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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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"Fair enough." Jorgen said, accepting Gabriel's decision. "I'm not sure if Bargus and Karol have had the time to actually secure a place, so I'll find and fill in the others before finding them and checking on their progress. If we haven't found each other again by, I don't know, dusk then we can head back to the city entrance." Jorgen paused, pondering the best way to go about finding everyone. He was restricted in mobility, leaping about being out of the question.

"I wanna find Lucille, she probably has some way to find everyone easily and discreetly with her animals." Jorgen decided after a few moments. She hadn't arrived with the group though, so she may not even be here.

"I'm going to get started on the legwork now. If you see Lucille by chance, please send her my way so I don't have to waste much time." asked Jorgen of his companion. He had been half tempted to accompany Gabriel to the seminars regardless of his decision. He didn't care much about academics but a part of Jorgen was loathe to leave behind the only person of his group who had remained with him. It was simply easier to keep tabs on the person he knew the whereabouts of. That tactic wasn't going to be very efficient though and they had a limited supply of time.

So Jorgen started to walk off. He hailed an Angel down as he did, readying his question on his tongue. "Have you seen a young woman, average height, looks kinda feral? Might have animal companions too?"

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Well that was unexpected, perhaps she had been wrong... Yes, yes, she could see it now. The invisible guy with the big mouth was actually a fellowagent of justice. And now as a fight broke out, she could see clearly where the lines were drawn. She pulled her sword from its sheath and charged forward, following up on the gunshot with an angular swipe across the angel's body.

"I'm not entirely certain what you have against this man, but clearly you are the true agent of the Organization." She said as she went, "It seems I shall have to bring you to justice with the powers of darkness!"

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"They're called Weapon Spirit Housings." Karol picked up a display part, a decorated hilt without a sword blade. Probably the most mundane housing, considering how swords are the easiest weapons to get Weapon Spirits onto. "Just add a spirit's consciousness to it, create the other parts of the weapon, and you can have a Weapon Spirit." A smile came to Karol's lips, reminiscing about when her weapon was first forged.

"It's obviously a lot more difficult than it sounds. A lot of magical energy needs to be used to input a Weapon Spirit's consciousness into a weapon. And the housing may be cheap, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to even get a willing Weapon Spirit." Karol put back the display unit, trying not to damage anything. Cheap as they were, she'd rather not have to waste money on damaged goods. "The amount of work to create a Weapon Spirit is largely impractical sometimes. The only advantage to having one in your weapon is the ability for your weapon to act on its own."

"Nothing interesting around here, though." Karol looked back to Bargus. "I'm done looking around. I'm gonna head back to the hotel. You can follow, if you want."

Edited by InnocentBoy
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On his way to the center of the city, not far from where he set off, Raziel stopped to watch an argument that broke out in an alleyway. It took him a minute to notice that Jesse was one of the ones involved. "We've not even been here a day and he's already gotten himself into a mess? Fantastic." He was too far away to hear exactly what was being said, but he saw Jesse fire a shot when the angel reached for him with a gloved hand. "Strong magical energies in that glove. Exactly who did he piss off? Ug." he thought with a grimace. As Jesse backflipped away, he threw up a barrier of ice between him and the other angel, and quickly threw a dagger towards him. Unable to concentrate as much as he would like, having just used a barrier, he hoped the dagger would hit its target without manipulation. In the meantime, a teenage girl charged at the enemy as she brandished a sword. She was also shouting something about justice, just loud enough for him to hear. "Who is that...? I feel like I'm going to regret helping if she sticks around...." he thought. Deciding to stay on the roof until the fight was over, he waited to see what happened next.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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Misara walked around aimlessly for around half an hour. The city was bustling with movement, stores open, angels passing everywhere, and lights coming from the windows of the tal buildings indicating activity in the magic ateliers. Some human merchants had carts on the streets selling their wares as well, though those were few compared to any other big city.

After some time, she started to notice some people looking in a weird way towards her - specially from city guards. Some angels had an high sensibility to demonic magic, being trained to recognize their presences from the times of war, and though she was only half-demon, it was a given a few of them would feel something off about her. Most were not that happy with demons coming into their home - Angels were the very last to enter the Alliance because of their lack of trust in that particular race.

