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Y'all need to lay off Secundum.

Eternal Edge

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First off I'm not posting this as auth only or Ace only for a reason.. This is a problem that everyone is taking part in.

I'm sick of the constant bitching. I'm sick of the arguing. i'm sick of the passive aggressiveness. I'm sick of the talking behind peoples backs.

Okay. Yes, she's annoyed a few of us with the league stuff. But you know what? So what? There's an ignore function on PO. Fucking use it.

When i see shit like this: http://prntscr.com/3cu16a literally telling someone to kill themselves? no. fuck off. You're 100% worse than anyone who has ever been on Reborn now. I don't care.

For that pic in particular, she's right. hatching a shiny now-a-days is easy as fuck. I 100% guarantee if anyone else said it, Owen, you wouldn't have reacted like that.

As for the auth who are pissy at her. Grow the fuck up. You're an auth for fucks sake. yes, I have joked around about it, but I'm not constantly bitching about her. Again, you're no better than your accusations of her.

Ikaru and I (and I'm sure others) have had perfectly fine conversations with her about League things and chats in general. She's not some troll or "bad guy" that needs to be constantly ridiculed at every fucking turn.

on the flip side, Secundum, You know there are things that piss people off. try to avoid those situations. i know I've seen some improvement, and I'm grateful of that, but it seems some people can't be mature enough to look past your previous down fallings. I'd expect better than that from certain people (yes multiple people) to be honest (you know who you are).

I swear if I continue seeing things escalate and being as out of control as they are I will start taking action against any of you. be you auth, ace, or regular member. I don't care. This is your first warning. Second warning will come and I'll remind you of this thread. After that you're done. Depending on the situation a suitable punishment will be given.

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This problem seems to be occurring everywhere in the Pokemon community lately, particularly between Verlisify and Smogon players. Treating your fellow players poorly reflects negatively upon the community as a whole, so it is in our best interest to be mature and respectful.

My rant:

Of late, it seems that the various individuals throughout the Pokemon community (particularly Smogon) have been very disrespectful towards those of differing opinions. With the metagame defined by dialogue that leads to the presence of Pokemon in each tier, it seems fitting to me that differing opinions would emerge. However, as they do, it seems that those in the majority often use vile rhetoric against those who aren't. For example, there was a discussion on the Smogon forums about if Jynx should be moved to RU from NU, to which my response was "no." Upon making my case, I received various messages and replies, most of which calling me "stupid," "retarded," or "unskilled." If outsiders were to see us treating our own this way, it would make them less inclined to join our community, so I believe that the Pokemon community should do some internal searching and try to get back to what made it so great as opposed to what it has become now: a cesspool of irrational rhetoric and unnecessary rudeness.

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I agree with the first post, I mostly get the impression of that sometimes the auth can't take criticism. Everyone complain in their own way, but their message may be the same.

But taking it easy with the complaints will benefit more than to keep complaining. :feelsgn:

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Cant we all just get along? We're Pokemon fans for goodness sake! We're all we have!! We are already looked down upon by alot of our other peers, so is it truly necessary to bicker and argue among ourselves? Like it or not, we're all a family and family sticks up for one another. not tear each other down. Come on guys! Get it together!

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I understand the reasoning behind the post, but did we really have to name and shame?

If the problem persists for a long time and it's the same group of people doing it 9/10 times, then yes. If people cannot get along, they can be treated like children who keep fighting and be scolded for their actions. If someone is auth, they should know better. It's ok to have fun, but Pokemon server or not they need to be more mature rolemodels for the community they represent. As for members who the auth are constantly yelling at, they should be able to realize what it is they do that pisses everyone off and try to avoid it. HOWEVER if said member is truly doing nothing wrong but occasionally complaining about something, the auth getting pissed should also be able to ignore it moreso than others because they're to be held at a higher standard of maturity.

Cant we all just get along? We're Pokemon fans for goodness sake! We're all we have!! We are already looked down upon by alot of our other peers, so is it truly necessary to bicker and argue among ourselves? Like it or not, we're all a family and family sticks up for one another. not tear each other down. Come on guys! Get it together!

You would think that people could just get along, or be able to ignore those that bother them, but no we're on PO. Everything here is literally Days of Our Lives.

As for this whole issue, I'm going to say again and agree with Edge. Auth need to act like auth, not children. This is coming from someone with a lot of experience with this type of thing. If an auth has a problem with a user, they should act accordinly in dealing with the problem IF said user is actually breaking rules. If they're not and you're trying to bend a rule to being broken so they fit under that, you're doing something wrong. If you're arguing back uncivilly and telling people to essentially kill themselves, you're being no better than the person bothering you; you're just adding more issues to the problem you want resolved and overall being counterproductive. I realize the way I've worded thing is rather harsh, but that doesn't take away the truth behind it. I hope you at least take it with a grain of salt.

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If you are going to say something, then you also need to be willing to deal with the consequences to come afterwards whenever you do say it.

