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Like Gradun, Neville seizes the opportunity and charges up a destructive ice spell, the wizard swirls his staff while pointing it at the heavens, as if he was brewing up a storm within the area. His eyes glow and a misty aura started to swirl around his feet, The wizard was in a trance to the point he vulnerable to an attack.

The spell was set, A huge summoning circle magically appears within the arena's ethereal floor and was placed within the radius where the Crimson Knight and Varick were fighting. Obviously this magical circle signifies as a marker, a huge spotlight per se, this is where the wizard wants his snow storm to land.

The wind howls violently above the two men. The temperature drops drastically and becomes more and more frigid at an alarming rate. An artificial winter is upon them as a sight of snowflakes casually falls from the sky.

Of course this might also harm the Orc in the process, but I'm sure Varick will understand, right? this spell will affect the Crimson knight more than him considering how much damage the elements of water and ice can get to their fiery mentor.

This winter storm can be prevented once Neville lost focus of invoking it. But hey, by the look of things, who's gonna stop the caster in finishing this destructive spell? their stationary mentor is pretty occupied at the moment with Varick and Gradun has a spell brewing up as well. How will the Crimson knight is gonna prevent the two spells that are headed towards his way?

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With a gout of flame being launched into his face at an arms width, Varick didn't even attempt to dodge. Instead he tucked his chin to his breast, turning his face to the side so his helm would take most of the flames. The temperature was maddening but at least the flames couldn't sneak through the eye slits in Varicks helmet. Then the Orc systematically dropped the sword and attempted to take stock of what he could do, a vast array of thoughts vying to get to the forefront of his mind in the crystalline moment created by adrenaline.

Being a purely physical attacker, Varick was unsure that he could do anything to the embodiment of flame in front of him. Certainly tackling it would do nothing. On the other hand, it seemed to be some sort of magical construct and if it had magic flowing through it, then the Aegis may be able to do something. So Varick threw a savage bash with his bejewelled shield before backstepping to gain some measure of distance. Varick then noted Nevilles' spell, the target area enveloping him and a vicious snowstorm enveloping the area around him. The Orcish Warrior raised the Gemstone Aegis, taking shelter beneath it from the magical storm as best he could, confident his armour would hold off what the Aegis did not.

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"We've come this far haven't we? If we just give up now what would've been the point in fighting back a second ago? I'd rather die with a blade in my hand then a coward who just let his life go to waste. So no, I won't be giving up anytime soon!" He turned his attention to his ally across the room. "Debronee, me and you have got to work together on this I'll be counting on you."

With that Zagi decided to test the waters with this phantom fighter. He launched another ball of flames towards the man just to see how he'll react while also walking forward to close the gap between the two. It was mainly supposed to be a distraction for the ghost so that Debronee could attack him while he was occupied dealing with the incoming projectile. Zagi just hopped Debronee would catch onto his plan, he didn't really tell him about it. But if he did the ghost would know what they were up to. He also kept an eye on Snow, didn't want her sneaking up on him and slicing him in two.

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The Crimson Keep

The Flame dragon lashed into the Aegis as it came towards it, not really affecting it much. It being made of Elemental Fire couldn't really directly do much to the shield. However it not being a physical being the shield didn't really affect it either. It was the Storm that drove it off. The Cold and wet effected it rather easily The Flames hissing loudly as the power of them extinguished. The Steam Cloud however, still rose but it had moved now. The Crimson Knight could clearly move within the steam using it to conceal his exact location. For now he kept hiding. The Flamedragon returned to it's users winking out in the steam cloud.

"Unfortunately for you I have a lot of experience with dealing with the effects of Winter... and it's storms. A colleague of mine after all is their embodiment."

The steam dissipated in an instant as it sucked into Crimson's armour. It all vacuumed quickly inside. He was once again holding his completed whip. Flames erupted from all over his armour, a bright Crimson. A release of extreme magical heat hit the room with immense power as it suddenly grew in temperature. The air grew disgustingly humid to the point it felt like a swamp. Snow and ice vanished due to the immense heat. "Even when conjured with magic a Storm, still behaves as a storm. I've have practice ruining them before. A Blizzard is only a Blizzard fi there's snow. And rain doesn't have as much an effect on me as my armour is hot enough it can evaporate the water."

