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Pokemon Aftermath #1: Assault on Eterna. (IC)


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"Bleh, so much gore and not one shower to wash down in" Color pouted, walking through a long and dark corridor. Her hands were coated with glistening stains of blood, not her own though, she was too skilled for that. Leafeon nodded her head, yowling angrily as her own blood-caked claws clicked loudly against the glossy floor. Who knew she would end up in a mess like this, a flurry of fighting, madness, morals and the human craving to take control. It made her giggle, giggle at herself and giggle at those who thought of themselves being on a "team".

"Some team this turned out to be." Color laughed shrilly, gripping her forehead and digging her fingernails in her scalp for comfort. It was no time to lose her mind now, it was far too soon for that to happen. There were things that she still had to do, and yet not enough time to do it in. Damnit all, goddamnit all! The ebony-haired trainer looked down at her partner. Poised, dangerous, on-edge, and bloodthirsty. Yet, something felt off as if Color was discovering something that she did not see in her Leafeon before.

"Blade." Color blurted out of the blue. The grass feline looked up, her torn ear tilted to the side in confusion.


"That's you're new name now. Yea, I know I am about four years late, but eh." Color replied bluntly, removing her nails from her head and wiping the bloody prints on her denim shorts and shaking the spikes of hair clean of any leftover sand. She turned her head towards the exit, noticing the sounds of explosions and...speech? But wait.

"Eargle!" a confused bark echoed in the acrobatic's ears, making Blade growl angrily.

"Wait!" Color hissed, her grey eyes squinting in the dark as she noticed splashes of suspicious green paint dripping down on the far wall. None of the symbols were readable from human language, but she knew those symbols anywhere.

"Smeargle..." Color whispered softly, quickly identifying the timid pitter-patter of footsteps gracing the polished floor. She hasn't seen one of those since...Color looked down at her single gold bracelet, grabbing the little charm shaped in the rare normal type. Oh how her heart ached, how it simply sobbed to see the painterly dog and promise it safety. But she had to ignore it for now, knowing the Church keen knowledge of keeping track of trainers that carried an illegal amount of Pokemon and their death decided mere hours later.

"I'll see you again little guy..." Color sighed, whistling to Blade to follow her. The two disappeared through the door, picking up speed towards the main area where the fighting was deafening and the smell of blood made her nose wrinkle in disgust.

"Ugh, Foul."

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Yeah I'm way late for the story but hi XD

Hi Absol-lutely~ We don't mind if you join (I recently joined in myself), but please post your character and Pokemon in the Roleplay Character Thread here first: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5374. Since KingMurdoc did post his character description there first, he is able to get Absol as his character's partner. If you still want to join, you will need to choose another Pokemon that we have not chosen. Also, this thread is for the storyline, not for chatting and sign up purposes. This is where you want to chat/ask questions and sign up for this RP: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5539. That is also where you will find the rules, Pokemon chosen, who is in the RP, etc.

To everyone: I know this is not where I am supposed to be discussing this, but seeing that Absol-lutely is constantly replying to this thread instead of the other, I can only assume that he didn't look at the sign up one. I will be replying to King shortly after this.

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Miki chuckled when she heard the Absol, putting a stray strand of hair behind her ear in the process. She turned around to face him once more. "It is nice to meet you, Sarcus and, unfortunately,that is all too true. And yes, it is Raito. If this makes it simpler, "Raito" is a... L-let me put it this way: In English, my Jolteon's name is actually "Light." A Japanese-speaking person will p-pronounce "Light" as "Raito." In the Japanese speaking language has no distinct "r" and "l" sounds, so w-words like "light" will have the "l" sound like a mix between "r" and "l." I just happen to find "r" having a nicer sound when translating the Japanese pronunciation into English. A-and for the "o," that is what we call an ending particle. It doesn't mean anything." She paused to find a better explanation. "I guess the closest thing in English would be when we draw out a word like when we say "No wayyyy!" or "Hiiii!"

Raito grinned at his trainer in amusement. Here she is giving a Japanese lesson to an unknown stranger. Of course Sarcus would understand immediately. The Jolteon rolled his eyes and gave a small bark of laughter. At that, Miki turns to Raito. "Oh, like you can explain it any better." Raito ignored her and returns to the battle, trying not to laugh again.