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Couldn't you say the same goes for someone going out of there way to rile someone up? (Sure, not in this case, but it's clearly an issue as it was mentioned in the OP)

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That's true as well, however, the person that is auth in a situation needs to have more tact and choose their words carefully. Auth, even if it's a simple PO server, are the role models of the server and reflect the community's standings on things. The auth needs to be able to be the bigger person and resolve the situation in a proper, more civil manner rather than telling the person to kill themselves.

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I don't even know who Secundum is e5124289.gif

I mostly get the impression of that sometimes the auth can't take criticism.

When done in a "user to auth" situation instead of a "person to person" one, I don't think it's weird for them to be unable to take said criticism, consdering it's like criticizing the rules, except in this case rule enforcers. It's bound to get dismissed as bitching instead of (negative) feedback.

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The auth that this is vaguely addressing weren't the ones telling the user to kill themselves. The auth are angry for an issue that wasn't addressed in the OP. It was a regular user who said what was said.

I feel like if the post is going to call out the auth, then it either needs to address the issue properly, or omit it altogether, because as it stands, it doesn't contribute to the topic in any way.

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It's pretty safe to conclude that neither side handled that particularly well. Now, however, it's over with, and as far as I know the two parties involved are solving it personally or have already solved it.

That's not the entirety of the picture. A portion of the member base needs to do this as well. Yes, that spawned it, but this applies to everyone.

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I've seen so many of these kind of things in the PO chats. Hell, I've been personally attacked for being a "brony", I just shrug it off and continue on.

Edgy is right though, that sorta stuff just crosses the line. It's an online game for Pete's sake, you have your typical assholes and whatnot, you deal with them or you don't.


This sorta shit happens when there's no auth around during early hours;



Edited by RainbowDash
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I honestly don't see why people can be so hostile towards others like that... I mean like we are human and we should all know what's right and wrong, but I guess it's also because we're human that we do stupid things like that.

I kinda wanna burn the world down because of that being one reason but really, we can all be nice people and just ignore the problem or just try and solve it in the right way.

So yeah, thanks Edge for getting this out there and I hope it helps

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... I agree with the intent, but find the delivery to be very unorthodox and distasteful...

we've never called out people who weren't banned for their actions on the public forums before, and I hardly think now's a good time to start. We should always be addressing the ACTION, not the person behind it, as auth. Saying "this was horrible" is 10x more easy to take as criticism and would make someone hang their heads rather than "you're horrible for this", which, had it been somebody of a little less mettle, very well may have scared somebody out of the public eye for awhile. Also, being in a position of staff, to publically call someone out and say they're terrible for this or that has a lot more power and negative impact than some member (and we'd usually hide their post for that, too). There's more to anybody than that thing they said/did, and that way it's less personal/shamey and more calling people out on... that one thing they did. RehabTips.

While there are certainly some situations that need addressing as a community, they need to be carefully and tactfully addressed, rather than in roiling anger and frustration. It sets a bad precedent for the userbase and for member view of the staff base. That's all I've got

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I'm gonna say something.

To be honest I do not like Secundum at all. She complains like shit. She pisses most people off at least once and has flawed arguments that can offend people. Saying that Israel should be bombed is extreme, especially for someone who lives in the UK and is not Arab or Muslim. I've actually considered bashing at her because she pisses me off a lot

This is exactly what the community doesn't need. There was absolutely no need to post this, but you chose to anyway, which was very immature and irresponsible.

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It's not just her that's had problems with people over PO. Everyone deserves proper respect.

So thank you for posting this.

If "Everyone deserves proper respect" then why do I feel like I never get any... I mean true, I used to type like some form of ape. But at least I TRY now.

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However it can be true, but lashing out at a problem wouldn't solve it now eh?

Edge has said that she should also know what offends people nad yadehada but also as you just said Devon there was no reason to post it.

Although Seccy was mean to some people it doesn't mean those people should be mean to her, it only makes them just as bad or even worse

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I'm gonna say something.

To be honest I do not like Secundum at all. She complains like shit. She pisses most people off at least once and has flawed arguments that can offend people. Saying that Israel should be bombed is extreme, especially for someone who lives in the UK and is not Arab or Muslim. I've actually considered bashing at her because she pisses me off a lot

Really she said that!?! I like women who are a little blood thirsty and that made me like her a little bit. her first words to me was a little mouthy but it was nothing much. Shes a good battler and is one of the few people I have never beaten. I will one of these days though and crush her like I do everyone else.

Edited by Greed_Demon
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This seems a bit mellow dramatic. I like that someone is defending her for a change but this seems a bit overkill.

Seccy isn't perfect but likewise, so are we. We all just need to talk this out instead of antagonizing each other for having opinions on someone. If you want to shit talk, say it to the person instead of hiding like a coward. If you don't have the guts to say something to someone that you don't like about the person then you just look like a bully.

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