What he said was true. Having turned the storm into that of a summer storm, it was now raining heavily in the room, but not just where Neville initially placed the storm, but the entire battlefield. However, once noticed around the Crimson a shimmering barrier of heat. It was so hot that none of the rain touched him.

Gradun had trouble maintaining the water around him and not only that began to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of water put into the air by the storm and the Heating of the room. He wheezed in pain before the barrier shut down of it's own accord. The water came crashing down with a loud wet crash. ((Dance of the Water Lily: Off.)), he swore loudly in Victonarian. "Shit... "

It was a bit of a dire situation. Having been pushed out of his magical stance the strain on his body was near crippling. He could feel how tired he was. He took a deep breathe. He needed to focus himself. The shock of the forced changed shook his core and had his mind racing in every direction. He had to focus it otherwise he'd lose more and more of his energy at a much faster rate then he could handle. He shut his eyes cutting out one of his senses. He would be bombarded with less sensory information making it easier to process. However, it left him wide open. He hoped the other two would keep him safe while he tried to regain his composure.

The Ivory Tower.

The Blade of Ice hit the fire ball and sliced it in 'twain. It was one of Snow's Ice Baldes from her sword... and yet... this time it didn't explode from the flame it remained intact. It wasn't aimed at Zagi though so for now... it didn't matter. But, how?

The second form, that of a Knight moved up to Zagi. He held a Heater Shield and a longsword. Like the Man now attacking Matthew, he started to become solid. Copper coloured armour started to appear as well as the rest of his gear remaining a similar copper color. He didn't make an attack at Zagi yet, only coming forward to engage him in combat.

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  • Support Squad

The fight was not going well thus far, even if they each still seemed to have tricks up their respective sleeves. A glance at his comrades told Varick enough, a strong defense was needed so they could establish some form of offensive power.

Varick rushed through the pros and cons of a stalling defensive tactic and an aggressive defence. Varick was fairly certain he could not damage the knight himself when considering how well Crimson had dealt with their prior assaults so the only merit of aggression was to keep focus away from Gradun. On the other hand, a purer form of defense that focused on simply keeping Varick between Gradun and Crimson meant a surer form of protection that would only be overcome by superior speed or power that could not be stopped by his strength or the properties of Aegis.

Varicks decision made, the warrior positioned himself between himself and the Crimson knight, keeping an eye on the mans whip and trying to note the positioning of the knights feet as he stood on the balls of his own, ready to intercept in whatever direction Crimson decided to attack.

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Silef saw the deadlock as an opportunity. She closed with the gigantic Divine Knight and rather than swinging a weapon at him, simply reached toward him, the golden aura from earlier shining from her. If she was successful and the man(?) didn't move away, her plan was simple; pierce Dust's armor with a small burst of light, and then expand it as far as she could, blasting away or through his armor and possibly melting the area around it with sheer heat.

(Roll vs. touch AC, lol)

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"Well... what a Pickle we are in Vayne." Dust said with a small chuckle. "Seems we are in a deadlock. I need two arms to swing my hammer and don't have the space and your only weapon is lodged in my armour. Whatever will we do?"

Vayne gave the warrior a sly grin.

"What you're forgetting," he started through gritted teeth, "is that I'm the one with allies here!" He could see Silef preparing her attack. It would be difficult for even a warrior such as Dust to deal with a capable fighter while maintaining this deadlock. At some point, an advantage would present itself, and that would be the time to strike.

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Even with his fail attempt to conjure up a blizzard, Neville stands firmly with his scepter still pointed at the Crimson Knight. Dammit, this is not good, I've burnout a portion of my magic for nothing. the amount of oddity this guy pulls with his fire magic astounds me. Even tho we know his weakness, he still manage to overcome everything we throw at him. The wizard breathes heavily and feels a slight fatigue in his last attempt in conjuring that last spell.

Neville's eyes shifted from side to side noticing his allies, it seems Gradun might take some time to recover and Varick is doing the defensive play in his part.

