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Missing Venonat vers. 2


Missing Valencia Island Vilplume vers. 2


This may not be the origin Game sprite, but this one was easier to work with.

Kingler family vers. 2:



Edited by Nefalem
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Vileplume's color looks different from the other version. I liked it more than the first one.

The first Valencia Island Vileplume, for comparison:


The new one is better IMO

As for Venonat, well... Is just there based on Venomoth right? So i guess that works.

Keep the good job Nefalem ^_^

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based on the Robot from the anime, is that what you meant by "mecha Pinsir"?


And here is another try for a mech Nidoking.


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I like it *-* just let me do a bit fine work ..

Here you go:


Don't worry bout the appeariance of Pinsir front if you click on it it'll be normal.

Edited by Nefalem
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That shade on pinsir just doesn't feel right... Maybe a bit more/less saturation?

also these are starting to look like Zords keep up the good work

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Double posting just to show a day has passed.

I took an edit at that pinsir sprite, editing the saturation and brightness:


I haven't uploaded it because A), I'm not sure about it; B) no backsprite.

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Haven't worked on anything is a while. Here's the snack that smiles back.



I kinda just threw these guys together in a few minutes, so feel free to critique them

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....Hm. Maybe try using two different shades of red for the white/orange on goldeen?

Oddish looks great. Not so sure on the green leaves on Gloom.

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Yeah, Goldeen didn't look good to me either way, black or white...

I'm open to suggestions then, since I kind of rushed through making them...

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The front sprite has broken leaves on the right side, while the backsprite actually has leaves there. Looks little bit weird, just a small issue though.

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Tauros accepted
Iggly line accepted

Since a few too much shiny's became cyan colored I decided to give Growlithe another look:

Welcome the Houndithe :D


Do people like this better than the snowy versions?
If so, on growlithe, the mohawk is darker on the back sprite than on the front, should be lightened
and the back-stripes on the front don't blend in very well with the rest of the fur, should be darkned and faded a little

Mankey and Kabuto lines accepted

Pidgey and Pory lines accepted

@Dragon-in-Night: Do it

Starmie family:



Reversed the colors and clued a Staryu on it's back :D

Staryu...mie looks fine, but I don't think I like Starmie...yu. I think a more cohesive colour theme would do well

Vulture Fearow accepted

Unfortunately they aren't usable at all.

A bit darker than the usual shiny sprite of Ekans:



Your evil Cubone line:



Nockchan and Kicklee:



Pinkan Island Dudou family:



Ekans- I think hazmat reads more yellow. Let's make the body a golden yellow, and what are currently the yellow stripes, black. eyes will be a problem... Make the eyes red, I think

Arbok- Again, Yellow Body, but with the front sprite, the symbol on its 'wings' can occupy a larger area than it does-- even if that's larger than what the original sprite does. Also, it can be solid-ish black. No need for the white stuff.

The following things- I don't think the aura strategy is going to work out like that, so let's go ahead and scratch that

Cubone is probably fine without the aura
Marowak, I'd like to see if we can get it more ghost-like. This will probably entail changing the black sections to also be a sort of faded bluish-white that might look specralish. Let's leave the bones alone so it might look like a spirit occupying them.

Hitmonchan- I think the Little Mac idea makes more sense than this, I'm afraid.

Hitmonlee- I can appreciate this reference more. I'd like to see it without the aura though.

Doduo line-- I'm okay with this concept, but it needs a little tidying. The pink outline contrasts harshly against the black parts of the outline. It also has much higher saturation than the other pink shades. These things should be smoothed out. I'd also like to try making the neck/beak things whiter as opposed to tan. That might be a deviation from pinkan island, but it'll make it look more valentinish. If it doesn't work we don't have to use it

It is a Mouth :D:)

Yin Yang Lapras:

Shellder family:




Lapras- The white and black contrast harshly, especially with how dark the black shades are, and the little fade between them
I'd like to see a generally lighter-coloured lapras though. It's more cute than it is cool or dark, so black doesn't make a lot of sense. I bet some other pokemon can be better-themed to yin/yang, but that concept can certainly be recycled.