She was turning around a corner when something bumped on her legs and fell to the floor, letting out a startled scream. Looking down she saw a little girl, probably around ten years old from her looks, sitting on the floor with a face like she was about to cry - what she promptly did a second later.

"Oooouchie! I hurt my tail!" she said revealing, much for the older girl´s surprise, a row of sharp and menacing teeth. Then she changed to an angry tone "Watch out were you´re going miss!"


The young angel in glasses on the other side of the counter inspected the gold as if expecting it to be fake - or just making a scene to look serious, perhaps.

"Uhmn, I guess I could look around for you." he said, while putting the coin into his pocket. "I´ve heard that there´s someone from the upper ranks of the Alliance coming here under disguise. Couldn´t assert who it was, but given the last events around the world it is pretty likely." He then stopped talking and and raised an eyebrow to Raziel, as if expecting more payment. After a bit of silence in which it became clear his client wasn´t paying anything else, he sighed and kept going. "I´ve also heard from a Crafter that one of the students attending the meeting is supposed to be a magic monster with an absurd ammount of mana,even for angel standards. I know all those who were invited to attend are at least above average in magical studies, but whatever that one is, it´s on another level."


Jesse didn´t have to walk much after leaving his ghost form before he bumped into someone again. Though it wasn´t as much bumping on as it was being bumped for - in this case, for an winged angel who suddenly descended almost over him.

"Oh. Looks like I miscalculated my landing." The angel said, though it didn´t sound much like an apology. "You´re not from here right? Were are you from? What´s your magic type?"


"Yay matey, there´s this rumour going through the city that has put everyone ´bit on the edge." the barkeep answered "It ain´t anything secret though. People just added two and two with those last jobs at The Thousand and Shadowveil and concluded we´d be next in line. Some are sayin´ it´s a spirit from other world who is killin´ the leaders to conquer the world - bullshit if ya ask me - but most think it´s a power fight between the big bosses of the Alliance." the man placed a big wooden mug of ale on the counter and sent it sliding over it to another client. "The city guards are stopping almost every outsider they don´t like the look of - which is practically everyone who doesn´t have an halo and fancy feathered wings - and some people were even arrested for some time, but nothing conclusive."


Rhaeza caught the mug that came sliding a bit too fast towards him. Luckily his reflexes where top game. He had been hearing the conversation for a bit, but only now he realized it was Jarvis talking to the barkeep.

Bargus & Karol

[in wait, because lunchtimeandi´mgonnabelate)

Jorgen & Gabriel

Jorgen and Gabriel looked around and eventually found signals guiding them to the event´s reception. Jorgen´s large metallic form attracted quite a lot of attention and scared looks, but seeing Gabriel eased most people enough to get them out of trouble. After waiting in a line for some time, they managed to get to the counter were an old woman with an halo over her head was handling the sign up forms. "Are you here to register for the meeting?" She asked, looking at the duo with a plain, neutral expression. "I need your names, and the name of the boy´s magic school, as well as his area of expertise."

Luna & Lucille

[in wait, because lunchtimeandi´mgonnabelate)

"Watch where I'm going miss!" Misara thought to herself angrily. Misara was then ready to duel her, but decided that she was only a child and that she should ignore it. She then looks at the girl and asks: "Have you seen anyone suspicious? Like, you heard about the incidents that have been happening, right?"

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"Interesting...I think I'll stick to being the only master of my axe for now." Bargus said. How ridiculous, weapon spirits are pretty much slaves to weaklings who can't even wield their weapons properly.

"I'm done looking around. I'm gonna head back to the hotel. You can follow, if you want."

"Er...I haven't actually booked a room yet, since my plan is to book everyone who needs a room at once. If you want to find your room already, there's going to be a problem. In all cases, though, I'll follow." He followed Karol.