Welp, i guess we're playing defense now. Neville shrugs and spin his staff. A misty glow flares in the wizard's eyes.

"eci llaw retlehs eht drad!" the wizard whispers an invocation and raises his right arm. A huge fence of ice pillars magically erects beneath the grounds, around where Gradun is standing. These crystal walls should keep the musician safe and soften my mentor's fiery attack.

Neville then points his staff at the Crimson Knight, anticipating his mentor's next move.

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The Ochre Dreadfort


"You got careless you buffoon." the world hissed.

Dust didn't have much of an option as he surely didn't have the chance to dodge the attack that was coming for him now. He'd have to do that which he didn't want to do already. He'd trigger the second stage of his armour. It would be forced on for awhile and it had it's own weaknesses. But, if he didn't, he'd take a very hard attack to recover from. His armour shimmered with an unnatural light for a split second before it changed form. It went from the flat stone to suddenly become a form of hazy white gemstone, Perhaps pure quartz. That's when Silef's hand touched his back. The flash and heat of the light could be felt by even her as she felt it reflect a small amount of the magic and spread it out over it's surface. The magic light still burned some of the armour but it didn't go nearly as far as it would have had it been stone.

"You definitely do have allies Vayne. I must apologize for forgetting them. But, we're not done here yet." Dust said. He dropped his hammer as he snapped his fingers on his now free hand. Underneath him the earth begin to raise up in a pillar pushing back both Silef and Vayne from him as he rose into the air. He pushed off it launching himself farther away landing behind the third member of their band with a loud crash of immense weight. He struck the Victonari a hard blow in the shoulder sending him flying towards the other. "Hmmm... You're lucky... This armour isn't one I like as much. But your magic is quite potent against me, it's a necessity it would seem. Come!"

He smashed his fists together clearly intending to fight with his bare hands now rather than the large unwieldy hammer. If Dust knew anything, the hammer was better for slow opponents, these ones were much too fast, so now was the time for old fashioned fisticuffs.

Ress'nok found himself flying through the air a second time. "I'm really getting tired of this." he thought to himself as he thudded against the back wall near his allies.

"I swear I'm better than this M'lady. It's not everyday you fight a Legendary hero." he said with a chuckle.

The Crimson Keep.

"Do not forget, Fire is not solid for it is simply energy given form. This is FIRE'S STRENGTH!!!"

A torrent of Crimson flames flew for The Half-Orcish man, however, he was never there intended target. The Flames wrapped around him instead going around the edges of his armour and coming off. They refocused themselves back into a cluster of flames after they had cleared around the Orc. It was unparalleled control of flames, as if the fires were part of him. This was what it meant to be a Divine Knight. His control of flame and temperatures was something Neville dreamed of but probably would never be able to muster. The fire then split again invading the ice wall to get at Gradun. Gradun knowing what was about to happen prepared his trumpet, the others heard his lute stop playing.

He took a deep breathe as he waited for the flames to emerge. As soon as they saw him he shouted the words "Molto Blasto!!!" and then exhaled everything he had into a loud cacophonous trumpet blast. The blast of sound was so loud that the whole room shook. Not only this, but the fire vanished from the powerful current. It sent chunks of the ice wall flying at high speed towards The Crimson Knight. They blasted against his armour loud hisses coming from it in response. One drove itself into his chest piece, and in response a gout of crimson red flame spewed forth from the hole. It melted the spike leaving a hole in his chest. They noticed though that no blood poured out of the hole in his armour at all. But he was so far away they couldn't tell if he had just cauterized the wound or not. Clearly a human or person with the power over fire could instantly repair his wounds as such, no?

Gradun huffed in exhaustion. He bent over gasped for air, similar to a person who had just run fifty miles non-stop and was trying to get a breather. "Seriously, I don't get payed enough for this shit... I actually don't get payed anything... man... being a musician sucks sometimes." he huffed under his heavy breathing.

