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Aervana #1 - Group 1 (IC Thread)


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This thread is for the follwing members ONLY

Group 1
Acquiescence - F Elf Dancer
KingMurdoc - M Shantii Berserker
subkoopa - M Elf Ranger
Hukuna - M Elf Elemental Knight - Wind

Arkhidon - M Vanda Shaman

If you are not one of these members, please DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. If you are looking to join, the sign-up thread can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6543&page=1


Saarid was a small town located on the outskirts of the Shantii Desert. The streets were empty, with small gusts of wind blowing the sand around. It was dark outside. The sun had set hours ago and most people had closed up shop for the night. However, Saarid's tavern, the Roasted Boar, was still serving its drinks to the few customers it had. Saarid was located out of the way of most traveling paths, and the few customers in the Roasted Boar were more than the usual. Most were humans and Shantii, though there was an elf dancer on the stage, a few more elves scattered around, and a lone Nomad sitting in one corner.


Kho turned to look as the tavern door opened. A human walked in wearing silver armor that gleamed in the moonlight shining through the open door. He wore no helmet, and his hair seemed to stick up everwhere, like it had never been combed. The man walked over to the bartender as if to buy a drink. Hoever, the conversation between them lasted longer than it should take to place an order. The bartender shrugged at the man before walking into the back room. The man turned and stepped onto the center stage, where the elvish dancer had just finished a dance. Under the better lighting of the stage, Kho got a better look at the man. The first thing he noticed was the blood. The front of the man's armor was covered with dried blood. Kho could also clearly see now that the man had light brown hair. The man gave a sincere smile, then began to speak.

"Hello, fellow travelers. I must say I'm sorry to disrupt your peace, but I carry an invitation as well as some rather dire news. First, I will tell you that my name is Gillem. I'll start with the bad, I guess."

Kho was curious what news the man might carry that was so important.The man called Gillem cleared his throat before continuing.

"Surely, you've all heard the rumors of demons gathering in the north."

As soon as Gillem said this, there were groans and shouts in the crowd. Many looked away and whispered to each other.

"Now I can see that many of you believe these rumors to be nothing more than that - rumors. However, I can tell you that those rumors are true. The demons do exist and they're making their way south. Some have already made it. I can testify that for myself."

Gillem gestured at the dried blood on his armor as he said the last part. One man in the crowd stood up. He was a bull of a man, well-muscled with arms as thick as the greatsword on his back.

"Let me get this straight," the man said, "You expect us to believe that you've seen these demons and escaped with nothing more than some of their blood on your armor? And how are we supposed to know that that is their blood and not that of some wild animal?" The man crossed his arms.

"You make a good argument," Gillem said, "but my tale is true. The demon I came across was not very powerful, and though I defeated it, I did not walk away unscathed." Gillem turned his side to the man and lifted up a metal plate on his armor. Upon closer inspection, Kho could see that that particular plate appeared to be melted away. Whatever had caused that had burned through Gillem's shirt as well. Gillem's flesh underneath was a gruesome sight. All of the skin had melted away along with some of the other tissues. What was left was burned, blistered, and appeared to have just recently stopped bleeding.

"This was the biggest injury I obtained from the foul creature, but if you require more proof, I can provide it."

Gillem looked at the man who had challenged him. When the man seemed unconvinced, Gillem reached into his travelsack.

"Here's the body," Gillem said and tossed a dark lump to the man. The man cried out and backed away.

"By the gods, you kept the body?!" the man said. He appeared to be whispering prayers under his breath.

"If that was what was required to make you all believe me, then I'm glad I did." Gillem said.

Kho walked up to get a look at this "demon". Upon reaching the body, his breath came up short. It was small, but unlike any creature Kho had known to walk Aervana. He had spent his entire life traveling and had never seen such a creature. It had six legs, each ending in a sharp point, like an insect's, but sharper. It had a long neck, and it's face was devoid of any eyes. The only noticeable feature on its otherwise smooth head was its mouth. It had long teeth, the top and bottom rows strecthing over the opposite "lip". As Kho looked up to the stage, he saw that Gillem was beginning to say something.