Shellder- I'm a little confused what's happening with the shell, or if this is the wisp concept, or something else. On the front sprite it looks like parts of the shell are cracked, but the back sprite some of the shading is backwards (a shade that should be lighter is darker than its neighbor; evident in the 'tail').
Cloyster- I like how the inner shell is a different colour than the outer. Let's accentuate this.
For both of these, I'm not sure the lightness of the inner-body is working, so
New idea for these two
Let's start with the colour we used for Shellder in Slowbro/king's shiny sprites for the outer shell.
The shellder inner body and cloyster inner shell should be a shade off and colour darker than that. Move towards red or purple depending on what looks best.
Then cloyster's inner body can go further towards that colour and darker still
Try that?

Venonat accepted

Missing Valencia Island Vilplume vers. 2


Valencia Island Vileplume

This may not be the origin Game sprite, but this one was easier to work with.

Kingler family vers. 2:



Vileplume- It looks fancy, but I'm not sure that the highlights are consistent with the sprite shading style.
The other one looks a little flat though. Comparing it to the original sprite, it looks like there's a rather prominent highlight tone that was dropped. Let's get that back in.

Kingler-- Well, this is different from the first one, but I feel like much of what I said before wasn't tried

Firstly, the inside of Kingler's claw in the front should also take a dark blue-grey tone rather than the dark red-grey it has currently. More importantly, there are some other ways to solidify the allusion to clawitzer-- lets try making the bottom part of each of its claw things yellow, and the legs/little arm parts black.

The inside of the big claw is still red-based, and um, that seems to just be the default kingler leg/body colour, and the claw outside wasn't changed either.

I'll comment on Krabby based on how Kingler turns out.

And here is another try for a mech Nidoking.

For comparrison, this is the sprite I currently have saved for mechanidoking

Which do we like better? and then make back sprites/the rest of the family based from that one.

I like it *-* just let me do a bit fine work ..

Mecha mecha Robo Pinsir:


Here you go:

Don't worry bout the appeariance of Pinsir front if you click on it it'll be normal.

I think the R might feel out of place in our region without team rocket, but aside from that I'm willing to accept either concept. Preferences?

Haven't worked on anything is a while. Here's the snack that smiles back.

I kinda just threw these guys together in a few minutes, so feel free to critique them

Fixed Goldeen


White face Goldeen looks a lot better, good call. I like these a lot, personally.

Goldeen Line ´just to remeber they are here :



Better than this, I think, but others disagree? Or... I'm confused on where people lie with this one





I like the idea of Autumn Oddish, but we should refrain from changing much besides the colours too much. Let's just put those colours onto Oddish and leave it at that

Gloom is a similar story. I like the colour of the berries, and the idea of the leaves having different colours, but Gloom should only have four leaves front-facing. They can still alternate green-orange. Then let's just make the whole body match Oddish's.

..maybe the same body colour would look good on our vileplume too? I'd like to try it

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Fixed Shiny's :

Lapras (Slowbro Palette) :


Saved Oddish, Gloom, Hitmonlee, Starmie, Bubla-line, and may as well use Mew as well, I guess, rationalizing that we're switching the shiny concept of Mewtwo and Mew. That keeps with the theme still. Will modify Cubone line myself

This Lapras colouration is just a little strange. I'm not sure if it would necessarily be liked over the original-- I suspect not.

Here's my first attempt at Nidoking line. I'll get back sprites after feedback


I note that that's the wrong pose again. Anyway, I still stand by saying that we should go with the original Nidoking model we've had


We just need a similarly fashioned one for Nidoqueen, backsprites for each, and then silver versions of the unevolved ones

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New Magmar Concept:

Volcanic Doom


This Lapras appeared in the anime episode 'Viva Las Lapras' (EP113) and shown again in 'Lapras of Luxury' (EP257)


Pinkan Duduo line reloaded:



Krabby line reloaded. I made a Kingbot.



Nidoran (m) line:



Missing Nidoking backsprite:


Nidoqueen (w) line:




Machop line ( Zombie ) :




Hitmonchan ( Little Mac ) :


Edited by Nefalem
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I feel like we should have at least one family of every type as a mecha shiny, just to add variety.

Nah I'm only want it for the zords

I really want zords

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