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Gabriel nodded, and turned toward his destination. He started to go over his knowledge of healing charms and such in his head, particularly trying to refresh himself on the more esoteric incantations. I do wonder what kind of motivation a person would need to strike someone down at something like this. This sort of thing isn't political, it's for the benefit of all. Well, most. I highly doubt that anyone here can assist me in my particular plight. . . No matter. I'm here to catch another killer. He briefly wondered at the thoughts of those he passed on the street; a boy, walking alone and beneath a broad, dark parasol in fine clothes - what could he be up to?

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"Have you seen anyone suspicious? Like, you heard about the incidents that have been happening, right?"

"Eh..?" the girl looked confused, but after a moment she seemed to remember something. "We- well, there´s this weird old man following me. He looks like..."
Then all of a sudden, a man turned around running on the other corner, three others behind him. He was dressed elegantly, wore glasses and was probably on his early thirties, white hair covering his head, but with a lean build and dominating presence. Seeing the two girls, he pointed towards them and gave an order to the other three, who started running their way. The girl, seeing that, screamed and hid behind Misara. "It´s them, it´s them! Please miss, protect me from the bad guys!"

((CG, don´t quote the whole post, takes too much space. Try copy/pasting the last speech from the npc you´re interacting with in bold, like I did in this post))

Jesse, Raziel & Lisa

The angel seemed to be expecting the shot, so he quickly jumped back and summoned a defense sigil - something like a small round shield of light - to deflect the bullet.

He wasn´t expecting Lisa to attack too though, and just barely avoided the blade by flying backwards with a powerful movement of his wings, which sent a gust of wind in the girl´s direction. "Uhmn, seems like I need to try harder." He extended his arm towards them both, his glove glowed and, in a flash, five cockatrices the size of a dog appeared from thin air and attacked them.

((Jesse and Raziel would recognize this as summoning magic))

Bargus & Karol

A few time after the duo started walking, two angels of the city guard approached them. "Halt. You, I´ll need to inspect you. Put your hands over your head and face the wall." said the taller one, looking at Bargus. By the way they approached, it seemed they completely ignored Karol´s presense.


Gabriel arrived at the place indicated by the folder. It was a bookstore and cafe called, all built in wood , with two floors filled with book shelves that could be seen from the street through the windows. The inside was spacious, with round tables for five or six people distributed around the room. It looked out of place among the tall, modern looking buildings in this part of the city, but maybe because of that it felt like a pleasant place to spend an afternoon.

Gabriel was greeted by a young elf woman on the front door. She was tall, as most elfs, and had long,purple hair and eyes matching that colour.
"Welcome to Hanna´s Story Box! My name is Shelly, how may I help you?" she said, with a gentle smile on her face.

Edited by Notus
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"Alright..." Bargus complied with the guards' request. They completely ignored the kid. Guess she was right, this really made me suspicious. But then again, I can't help but feel a slight bit of discrimination...

We're gonna have a little bit of problem if they frisk out my axe beneath my armor...if that happens, guess I won't be checking in my hotel room today...

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Bargus & Karol

The second angel started inspecting Bargus, clearly not caring too much about being gentle. The tall one started asking questions. "What´s your name and what business do you have in Marblegate?"

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"My name's Bargus and I'm a traveler. I've heard the amazing architecture of Marblegate and I've always wanted to visit here, which is why I'm here. While I'm a traveler, I also have a bag of tricks to show as street performances. If you're interested, I'll be at the city gate by nightfall." Bargus answered, not willing to make up a false name on the spot.

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Jorgen & Lucille

((since Notus didn't update Jorgen I presume I have leave to fudge just how Jorgen found Lucille))

It was a streak of divine luck that led Jorgen to the one he was looking for, each angel he asked had a general direction point him in and eventually, after a decent amount of legwork, he crossed paths with the young woman and... her bear? Damn. He made no attempt to quiet his heavy footfalls, not quiet metallic due to his boots but still heavy due to his mass. He called out to her lightly as he got closer. "Hey Lucille, I'd like to talk."

