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who was the ''not planned guest'' in your team

Might Gai

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did you get any surprisingly good pokemon that you didn't plan to use and become a powerfull ally

mine was sudowoodo, the fact that he had gear grind as an exclusive shadow move was insane, i ended up sweeping narcissa NARCISSA, double gear grind + rock slide = win 100%

tell me who was your ''not planned guest'' in your team down bellow

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I think something similar has been discussed previously in main forum already but i will play along anyway, for Rejuv, my least expected useful mon ismy Garbodor, she spammed acid spray-sludge for me, now who're Venam and Marionette again? Vivillon is a pleasant surprise in early phase of my journey, compound eyes sleep power is not to mess with~

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I have 20 some pokemon in rotation, and the one I am most impressed with is Slowbro. I've not used a Slowbro since MAYBE gen 1, and even then I doubt it.

I don't know if its the game, or I have just always undersold the pokemon, but he is by far one of my best right now.

Oh ya, and as others pointed out Swasbuck is really surprising as well, but that was mostly because I didn't have a healthy appreciation for the grass type until I played this game.

Edited by MetrololAce
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Did you know that Spore at level 22 is pretty useful? I didn't until I used a Paras.

Still can't throw him in front of fire types, but god damn Parasect's been an awesome support. Yeah, go figure.

Sorry for never catching you in Gen 1 q.q

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For me it was Raticate. I honestly never liked it and it never appealed to me as a pokemon, until I decided to catch it on a whim to beat Nacrissa.

HOLY CRAP. I don't know, and I still really don't care. Raticate ran through most of her team, smking them looking like Magikarp with Splash as their only move. Ever since, it has been a vital member of my party in certain situations.

(apologies to those who like Raticate)

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I would say Dewgong. I bought it in the casino and then it just kinda became a part of my team. When I get really frustrated at hard battles Sheer Cold can come in handy heh heh heh

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Well, I bought Meowstic (F) initially for Venam, but the thing saved me against so many things with Fake Out and Sucker Punch, notably

Mewtwo, Dexoys and the freaking Chandelure

On the other hand, Sharpedo turned out to be rubbish: to frail to take a hit, but too weak and slow to KO...bit of a waste imo.

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I would say Torkoal, but after the fourth Gym, I used Driftblim in my battle against Madame X, and it helped me a lot. However, it also helped me against Valarie too, because then I could baton pass it for Ampharos, who in turn destroyed most of Valarie's team. So far, Torkoal and Driftblim have been my unplanned guests.

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