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Rejuvenation v13.5 - Gen 9 Starters! (Full Gen 9 implementation in Development)


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DISCLAIMER: Use this mod with immense caution. This mod may cause a bug that will have menus in-game freeze due to the game not being able to properly update the dexList between updates since it won't be able to initially find the Gen 9 starter IDs. It works fine once the mod is installed, but the uninstallation will be listed down below for anyone that has had issues freezing menus while using this mod.


Gen 9 Starters


Introducing the Gen 9 starters to Rejuv!


Not much else to it other than that, just a somewhat simple mod that adds in the Gen 9 starters to Rejuv, all of which are obtainable at the start of the game and through in-game events. This also includes their signature moves as well as animations for each of them. Some trainers have also been given the starters on their team, so be on the lookout for 'em!


Gen 9 Starter locations:




  • Gifted by Adrienn after completing the Goldenwood Forest Restoration Quest.*



  • Hide-and-seek/Chase event in Valor Mountain after beating Souta.



  • Gifted by Maman after finding all 11 Lost Children.*



*NOTE: For those of you that are far past Adrienn and Maman's quests to receive the starters, there's a folder containing an optional addition that includes someone to gift you all 3 starters. This person can be found back in the Grand Hall after beating Ryland.


Major Battles that include the Gen 9 Starters:




  • Has Meowscarada, replacing Rotom-Mow.



  • Has Skeledirge, replacing Flareon, Chandelure, and Incineroar in their respective battles.


Rorim B:

  • Has the Quaxly line, replacing Vivillon, Mr. Mime, and Altaria in their respective battles.



Download Link:

Mirror 1 (MEGA)


Mirror 2 (Google Drive)




Extract the contents of each folder into their respective locations in the Game's files and replace when prompted. The Flower Trick.rb file in the Mods folder is necessary for Flower Trick to properly work. The folders that say NOT NECESSARY are, well, not necessary to put in your Game's files. They're just the modified scripts for compiling, but I included them because: 1. In case I accidentally wipe the code by updating again. 2. For anyone curious about the modified code.



 To successfully uninstall the mod, you'll need to do some work on your part to fix it, but it's pretty simple:


First, follow haru's Modding Tutorial here to get the console up and running: 


Only the 1st step is necessary, the one that details how to activate the console in the game in order to run commands.


Next are 2 methods that will clear out the invalid IDs that are causing the freezing issue with your save:


1. The first way is to go pull up the commands (F6) and type $Trainer.pokedex.dexList.remove(:NEWPOKEMONID) (with NEWPOKEMONID being the numerical IDs of the Pokemon added by my mod) and removing them 1-by-1 until all 3 evolutionary lines have been removed from the dex.


2. The second (and slightly faster) way is to download this file and place it in your Mods folder:


Then go into game and type in the command $Trainer.pokedex.cleanDexList() which should clean up the dex list of all invalid IDs.


After, it should cease the freezing occurring at the start and in-game menus and such with your save file.


Also, huge shoutout to @TayroWinters for providing the solution as well as the PokedexCleaner.rb file to remedy the issue of freezing menus!




  • Due to the nature of how the Game's data files work, compatibility will be tricky as this mod can't be made modular, it's just impossible. Therefore, any mod that edits the list of Pokemon, move animations, trainer teams, or any of these listed map files will NOT be compatible.
    • Map 042
    • Map 139
    • Map 140
    • Map 175
    • Map 225
    • Map 264
    • Map 272
    • Map 304
    • Map 413
  • Due to requests from others, I have gone ahead and made compatibility with my Battle Bond mod, which the compatibility is included in an optional folder of the mod's files.



Known Bugs:

  • There's no egg sprites for the Gen 9 starters.
    • No sprites have been made for it, and I'm too bad at spritework to try to make it myself.




Can I use this on my current save? Do I need to restart the game?

You do not need to start a new save file, but if you are past certain points of the game you will not be able to receive Sprigatito or Quaxly. Therefore, a folder containing additional files has been added in order to give all 3 starters after beating the 14th gym.


Why only the starters? Why not the rest of Gen 9?

Gen 9 has a multitude of new mechanics that are a bit tedious to add and would require heavy script edits, restricting its compatibility. The starters are simple enough to begin with, and therefore all that will be added until further progress has been made on the development of Gen 9's implementation into Rejuvenation.


Will you be adding the rest of Gen 9 as well? How long will that take?

The plan is for full implementation of Gen 9 into Rejuv, but many of us in the modding community are currently waiting to see when Rejuv is in a stable state to begin that process. There's no estimated release date, but hopefully one of us will be able to push out a Gen 9 mod soon enough. I may not even be the one to make one, but I know a lot of people are eager to have Gen 9 in Rejuv so that's why I made this simple one for now.


