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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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Lisa was caught off guard by Jesse's lack of skepticism, even in this place where magic was everywhere, most people still just thought she was crazy. She sheathed her sword and shuffled nervously.

"Well, um, to be perfectly honest, I don't know much about any plots..." She confessed, "I was just trying to seem important 'cause I'm sort of lost and was hoping I could tag along with you. Oh! But I can definitely use my powers to help you! Sometimes." The last word was mumbled so that Jesse couldn't hear it easily.

She really wasn't much of anything special if she was honest with herself, but she abhorred normality and refused to give in to the notion that she was unimportant. Sure fancy superpowers might be perfectly average in this world, but that wouldn't stop her from finding a way to stand out.

"If you're really willing to let me come with you then... You can call me Lisa." She conceded, "But don't say it around any enemies, I would rather not die."

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"Why does the little kid even need a bodyguard? Surely her parents or something are more than enough."

"She´s an orphan." Haze answered lowering his gaze. " I´m sure having someone to guard her in a foreign city isn´t that uncommon. But I do understand your concern, and apreciate it."

Haze then kneeled and looked straight at Kana. "Little miss, don´t you think this is enough playing already? You´re causing trouble to the ladies and gentleman here."

"Humn!" Kana at first stomped the floor with her little right foot and looked away, in a stubborn gesture. But, after a few moments of Haze´s clear gaze, she lowered her head and faced the floor, as if ashamed. "...Sorry Misses and Mister..." She said, walking by herself to Haze´s side. He patted her head and smiled when she arrived, which was responded by her showing him her tongue. Then she faced Misara´s group again and smiled too. "It was fun though! You guys are so strong!"

The guards watched all this bewildered - in fact, the short one was facepalming - and the one who seemed to be in command snapped. "What? No way, after all this confusion you foreigners are all coming to the station. Drop your weapons and come now!"

"That won´t be necessary, officer." Haze said, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and showing the guard. He looked surprised, and cast a spell to check the thing´s autenticity. Although he didn´t like it, it seemed he was convinced. "All right, all right. Just don´t get in any more trouble for God´s sake." He gestured to his subordinate to follow him and walked away.

"Well, good. Which hotel are you all staying at? We´re at Central Hotel." Haze asked.

It's still quite suspicious. A missing girl and her butler just shows up. Misara thought. I better watch out.

"Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going" Misara said to her allies as she walked out

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"I'll be right back," Jarvis said. "I'm going to go into the bar and get some water." He looked around the alley, spotting an area where the building became concave. "You should take him in there." The butler opened his umbrella and pressed a button on the handle. "It's a cloaking mechanism," he explained, turning the umbrella around. When Rhaeza looked at it, he would see what was behind it instead, albeit somewhat shimmery. "Use this for now. It should keep any casual bystanders from noticing the poor chap next to you."

With that said, Jarvis went inside. He walked up to the bartender. "A water, please," he requested.

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Bargus, Misara & Karol

Haze´s icy blue eyes followed Misara as she walked away. Whatever train of thought he was having by then was interrupted by Kana´s reaction to Karol and Bargus, though.

"Yey!" Kana shouted, excited by the news "We can play together can´t we, Mr. Haze?"

"Of course Kana, as long as you don´t bother them." Haze answered with a gentle smile. "It´s a pleasure to meet you. Shall we get going then? It´s getting late."


The guard raised an eyebrow. "Vermillio as in the demon commander? Yeah, that bastard´s given us more trouble than any other in the war. What of it?" Then, with a suspicious look on his face he asked again. "What´s your name?"


Juliet raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that´s impressive! My research isn´t on the medical field though, I´m working on ways to tranfer energy without the use of wires. Our tech on this field is far too limited and there´s a chance that with magic we can enhance it. It´s going a bit slow, but I´m sure we´ll get there eventually!" she said, smiling.

"Humn, that´s interesting. You´d need advanced space control magic to make it work with total efficiency, and it could relate to Lord Qaspiel´s Portal research*. You know, how all of Myriad´s mana - or life energy, or whatever you call it - is believed to flow through them from the other worlds." Conah said. He then put a hand on his chin and grinned "You know, if someone told me a month ago that I´d be having a friendly conversation with humans, monsters and demons about magic research, and actually learning stuff, I´d most likely laugh on the person´s face. I guess our people have to review some ideas we have about other races."