"Ah, d-don't worry about it. Y-you can just call him "Light" if you forget. I'm sure he will answer to both, though I have not tried." She laughs nervously. "Oh man, that was embarrassing, me discussing Japanese." Then she blushed, realizing she that she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"O-oh, s-sorry, I-I haven't introduced myself yet. You can call me Miki. A-As you can p-probably tell by now, though, I am Japanese. B-but I'm more fluent in English. M-my fam--"

Suddenly, she heard a rumbling nearby, jolting her and Raito to their feet. "D-Did you hear that?"

((The name Raito is pronounced the way Light Yagami's name is pronounced in DeathNote))

Edited by DarkLight
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Running out if ideas on pokemon that I really like... Lemme guess Gengar is taken too?

It is not. However, can I please direct you to the OOC thread? This thread is supposed to be for in-character replies only.

Plus, I would wait for Acquiescence's approval before posting in-character.

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Lupus was surrounded by darkness, he had no idea where he was. In the darkness he saw a flash he saw his older sister, Isabella. She was was yelling at him, a younger Lupus that also stood before him. He realized he was having a nightmare about that fated day.... But there was nothing he could do to stop it. "It's your fault she is dead!" yelled Isabella at the Younger Lupus. "I did my best to save her!" the Younger Lupus said tears streaming down his face. "You should have never gone to the Power Plant, if you didn't go she wouldn't have followed you there!" Isabella screamed at the Young man's face, unrelenting, insisting it was his fault. "I did everything I could...." he said afterwhile. A mask of hatred appeared over Isabella's face. "You didn't try hard enough. It will always be your fault that you weren't good enough to save her." Afterwards, she ran out tears streaming down her face, almost as fast as the younger Lupus. The scene before him disappeared. It was as dark as it was before. But now Lupus heard at first he heard a faint whisper. It grew Louder and Louder, He heard his sister's voice keep chanting "It will always be your fault." He screamed out in agony "I didn't know what to do!"

All of sudden there was a sharp pain in his back. Lupus awoke on the ground looking up at Aeon. He was wondering where the hell he was. He stood up and dusted himself off. "What Happened while I was out?" asked Lupus to the man in red.

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"It'd be rather difficult NOT to hear that," Sarcus quipped. Immediately after saying that, he mentally berated himself. He had aimed for humor but hit rudeness instead. He grimaced, then moved on. "I would want to go find out, but the crowd over there probably noticed too, and I'm not exactly comfortable with the idea of Church members finding out I'm here." Sarcus paused for a moment, thinking. "Miki," he asked, tentatively saying the foreign name, "maybe we should wait a bit, then go figure out what that was? Then we can get to someplace where simply being there isn't grounds for reeducation." Now it's 'we?' he asked himself mentally. Why not? he retorted to himself. Who knows? We might be here for the same reason, though recent events may affect my decision on that particular matter.

Edited by KingMurdoc
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After many confusing dreams about bloody cupcakes, black leather whips, a polar bear, and one hazy recount of his traumatic motorbike wreck, Kael found himself waking up in a pool of cultist blood that seeped into the streets from the debris of the obliterated building. He hauled himself up onto his feet, his hand moving instinctively to his belt--only to find that his dusk ball was empty. "Kaine!" his eyes went wide as he immediately rushed back into the wreckage, searching frantically for his beloved luxray. He scoured the area, searching high and low as he called out desperately for his companion. Just as he was about to give up hope and burst into tears, he heard some rustling nearby in a pile of fallen debris. Kaine struggled to her paws, trying to claw her way out from beneath the heavy pile of concrete and broken bodies. "Oh thank the legends," Kael breathed a sigh of relief as he climbed over a water pipe and attempted to lift the heavy slab of rock up off of Kaine. He managed to lift the mess of rocks just high enough that Kaine was able to crawl her way out from beneath the wreckage. Grunting from the strain, Kael let go of the concrete slab once he saw Kaine was alright and wrapped his arms tightly around his Luxray. "Are you alright Kaine?" he worriedly asked, and Kaine replied with a simple "Lux Lux" and a smile, as if seeing Kael was alright was all she could ever want. Rearing back on her hindquarters, Kaine wrapped her paws around her trainer in an attempt to mimic a hug. They stayed embraced like that for a few moments before Kael lifted his dusk ball from his belt and lightly tapped the button against Kaine's back, causing her to vanish into the pokeball in a shadowy haze.

