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Graterras Chapter 2: A Second Chance [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Sigurd - Frontliners

Sigurd turned his face towards Marcus who had caught up with him. He wondered what the Fire Templar wanted, but before he could ask Akuma addressed him. The Birdman gave some advice before walking away. “You call us survivors? You really believe that? We weren’t even worth the dirt under the Gentleman’s footwear. He gave us the biggest insult you could get! We survived because some goddess felt pity for us!” Sigurd yelled.

“Tell him I’m right, Marcus!” Sigurd said while pointing at Akuma’s back.

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Marcus gave a quick laugh. "Yeah, the bastard surely kicked our asses hard." then, taking a more serious posture, he continued. "And that's the point actually. If we wanna beat that thing, we need the most help we can find, and we need to work together. I'm not asking you to like Orpheaus, but he seems a powerfull ally, and we can't throw that away. Just... give the guy a chance for our own sake ok?" he said putting a hand in the other Templars shouder.

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Nero - Scout Team

Nero's sword pierced the flesh of the death knight with no resistance, much to his surprise. It was a victory short-lived, however. The knight's whip snagged his left leg, tearing open his pants and cutting into his leg. As the knight lowered his sword at him, Nero managed to duck under his own sword, still stuck in the knight, before ripping it upward and out of the body to meet the blow. Their swords collided, but the knight was inhumanly strong and had gravity assisting his downward swing, forcing Nero to his knees. He rolled to the side, putting a little distance between himself and the death knight and ending up closer to Steele. He turned to the other man.

"We need to coordinate our attacks if we're to have any chance. Simple strikes will not work. At the very least, we need to last until Odin can send help or we can break away."

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Steele- Scout team

"I agree, I will go at him straight on, you try and sneak around. He knows how I fight, so I don't have much of a chance of landing a blow on him." Steele said, a sure look on his face. "I am going now." he said as he dashed forward, aiming a blow at the Knight's head.

((Flux just so you know, Death Knights have no skin, as they are Skeletons in heavy armour for the most part, if I haven't been clear on that, just know it for the future.))

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Sigurd - Frontliners

Sigurd’s anger made place for shock. The two companions he thought were most like him, just shrugged and laughed off what had happened to them. To make it worse Marcus seemed to be interested in taking Orpheaus along with them. Sigurd shook his head in disbelief. “You can’t be serious, right? I mean the guy doesn’t even want to fight. He’s not a warrior. Besides, I bet he doesn’t even want to leave this village. I’ll eat my own beard if that happens!”

Sigurd stared with a blank expression at Marcus. The Wind Templar was still angry, but he thought his companions felt the same way he did. Killing the Gentleman should be priority, but they acted like they didn’t care. Sigurd started to doubt he was in the right place.

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Brass-Wall Team

"Alright, here's the plan." said Brass, in his gravelly voice. He now slammed his ground into the Earth, causing a load of stone pillars to shoot up from the ground. "Attach targets to those, I will focus on moving them . Dru, you can also do some in a similar matter. Let's get down to training!"

Scout Team.

"Oh finally some of you knuckleheads arrived." shouted the Death Knights as a handful of Skeletons wandered out of the woods.

Steele stopped his charge. "Shit! Nero, change of plans. Hold your ground!" The Skeletal Warriors made their shambled their way over, wielding a menagerie of cruel weaponry, and they wore little armour. The dry clanking of their bones was unsettling. The Death Knight Himself made no advance he sat and watched, seemingly willing the undead to fight.

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Drug'thok Grunara- Wall Team

The half-Orc nodded. He raised his left foot, slamming it heavily to the ground as he mumbled, "Terra surgere." The ground rumbled and a dozen similar pillars shot up from the ground in perfect three by four formation. "Indeed. If these scrappy-looking archers are to fight the undead, they'll need all the training they can fit in today." He grinned quickly at Helzebeth before addressing Jupiter. "I don't believe we've been acquainted yet. I am Drug'thok Grunara, called the Earth Shaker by some. But you may simply call me Dru."