The city guard caught up with Jorgen fast and surrounded him. "You! Don´t move" said the one seemingly in charge, a dark haired, black eyed fellow-pretty unusual appearence for an angel. He then signaled for one of his subordinates to search him, and while the other was doing it, kept asking. "Identify yourself, and tell us why did you flee."

Jarvis & Rhaeza

While Jarvis was getting his water (accompanied by a remark from the barkeep about how almost no one there bought that kind of stuff) the captive seemed to start to wake up, slowly opening his eyes and taking in what had happened.

*((Cultural Note 2: Qaspiel is one of the four founders of the alliance, and the one who led research on controlling the permanent World Portals existent in the three Gate Cities (Marblegate, The Thousand and Shadowveil). A mix of magic and human tech, only completed after the formation of the Alliance, his work allows to control where the Portals open to.))

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"It´s a pleasure to meet you. Shall we get going then? It´s getting late."


Bargus looked to the end of the street, and noticed the dusk. The sunlight skimmed through the layers of clouds beneath the city, dyeing them gold. The walls of the skyscrapers gleam under the golden rays, adding an affluent touch to the already magnificent city. "Tsk, being above the clouds really makes the time cycle subtle." Bargus exclaimed. "Let's get going."


"This is it." Bargus looked at the sign of the hotel. Now looking at it, he noticed the glamorous architectural work on the hotel, with the wall plated with chiseled rocks and glass windows embedded within them. Various indents revealed shadows, clashing with the sunlight, yet balanced enough to gently mix together.

The lobby was exquisite, with the sunlight cast upon the floor and mattresses. Chairs and tables were arranged neatly for any guests to relax on. He picked up an introduction booklet, looked at Karol and said, "I'll book a room for four, for now. It seems to be large enough to hold all of the team for a private discussion." He then walked up to the attendant and said, "I'll book a room for four. Here's the money." He pulled out a wallet from his pocket and gave the attendant several banknotes.

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Jorgen tried for a rueful smile, hoping it didn't come out as grim or menacing. "My name is Jorgen Von Bashfist, a cyborg. I'm afraid that was an automatic response, literally. I have a variety of, uh, sub-routines in my system that when triggered take control over my behaviour. I had been jumped in an alleyway by an angel with a mysterious glove claiming he wanted to try his new stolen magic on me and, well, I was triggered." Technically it was true, the fight or flight response was a genuine thing, he'd seen it many, many times. Felt it too. "I look kinda menacing I'll admit but I'm not up to fighting an Angel wielding magic, that's just terrifying to most humans." Jorgen cursed himself for the tangent, was that piling it on too thick? He examined the Angel's face as he carried on with his explanation, coming dangerously close to ranting. "That said, I had to go through a variety of mental exercises controlling those sub-routines before I could stop and explain myself now."

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Jesse, on the way to the central district.

"Oh, I see," Jesse simply said and release a sigh after hearing Lisa's confession. He was a bit devasted at first and wasn't sure how to react to girl's false claims right now. But dwelling on it wouldn't make any much difference either. Jesse ponders for a while before giving Lisa a straight answer .Well, at least she's honest and was only trying to help and besides I can't just leave her here, not where there's a killer on the loose. Also, she could a potential target as well seeing she just witness and was able to live to tell the tale of that idiotic magic theft back in the alley. I doubt they're done with her after that encounter, not when she still has her magic intact. Jesse thought to himself, taking a deep breath and sighed once more as he makes his decision.

"Fine.." Jesse started "You've seen my teammates, might as well be a help to us. You can tag along if you know what you're getting yourself into, just be quick on your feet if something comes up" Jesse warned Lisa. still uncertain if this was a good idea.

"I'm going to the central district to find the rest of my team and perhaps stop by and investigate the weapon shop tomorrow to find out where that rogue angel's mystical glove originated from," The sniper said as he turns around and started strolling down the streets as an invitation for Lisa to follow.

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Taking a quick glance around to make sure nobody was close enough to hear, Raziel continued in his low voice. "You and I both know this is an alliance research facility. I'm here on his orders to research the effects of light spells within the mind." only half true, but reconstruction would be more suspicious. "If you must know, my name is Reithal...." he chose a name from a legend that would be unrecognizable to most people. The guard didn't look like much of an intellectual. "And I can have you demoted if you continue to refuse me entry."

