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Hello guys, I'm new here.

Maybe you've seen me around on the server under the alt of Random Alt., Skwayz is a n00b, Stardust, Mcheezburger, Powerful user...

I kinda suck at pokemons, I really need advice so I could be better.

ps: my fav pokemon is eevee <3<3<3<3<3<3

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Hello there and welcome to the Reborn server!

I hope you enjoy your stay here and have a great time battling!

protip: just try to be as original as possible when making your teams! remember, strategy is complete bull shit, don't worry about that. viable movesets are also a myth, don't trust them! one last thing, try to have as much fun as possible!!!

Edit: also, predictions are for complete and utter losers! if you ever attempt at making a prediction you're probably a sucky noob who's also a tryhard!!

Edited by Rupe
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Hello there and welcome to the Reborn server!

I hope you enjoy your stay here and have a great time battling!

protip: just try to be as original as possible when making your teams! remember, strategy is complete bull shit, don't worry about that. viable movesets are also a myth, don't trust them! one last thing, try to have as much fun as possible!!!

Edit: also, predictions are for complete and utter losers! if you ever attempt at making a prediction you're probably a sucky noob who's also a tryhard!!

So I'm a try-hard for predicting a D-nite earthquake, switching into my Scarfed Salamence and proceeding to Outrage?


Yes I know you're being sarcastic

Edited by Roo The BAKA!
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