"...as for the 'invitation' I bring... I'm looking for strong fighters to travel with. I'm going to search for the cause of these demons. I believe they have something to do with the decline of the world's mana, and I'm going to see if I can stop it."

People in the crowd whispered among each other nervously. No one seemed inclined to accept his offer.

"I'll go with you," Kho said.


Gillem turned to look at the person who had agreed to journey with him. He appeared to be a Vanda Nomad in his lower twenties, with short, dark-brown hair that extended just above his eyes in the front. He wore a leather chestpiece with a green shirt underneath, black pants, leather boots, and carried a sword at his hip. The man wore a long tan-colored scarf wrapped around his shoulders many times, so that it reached just below his chin. There was still enough left over to come close to touching the ground behind him. Gillem was worldly enough to know that the scarf was the sign of a Vanda swordsmaster. The scarf provided protection from sand in the deserts, but it also showed the fluidity of the Vanda in battle. The scarves would trail behind a swordsmaster, leaving a graceful show of their skill. When the man turned to look at the demon's body again as he came past it, Gillem noticed that he wore a shortbow on his back as well.

"Nice to meet you," Gillem said with a smile. "I'm glad to see I'll have at least one companion in my journey." He extended a hand to shake.

The man looked at the outstretched hand, but did not shake it.

"You can call me Kho," he said sternly. "I am a ranger as well as a Nomad. I have reached the swordsmaster rank among the Vanda, and have traveled the world." The man went quiet suddenly, as if he had spoken more than he had meant to.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Gillem said with a friendly smile. "I hope to become better acquainted along our journey. Your worldliness will be much appreciated, as we will be traveling through places I have not yet traveled. Now... are there any others who would like to come along?"

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"I shall!' a shout came from the back of the room. A well built particularly handsome Elf stood up. His hair and eyes the colour of burnished Steel. He walked up to the other two, gulping from a big Flask of wine he was carrying. He placed the Flask on a loop on the pants of his tunic as he reached them. He pulled his sword and scabbard From his belt and held it in front of him. It was a curious looking Scabbard. The handguard was sculpted into the face of an old man with hard features and a rigid beard. The man's mouth was open right where the blade would meet the hilt if the sword was not sheathed. From the mouth the Scabbard continued the the design, a silvery Blue Metal representing his breath moved out from his mouth, and out onto the scabbard where it ended down towards the tip of the blade.

"My name is Olrien Galessong, and this is the blade that will accompany me, it's name is Winter's Gale." After a short pause he added "This blade is the catalyst of my wind magic,for I am an elemental knight." He reattached the blade to his belt swiftly. "I would be glad to accompany you on this quest fine sirs, I am rather done wandering without a cause. It might be fun to have a goal for a change." He said a small smile on his face.

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Braius lifted his head, his interest piqued. The human who had walked in hadn't struck him as a powerful warrior, though the blood had roused his suspicions. "Looks like this particular contest has ended," he said to his tablemates. The only one who replied was another Shantii who weakly raised his drained mug at him in what was supposed to be respect. The large man walked over to where the knight had thrown the corpse. Braius stiffened as he examined the body. "That's. . . impossible. Creatures like this only exist in the legends." An unfamiliar feeling skittered across his heart - fear.

He turned back to the silver-clad human. "You have three companions," he announced. "My blades should be of use on this journey, and they thirst for the blood of these demons." He gestured to the two katar hanging loosely at his simple leather belt. They were clearly made for someone of Braius's size, being large and heavy enough to require a two handed grip from most humans. The blades looked crude upon first inspection, being a bit misshapen and not having the crisp angles and lines of human or elven craftsmanship. However, they were strong, sharp, and decorated with Shantii symbols said to help a berserker channel his rage.