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She was closing in on the sound, couldn't have been more than another block from the source.Either on foot or atop Bora, she would've travelled with equal efficiency, but... well, a woman running at high speed on all fours like a wolf would probably draw alot more attention than even a dire bear's presence, and they were already inconspicuous enough as it was. She was just about to round the corner, then she heard it, Bora's immense form stopping it's jog, searing eyes that loomed like the fires of hell itself turning to take in the man approaching, a defensive snarl emanating from the beast throat. A pat and some soothing impulses from Lucille was all it took to convince him to stand down though, letting the figure get closer without trying to tear him apart.

"Hey Lucille, I'd like to talk."

"About what?" She responded, scowling as her attention still drifted towards the distance. Leave it to the daft one to get in her way while she was trying to investigate potential trouble... "whatever it is, make it quick, metal man. I'm fairly certain one of us just fired a shot...a loud one..."

She didn't bother going into further detail about the conversation with Jesse or Luna; even dense as the cyborg had seemed when questioning Vermilio, she presumed even he would be able to grasp the basic implications of the situation...

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"God, I hate cockatrices" Jesse muttered. He steadily aims his rifle at the incoming pests, just as he was about to take a shot, He felt a familiar presence of another angel. Jesse briefly looks up without being notice and saw the water angel at the roof. Jesse hand-signal Raziel to ambush the angel and aim for the glove when he starts shooting.

Jesse released a mischevious smile, His whole body begins to fade and blends into the shadows like the Cheshire Cat from wonderland, The angelic sniper soon vanished in plain sight and was long gone before the other dog-size cockatrices could reach him. "I think we should coordinate our attacks, I'll start from behind to get his attention." An ethereal whisper spoke to sword-wielding girl.

And with that, the ghostly sniper quickly moves behind the fiendish angel like a silent wind, untraceable and swift. He takes his position from the angel's backside and started shooting the enemies within the area at a breakneck speed.

Jesse remains in ghost form while firing his rifle at a swift speed. His shots were silent, precise and deadly and were all aim at legs and wings of the fugitive angel and the cockroaches.

Edited by Ragnar
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"Thank you, good man! Have you seen anyone suspicious?" Jarvis said. He flipped the barkeep a few coins for his trouble and continued to look around the room. What do I do now? he wondered. He said the guards are stopping people, but I don't want to spend valuable time in a cell. I'll have to think of something other than starting a bar fight, he reasoned.

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Lisa was flung backwards by the angel's gust, barely managing to regain her balance before his summoning finished. Was he, taking her seriously? He seemed to be getting more serious, that implied he at least saw her as a threat. But she couldn't know whether or not he believed she had real power, not for certain. But if she was wrong, the fool she would make of herself almost certainly guaranteed that he wouldn't believe in her later. But doing nothing was- Oh screw it, what better chance will I have?

"Hmmph, you seem to have some skill." She stated, "Very well, I shall show you a glimpse of my power. You shall soon regret facing me."

She sheathed her sword and raised her right hand in from of her, fingers splayed wide. She spoke, but the words seemed to come not from her mouth, but all around.

"You are the witness. The conditions are fulfilled. Twilight Fantasy, open!" (OOC: TY based Acqui)

(OOC: Sorry RNPCA457, but you brought this on yourself)

A complex magic circle of unknown origin formed at her fingertips, glowing red with power. It rotated slowly as it passed over her body. A glowing black orb formed in her extended palm and she shut her hand over it, black and white flames spurting from between her fingers. A ruby bracelet wrapped around her wrist, glowing with the same red as the magic circle. Black flames flared up from her sword and her gun began to glow with light. Her eyes began to glow red and her hair grew longer, turning red as well. As the circle passed beyond her back, wings sprouted in its wake, one angelic and the other demonic. Then the circle vanished and she lower her arm. She kicked her leg up, tossing the gun free of its holster and snatching it from the air with her left hand, while simultaneously reaching across herself and drawing her sword once more.

"Oh my gosh it wor- Ahem, I mean, now you shall pay dearly." She said semi-ominously.

She would have said more, except the angel had sort of been attacking the entire time she was transforming. Luckily the lizard-things her sent after her couldn't get to her while she was protected by the magic circle, but now she wasn't protected by the magic circle. One of them lunged for her; she shot it, an explosion of light blooming from the side of its face.