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"You're getting paid in life" Varick responded absent-mindedly to the Victonaris complaints. Varick was truly shaken now. What the hell was Varick meant to do? The Aegis was literally the only thing he brought to the table that was actually useful. Close combat would probably achieve next to nothing at this point aside from serve as a distraction and he was as useful in stopping the flames as a pebble was at stopping a river. It literally just by passed him, cooking him slightly in his armour along the way.

That was what shook Varick. As careful as he could be, as alert and watchful, his defense had been for nought, his allies were pulling the weight here, actually impacting their enemy in some way. It reminded Varick of his first days of battle, a new recruit trying to help alongside his superior officers, the men and women who led him. He was just there, a minimal presence in the battle at hand.

Now though he could not afford that luxury of being strung along. He had to help.

"By the gods, I'm going to rip apart that suit of armour, I don't care what kind of magicks you pull out of your ass." Varick hissed, barely audible behind his helmet as he started into a lurching charge, dazed a little by Graduns blast that reformed into a full sprint at the enemy, throwing his whole body into a tackle that would bring the crimson knight to the floor. Probably meant a chance.

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Bah gawd! that orc is charging right into the heart of the flames itself and probably to his impeding doom, i don't know what's the deal about these brutish warriors who always engage in close range attack, Such a barbaric way in engaging an opponent, I might say. Welp, who am i to stop in his moment of glory.The wizard release an small chuckle at the sight of Varick charging in towards the Crimson Knight.

"I guess we should cover him for good measure" Neville said to Gradun. The wizard twirl his staff and held it sideways. Neville's lips continues moves as an aura of mist wildly sprays around his feet. ((Winter's curse: on)) A bunch of icy spears magically manifest by the wizard's side. "Elcici EcnaL!" with Neville's command to strike with his index finger, these sharp icy spears flew at high speed, catching up with Varick's sprint towards the knight.

These crystal shards wasn't intented to hit the Crimson knight in a way, but to counter the projectiles that their fiery mentor has to offer, providing cover and support for the Orc's tackle to connect.

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The Crimson Keep

"If you're going to be this reckless I will be too." The Crimson Knight thought to himself as the Half-Orc approached. Ice surrounded the man but it clearly wasn't on a trajectory that would hit him, Neville would have to hit Varick to hit him so there was no way that was their purpose. Crimson sighed, this was the first time in a while where they made him do something risky rather than stick with his traditional strategy. He felt himself having to adapt. It was the most fun he had in awhile this mortals were interesting.

The Crimson Knight Spread his arms out almost as if he was preparing to hug Varick as he charged towards him, and in the last second before impact, his entire frame erupted with crimson flames. The Flames lashed out all over Varick as he collided with the Crimson Knight, the flames hot than anything he had known some even leaking into his armour. The smell of burning flesh rose in the air.

Gradun looked on in stunned horror as this happened. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Why did you do that you fool?"

His playing suddenly began again strings of his lute playing a soft song. This one, unfitting of a Battle. It was sad and yet filled with some sort of hope. It hit the hearts of thsoe that heard it and made them beat along with it. Unlike the vigor bestowed by his previous song this one made one's fear wash away and they could feel the energy return to their limbs. Life itself seemed to come back to them, healing power.

Even Gradun seemed to greatly recover from his exhaustion. Somehow even though he played so intently, with so much attention and care, his face grew all the more serene; Peaceful. Varick felt it, Neville felt it. A piece of Gradun's own soul. A Song of Mercy and Healing.

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'Hmm, so she was able to cut the fireball with the ice blade in-tact. Gonna have to remember that for the future' Zagi thought to himself as he and the armored knight slowly approached each other.

"Alright, I've enough of this staying a far distance plan. I say it's time we crossed steel!" Zagi honestly had enough of just standing back and throwing fireballs, it maybe safer but he never enjoyed staying back and just chucking stuff at the enemy. He gripped his sword in in his right hand, his walk now turning into a run as he approached the armored man faster than before. Aiming a horizontal blade strike in the slit between the armor near the chest region.

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Within his helmet, Varicks face was twisted into a mural of pain, fear, anger, spite and, surprisingly, joy, every emotion flickering across his hidden face like the fire that hurt him even now. This moment, here and now, was the first time Varick had felt any semblance of the life that had slipped away from him. Even as his flesh simmered within the hellish torment that was his armour, his heart sang for the first time in a truly long time, beating all the more as Graduns song reached Varicks ears.

