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Stamp Locations in V13?


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I was trying to get all the stamps and I seem to be missing two of them. One of them is the Virtual Gym Stamp, the other one, according to the item guide, should be given to me by a scientist in the power plant,, in the "rotom change" room. But I have no idea where that is?


Anyone know where to find this stamp in V13? Or am I out of luck if I did the event already? I have debug, so I imagine I could just debug it if it is bugged, 





EDIT: According to the guide the stamps that exist are

-Scientist in Power Plant After Narcissa Quest

-Virtual Gyms

-Neptune Battle

-GDC Help Quest

-GDC Store Stamp

-Kimono Girl Stamp

-Venus Stamp



The only one of these I have not done is the Virtual Gyms, but I am told I only have 5 stamps. Did one of these bug and not give me a stamp or do I just need to talk to them again or something?

Edited by pizzagod13
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Sometimes they won't give you the stamp without talking to the questgiver - I had forgotten to talk to the Gentleman in the Rose Theater and hadn't gotten the Stamp until I went on a shopping spree 3 episodes later, for example.

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