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Can someone hack me through debug mode torchic mudkip tepig chimchar snivy scorbunny grookey and indeedee so i can shiny hunt them normally?


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Hey guys so as I mention above I will put my save file below and if someone could hack me the pokemon I mentioned above I would really appreciate it.Finally why indeedee?Well if ypu played through the story events of marble mansion in v12,then when you update to v13 and come back there is no indeedee there

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I've never actually done this before, but I can try for you. Just to make sure I'm clear on what you want though, I'm just getting you Torchic, Mudkip, Chimchar, Snivy, Scorbunny, Grookey, Turtwig, and Indeedee?


Also I'm not sure if you've even uploaded your save file yet because you posted like three minutes ago haha but if you have already put it up, I can't see it :( if it just isn't up yet though I'll check back in a few minutes so I can get started :)

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Sorry about that! Didn't mean to give you the wrong file, and I went straight to bed after posting that so I didn't realize anything was wrong until just now. Thanks Kyuu for taking care of that!

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