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Hi there!

I'm pretty new to the forums, but I started playing Reborn about 8 ish months ago, and enjoyed every second of it!

I'm from Auckland, New Zealand and I love pokemon :D

I started playing actual Pokemon, however, when I was about 7 years old (?) when I was given Pokemon Firered and a gameboy advance as a gift. Since then, I've played pretty much all the new versions at least once, but only got into fan made games recently with Reborn.

Aside from Pokemon, I like to play video games like LoL and Guild Wars, though I'm not exactly a pro (silver 3 casual).

IRL, I like pretty much anything to do with both Ancient history and Astronomy. The unknown always fascinates me!

I'm not particularly good at introductions, but I hope this is good enough for you all, and I hope to become more active in the community now that this is out of the way :)



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Hi there! Welcome to Reborn!

It is good to hear that you enjoyed Reborn and I'm glad you've decided to join the community.

However my inner Australian must say that vegemite is the best and we invented lamingtons.

Now with all of that country rivalry out of the way, enjoy your time here ;D

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Hi there! Welcome to Reborn!

It is good to hear that you enjoyed Reborn and I'm glad you've decided to join the community.

However my inner Australian must say that vegemite is the best and we invented lamingtons.

Now with all of that country rivalry out of the way, enjoy your time here ;D

haha! idk, marmite's pretty good ;)

have to say though, lamingtons are pretty damn nice.

thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I'll enjoy it immensely!


Good news everyone! A new member is joining the forum. Hooray!

Well, welcome to the forum! I hope you like it and you enjoy your stay.

great picture, thanks for the warm welcome!

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Hello Syglory! Wowie, seems that a lot of Australian-New Zealand people are popping up nowadays. ^.^
Hope you have fun here! Welcome to Reborn!

Feel free to take a cookie to your left, but not teh cake.


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Welcome. Maybe one day my teammates won't AFK and I can finally move into Silver III. But noooooooooo. (If you're a dedicated member, we could invite you to the Reborn League club)

Anyway, enjoy your time here.

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