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Jorgen opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment. He was disappointed in himself for not having registered the shot amidst the city bustle. This exemplified why Lucille's cooperation was a necessity. "We can move and talk at the same time then." That said, he wasn't actually oriented properly and didn't know just where the shot might have been coming from. Jorgen thus waited for her to get moving whilst he spoke, intent on following. He'd be loud but the situation seemed urgent "I wanted your help tracking down the others of our group,"

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Jesse, Raziel & Lisa
((Psst Typh, cockatrices, not cockroaches :D))

The angel sighed as Jesse disappeared, and then waved the glove once more to form a force field all around him, much like the defense sigil from before, but bigger, to defend against the invisible sniper´s attacks. "I thought you would do so. But that must have a time limit, right? Let´s see whose magic lasts longer, then."

And then Lisa transformed, getting the angel´s attention for real. "You´re a mage too? I´ve never seen that kind of transformation as well. Two new techniques for me in a single day, guess I´m lucky!"

The cockatrices weren´t protected though, and while they fell to Jesse´s rounds and Lisa´s gun and sword, more of them kept appearing as replacements. And now they were using the rifle´s sound to locate the shooter angel.

Jarvis & Rhaeza

"You mean, aside from you and the other guy there who is just staring at nothing in particular the whole afternoon?" He pointed his thumb towards Rhaeza. "Now serious, there´s a ton of outsiders in the town, some of them can´t help but look suspicious." The barkeep raised his shoulders. "There are some weird things happening indeed, though those began before the gates opened. Some of them fancy mages were being robbed of their magic, if that´s even possible."

Bargus & Karol

"Sorry, but I don´t think you´ll find much people in this city who would waste time watching a demon performing some cheap tricks. Though if it was a comedy act it could be amusing I suppose." The tall one said with scorn. By then the short one had found the axe, and though it wasn´t uncommon for people to travel with weapons, that seemed to serve as an excuse. "Ok, you´re following us to the station."

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(OOC: Now witness her true power!!)

Tearing through the mooks was ineffective, but also effortless and even a little fun. The invisible guy halfheartedly communicated a plan to her, he'd come from behind while she performed a full frontal assault, a simple enough strategy. She could probably execute that strategy all on her own if she wanted. Then the angel guy put up some fancy defenses, preventing most attacks. Most. Lisa charged forward, momentarily ignoring his endless army of lizards, she pulled her sword back, readying its flaming black blade for a stabbing attack.

"Black Flame Armor Pierce!" She cried, thrusting forward.

Her sword flared forward into a vicious point, slicing easily through the shield with no trouble. She then slashed it upward, causing a jagged gash in the magical barrier. In this same movement she moved the sword over her head and spun around, slicing downwards to take out a few more of chicken lizards.

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Luna followed Lucy at a distance. Not wanting to worry the woman but also taking the time to gather some information about the city layout during the intervening time. She noticed the sound too, though she didn't think much of it, it was Lucille's actions and concern that made her take it more seriously. So, she followed at a bit of a distance. That was until noticing Jorgen stopping her. "Figures... I should just go on ahead since I can get there quickly. I can get there even faster as the Nightmare Beast... but my group may think I'm an enemy, that and I don't have any idea of this is a genuine threat or not. However, Lucille seems to think so. It's got to be. I don't take her as the type to lightly assess anything. I trust her instinct. Considering I've felt it for myself I know that it's sound. If this is a serious threat, i need to meet it with serious firepower, best time for a debut then any other I suppose."

Luckily, the transformation was the one she knew the most by heart. After all, the Nightmare Beast was the form she considered hers above all others. It was not even second nature to her, it was first nature. It still took some time, but she could do it faster than any other full transformation. Her form grew and lengthened. She stood upright again and became 8 ft tall. Her features became long and gaunt, though she didn't look sickly at all. Sinew rippled all over her form. Tight cords of feral muscle that exploded with energy. On her head, 2 antlers, like that of a stag stuck out with a glorious span. bone like protrusions covered her stomach and one much like a skull covered her face. Her lupine features from the the dog form she was just in sharpen, losing the round edges of domestication, replaces with the feral sharpness of nature. She signaled Lucille by manipulating her aura again. A warbling in the fabric of it would signal that at least she was up to something. The emotion felt over the bond should help provide context. It was time to go to war.