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Flux walked down the streets, trying to get a sense of where he was. It was hard to tell ever since Dawn took power. He guessed he was probably in Eterna, although it was hard to know for sure. The days had dragged by ever since his research lab had been attacked. He had only managed to grab the most basic supplies before escaping: maps, pokeballs, a few potions, his Pokegear, and one pokemon. He looked down at the lone heavy ball in his coat. No doubt the rest were in Dawn's hands now. As Flux thought on that day, he walked up towards one of Dawn's conclaves without even realizing what he was doing. As he snapped back into focus, he took note of his surroundings. There were acolytes and pokemon lying everywhere, torn and bloody. It disgusted him to think people could do this. It was no doubt the work of this "Team Dusk" group he had heard about. While he did agree that Dawn needed to be stopped, killing was not the only way to do so.


Silver and his men moved in on the target. Silver had noticed the man walking towards the conclave and was keping close tabs on him. The man had long black hair with a golden streak in the middle that reached just past his shoulders. He was wearing a white lab coat, and glasses just below his eyes; no doubt one of Dawn's scientists. The plan was to capture and interrogate him for information about her plans. Now that they were close enough, he was ready. "Now." Silver said to one of his men. The man took aim, and he fired.


Just as Flux was thinking about where he could go, he felt a sting in his left shoulder. "Damn. Sedative..." he managed to say, before crumpling to the ground.

Edited by Flux
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Miki was put off upon hearing that tone of voice. “W-Well, I doubt you can if you are d—“, she snapped when, in the corner of her eye, she noticed Raito giving Sarcus a quick glance before turning silently to Absolution with a grin. It was as if he wanted to tell the Absol how similar their trainers are, although she, herself, didn’t see the resemblance. But, Miki will concede, if Raito didn’t seem to take offense over that comment towards his trainer, then it can’t be all bad.

She decided to let that slide and address the next issue Sarcus brought up. “Waiting,” she felt tired at that term. The trainer has already waited 3 years for her parents to show up, and nothing came out of it. They should just run out there and find out. Everybody would be curious so the acolytes will not suspect a thing! “But,” Miki reconsidered, “He does have a point. For one, I am not alone with Raito anymore. We can run quickly and go unnoticed but Sarcus and Absolution… Absols aren’t the fastest Pokémon around and Sarcus… He can be a friend but I don’t know his capabilities. Two, basically what he said. I don't want them to know about me either. I mean, if we just came out of an alleyway, it will be a red flag to anyone with common sense, even to those Church members.”

Miki waved offhandedly to brush off her previous comment. “Although it pains me not to run to the scene… And if you remember the speed I ran at, I can do it without any t-trouble… I’ll admit that you are right. The situation is too risky with you two involved. N-no offense of-of course,” she quickly added, “But I j-just don’t know what you two are c-c-capable of yet. S-so, yes, we can wait.” She sat back down reluctantly. Raito, a bit downcast at the decision, sat beside her this time and nudged her hand for a pat, which she did automatically. “A-as for this “someplace” you m-mentioned though,” Miki couldn’t help but ask, “Do you mean the Dusk organization? I mean, that’s the only place that will be safe from what you called “reeducation.””

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"Not necessarily. I meant more of a momentary respite, but eventually, yes. I'm not positive about it, but I'm pretty sure the person I was here to meet wanted to talk to me about Team Dusk. I get the feeling that you might be here for the same reason." Assuming you're not a Church spy, he added to himself. With the thought, he unconsciously checked the knives sheathed under his arms, then reached over to pet Absolution. The Dark-type stretched under his hand, then stood. He glanced down at his partner, and they shared a small nod. "I think we've waited here long enough." He very carefully looked out of the alleyway, checking if anyone was looking in their direction. When he saw no one, he waved Miki forward. "Let's go."