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Eleriese was annoyed. Very annoyed. This strange human had stolen her stage. Not only that, he was dripping blood all over it. Worse still, demon blood. Ick. She stretched her body at the side of the tavern, preparing for her next dance, the Waltz of the Camillas, while barelyly paying attention to the man's words. She had traversed all over Aervana, and such sights were common in every tavern: Some glory-seeking hero, hoping to be the subject of the bard's future epics, proposing some perilous quest or another. Adventure was good and all - she had quite the taste for the unknown, herself - but what always irked Eleriese was the utter unoriginality of the questors. Their proposals always seemed to involve some kind of castle, or treasure, or princess, or demon. There was that one warrior whose quest involved a llama and magical tablecloths, but even then he only wished to traverse the known lands. The safe lands. To Eleriese, no adventure was worthwhile without venturing into new territories, exploring new lands, absorbing new melodies.

As she glanced toward the stage, she groaned slightly. Now the human was waving around a corpse. A demon corpse. Seriously, did he have to bring that out on her stage? She was going to dance there. It looked grosteque, extremely off-putting, and it gave off a pungent smell of rot. Having spent a brief time travelling the realms of the Shadowed, she was somewhat acquainted with such sights, but this human was going to drive away her crowd!

"As for the 'invitation' I bring..."

And there it was. The inevitable request for strong fighters and heroes. While she found it a rather boring show overall, Eleriese paid some attention to the people who volunteered, interested in those with a sense of adventure. Perhaps she could approach one of them to decide on her next destination.

The first who raised his hand was a Vanda Nomad, with short, dark hair and a scarf and chestplate. In other words, everything about him screamed "Warrior and Desert Person." In short, not worth her interest. The human's reply to his offer, however, caught her interest.

"I hope to become better acquainted along our journey. Your worldliness will be much appreciated, as we will be traveling through places I have not yet traveled. Now... are there any others who would like to come along?"

Oho. So he was venturing beyond the measures of safety. This might be more interesting than she thought.

Eleriese approached a nearby patron.

"Sorry, but what was the quest about again?"

The patron turned to her with an exasperated look, but quickly became more friendly when he took in her appearance.

"Oh, this man wishes to lead an expedition to the North; he thinks that the demons may have something to do with the decline of mana. Complete nonsense, of course, if there was..."

While the man trailed on, Eleriese blocked him out and considered. The world's declining mana meant nothing to her. While others may insist that the world was suffering, Eleriese knew otherwise; she had heard the songs of the birds, the tunes of the insects, the breath of the wind. The world was perfectly content, at peace; it was the people living on it who were suffering. Eleriese was hardly an elf one would call immoral: she aided the needy when she came across them, often using her day's earnings to feed homeless children when she happened to dance in a city. However, time and experience had taught her that transient things such as "duty" or "honour" were useless. That said, the proposed quest was of interest to Eleriese for another reason: they were headed North. It was the direction in which she had hardly explored, rarely setting foot in its land. She ached to know what new melodies awaited her in that dark land, what elegies and lamentations were buried in the land....

She turned her attention back to the crowd, noticing that two others had volunteered. A Shantii warrior with particularly ugly swords and a tall, young, handsome Elf. While the design of the scabbard on his side made Eleriese raise an eyebrow - who puts the face of an old man on a sword's guard? - his dignified bearing and silent discipline made her groan. She recognised that air. An Elemental Knight. Probably one of those stuffy honour student types that always looked down on her, back when she was still trying to study magic. She could imagine his life now: a lifetime spent honing "magic energy" and "discipline"; or, as she preferred to call them, pretty lights and boringness. He probably graduated at the top of his class, enlisted with the Elemental Knights and rose to prominence. The thought of having to travel with a prude made Eleriese frown slightly, but this might be her only chance to travel to the Northern Lands - with an escort, no less.

Well, even if she didn't quite catch the Knight's name, there was no denying that he was quite the strapping young elf...

She raised her gloved hand and waved it around until she captured the human's attention. Walking up to the stage, to her stage, she spoke up.

"I'd like to tag along."