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Wall Team

"Earth Shaker huh? What is with guys and their nicknames?" she laughed, a coy smile on her lips. "I am Jupiter, great to meet you Dru." Nemesis shifted her head towards where Jupiter was standing, though she couldn't see anything. Dru felt a sort of friendly feeling from the Giant Condor, or at least he got that feeling due to it's posture and hoe relaxed it was. ((still on one of the nearby roofs just so you guys know.)) "Well, perhaps we should get down to work huh?" Jupiter said, a somewhat serious look in her eyes.. "Most definitely, I will have to concentrate deeply on this next part, so wake me out of it if I am needed." Brass said. He walked over a few fett away, and he slammed his walking stick into the ground once more. "ENCASE!" He shouted as Earth started to surround him. With that the Pillars he had summoned started to move, each at different varying speeds. It was an archer's dream of a practice court, with targets at many ranges moving in all sorts of directions. The others probably realized it took a lot of work from Brass to pull this off.


Sigurd felt a gentle tug on his shoulder. It was Bjorn. Somehow the old man caught up to the youngster. "Listen, Sigurd, about that so-called Gentleman, I think I know somebody who might know more."

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Marcus - Frontliners

Marcus started to lose his cool now with the way Sigurd talked to him. Just how much air did this guy have in his head to think they could kill the Gentleman without help?

"Ok Breeze Head, tone it down. You think I can't recognize a warrior when I see one? Orpheaus is a good fighter, and you was the one who proved that by the way. I say we need help to beat the Gentleman, else we are screwed. And if you're not convinced Orpheaus will be helpful, let's just see how he fares in battle. If either you or me kill more than him, than I'll be the first to support you." he said, angry.

Then Bjorn appeared. "Listen, Sigurd, about that so-called Gentleman, I think I know somebody who might know more."

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Helzebeth - Wall Team

Attaching targets to rock were no problem to the huntress. And, it'd give her a chance to practice as well.

After undoing some knots on the side of her quiver to reveal an extra pocket, she pulled out small, sharp claw-like grappling hooks and attached them to the ends of some arrows that appeared to have their heads removed or detached. These hooks she fixed to the ends of the sticks, along with pre-made, carved target discs of varying size-- some arrows would have large targets, others medium-sized ones, and the rest tinier circles.

Helzebeth took aim at the hovering stone pillars and fired at them one by one to get the targets latched on for the trainees, finishing in a few minutes.

She lowered her bow with an air of pride. "All right, let's get those rookies in here."

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Sigurd - Frontliners

Sigurd completely lost it. He had no idea why Marcus got angry, but now his anger resurfaced as well. “It’s not about killing the most enemies; Orpheaus doesn’t want to fight! He won’t leave this village, even I can see that. Someone like that won’t be helpful, no matter how skilled they are. And at the Temple they used to call me oblivious!” Sigurd said while shaking his head.

Suddenly Bjorn showed up out of nowhere. “Listen, Sigurd, about that so-called Gentleman, I think I know someone who might know more.”

Sigurd’s anger turned into surprise and excitement once again. “Who? Where is this person? When can I speak to him?” he stumbled over his words as he tried to ask multiple questions at once. The Northener felt a headache coming up, but ignored it. He wasn’t used to this quick change of emotions and combined with the last couple of events, it started to drain him mentally.

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Nero - Scout Team

"Shit! Nero, change of plans. Hold your ground!"

Nero nodded as the skeleton warriors approached. He was surprised that the Death Knight would not attack with them, but he wasn't about to complain about it. He muttered another spell, his body appearing to shimmer and wave around. It would help at least a little to keep the skeleton warriors from landing direct hits. He leveled his sword as they approached.

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Scout Team

A small group surrounded each of the men, 4 around Nero, and 7 surrounded Steele. Steele instantly struck back cleaving one of the skeletons in two, he dodged out of the way of a second, as it's own Mace landed against another's face, shattering it.


"I can take you there after I know my town is safe. He is a Wizard I have known for many years, he lives in Nevermore. He works closely with the Scholar Knights of Seeker's order, and is a Diviner himself. I met him on my travels in my younger days. He always let me shack up in his tower as many were not kind to us northerners in Nevermore. Relations have gotten better so don't worry about that too much." Bjorn said, his typical Jolliness returning. Chauff sidled up next to him, looking a bit more relaxed as well.