((I'm assuming Miki would run to the area with (or ahead of) Sarcus. DarkLight said she would go with it, so I don't think that counts as bunnying.))

Sarcus and his partner panted as they arrived at what he assumed was the origin of the blast. "Well... that... explains the noise," he heaved. "You two are fast. I'll die of exhaustion before the Church gets me, trying to keep up with you," he said in a light -if somewhat breathless- tone. "Oh, shit." This last statement came as he saw a man in a white lab coat collapse a ways down the street, with what looked like a dart in his back. The men that appeared to be the ones who fired the dart rushed down the street at them, taking aim. "SUCKER PUNCH!" he shouted, and his Absol complied, darting forward and knocking out one of the gunners. He didn't have a chance to give another order, as both he and his Pokemon were hit with darts. No one avoids the Church forever. . . he thought as his vision went dark.


"Oh, shit," Silver said as the scientist collapsed. Two people, both with Pokemon in tow, had run into the middle of the street and stopped to watch the scientist crumple into a heap. "You know what to do. We can't have people bringing the Church down on our heads. Looks like we're taking two extra people in." The men ran down the street, taking aim at the duo and their Pokemon. One of the gunners was knocked out by the Absol, but it was too late. Darts sunk into the four, and they all slumped to the ground.


((Was that OK? Tell me if it wasn't, and I'll edit it.))

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Even though Sarcus and Absolution had a head start, Miki and Raito quickly caught up and sped right past them. Suddenly, in a burst of speed, Raito zipped ahead in a flash of yellow.

“He’s using Agility as always. Raito can never stay still for long.” She thought, laughing to herself. “Hey! Slow down a bit, Raito!”

What Raito didn’t always do was making an abrupt stop before a destination. Just as she turned the corner, Miki found Raito a short distance away, growling at a group of men, sparks flying from his yellow coat. She saw guns and, worse, a man in a white lab coat falling to the ground right in front of her. “Is he… dead?” Her legs locked beneath her (almost tripping herself in the process), paralyzed at that thought. She didn’t even hear Sarcus and Absolution approaching them as the men turned their attention towards the startled pair of trainers with their respective Pokémon, guns pointed straight at them.


Snapping out of her daze, Miki instinctually ran behind her Jolteon issued an order. “Pin Missile! Knock out those guns!” Raito quickly delivered a series of sharp, white needles towards a few gunmen from his spiky collar. A few cries of surprise were heard over the racket, an indication of Raito’s successful target practice.

“Now, Thunder W—“ Her attention was averted when she heard a thump next to her. Sarcus has been hit by one of the gunmen. “Sarcus!” she cried, “But where-?” The next thing Miki felt was a sharp tinge of pain on her left arm, quickly replaced by drowsiness. “No! Not now… Please!” She struggled against the incoming sleep, her vision slowly fading away. “Raito RunRun…” The last thing she heard was Raito’s cry.


“Tough lot,” Silver commented as the four dropped to the ground. The men behind him relaxed, especially those few that are now clutching their hands from the Pin Missiles. He made a few hand gestures towards his remaining, uninjured men; they proceeded to pick up the scientist, the two trainers, the Pokémon and, of course, their knocked out gunner. Silver turned to the direction of their base. “Let’s head back now.”

Edited by DarkLight
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Flux awoke to the sound of a door slamming followed by a key turning in a lock. He opened his eyes, but that didn't help at all. Either he was blind, or the room was pitch black. He guessed it was the latter. He hoped it was the latter. As he waited for his eyes to adjust, he tried to move, only to find that he was tied to a chair. "Well, I guess that was too much to hope for." he thought to himself. He had the oddest sensation that something was missing, but he couldn't think of what it could be. His mind was still a bit foggy from the after-effects of whatever they had drugged him with. He assumed that he had probably been captured by members of the Church of Dawn to be questioned about his research. He sighed. "I'll get a barrage of questions from a bunch of brainless thugs only to be killed afterwards." He chuckled to himself while shaking his head. "Still, I've had worse days." As his eyes began to adjust, he looked around the room. It appeared to be fairly small, with nothing inside but the chair he was tied to. "Well," he thought sarcastically, "I might as well have a look around." He shook his arm until a small metal rod slid into his hand from a pocket on the inside shoulder of his coat. The rod was very narrow at the top, made specifically in case of situations like this. He slid the narrow end in between the ropes tying his hands and pushed upward as much as he could with his limited movement. The ropes loosened and he repeated until they fell off. This way, rather than cutting the ropes, he could tie himself back up if need be, and they wouldn't know he had escaped. He walked over to the door with his lab coat trailing behind him. He fit the same metal rod into the keyhole. Just as he was about to unlock the door, another object pushed into the door from the other side. "Damn!" he thought, " I don't have any time to-"