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A group of men sit at a table talking quietly when a human in shining armor walked in and stepped on stage where the elfish girl was dancing and started shouting about demons from the north the men just stayed at their making fun of the human until he tossed a small, dark, insect like creature at a man. "Way to look sane" whispered one of the men at the table as all the other men laughed to them self except the taller elf who just stared at the creature emotionless. at this point some other people in the tavern started to join in with the man starting with the Nomad Ranger, then an Elf in the back who was an Elemental Knight with control of the wind, a Shantii Berserker, shockingly the dancer girl joined to. The taller Elf stood up from the table and said "I'll join" then the men at the table laughed and said "Have you forgotten we have a job to do" the elf whispered to the men and the men left. The Elf walked up to the group towering over all but the Berserker and moved his bangs out of his face and tied his white hair into a pony tail revealing his red eyes and snow white skin and said "You can call me Es" putting his hand out "I can work as you scout"

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Gillem looked at the five people standing before him. A Vanda swordsmaster, an elven elemental knight, one of the Shantii, an elf who could apparently scout, and the elven dancer from the stage. There was definitely some variety in the fighting styles present, which struck Gillem as a good sign. This was more people than he had hoped would join him. He nodded to each of them. "I thank you for choosing to join me. I'd like to get to know you all during the journey." He turned back to the crowd. "Would anyone else like to join?" When no hands were forthcoming, he gave a bow. "I thank you for your time, and I apologize for the interruption." Looking at the people who had decided to go with him, he nodded, setting his mind to the task ahead.

"Let's go."

When they were outside, Gillem turned to the small group. "Now, I'd like to get to know you all, and you need to be acquainted with each other. I will not tolerate any racism or prejudices here. We're going to be like a family for a long while now. With that settled, I'd like us all to perform some introductions. I'll go first." He cleared his throat. "As you know, my name is Gillem. I am a warrior, and I prefer a longsword and a shield. I come from a smaller village west of Atlantica called Tangstead. I trained to become a warrior as a knight in the military, but I left 2 years ago, deciding that that was not the sort of life I wanted to live. I love this world, and while it may not be evident yet, I believe the constant drain of mana is hurting it. I'm no mage, and I haven't the slightest idea of how to use magic, but I still want to save this world. That's why I'm here today." He looked at the group. "That's a little about me. Who's next?"

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"I!" said Olrien. He took a step forward and he stood in a relaxed effortless stance. He took a swig from his huge flask before continuing. All of them could see his unusually coloured eyes that matched his Hair, both the colour of Burnished Steel.

"I am Olrien Galessong, a proud member of the Galessong family. We are traditionally elemental Knights of Ice or Wind. I completed my training about 15 years ago, and have been wondering since, as Wind Knights do. As a Wind Knight we are not held by the same tenents as the other knights, all elements have their own traditions. Wind Knights like the wind itself are free spirits that wander the world in search of quests and people to aid. Like the Wind we are typically not held down in one place too long."

He then pulled his sword from his belt once again. "This is Winter's Gale, a sword that has belonged to my family for centuries." "This sword is a part of me, and extension of my very being, and will never be drawn without tasting blood. It is not for wanton destruction, but is a weapon of patience, and skill."

" I have heard the mana was dwindling in this world, and now I have a chance to do something about it." He took a bow, and then stepped back to where he was, in one swift graceful movement.

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Eleriese stood in the group of men, yawning. Introductions. Yay. She tuned out most of the speech, only paying attention to the name; not knowing their names might lead to awkward situations. As she waited for her turn, she glanced inside her bag to check that everything was there: two ribbons, a fan, a shawl, a pair of luminescent gloves, a pair of white flats, several bottles of luminescent body paint, a pair of sleeve extensions, and a bag of clinking coins. The load was relatively light - aside from the coins, of course - and made for quick travelling. As the grey-haired elf began to speak, Eleriese dug her bare toes into the gravel, enjoying the rough feeling of the world and absorbing the tiny sounds of the insects bustling around, feeling their vibrations through her feet and allowing them to resonate through her. As she immersed herself in this unseen world, the Elf's name caught her attention.

"I am Olrien Galessong..."

