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Tournament fraud.


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So, while waiting for V12, i was thinking we could all try to deduce who put our little group in the Tournament of dreams. Spoilers below.


My top suspects are either Crescent or Amanda, Crescent is the manipulative sort as we all know and putting us in the tournament may be her way of guiding us in the right direction, and tampering with people is her specialty so editing some memories of the officials would be child's play


Amanda is in a perfect position to put us in the tournament , as the Scout and co-manager of the league she has ample influence over anything that would involve the Aevium League, and this tournament's prize is an automatic 18 badge invitation to the Elite eight challenge. It stands to reason she could arrange this scenario, but on the other hand she has no motivation to do something like this and she only seems to just learn Melia was alive right before the Grand Ball blows up. 



Cosmia and Cosmet are other likely candidates, they can impersonate people and are working for Team Xen as far as we can tell, so they have the means and the motivation. 


Anyone else have any ideas?

Edited by Magus543
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Well, I don't exactly recall if the MC and the gang had been in GDC enough time for Cosmia & Comet to comit that type of fraud (and having no reasons to think they did it, except there was someone behind them) so I doubt they would be the culprits. Crescent is a good candidate, but she seems kind of fixated into the MC, so why would she do that to all the gang?

Last but not least, Amanda wouldn't have looked so suspicious had she not confronted Melia before entering the party Bladestar was going to bomb. And if I remember right, she knew Melia was alive and well, as she had stolen her invitation to the party. So she might have thought of making the gang all in the Tournament just to take them out the party and lucked out with Melia losing. Erin clearly wasn't on her VIP list or maybe she has an important duty to perform inside. But of all of them, I think Amanda would be my first candidate, even when not stopping to consider some Stormchasers agent, the Puppetmaster (he did send the invitations to Erin and Melia after all) and so, an so.

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13 hours ago, kithas said:

Well, I don't exactly recall if the MC and the gang had been in GDC enough time for Cosmia & Comet to comit that type of fraud (and having no reasons to think they did it, except there was someone behind them) so I doubt they would be the culprits. Crescent is a good candidate, but she seems kind of fixated into the MC, so why would she do that to all the gang?

Last but not least, Amanda wouldn't have looked so suspicious had she not confronted Melia before entering the party Bladestar was going to bomb. And if I remember right, she knew Melia was alive and well, as she had stolen her invitation to the party. So she might have thought of making the gang all in the Tournament just to take them out the party and lucked out with Melia losing. Erin clearly wasn't on her VIP list or maybe she has an important duty to perform inside. But of all of them, I think Amanda would be my first candidate, even when not stopping to consider some Stormchasers agent, the Puppetmaster (he did send the invitations to Erin and Melia after all) and so, an so.

Yeah but Cosmia and Comet at the very least have been impersonating Nancy and us for quite some time, it's very possible they rigged this in advance under orders of Team Xen for whatever reason. Speaking of Team Xen, but at this point do they even want us dead? This may be off topic, but consider that Madame X has been forced to save us at least twice and that Team Xen could easily kill us in our sleep since the Cassandra knows we are there, i'm starting to wonder if Team Xen has a reason for us to keep living. 

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On 5/9/2019 at 6:33 AM, Magus543 said:


Yeah but Cosmia and Comet at the very least have been impersonating Nancy and us for quite some time, it's very possible they rigged this in advance under orders of Team Xen for whatever reason. Speaking of Team Xen, but at this point do they even want us dead? This may be off topic, but consider that Madame X has been forced to save us at least twice and that Team Xen could easily kill us in our sleep since the Cassandra knows we are there, i'm starting to wonder if Team Xen has a reason for us to keep living. 

Madame X said stuff indicating that our death causes serious issues- potentially up-to-and-including-destruction-of-the-timeline, but at least failure of her objectives. She "had to" save us. The impression I get is she wants to steal-or-replicate Melia's power, and cannot kill the protagonist or the timeline falls apart. That said, there's the fact that even if Cassandra knows where we are, so does the Puppet Master- even if she wanted to kill us, there are checks and balances, and we don't know what resources the Storm Chasers might've put into our survival. (Also, in order to kill us in our sleep they'd have to know when we sleep, which is information Cassandra wouldn't have, I don't think.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whose side is Amanda on anyway? Could it be Bladestar? Neither Team Xen nor the Stormchasers seem to want Melia dead as of now, and Amanda apparently disappeared from GDC one day only to turn up much later without explanation (as a npc in the Residential District recalls). Maybe abducted and conscripted? Actually, Rune disappeared out of the blue just like that, now that I think about it, and she just so happens to be Flora's oldest friend. Speculations aside, Amanda knew about the bomb at the very least.

Edited by Kite Silvers
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The plot thickens, Pokemon Rejuvenation has had a lot of mysteries, but i'm starting to feel like there are WAY too many mysteries at this point, like we still don't know what Team Xen wants, who the hell Maria is, who Crescent is, what the deal is with our mom, and the deal with the vaccines. Sure mysteries can keep the playerbase hooked, but it's starting to get stale, i'm hoping V12 will explain a lot, considering the title. 

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1 hour ago, Magus543 said:

The plot thickens, Pokemon Rejuvenation has had a lot of mysteries, but i'm starting to feel like there are WAY too many mysteries at this point, like we still don't know what Team Xen wants, who the hell Maria is, who Crescent is, what the deal is with our mom, and the deal with the vaccines. Sure mysteries can keep the playerbase hooked, but it's starting to get stale, i'm hoping V12 will explain a lot, considering the title. 

We at least know Team Xen's plans have something to do with Storm-9 (the catastrophe who destroyed the region like 50 years ago). We also know they want in some way to get Melia or Melia's powers, and in turn we know that Melia is (or have been in another identity) the child of Indriad/Sirius (even though Venam doesn't recognize her nor her ghost mother) and was also taken by Stormchasers. And for the third part, we know Storm-9 had something to do with the plans Indriad had in the long play (Vivian's sacrifice hints thad she softened it but couldn't avoid it entirely. So we got it narrowed down to the triangle between Xen-Melia/Maria/Marianette-Indriad's catastrophe.

I also thing a lot of mysteries are for sidequests to resolve, but I think we are already able to infer some things. 


Having said that, I also agree that, while is good to know how to set mysteries up, is also good to know how to solve them satisfactory (See: Lost, Fringe, etc)

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