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I'm Blue... Barry?


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I kinda don't know what I'll write here.

Well, my name is BlueBarry or just Barry for shorten

And Barry =/= Berry, please don't confuse.

I've been wandering around the forum for about one month and I think It's time to create an account and show up, right?

I was afraid of my age since every time I'm in a site/forum, people are always older than me, and I just feel like a real Smurf, making me lie about my age. Then I can't be 100% me.

Butt you have people of all ages here, so there's nothing to fear.

I'm 13, born in November 29, 2002.

There's a bunch of brazillians here, that makes me feel safer.

Yeah, I'm brazillian. That's another thing that I was afraid before.

Since I normally speak portuguese, my english isn't really good but I think that it's understandable.

It's easy for me to read and understand english, my difficulty is only in writing :v

I think you guys are tired of hearing "omg reborn is so difficult it surprised me a lot, the story is blablabla and stuff" so I'll jump out this part.

Hope I can be and do something important here in the Community.

See ya and merry 22 days before xmas


Edited by BlueBarry
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Hey there Barry. Welcome to our club of Reborn. It's fine to come out of the shadows to socialize with your older peers here. As long as you respect us, we'll respect you in return. Don't worry about your English around here, because there are some people who also have trouble typing/speaking it so you are not alone. Enjoy the time here.

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Well met Barry.

Welcome to Reborn!

...wait you're blue? But wololo :[ -- I still don't know how to deal with this. No conversions this time.

And yes, you're correct. There is some people from Brazil here. Tipo eu aqui \o/

Anyway, if you ever wanna talk, you can join our server here. We'll treat you well~

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here!

I'll see you around o/

I'm not going to recommend a song since that's with Ark, but since you're Barry...


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Well met Barry.

Welcome to Reborn!

...wait you're blue? But wololo :[ -- I still don't know how to deal with this. No conversions this time.

And yes, you're correct. There is some people from Brazil here. Tipo eu aqui \o/

Anyway, if you ever wanna talk, you can join our server here. We'll treat you well~

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

I'll see you around o/

I'm not going to recommend a song since that's with Ark, but since you're Barry...


oyo \o/

12/10 woa such voice acting

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Blue lurker. Something unique.

Anyway welcome to join into the forum.

You shouldn't be nervous because of your age mate, you will be respected same my friend.

Doing important is on your desicions, but do something that you like :)

Enjoy your day throughly.

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Hi there Barry!!! Welcome to Reborn!

Don't worry about being young. You're only a little younger than me and I know there are some people here who are younger than you! Lying about your age isn't going to be needed here! We judge based on the person rather than their age (unless if someone is like seven or eight in which case it is a little odd being friends with them).

Enjoy your time here!

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AYYYYYYYYYYY you're blue! And Brazilian! And you have a HAT! I like you.

Welcome to reborn Barry, pull up a chair, get rid of your sanity, and if you have any questions I'm the man to go to.


I have this hat thanks to Micky

Looks like It's dangerous out there without one of these

Welcome to Reborn. Please leave your sanity on the left, and your freedom on the right. You're here forever.

lol I hope so

Welcome! Your English has made plenty of sense thus far, so don't even sweat that. Enjoy your time here!

Thank god \o/

wtf i was listening this song like five minutes ago

are you a kind of psychic or something like that?

Wait, maybe i'm the psychic here @.@

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