Wait. Olrien? That Olrien? The cute boy she used to play with? Eleriese squinted at his features. It was him, no doubt. She had somehow missed it before, but he had those nice, slate gray eyes, the same colour as his hair. As he finished speaking and steeped back, Eleriese jump-tackled him and held him in a long embrace.

"Olly! It's been waaaaaaaaaay too long! How've you been?! You're a Knight, now? Wow... I knew it was going to happen eventually, but... wow..."

Eleriese disentangled herself from Olrien and took a few steps back, before bending over, crossing her hands behind her back and putting her face squarely in Olrien's field of vision.

"Don't you remember? It's me! Eleri!"

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"Eleri!" Olrien had a huge grin spread across his face. "It has been forever Little Dancer, though I guess I can't call you that anymore, you are hardly the little elf girl I once knew."

"The village was so quiet without you around, Headmaster Gileas had no more ornery mage apprentices to yell at and scold. Well other than me anyway, I still gave him hell, and made sure to make up for the amount you had given him when you left." He said the smile still stretching from ear to ear." He prattled off a few more names of people in the town and how they were doing. "My parents still not happy that I am a Windborn Galessong, wanting me to follow in Grandpa's and Father's shoes of Ice Magic, but I never took to that. Ice was never free enough for me, the rules too rigid, the armour to restrictive."

" I never know if I would see you again, Little Danc....shoot I need to stop calling you that...." He said a little bit flustered. "I've missed you quite a bit Eleri, you were one of the only true friends I ever had, so glad I found you again."

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"I guess we're off to a great start then!" the Shantii interrupted. "Two of our group members here already know one another; it's nice to see people getting along so well." The large man offered a rather flamboyant bow, contrasting sharply with his simple leather clothing, some of which was more patches than original garment. The impression was further altered by a belch smelling strongly of alcohol. "Whoops, sorry about that. A small argument arose earlier; we were working it out when our human friend here showed up and stole everyone's attention. Lovely performance, by the way," he said, gesturing to the dancer.

"Anyway, though, I am known as Braius. I'll just say that my proficiency in battle relies on me getting very upset." He looked about with a broad grin. "Nice to get to know you little guys."

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Eleriese clucked her tongue in amusement.

"A Berserker. Quite the... stereotypical profession for the Shantii. Not that it's a bad thing. I like you. Much thanks for the compliment; Shantii performers are pretty good, themselves. I've been around, and Shantii melodies do hold a charm of their own."

She turned toward the rest of the party.

"Oh, right. I haven't actually introduced myself yet. I'm Eleriese Fyrnhed. Kind of hard for non-Elves to remember, so Eleri's fine. That's what my friends call me. As you already know, I am a dancer. Probably the only Elvish dancer, I think. Everyone else wants to learn magic. Not me; dancing is my dream. My mana pool's too small for conventional magic, anyway."

She walked over to Olrien and threw an arm across his shoulders.

"Olly and I used to play all the time back when we were kids. He's a rebel. Well, not as much as me though."

Her gaze became harder.

"As for battle proficiency... well, I'm a dancer. I dance. That's about it. I can defend myself in close quarters, no problem, but brawling it out on the front lines? I'll pass. I'd rather not get demon blood all over myself. Ick."

Eleriese shivered with disgust at the prospect, then returned to the issue at hand.

"That said, I can help in other ways. If we're short in funds, I could probably - using a combination of perfectly moral and somewhat questionable means - get a decent amount of coin in a night if it's a lively city. Also, I've travelled the continent; I'm pretty familiar with the land. Also with edible berries. And inedible berries. And I do hear a lot of rumours in my various stints in taverns... that might possibly help? Also, I think I may have mentioned this before, but I can dance. Yeah."

In the ensuing atmosphere of awkwardness, Eleriese blushed a deep crimson, then mitigated it by pirouetting on the spot several times, ending in a deep curtsy.

"So, nice to meet you, and please take care of me."

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"No need to worry Eleri, I am here, you will most definitely be safe." Said Olrien, a warm smile on his face.