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Akuma- Frontliners

Akuma was eavesdropping on his surroundings as he stops working on the wall. The Birdman walks towards his allies to confront with these two new faces. "excuse me for barging in but another one who to live and tell the tale you say? interesting. My tale is kinda degrading with my encounter with this spawn of hell. But i'm willing to change that as long as i live." Akuma soothes his chest remembering how he was slaughtered by the Gentlemen.

"so who are you guys? i'm Akuma Bladewing by the way, I'm the more tolerant guy of this group." he said calmly with a playful smile. as he extended his metallic arm at the two.

((Chauff and Bjorn.ooops sorry lol))

((how do birds smile with their beaks? meh whatever))

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Bjorn and Chauff- Frontliners

"I am Bjorn, a retired Sailor from Aurora." He said a smile beaming on his face. His look drastically changed to one of slight sarcasm as he looked over towards the other man. "And this is Chauff." he said. "And don't you forget it." Chauff piped up.

Bjorn shoke his hand. "A Bio-tech arm, eh? That new fangled stuff out of the Shifting Sands? You must be a real Warrior if you need one of those." Chauff quickly added "That or a stupid one."

"Eck, Shut ye mouth Chauff no need to be rude to the man."

"Not rude, just pointing out the possibility."

"Whatever you say Chauff."

((The muscles in around Akuma's mouth would probably still move, so it could be like when we say a dog is smiling. As in it looks enough like it to pass off as one.))

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No wonder Sigurd got all jumpy after talking to these guys. Maybe I'm not so tolerant after all, Ok Akuma calm down. Akuma tries to keep a straight face as he hides his annoyance towards the old man. He sighed and lets go of the handshake.

"Uhmm.... yeah, the old man was right, well actually kinda both." Akuma jokingly said as he laughs .A quick flashback enters his mind with blood hurdling screams, a child crying and a hellish scenario on how he got his metallic arm.

"So are you going to join us in this fight?"

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B and C- Frontliners

"I am a bit too old, my sword arm not what it used to be." Bjorn said a tinge of disappointment on his face. "If I were younger I would fight alongside you all in a heartbeat. I'll just get in the way now though." Chauff snickered "Yea when get old your bones are all creaky and and you don't move fast. Besides, we wouldn't really increase your chances much anyway, I mean you are only fighting impossible odds." Chauff said his "realist" attitude roaring it's ugly head once more.

Scout Team.

The Skeletons moved pretty quickly for piles of bone. The four attacking Nero all stood silently waiting to make a move. Steele kept madly slashing, and dodging attacks. He moved rather gracefully, as bone chips flew through the air. Swords weren't typically good at cutting bone, however Steele's sword seemed to do just fine. The Death Knight watched silently, his eyes 2 pinpoints of reddish-Orange light in his Blackened Charred Skull. Those eyes trained themselves on the two men locked in combat, and it felt like they burrowed into your very soul.

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Akuma -Frontliners

Akuma felt sympathy for the two as he puts his hands on Chauff "Don't be like that ya old geezer, cheer up!" as he taps Chauff's back "we'll do our best. I'll make sure you'll be able to live to tell this tale with your grandchildren's childrens." said with jolliness and filled with hope,

Akuma smiles as he draws his massive hammer from his back and looks at Bjorn "I'm sure both of you are fine warriors back in the days, just rest your old bones for now and leave it up to us." Akuma paused "so just sit back and relax behind these walls and watch as i bash my way into this hell spawn and i'll enjoy every sound of their skull's breaking into pieces." Akuma tone seems to be darker than his previous one as his bloodlust is slightly showing.

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B and C- Frontliners

"Eh, never said I wouldn't watch your battle, but somebody got to keep a realistic outlook around here, otherwise you guys would never know exactly how impossible the stuff you are trying to do is." Chauff said, sarcasm abound in his tone.

"Aye, but some encouragement is appreciated as well you know Chauff. Either way, we are rooting for ya, no matter how much of a downer Chauff seems to be." Bjorn said, a hearty chuckle accompanying it.

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Nero - Scout Team

Nero spun slowly in a circle with both hands on his extended sword, watching for any sign of movement from the skeletons. They were eerily still, waiting for him to attack. Adding further to the discomfort of the situation was the death knight's stare. His glowing eyes seemed to look right through Nero. He would just have to ignore it for now. He lashed out at one of the skeletons, aiming to dismember its skull. He knew he would have to move quickly, as the others would likely close in as he made this strike.