Progress has been made by myself and a couple other mod authors into incorporating the rest of Gen 9 into Rejuv! Although we're unsure whether we'll release a Gen 9 mod ourselves, we want to at least provide a template for others to introduce Gen 9 into their own work if they choose to. We still have a bit to trudge through, so there's no exact ETA on a release date for an AllGen Rejuvenation template, but we've been making progress at a steady rate. If you'd like to see the progress made or have any feedback towards how Gen 9 should be represented in-game, I'll link the discord below to allow those interested to communicate with the myself and the rest of the team.


Are you planning on adding terastallization?

Hell no lmao.


How can I contact you for questions?

I'll try to check the forums as much as I can, but it's better to reach me on discord if you need anything. My discord handle is katowoozy, or you can find me in the Reborn discord with the name AsN.



Gen 9 Development Discord Link:





@Fervis for providing permission to use their mod's code as well as their formatted sprites and icons as a template to add in the starters! Check out their AllGen Reborn Mod if you're interested in playing through Reborn with all of Gen 9 implemented!

DarkusShadow on DeviantArt for their Gen 9 starter overworld sprites!

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Small Minor Update released:


  • Updated the Mod to v13.5.5.
  • Added optional compatibility to my Battle Bond mod.


I'm not exactly sure what changed in the new update, but just in case I have decided to update the mod using the current files. This took a bit longer since I accidentally hit the updater on the files where I stored the modified scripts, so I have also included the modified scripts in the mod primarily for my use to have backups in case I mess up again. They are NOT necessary to have in your files, the Battle_Move.rb is the only script that is necessary to replace in your Script folder. Installation is still the same regarding the Audio, Data, and Graphics folders otherwise.


I have also added optional compatibility for my Battle Bond mod since the two mods originally cannot work in tandem given that they both edit the mons.dat and trainers.dat files. You merely need to extract the contents from the Data folder in the optional compatibility folder to the Data folder in the Game's files. Once again, you DO NOT need to extract the contents of the Scripts folder to your Game's files.


Thank you and I hope you all have been enjoying v13.5!

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Small Hotfix released:


  • Fixed the issue with errors popping up when trying to select moves or switch during battles.


Thank you to @Snipey for providing the fix while I was at work.


The Battle_Move.rb file is no longer necessary to be replaced. I have made it so defining Flower Trick's crit to be modular, meaning you just need to put the Flower Trick.rb file in the mods folder in order for it to work.


Apologies for the inconvenience, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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Minor Patch Released:


  • Fixed the issue with Flower Trick not being a guaranteed crit.
  • Updated to the mod to v13.5.6.


Looks like I left an experimental version of the Flower Trick.rb file in my last update, so apologies for that. Also, the mod is now properly updated to v13.5.6, and Rejuv should hopefully be slowing down with the patches so this update should be safe for a while before I need to update it again.


NOTE: It has come to my attention that there has been more frequent reports regarding the game freezing for a couple seconds at the start menu and in-game menu, mainly for people that are attempting to uninstall the mod. This is because the game still logs the Gen 9 starters in the Pokedex list regardless of whether you've seen them or not, causing the game to freeze because it can't properly update the Pokedex while there are invalid IDs still currently registered in it. Therefore, a detailed solution in regards to properly uninstalling the mod after removing all the associated Data files and replacing them with the vanilla ones has been listed in the main post.


Should also be noted, as a result that this mod be used very cautiously, as this issue will persist until Rejuv v13.5 is completely finished receiving updates.


I hope you all have been enjoying v13.5 and you all have a wonderful day!

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  • 1 month later...

Great mod, thanks for the effort you put into this.


I was curious to see if there is a fix for the freeze bug when trying to breed the new gen 9 starters, specifically Skeliderge? Trying to breed with a Slakoth for the slack off egg move but it freezes when the egg hatches?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small Hotfix Released:


  • Fixed the issue regarding Gen 9 starter eggs freezing upon hatching/hatching into final evolved forms.


This was an oversight on my part, so apologies. I forgot to include the pre-evolved species for each starter's evolved forms, which caused issues when trying to breed the starters. I apologize for anyone that experienced issues with breeding, and hope that this will be the last hotfix necessary for the mod.


All Gen Rejuvenation in Development!


In other news, myself and a couple of others have taken on the task of implementing Gen 9 fully into Rejuvenation! It is still very much in the works, so there's no exact ETA on when it will be released, and the actual mod itself most likely won't be made by us since we mostly want to provide a template for others to build upon. However, if you'd like to see our progress made on implementing Gen 9, you can join our discord to receive updates and provide feedback. The link is provided in the forum post, but I'll also include a link in this post as well. 