"And nice to meet you as well Braius." said Olrien as he reached into a small bag on his belt. He pulled out a smaller flask, and he tossed it to the big brute of a man named Braius. "That ones on me, not sure if you will like it or not, it is bit iffy since it is a homebrew recipe I created. I call it Windsong. It isn't anywhere near a good fine Wine, or a mead, but it will do on the trail." after that little exchange Olly added "And for those of you who aren't drinkers, I can brew a mean tea as well. It is a family recipe, I sure Eleri remembers it pretty well, it was quite the thing back in the village, one of the reasons the Galessongs are so well known. Who would think a Family of Elemental Knights would be well known for making tea?"

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Eleriese rolled her eyes at Olrien's boasting.

"Please. I remember your first attempts at brewing that. Still get nightmares about it some times."

She shuddered as she recalled the taste. She stole a quick glance at the other elf in the party: he was staring straight ahead, not saying anything, scarcely even blinking. She lightly took hold of Olrien's chin in her slim, pale fingers and gently guided his ear next to her lips, speaking in a soft whisper.

"That aside, do you recognise that other elf? He's not from our village, is he? Do you think he's alright?"

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Olrien had a stern expression come over his face. He studied the Elf Eleri had just asked about for some time. He had never seen this Elf before. Olrien had one hand behind his back to cast a small spell, he wanted to be discreet as possible to deliver the message to Eleri. He conjured a small wind he blew by her ear.

Only she would her in his voice "He is not from a village for a certain. I would remember a face like his, especially with that snow white hair, it isn't very common for elves. I however don't think he is a threat, I am sure he is alright. However, I am sure he will speak up soon, best way to know a person is what they tell you. Because even if they are lying, you still get information about them."

Olrien made special care that the wind didn't pass too close to anybody else, then he tried too dump suspicion.

"Can't expect the tea to taste to divine the first time you make it. Tea Brewing is an art, just as much as swordsmanship, Magic, and Dancing." He said with a reassuring smile on his face. "It takes a patient hand and a calm mind, much like Painting.....I really should take that up sometime." he said with a chuckle.

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Es stood there just listening to the other group members introduce themselves the other elves Olrien and Eleri they knew each other. The first one, the elemental knight used wind magic and had a pedigree. The Shantii Braius acted differently than any Shantii I've met and yet he might just be drunk. This human it’s just a feeling but it seems like he knows too much about this mana decline. Es steeped in the circle bowed and introduced himself.

"Hello you may call me Es I know it's not your normal elf name but it was what my human father said was all that was readable in my crib so he called me that." Es said looking down "Also as you can see I'm an ranger" as he lifted his longbow from across his chest

"I was raised in human territory so truthfully I don't understand elvish or their traditions"

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"Nice to meet you Es, and I thought you were a bit tall for an Elf." said Olrien with friendly smile. "I would be happy to teach about your elvish heritage, so long as you want to. I will warn you though, I am not a very good teacher. Eleri could probably attest to that, tried to help her with her magic studies once when she was still studying it. Let's just say it wasn't pretty lol." after a small chuckle he added "Be glad it isn't magic I am teaching you."

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Eleriese glanced to the side.

"I think my lacking innate mana might have contributed to that."

She turned to Es.

"I'm a bit rusty with our traditions, myself. I've been away from the elves a long time."

She smiled, then turned toward Gillem.

"More to the point, aren't we spending a bit too much time talking here? We're in the middle of the street and people are looking at us funny. We should probably quicken our pace...unless we're waiting for someone?"

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"Eleri, I was referring to the incident where I tried to teach you fire magic, and accidentally burned down Gileas's house, should have known another element wouldn't have been easy to control, but I was of bit of an idiot back then.

"But I didn't mean it that way, I am sorry, I should choose my words more carefully, I didn't mean to offend." Olrien said a bit red in the face. He looked rather flustered.

"Anyway, I agree With Eleri we best get moving." He said after regaining his composure. "We can talk a bit more on the road."

