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Too much salvation is bad for you.


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Hi guys! Quick announcement here. Remember the save backup system?

Well, don't think we haven't paid attention to your pleas of means to control it! in fact, I've nothing else to do in this thread than to let you know E16 will be shipping not with one, but with two different ways of controlling the backup system - Both should be very self-explanatory:


The first option controls whether or not the system will work at all. Turn it off, and no more save backups will be created. The second option controls the maximum amount of backups in your folder at a time. The default number is 50, and it'll go as high as 100, and as low as 1.

We've worked around the clock to guarantee these two implementations are 100% functional and will not conflict with the existing savefiles. The only complication here is the following:

For the new-new save system to work, the backup counter needed to be reset to 0, so when you start e15 you'll notice the first backup made has 1 as it's counter, the second has 2, and so on, instead of the previous number. This will not affect your existing backups in any way, but you'll have to delete them manually.

And as a side note, I personally suggest keeping at the very least ten backups at a time, since we've seen corruption go back to as many as 2~3 files in a row.

That's it.

Thanks for your time!

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I think we've reached the point of no return regarding the point of this thread, but...

Too much love will kill you.

Does the current Save File backup store up to 100 or indefinitely?

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I think we've reached the point of no return regarding the point of this thread, but...

Too much love will kill you.

Does the current Save File backup store up to 100 or indefinitely?

I think it's probably 100, I haven't played in a while but when I made my videos there wouldn't be ones from the dead start to where I currently was.

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So after the landmark of 100 saves is reached, it just means that the older ones get deleted as you make new ones, right?

When you reach save 101, save 1 gets deleted.

So on and so forth.

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