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Lucille- Damn Winged Rat...

The sky was just beginning to darken as she scurried overhead. Despite the limited sight of this rodent's form, the vague shapes of the cityscape were still clear enough in the distance. She stopped for a moment, atop the stone balcony, feeling the wings upon her back twitch as a cold wind blew. Up til the moment she'd ended up warged into the beast, she'd always assumed Winged Rats were a mere expression for pigeons... now though, up here looking down on the streets, it struck her with irony of how literal it was to some sick minds... this thing's very existence had to be some sort of joke. Some poor little experiment of a bored mage who had to much time on their hands and too much creativity to spare...

But well... she had ended up entering it's body out of all the other vermin crawling around the place out of sight. She figured she might as well use the opportunity while she had it. Not many had noticed a rat of all things flapping through the air in short burst, climbing up facades gradually in it's ascent. From her lofty perch she listened closely to the ambient noises down below, amplifying them as they came to her ears with as much ease as if she were controlling her own body. Several minutes went by... still nothing. She figured they would've sounded the bells to signal the start of dusk, but...

"Giiiiiiiny?" She heard the child's voice, calling down from below. With a tentative glance over the edge she spotted the girl, pale blonde hair and paler wings, eyes bluer than the ocean. She again called out into the encroaching night "Giiiiiiny? Come on, it's getting late! Hide and seek is over...just come out, let's go home."

Something stirred, in the back of the rats mind. A recognition that was hard to mistake as Lucille focused it's dull eyes on the girl. "Don't tell me... this is her doing..."

"Oh...Papa's gonna be so mad if he finds out I lost him..." Before she could truly start pouting though, her eyes turned up to the very ledge the winged rodent stood on... and lit up like small beacons in releif "Aha! there you are! Come down here, silly."

"Sorry child... I'm afraid I need your pet for a bit longer" Lucille turned the rat- Giny, as it's name apparently was -right around and scurried out of sight, ignoring the girls orders to get back there. "What the hell is this father of yours doing though, fusing random animals together...just sickening, the gall of it." She came to the edge of the stone facade and pushed off the railing with a single powerful flap, letting her commandeered form glide upon the evening winds as she continued listening for any trace of bells. Perhaps it was mean, making the little rat run away from his owner... but she wasn't too keen on whatever was going on in that girl's household. Best if the thing just joined the common rats in the street than go back to her.

And she might've gotten away with the plan, too... if it weren't for the sudden, searing pain she felt in the back of her neck, sending her off course and tumbling onto the top of a low-lying building rather disgracefully...not that rats had much grace at flying to begin with. Giny's head lifted and she saw the girl landing there behind them, a faint sigil glowing bright red in her hand. Her face was far from happy as she reached down and scooped the writhing animal up. It was all Lucille could do to distance herself enough to stop feeling the impulses of heat firing all through the nerves.

"I said Hide and Seek is over...." She said through clenched teeth, looking rather bratty for such a literally angelic face "Daddy's not going to be happy if I lose another one of his test subjects...now come on, stop trying to run, I don't wanna use the Tether on you again."

"Ha! I was right...so there is something dubious going on here. Well there's definitely no way letting you have him back now, you winged little brat...it's time for a liberation." With that single thought, a peircing whistle filled the air, audible to only the child and causing her to crumple to her knees, clutching her ears as she cried out. It was nothing that would do permanent damage... but Lucille had wanted to make sure the brat felt a good amount of pain. With the shearing burn of the child's magic gone, She turned Giny around and bolted away, wings again outstretching as she caught another updraft and soared away... so close to freedom now. Almost there... just had to find an alley and duck into it- yes, there, that one, nice and dark, she'd never find them...alright, not that one, forget it, let the hissing cat have it's peace. Wait, wait, there, yes, just to...

It was over. Right then and there. In a mere snap, she was back in her own body, pulled away from her little session by her own internal clock, just as she had set it to do when night began to fall... damn if she had ever thought she'd be so betrayed by her own doing.