(((Should I be waiting for responses from you before making contact with these skeletons, or are they minor enough that I should direct it myself? Also, I'm assuming they aren't as well-armored as the death knight...)))

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((you can feel free to direct their actions, and they are pretty much wearing little scraps of armour, so yes they are nowhere near as armoured as the Death Knight, who is wearing Full Plate. By the way, the Death Knight does radiate an aura of Fear, that is why I described his eyes as being very unnerving. It is a magical effect, so it will effect your combat ability slightly. Hopefully I can re-purpose this space asap, but it may not happen.))

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Akuma - frontliners

Akuma hoist his hammer above his shoulder as he chuckles at their remark. "well then, i guess i'll just have to see how far we can go." "It seems you are bother by this treat, old man. why? my hammer is pretty realistic if you ask me and hope this impossible stuff you speak of doesn't break once i smash into bits."

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Nero - Scout Team

The skeleton tried to defend itself, but its movements were too slow. Nero's sword met its mark, sending the head of the skeleton flying into brush. The rest of the body crumpled to the ground and fell to pieces. Sure enough, the other skeletons had struck when he made the move. Nero spun quickly, blocking blows with his sword. He jumped backwards, putting some distance between himself and the skeletons again. He lashed out at the closest one, making eye contact with the Death Knight as he did so. It was an unnerving feeling, and he lost his concentration for a brief second, only catching a glancing blow on the skeleton's shoulder. The skeleton warrior retaliated, narrowly missing Nero, thanks to the Illusion magic he had cast earlier. Nero quickly cut the skeleton across its torso, breaking ribs enough so that they could not hold it up anymore. The skeleton's torso crumpled in on itself as it fell to the ground.

"I'll need to be careful around this death knight..." he thought to himself. "I can't let myself get distracted by his gaze."

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Scout Team

"So you both aren't terrible warriors, either way, you will both die here." The Death Knight Laughed, a picture of pure horror. "My Army is here now, the endless tides of Bones and despair will destroy you." An ominous rattling came from the forest, bones clinked and rattled all around. A Fire could be seen, as a Giant Skeletal Beast Arrived. It was made of a slew of assorted creature bones, and looked as if every one was from a separate creature. A grotesque Fire Burned it what could be considered it's belly, and as such the bones around it seemed to be covered in soot. However, the bones otherwise didn't seem to be damaged. This must have been one of those Infernal Bone Golems Brass mentioned.

Steele looked straight at Nero. "You will be important in the upcoming battle, get to your friends, I am not going to let you stay here and die for nothing." and with that Steele started to glow. His clothes started tearing as his form started to grow. Wings started to sprout back from his back. and all of a sudden before Nero stood a Dragon. His Scales were the color of Burnished Steel. He stood on 2 legs, and had too Mighty Wings. He spoke in a voice that sounded as if a sword clanged against another. "It is time for you to fly Nero." He drew back both his wings and started took to the sky grabbing Nero in one of his claws. "Don't worry about me, I am going to take out as many as I can." with that he threw Nero from his talons, and Nero felt himself speeding towards the town. and then he felt his body slow down. It wasn't an impact though. He started to fall softly to the ground as if he was a feather. He heard the sounds of a mad dragon fighting in the forest. Maybe he could defeat the Death Knight. However he looked like he was a very young Dragon, even he might not be powerful enough.

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Nero ran through the woods, having reached the point where the village was in sight. He needed to get there as quickly as possible. Hopefully Odin and Jeneve had arrived already, but he couldn't be sure if he had been thrown farther than them or not. He was more than a little surprised at Steele's "revelation", but hoped the man (If he could still call him that) wouldn't do anything reckless simply to save Nero. He thought back to Steele's words.

"You will be important in the upcoming battle, get to your friends, I am not going to let you stay here and die for nothing."

What did he mean Nero would be important in the upcoming battle? He hadn't stood a chance against that Death Knight. And how could he be any more importantin the battle than a dragon would have? He thought back to the last words Steele told him.

"Don't worry about me, I am going to take out as many as I can."

He had told him not to worry, but Steele's last five words were what bothered him. As many as I can. Did he plan to sacrifice himself?

Nero reached the village gates, pounding on the outside, hoping someone would let him in. He had grave news for the people.

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