I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love this mod and I do also like making changes to mons myself, such as adding fairy to meganium or dragon to Yanmega etc. There is only one problem and it's when using the 'compileAll' code, it seems to break the starters, resulting in the error below. I just find it weird that compileMons and compilemoves don't do this on their own, only when I use the 'all' code. I've also looked at the code at PBMove which is also below, so I'm not really sure what the issue is. Should I just avoid using compileAll or is there something that could be done?




love the mods you put out btw, especially the alt form one from some of those were pretty sick. 

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On 2/9/2024 at 6:26 PM, Magestii said:

Love this mod and I do also like making changes to mons myself, such as adding fairy to meganium or dragon to Yanmega etc. There is only one problem and it's when using the 'compileAll' code, it seems to break the starters, resulting in the error below. I just find it weird that compileMons and compilemoves don't do this on their own, only when I use the 'all' code. I've also looked at the code at PBMove which is also below, so I'm not really sure what the issue is. Should I just avoid using compileAll or is there something that could be done?




love the mods you put out btw, especially the alt form one from some of those were pretty sick. 

This error pops up most likely due to not using proper formatting when applying a typing to a new move. It's not an actual issue with PBMove.rb itself, but rather the compiler cannot run the command due to syntax errors. 


I'm honestly unsure why compileMoves works for you and not compileAll without being able to see your console to look at your errors, but it is recommended to try to stray away from using compileAll if possible as some of the Devs have discussed issues regarding it.


Otherwise, are there any changes or additions you made to any moves at all? You made sure to properly format the typing?


And thank you, I appreciate your support for the mods I've made thus far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there! Im having trouble uninstalling the mod, the menu freezes are driving me insane, i installed the dex cleaner, run the command but it just gives me an error, i tried to 1-by-1 method and its the same too, i dont know what to do atp :/


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17 hours ago, hisoyey said:

Hi there! Im having trouble uninstalling the mod, the menu freezes are driving me insane, i installed the dex cleaner, run the command but it just gives me an error, i tried to 1-by-1 method and its the same too, i dont know what to do atp :/


I'm assuming you've already replaced all of the modded files with vanilla ones already, correct? If you try to do this while still having the Gen 9 starters modded in, then it will cause issues.

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  • 2 months later...

Announcement for the Gen 9 Mod Development


Hi everyone.


First off, I want to give one massive apology for how silent we've been for the duration of the mod's development. I know that we haven't done a very good job on updating everyone with how our progress has been going, and this is mostly due to how busy all of us have been throughout this process. Though that is not an excuse, I still want to give a reason as to why we've been dead silent so far. Hopefully, however, this post will bring the good news that'll make up for such.


Secondly, I wanted to quickly mention of the new people that joined our team during the last couple weeks: Sapphiada and wingdings! Sapphiada joined to help with refining our code and lots of bug testing while we were very busy on our own end, and wingdings provided help with our lack of knowledge when it came to animations! These two have been a great help to our team, and we were able to amp up development progress with their help.


Thirdly, as I sort of stated in the recent point, we began internal Dev testing a couple weeks ago. That means, yes, we have finished implementation of Gen 9's mechanics into Rejuv and have been focusing on snuffing out any errors with the Scripts. This was primarily why we were so silent, because we had little time to make updates and was mostly focused on being able to release the template as soon as possible. We apologize for that, but now this brings us to our final point...


We are now inviting people to join closed beta testing for the mod!


Now, before anyone gets too excited, I will state that this mod still does NOT contain any content. That means vanilla Rejuv is still untouched, you won't find any Gen 9 content in the mod. Remember, our first and foremost priority was creating a template for people to use for their own modding purposes. Whether that was to incorporate Gen 9 into a mod you're releasing, or just wanting to add Palafin in your game to sweep for you, we wanted to first release a very simple and basic version of the mod that other people can build off of.


This was also intended for the Devs to use to help with their implementation of Gen 9 into Rejuv for their next update, and will hopefully provide some assistance with Reborn modders and Deso Devs with implementing Gen 9 into their games as well.


I will also include that this mod contains very little field interactions with Gen 9 moves/abilities/mechanics. We do not want to dictate how these mechanics will interact with Rejuv's field mechanics. Therefore, we highly encourage you DO NOT mod the game on your own unless its purpose is to help us fix an error with our code.


As such, this means that this beta version of the mod is NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE. If you are accepted into the Testing team and plan on using this untested version of the mod in your own mod release, then you're responsible for any bugs you encounter when creating your mod.


Further description regarding the Tester position will be displayed in the Google Form to apply for the position, which I will provide a link to below.


We thank you all for your patience and support on our project towards proper Gen 9 added the Aevium Region!


Application Form for Rejuv Gen 9 Mod testing.

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