Des gave her a curious look, scurrying off her chest with the device in hand as she rose. He'd been so preoccupied trying to get the thing to show him something, he hadn't even notice how late it'd gotten... so much for his efforts then. Guess knowing how it opened would have to be enough for now. He gave a squek to the woman though, seeing the look on her face as she sat there.

"It's...nothing Des." She snarled. "damn it, I was so close...hopefully that little rat will have enough sense to keep running on his own...what are you doing?" Des looked at the device than back to her, giving another squeak.

"Well...whatever. you can toy with whatever that thing is later... right now we should get looking again. He said he'll be somewhere near the bell tower tonight." Without much room for discussion, she took the thing from him and stowed back in her vestments, it's light extinguishing immediately as it closed. Des could only respond with a cry of indignation, shaking his fist through the high pitched chatter. Lucille ignored him and turned to Bora "Is he still out?"

A snort and a puff. The man hadn't stirred at all, it seemed.

"Good, get him loaded up. It's time to find this tower..."

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Gabriel nodded at Conah's words. "Yeah, this has been really interesting for me too. I don't think I've ever heard anything but mean stories about demons, but you're really nice." He glanced around at the table for a moment. "I just hope that nothing bad happens with everyone here. There are a lot of people who still don't like seeing everyone work together, so we should probably be careful." Damn it, that's not subtle at all. Gabriel scolded himself mentally at his words. Sometimes this would be so much easier if I didn't have to maintain this damned child act. "I saw this weird guy staring at us earlier, like he was angry at something, but that might have just been because my dad is scary looking." He laughed at this last, mostly because Jorgen was indeed quite intimidating, and provided a convenient excuse for a boy to be talking about keeping safe like this.

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'A cloaking umbrella?' Rhaeza thought to himself as the other spy walked away. 'How come I never got anything like this?' He thought to himself as he was dragging the limp body of the man over to the more sheltered spot. He set the cloaking umbrella down beside the unconscious body... that was noticeably becoming less unconscious. His eyes were opening, and he was beginning to take in his surroundings. 'Shit.' Rhaeza thought, before he grabbed the man's throat to constrict his air flow, preventing him from screaming. He then made a shushing motion with his other finger. "Stay quiet and I won't have to kill you." Rhaeza said in his monotone voice as he stared down at the man, with his amber eyes faintly glowing in the dark.

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"Yep, there´s people like that everywhere, even nowadays. I´m sure you guys heard about the murders of Alliance politicians in Shadowveil and The Thousand... Don´t you think here could be the next target?" said.

"Jeez, don´t say things like that!" spoke Iceliste, the lizard-girl. "It attracts bad luck."

"Hehe, it´s weird hearing a scholar talking about things such as luck. Anyway, I don´t think we´re in much danger, after all we´re students, not politicians. Even though the Dearg clan is a famous one, I believe we simply don´t suit the attacker´s tastes." Arael, one of the angels, answered.


The guard just raised an eyebrow. "Yes, this is an Alliance facility, and that´s exactly why I can´t let you in without checking, sir." He then took something that looked like a small clipboard from his pocket. A moment later it shone with a blue light and a screen appeared from it, which the guard scrolled down until he recognized something. He then looked back at Raziel and said. "Yep, looks like you´re in the list sir. But someone mispelled your name, it´s written Raziel in here. Go on please, and sorry for the trouble."


"...I had been jumped in an alleyway by an angel with a mysterious glove claiming he wanted to try his new stolen magic on me and, well, I was triggered."

That piece of information seemed to interest the angel officer quite a bit, as his semblance changed instantly after hearing what Jorgen said. "Stolen Magic? But when we entered the alley there was no one else there. How did the guy look like?" He started aking, clearly wanting more details.

Rhaeza e Jarvis

"Uhmnpf!-" the man struggled a bit before realizing he was in no situation to fight, then nodded and let Rhaeza carry him, still with an angry look in his eyes.

((@Strat: Just a biit more patience mate, I´m waiting for the other scenes to develop a bit more. You have free rein till there to develop yours as well))

((Jesse and Lisa may rendez vous with the others whenever they want ok?))

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"Just promise me you guys will be careful, okay? I wouldn't want to see anyone get hurt." So the demon is from a famous clan... interesting. I may have been too hasty in my dismissal of demons as a target. This is so much more difficult than my typical work; rooting out a killer is very different from extracting a desired piece of intel or removing a particularly troublesome opponent. . . Still, they are bound to show themselves eventually. "I'm glad my dad is so scary with these kinds of people around." He waited a moment, then leaned forward a bit in interest.