She sped towards the area in which the she had identified the sound coming from earlier. It was a tad fuzzy by she could remember where it was. It'd take a bit until she reached it as she had to stick to back alleys to avoid being seen, but, she had a line there. Soon to emerge from the dark.

((as a note, she'd be in range where the Cocktrice would probably sense her. Even magical beasts get an uncanny sense from her, since she can easily transform into them as well, she's sorta like... a super supernatural creature lol.))

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Karol remembered one detail about the relations between Demons and Angels. They had quite a bit of trouble between them, and the recent murder of an Angel representative only served to strain their relations even more. Perhaps that's why they're being so strict.

"Hey, why don't you lay off my friend?" Karol reached over to grab Bargus's axe, failing to pull it away from the Angel's hands. She handled guns, not giant axes. There was a serious difference in weight between the two weapon types. Failing to take back the axe, Karol stood by Bargus, glaring at the shorter Angel. "And what's wrong with walking around with weapons, anyhow? You expect travelers to go around without any form of self-defense?" I'm carrying a highly advanced Sniper Rifle in my bag, and you worry yourselves over an axe?! "Or are you both just dense enough to believe a young girl like me can defend herself without any weapons?"

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Jesse, Raziel and Lisa

Raziel hid a small smile as the angel threw up shields to protect himself and nodded his head to Jesse's hand signal. The girl with the sword had used some kind of transformation magic and was attacking the cockatrices he had summoned. The smile grew wider as he noticed the angel step backwards - almost right on top of the dagger he had thrown. He had missed, but he doubted anyone knew that they were enchanted with his default spell. Tensing himself in concentration, he watched the girl take a swipe at the shields. He would wait until they drop and then release. "The glove should survive this if it's magically reinforced like the daggers....I hope it does. I saw the rune for stealing over the one for shielding...was he trying to take their abilities? ...Interesting. I could make use of this." he thought.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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The butler looked over at Rhaeza, recognizing her from the meeting. He returned his gaze to the barkeep, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that he wasn't working alone. "What do you mean, stealing magic?" he asked inquisitively. "Where did this happen?"

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Lucille and Jorgen von Strangle , shut up and get on this bear...

Hmmm... perhaps he's not so daft afterall "What do you mean, find the others?" She inquired further as Bora seemed to turn and start moving again of his own accord, keeping a slower pace this time but still holding some urgency in his large strides. Lucille had no idea how fast the man might be able to travel, if his lower body was as heavily modded as his top seemed... but she really didn't feel like having to potentially stop or go back to get him if he fell behind. Curiously enough though, she felt Luna's lurking as they set off again, some wild and radical sensation coming through breifly before stabilizing once more... the emotion she felt from the Primordial one was one she'd sensed too many times before; it was time to hunt... and like that, she was on the move. Seemed she too had picked it up....

Lucille continued as if it were nothing though, not letting bora increase his speed. There was no point giving jorgen reason to inquire about it. "As much socializing as you all insisted on doing, did none of you think to bring up a time or place to find each other for the conference? What did you do the entire time after I left then, pray tell?"

Typical, really. So eager to get to know each other, but yet no one shows the sense to use that time and get organized. Not that she was one for obsessively minute and detailed plans and contingencies, but even one such as herself knew they had their uses; she was willing enough to follow them as long as they worked properly... but if she had to improvise or even through it out entirely in order to get something done, take a different road from the one prescribed and forge her own path, she had no issue doing so without hesitation, and no fucks to give if anyone bitched about it later... so long as she got the same desired results her own way, why should she be accosted?

But enough. This wasn't Vongth's War, and this wasn't the army of the monstrous races... just a collection of poorly matched individuals told to stop a threat however they could... and if this situation was any indication, this probably wouldn't be the only time she'd be asked to step in...