The door opened, and a man walked in carrying a clipboard. He looked quite surprised to see Flux up and walking about, much less trying to pick the lock.

"Well," Flux said while making a sweeping gesture around the room. "Welcome to my humble home."

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Silver opened the door, coming face-to-face with the apparent researcher trying to pick the lock. The man took a few steps back, then gestured with his hands.

"Welcome to my humble home."

Silver's brow twitched in annoyance. With a blur of movement, he kicked the captive square in the chest, propelling him into the chair. With a snap of his fingers, he called out a Meganium, which used vines to bind the captive securely to the chair.

Silver brushed his red hair out of his eyes, then spoke.

"Well, let's get this over with. As you've probably surmised, you're in a Church building. Who are you and what were you doing near the conclave?"

The vines tightened.

"Did you really think you could defy the Church without consequence?"

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Silver brushed his red hair out of his eyes, then spoke.

"Well, let's get this over with. As you've probably surmised, you're in a Church building. Who are you and what were you doing near the conclave?"

The vines tightened.

"Did you really think you could defy the Church without consequence?"


Flux laughed quietly. "A bit rough, don't you think? You should be more gentle with an old man like me." The vines tightened.

"Please." Silver said, "You're barely 30, if even that. Now answer the question. What were you doing near the conclave?"

"All humor aside, I merely wandering the town when I stumbled upon your conclave." Flux shrugged. "The people were hurt, so I stopped to see if I could help any. I am a doctor, you know." Flux look up at Silver as he said the last part, an innocent expression on his face. "I'm not from around here, so please excuse me if I did anything wrong." The innocent expression remained on his face. "So..." he trailed off the last part. "I don't suppose I could just... leave?"

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How long has it been since she was tied to this stinking chair? Miki has no clue. She had woken up, groggily, to a pitch black room, with only a light bulb to keep her company. Miki had waited until her head clears and her eyes have adjusted to the darkness. When she tried reaching for a stray piece of her hair that somehow made its way to her mouth, she found her hands tied behind her back. She tugged at the ropes once, twice, but they proved too tight for her hands to slip out of. She spit out that piece of hair hastily, annoyed at this treatment. “Really now? They already got us locked up; there is absolutely no need for bondage too! It’s not like I have a pocketknife or anything.” At that thought, she had gasped and finally began looking around. Where were Sarcus and Absolution? And Raito? She recalled hearing him crying for her before. “Raito?” she called. Silence. Miki could feel fear, actual fear, creeping into her soul. “Raito! RAITO! WHERE ARE YOU? CAN YOU HEAR ME? RAITO!!” She screamed as she struggled against the stubborn ropes.


Miki had continued this hysterical yelling for another minute before giving up. There was no use to make her voice hoarse. Raito would have come by now if nothing happened to him. “Relax Miki, relax. He is strong now, he can electrocute his enemies. He is okay… He is okay… Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in…” She continued with this mantra until she felt her heart beat at its normal pace again. “Okay, if I want to find Raito and the others, I need to get information. And to do that, I need to get some attention. Question is, how can I get their attention from here?” She pondered for a moment, racking her brain for an answer. After what seemed like minutes, she gave a smirk. “I guess there is no use finding a way out. I guess I’ll have to WAIT for someone to show up!” she yelled at the door, hoping that someone will come in. From what she has read, she knew people cannot ignore a noisy cellmate for long. Hysterical crying won’t work, that is what interrogators wanted after all, but a reasonable, noisy one is a different story. She might as well test it out since she has nothing better to do. After all, even an interrogation is better than this empty silence. “AT LEAST give me a book to read while I’m here! How RUDE can you POSSIBLY be?”

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