"So what's your clan famous for? I know you said they were building a school and stuff, but how did they get famous?"

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Truth be told Jorgen didn't recall most of the angels features but he'd already lied, no reason to stop. "He was about six foot tall, large white feathered wings flecked with brown, brown eyes I think... Sorry, give me a moment to think, please." Jorgen spoke confidently, a little too confidently in hindsight. Best to act like his memory really was fallible. That C in Drama was coming in handy now... in a way "Uh, I think he had black hair and-" Oh now this was an idea! "He wore a uniform, like you'd wear to school."

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Ledoroch scratched the back of his head, a bit reluctant to tell him. "Well, you see... My clan is known for being one of the strongest with blood magic. It runs in the family, so most Deargs are way more powerful than your average blood mage. As you can imagine that gave us quite the renown during the war, in a way that I... don´t like much. That´s why I chose to speciallize in medicine by the way."


"... Uhmn, I didn´t see any such a person back there." said the officer to Jorgen. Then he turned to his subordinates. "You both go after this guy, I´ll take the gentleman here to the station so we can clear the matter."

That said, he turned back to Jorgen. "Sorry to ask this, but may I handcuff you? Standard procedures, you know."

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Jorgens mouth hung open a little. "Uhhhhhh" Jorgen paused for a second. Right, handcuffs. They didn't really matter but it meant he was definitely going to be detained. He didn't feel he could get out of that. "He might have some special magic to escape?" Jorgen offered lamely as she offered his wrists to be shackled. It was a good attempt, he thought glumly.

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" Possible. But don´t worry too much, I believe your story due to... circumstances. We´ll just try to clear out what happened at the station, please understand."

He then waved his hand and a pair of glowing rings appeared around Jorgen´s wrists. Clearly no conventional handcuff, although the cyborg couldn´t tell just how strong they were. "Shall we get going?"

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Gabriel nodded with a knowing - perhaps too knowing - look. "I understand. My family is kinda similar, although they don't really focus on magic or anything." Hm. The scion of a house known for powerful blood magic. . . he's starting to sound like a more and more likely target. Best to keep an eye on him, or have one of the others do so. "Just let me know if you see anyone scary, and I'll have my dad talk to them! He's the scariest guy I know when he wants to be." Gabriel elected to change the subject for both Ledoroch and his own benefit. "So what about everyone else? Not everyone said what they were here for.."

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Raziel almost facepalmed. He had made this into a big situation when it didn't have to be, and probably ended up more memorable because of it. Sighing, he realized it probably would be easier to identify him this way, but it wasn't exactly done with the stealth he'd have preferred.

"Yep, looks like you´re in the list sir. But someone mispelled your name, it´s written Raziel in here. Go on please, and sorry for the trouble."

"It's alright. You were just doing your job. And quite well, might I add. Usually the threat of demotion gets people out of my way." he smiled, but then it wavered as he noticed the sky starting to darken. "Darkening skies. Fantastic. I have to meet up with the group. Maybe I can make it back later tonight? Hmm. At least I have this guy available..." he thought before the smile returned. "How long are you on duty here, sir? I didn't realize how late it had gotten and I need to get home to check on the kids." He wondered how truly accurate that term was. Some of them were experienced but.... "If you're still here in an hour or two I can put in a good word with the higher ups. I'd rather not have to deal with a different guy asking me for identification seeing how long it took this time."

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Jorgen nodded to the officer. Now he just had to make sure he had a story in his head prepared as they made their way towards the station. Ahhhh, that may be harder than it first seemed. Just keep it straight and simple, otherwise you'll get caught up by your own lies. The large cyborg then set off with the officer, co-operating as needed.

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"Let's get going."

"I'll follow you." Karol ran over to grab the bag she had thrown away. Maybe I should try not throwing these out when I need to take out my gun. Karol's eyes continued glaring at Haze, despite the trust Bargus seemed to have in him.


"Looks like we have a meeting place for tonight." Karol spoke to Bargus as he checked into a room at the hotel. "Wanna go try finding the rest of the team?"

