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Needing a little guidence


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So from what I see, Pokemon Reborn E17 is around the corner, but am not exactly sure as to when. Truth is, I have never played Pokemon Reborn and was going to try it out as soon as I finished having my fun with Pokemon Rejuvenation. Now that I finished Rejuvenation, I definitely like to start up my first Reborn playthrough.

The main reason I "MADE" this topic is to get a proper signal on whether it's safe to just start up a playthrough of it right now, or wait until the E17 finally releases just in case of story overhaul, major changes in gameplay, new items. Story overhaul is what I'm purely afraid of, and if this E17 isn't going to do anything to screw with the early story, then I'll just start playing now and update as soon as it releases. I just need everybody's advice though. Appreciated!

Edited by Awbawlisk
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I'd say wait until EP17 comes around, just because there will be full Gen VII to enjoy it with, not only for your own team but for other trainers'. I'm not beta tester or anything so I don't know about story changes.

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Personally I'd say wait until E17 is released. It really isn't going to be a long wait any more now. Beta started earlier this month, and Ame posted on her patreon that she dealt with the chunk of bugs found during Beta over Thanksgiving.

This way you get to enjoy all the new Gen 7 content, including the new 'mons, items, updates to trainers' teams, and general fixes to issus in the game. (Most famously, E16 weather is majorly borked, and E17 fixes that. That'll save you some pain for weather based events.)

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4 hours ago, Awbawlisk said:

I've been debating with myself for a while on this, and I eventually decided that I'll just patiently wait for E17 to be released. Thank you everyone for your input though!

Late to the party, sorry, but yes I totes support that decision. The wait shouldn't be long by now, and starting with E17 will allow you to enjoy gen7 content all the way through, the latest and therefore most polished dialogues and events, and last (but not least) some mechanisms that didn't work all that well in E16 (thinking about the weather system in particular) will be fixed in E17.

When it comes to fangames, patience is rewarded with quality ;)


Oh, and when it's time, enjoy the game~

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19 minutes ago, Alistair said:

When it comes to fangames, patience is rewarded with quality ;)

Exactly. else you end up with a buggy and broken game like a certain fangame we've spoken of many times

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