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How to proper credit resources used to make a game?


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Hi yall, Pokemon Rejuvenation and Reborn have inspired me to make my own pokemon game.

This is a new experience and I am lacking quite in the art and music department, so I have used resources from various sources (Including Rejuvenation) to make decent progression of the game I am making. It's common knowledge to credit the maker of all the resources that has been used, so the question is how to properly do credit the resources when the game is released? 

Feel free to leave you suggestion. 


Edited by Ace321
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15 minutes ago, Ace321 said:

Hi yall, Pokemon Rejuvenation and Reborn have inspired me to make my own pokemon game.


The same happened to me


to credit just (in my opinion, could be wrong) just be like ¨ music by Glitchxcity¨ (not saying ur using glitchxcity, i am tho, as well as DJNate, WaterFlame, and F-777)

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Usually, a README.txt or CREDITS.txt file is included along with the game's files, which contains the full list of people who have worked on the game/ whose work has been used/included in the game. Make sure you keep track of where you get your resources from and credit the people responsible properly in the document-- commonly divided in categories like game development, programming/scripts, graphics, music and miscellaneous/special thanks.


And as an addendum, make sure to double check whether you're allowed to use whatever you're using!!!! This is important, you really don't want to get people in your hair about using stuff that people really would rather you don't.

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13 hours ago, Zumi said:

Usually, a README.txt or CREDITS.txt file is included along with the game's files, which contains the full list of people who have worked on the game/ whose work has been used/included in the game. Make sure you keep track of where you get your resources from and credit the people responsible properly in the document-- commonly divided in categories like game development, programming/scripts, graphics, music and miscellaneous/special thanks.


And as an addendum, make sure to double check whether you're allowed to use whatever you're using!!!! This is important, you really don't want to get people in your hair about using stuff that people really would rather you don't.

 I see, makes sense. Thank you for you suggestion 

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