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"Great! ...Hey, wait up." Lisa followed after Jesse, stumbling slightly as she wasn't expecting him to start leaving so quickly. He seemed to have a general idea of how to look for people, a skill which she had already demonstrated she was lacking, and his searching was clearly more directed. At every stop she asked why they were stopping there to try to learn how his reasoning worked. Currently they found themselves in front of a fancy looking hotel, if it weren't for the extravagance of the entire city it would probably be the fanciest of the fancy buildings that she had ever fancied.

"Ooh, this place is cool, why are we stopping here?" She asked excitedly.

Maybe it was a known meeting place for the angel mafia and Jesse thought his friends might have been captured and were being tortured and threatened with angel mafia death. If that were the case they'd have to go on some kind of stealth mission to rescue the captives from certain angel mafia demise. Or even better, they might charge in, guns blazing and mow down the angel mafia like the unjust angel mafia jerks they were. Of course she couldn't do that, she had to declare her powers to use them

"If the angel mafia are in there I'm not going to be much help." She said with complete seriousness, slipping her fantasies into reality again

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"Sure." Bargus replied.

"Haze, we'll be tending to our business then, see ya later!" He waved at the friendly gunslinger and left the lobby. The sun's light slowly dimmed, the city lights were gradually turned on...

The blond sniper stood next to a bizarre girl. "Hey, Jesse!" He greeted. "Were you tracing our footsteps? Oh well, that saves one bit of trouble. I've booked a room in this very hotel, and it's large enough to hold a meeting. Now, the problem is to pin down the rest of the team and relay the information, see if you can help out."

His eyes rolled to the bizarre girl, adorning herself in an outfit completely out of this world, ridiculous even by Myriad human standards. "And...who are you? A friend of his?"

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"Angel.. what?" Jesse shakes his head, a bit confused on what Lisa said. "I don't know if there's such a thing but we're just here to meet up with the rest of my team." He said and sighed. "Just stay close and try not to scare the people inside by loudly proclaiming yourself as the Twilight Avenger. The last thing we want is some unwanted attention, capisce?" The sniper said to the girl with a glare that could cut a knife.Just before Jesse could make another step towards the hotel, He was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Were you tracing our footsteps? Oh well, that saves one bit of trouble. I've booked a room in this very hotel, and it's large enough to hold a meeting. Now, the problem is to pin down the rest of the team and relay the information, see if you can help out."

"Oh hey, Mr. Bargus. That's great that you rent a room for the team, " the boy greeted back the huge demon.

"Yeah, about that.." The sniper hesitated to speak up. "Well, they're running a few errands as we speak. I've met most of them in an alley after we apprehend a dangerous criminal. I'll discuss further details in private," Jesse said as he looks from left to right to see if it's safe to discuss this in the open.

"Anyways, I left them in order to fetch you guys." He said and looks at the dark sky. "It's getting dark, and i think we have better luck finding them tomorrow morning." Jesse suggested, feeling a bit tired of walking around the city back and forth in order to find things. The price of cutting his angelic wings I suppose.

"For now, It's best to share what we gathered today in private and figure out something. I'm sure you have some crazy adventures to share with short stuff over here." Jesse said, looking smugly at Karol. "Oh, and this girl right here witness that criminal in action and could help us in her own unique way"

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Jesse & Co.

"It's getting dark, and i think we have better luck finding them tomorrow morning."

The aquila gave Jesse an indignant stare at that line, still perched on his shoulder though silent thus far she had been. Her race were avatars of the sun itself; night meant absolutely nothing to her, and yet this sniper was using it as some excuse to stop for the day. Pathetic. She had been given one job, one little job, and while in the angel's company, the only thing that had gotten accomplished was finding this weeb strange outlander girl with the bizarre fantasies and this demon... the lazy bum hadn't even so much as tried to actually hunt anyone down, to be honest.

Still though... not quite like she could just spread her wings and take off on her own... orders were orders. She was stuck with the boy until either the job was done or the mistress called her back. That included staying with him overnight as he slacked off in this place too, sadly.

But... orders certainly didn't stop her from giving jesse a few heated bitch slaps with her wings, feigning to have lost balance on the boys shoulder and giving all the startled squawks to sell it, flapping frantically like a chicken trying to get out of dodge. Just a small bit of punishment she could give for his lack of work ethic in this...

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