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"Sounds good to me," Braius stated. He tasted the liquor that Olrien had tossed to him. "This is good, for Elvish alcohol. Not nearly enough kick, but still good." He turned to walk down the street, waiting for the rest of the group. After a brief moment, he turned back. "Where is it that we're headed, again?"

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"Yes we should get going but Braius don't you think we're forgetting someone?" Es said as he glanced to the nomad in the group.

"Actually I find rather strange that no one really noticed you. You the strong but silent type?" he said to the nomad with a smirk on his face.

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Olrien looked closely at the nomad man, he had known he was there since the beginning after all he was the first volunteer, Kho was his name. Olrien wondered why the man didn't speak up.

Olrien stared at the Nomad intently, he studied his face, and his gear. In His gut Olrien felt he could trust this man, there was something about him that said that to Olrien, amongst his hard features. Olrien knew this man had seen many battles, but he didn't feel this man was a murderer like most soldiers, warriors and Rangers felt when he crossed paths with them.

"Es, lay off the man." Olrien said a very stern look on his face. "He has the right to not speak if that is what he chooses." Olrien's previously good mood all but vanished at this point. "He has the right to remain quiet, do not tease him because he chooses to exercise that right." Olrien relaxed a little bit "We will be companions on the road for awhile, friends, I am sure Kho will open up to us eventually, but for now do not press him on the matter."

After a short pause he added. "Not all of us Warrior types like to talk freely, I used to that way, until I met a particular Elf Girl who wanted to be a dancer."

Olrien gently placed his hand on Eleri's shoulder. " She taught me it was okay to be who I am and not shelter myself behind a curtain of Iron. I tried to teach her things, but in the end I was her student, she was the real teacher. She saved me from myself, and is one of the only reasons I am standing here before you to go on this quest with you."

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Eleriese blushed slightly at Olrien's praise.

"You're overselling me. All I did was slap you. And cry. And speak in a commanding tone of voice. Now that was fun."

She looked at Gillem.

"Seriously though, we should get moving. I'm getting restless. If we stand here any longer, I might spontaneously start a waltz."

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"Yes we should get going, but Braius, don't you think we're forgetting someone?" Es said, looking at Kho.

"Actually I find rather strange that no one really noticed you. You the strong but silent type?" he said to the nomad with a smirk on his face.

Kho shifted his weight nervously. As he was about to mutter a reply, Olrien spoke up.

"Es, lay off the man." Olrien said, a very stern look on his face. "He has the right to not speak if that is what he chooses. He has the right to remain quiet, do not tease him because he chooses to exercise that right." We will be companions on the road for awhile, friends, I am sure Kho will open up to us eventually, but for now do not press him on the matter."

After a short pause he added. "Not all of us Warrior types like to talk freely, I used to that way, until I met a particular Elf Girl who wanted to be a dancer."

Olrien gently placed his hand on Eleri's shoulder. "She taught me it was okay to be who I am and not shelter myself behind a curtain of Iron. I tried to teach her things, but in the end I was her student, she was the real teacher. She saved me from myself, and is one of the only reasons I am standing here before you to go on this quest with you."

Kho was thankful that Olrien had shifted the conversation away from him. "Sorry..." he muttered, and then looked away.


Gillem cleared his throat. "Well, now that everything's settled, I think Eleri has a point. We shouldn't loiter in the streets. However, I was thinking that we might pay a stop at the inn." He yawned. "It's rather late, and we're in no rush. We only need to get to Sakiiri, and we have seven days to do it. We're going to meet a friend of mine there who should have some extra group members for us. Make your way to the inn whenever you're ready, and we'll meet back here tomorrow morning." With that, he turned off towards the inn. In a small town like Saarid, it wasn't hard to find. The whole town was pretty much one long road with shops and houses on either side.


Kho started to head off towards the inn, before taking a few turns and going to a small patch of trees. There, he drew his sword, Essence. It was not an intricately carved sword. It was simple, but not bland. It was just what it's name described -- the essence of a longsword. For that, it was beautiful. The blade gleamed silver in the moonlight, a sharp contrast to the black grip. In that small grove, under the light of the moon, Kho went through the intricate motions of his swordplay, scarf flowing behind him, until at last, in the early hours of morning, he fell asleep against a young sapling.

