that match dropped me into a .9 K/D.

Hackers can get people booted out of clans by doing that shit, and it makes me upset that something i worked hard on can get taken away from me by some asshat that doesn't want to play the game fairly

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I don't mind hackers, as long as they're not doing anything that gives them an unfair advantage

If they're invincible and flying around, that's stupid and they need to get out. But if they're just smoothing out their game and making it easier for them to play well, whatever. I used to do a lot of Minecraft PVP servers, and would use certain client mods to make things easier for me. some of it being kind of against the rules of the servers I was on at times. But nothing so drastic that I was unbeatable (or even any good >_<) Not like that one guy who was shooting arrows through walls

Also, why in hell did you tell them you reported them? All that does is make them notice you and give them reason to target you >_> (My friend got DDOSed because he told some hackers he reported them)

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>taunting hackers with "I reported you"

That's also a mistake you made.

Report, ignore, move on.

yeah, that was a dumb move. just alfjaklsdfjklasdjfklajsdklf. I want nothing to do with hackers like those. Report and go back to matchmaking.

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The best way to report is to do it so that the Hackers don't even know what hit them until they've been banned from the server. (in other words, DON'T TELL THEM THEY'VE BEEN REPORTED, NO MATTER WHAT.)

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Well, It really goes unsaid with any type of open gaming interaction that one will encounter the occasional Scumbags and Assholes such as malignant hackers, but honestly, it's kinda an unwritten rule; you know that there's a chance that you'll encounter these type of gamers from time to time, and you accept that by participating.

That said, when you manage to open up a can of just-deserts on them, don't get cocky about the moral victory (Not that I'm trying to say you were. just in general don't be.) Sit back and watch as their ass gets a Lethal dosage of Justice via the ol Perma-ban. And sleep easier at night knowing that these sad individuals who are too damn lazy and cowardly to actually put some actual effort into developing legitimate skills in the game are now no longer giving the proverbial "Fuck you." to the entire concept of actually acting accountably while Online gaming

Edited by Stratos
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