"Fine, give me a moment," She finally sighed, letting up with the questions before Jorgen could even answer. Desperaux showed her the faces and appearances of all those who had gathered in that basement, as she closed her eyes, a bright radiance of green visible to the cyborg for just a moment before they did. She scanned all around her, letting her power roll across the space like an inescapable force, unfelt by any except those of beastial and monstrous natures, to them a growing presence, a judge of silent authority, glimpsing within them all. Her sense was always active, whether she focused on it or not, every alley they passed, every home, every trash bin, all the teeming forms nearby blooming in the back of her mind like some many wild flowers in the middle of summer. But with actual concentration behind it, she could push it even further, farther, make herself known to them instead of merely observing, issue a call to them even. And there she found her, soaring high above the city, eyes peering down from so many hundreds of feet yet seeing the streets as clear and focused one such as Despereaux or Bora on the ground might, scanning, hunting, the alleyways especially. Alleyways always gave food, when she could not find it elsewhere in the range or was simply too lazy to fly that far. With as much swiftness as slipping on a satin glove, Lucille had her innate resistance subdued, and her own essence anchored within the mind.

And like that, a young bird descended from the heavens, sleek, powerful, perfectly resembled of an eagle in it's prime, had it not been for the radiant gold and bronze of her thick plumage, and the very light of the sun bending and refracting off her shimmering feathers like a glorious flame in sacrifice to the gods, brilliant iridescence cast forth as she swooped over Jorgen's head and landed on one of the Ivory Towers held out by Lucille, cleaning her wings as she got better acquainted to the one who had so easily exerted such vast authority, drawn like a moth to a flame.

"There..." Lucille said, finally opening her eyes, the draconic slits surrounded by a vast sea of green still there in place of the platinum hued, pearl-like defects that were her usual iris and pupils. The bird displayed the exact same with it's own vision, before it finally faded to reveal eyes of the most celestial silver. "An Aquila isn't... quite what I was expecting to find here of all places, but... it'll do. Trying to track everyone down by their scent alone in this chaotic mess would take too long, so it's better to search from the air."

With that said, a resounding caw issued from the bird's beak as she spread her wings wide yet again and took off in a single mighty flap, soaring back up into the heavens from which she had came... though this time heading in a very specific direction as Lucille shared her sight- as with all avians, it travelled through the skies far faster than a beast crawled upon the earth, and as close as they already were, it was no time at all before it was showing her the scene as it all unfolded- beasts being summoned by some angel and the others beginning to fight them off, Jesse and some girl she didn't recognize on the street, the older and rather bitter angel Raziel on the roof-Lucille's own charge meanwhile naught but a fleeting glimmer in the sky to any of the participants of the engagement, watching from afar like a cold and indifferent star.

So...I was right. He did get into trouble, and somehow managed to drag a few others into it with him... "But none of this even matters right now, we've more pressing concerns to deal with first..." She paused, thinking about it a moment before finally looking at Jorgen again, ordering "Hurry up and Get on" prompting Bora to let out a roar in protest as he gazed up at her, only to be met with a stare so empty yet stern he piped down immediately. "It's the angel boy...jesse. I don't know what happened after he left but... look, just get on, we've wasted enough time as it is."

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"Eh..?" the girl looked confused, but after a moment she seemed to remember something. "We- well, there´s this weird old man following me. He looks like..."

Then all of a sudden, a man turned around running on the other corner, three others behind him. He was dressed elegantly, wore glasses and was probably on his early thirties, white hair covering his head, but with a lean build and dominating presence. Seeing the two girls, he pointed towards them and gave an order to the other three, who started running their way. The girl, seeing that, screamed and hid behind Misara. "It´s them, it´s them! Please miss, protect me from the bad guys!"

As Misara grabs her sword and gets ready to fight the guys, she starts thinking: What could they possibly want from her? Or are they after me 'cause I have been find out by the killer? Either way, I should get her to safety. But, if they knew I was here, then this is not good. I know I said I was going to do this on my own, but I should at least let Jorgen take care of her and maybe inform him on the situation.

Edited by Cool Girl
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