Edited by Flux
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"I think I am going to hit the hay, see you in the morning Eleri." said Olrien as he started to walk off.

Olrien was was glad he had restocked his tea and alcohol brewing supplies earlier in the day, as now the stores were all closed, as he walking he noticed Kho duck off to the side out into the small forest near the town. Probably going to want to be alone, maybe practice his sword skills. Thought Olrien to himself. It would be best to leave him be, I understand what he is doing and I wouldn't want to interfere with that.

Olrien went up to his room he had gotten in the inn the day, after buying everyone in the bar a round of drinks. (He did it anonymously). He undressed from his day clothes, and got into a fine silk rode that he slept in. It was also a skyblue, accented with a grey the same color as his eyes. He then sat on the floor and meditated for a short time, He placed his blade across his lap unsheathed. Winter's Gale was it's name. From the handguard shaped as an old man's face, came a brillant sky blue blade. it was shaped as a gust of air, as it swept into a curve. It was an ornately carved Katana, one that had been passed down in the Galessong family for decades, even centuries. He made his prayers to Cintiel. "Queen of the Skies, may your winds be in my favour, may they carry me and my companion's to safety, may they guide us on our journey."

Olrien then took the blade that sat on his lap, and took it to his own hand. It bit into his flesh gently, and cut cleanly and true. After he wiped the blood from the blade he stashed it away. Then he dressed the wound on his hand rather quickly to avoid getting any dirt in the cut.

"A blade is never to be drawn without reason, it must not be used for wanton destruction, or wayward whims and desires." He removed the blade tonight to remind himself of this tenet, a blade must not be drawn if it is not to taste blood. Before it shall be placed back into's it home, it must fulfill it's duty, to taste blood.

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Eleriese watched as Olrien walked quietly into the night. Sighing, she turned and moved toward the inn.

As she opened the door, the young innkeeper looked up and gave her a slight smile.

"Eleri! It's been too long!"

Eleriese rolled her eyes at the innkeeper's dramatics.

"It's only been a month."

"Exactly! Too long!"

Eleriese's lips curled up slightly in a barely discernable smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Gram. I need a place to stay the night. Is the usual arrangement fine?"

Gram gave a quick nod.

"Certainly. But are you sure about it? I'll be more than happy to just give you a room, no charge!"

Eleriese laughed softly, a sweet, resonant laugh.

"Thank you for the offer, but I really need to dance. My feet are itching to move."

Gram moved from behind the counter and lit several of the candles in the lounge, illuminating a spot of empty space in the middle.

"Then, my dear, the stage is yours."

"One more thing..."

Eleriese's eyes lit up with mischief.

"...I need accompaniment. If you would...?"

Gram strode over to the wall and plucked an aged mandolin off a hook.

"Name a song."

Eleriese thought for a bit. She needed to dance, but she should perform a rejuvenating one to ensure she is well-rested...

"Hmmm... Play "The Arrival of Fresh Dawn", please."

"I see your favorites haven't changed much at all."

Gram started to strum the familiar tube on the mandolin, causing Eleriese's instincts to stir.

"The morning breaks, the Sun reigns now;

A sky of sapphire, no more the dark howls.

The dew in the forest, the songs of the jays,

The morning comes now at the dawn of the day."

As Gram sang, Eleriese's body moved of its own accord. She followed no routines, used no established techniques; her body simply followed the nuances of the melody, moving naturally, twirling, twisting, turning, leaping. As she danced, she felt the magic flow through her, changing as it flowed, converting into energy, refreshing her more than a night of rest possibly could. As she moved, she felt energy radiate out from her. The patrons sitting at the bar and lounge felt themselves energised, rejuvenated.

All eyes turned to look at Eleriese as she, together with Gram, wove an elaborate tapestry of music and movement. And thus did Eleriese dance the night away, praising the coming of the dawn.

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