A roar to match his monstrous kin erupted from his mouth, incited by the effects of the fire, the raw and primal pain that came only from a beast burnt. But Varick was not simply a mere beast. Varick was a man of Tectaniteus. Varick was a man of Graterras. Varick was a person of the world. The world did not burn so easily.

Besides, the warrior had told the knight that he would tear off his armour, despite whatever magic he pulled out of his ass.

So as they lay sprawled on the ground, burning harshly, Varick took hold of the knights armour and rolled so he was straddling him, the heat made ever more worse as it rose from the Knight. So, with flaming gauntlets Varick began pummelling the knight, screaming a horrific chant.

"Powerful Garnet, give me the strength to bare the load of the world!

Great Lodestone, give me the power to polarize my allies, and rally them to my side no matter what!
Insightful Ruby, give me the power to believe in myself, and make the right actions!
Wise Topaz, give me the power to understand the world around me and my purpose within!
Wonderful Bloodstone, give me the power to overcome the challenges lain before me and the mind... to complete them!"
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The Crimson Keep

The loud din of metal colliding with metal beating on metal rose among the sounds of the Half Orc's rage and anger and his chant of the Oath. The Oath he had taken to become one of Tectaniteus's Chosen. Words that meant something, a life style. So, not just words. The Crimson Knight sat there taking the blows he didn't even move. His respect for this warrior was too great. He was insane for doing this, but his heart body and soul told him too. While he might have been a Warrior of Tectaniteus... he could have easily been one of Pyron as well. He had that fire the one of soul the fire that He once had. He recognized the pain in the face of the man who was over him. It was very real and it was the pain one would feel on the battlefield. He remembered the bloody campaign to battle the Nameless Dragon... The Faceless Demon. The forces of which were many many beasts. The face of a man he knew flashed before him. A friend. A friend who had jumped into the flames. Fed up with not being able to do anything to protect those around him properly. Against the Magic of a Dragon... what was a warrior to do? It would seem hopeless. And yet he threw himself at it anyway. Crimson... was always angry with him for doing that. He always felt he threw away his life. But now he understood... he understood it in the face of this half-orc pounding on his armour. So, he just lay there.... remembering the warrior who had slain a dragon with naught but a sword and the flail of his life. In this man he saw that same spirit, that same resolve. So, he couldn't move, he couldn't do anything to the Half-Orc atop him. If he had a face... he would've smiled.

It didn't last long before the heat would take the consciousness of Varick. The stink of burning and slightly cooked flesh rose into the air as the unconscious body of Varick slumped to the floor. The Crimson Knight still lying on the floor. "Sleep well... you deserve it." The only words he had to say. He stood up missing an entire arm of his armour. It had come off in the collision with the floor. Both Gradun and Neville could easily see now that the suit of armour was empty. For no arm hung out of the place where the armour was missing. All that was there was a licking lash of crimson flame. He cracked his whip before stowing it away. He wouldn't need it now. His two other opponents were mages... he'd fight them on their turf. He'd seen all he needed from Varick to understand why he was here. He looked down at him. A great one this one was. He was glad to have him on his side in the Clash. This man's body was his spirit, though he was a Eternal Watcher... he had the soul of a Cinder Knight.

He looked back up at the two still standing awaiting their move.

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Neville was in disbelief as Varick's smoldering body hits the cold ethereal floor. But..but..but how? the Crimson Knight was pinned to the ground like a helpless MMA fighter, nobody could take a savage beating like that and still manage to get up. what kind of man or thing are we facing? Neville firmly grips his scepter as the Crimson Knight looks at them.

"Fine, if you're gonna incinerate us all, then so be it." Neville sighed. "but if you think we're going down without a fight, well you have another thing coming. And just like Varick, we're gonna hurt you real bad before that happens." the wizard release mischievous smile and spread his arms as the violent arctic wind blows behind him. The wizard's cape sways wildly to the wind as he invokes his icy powers.

"Elcici hsarc!" with the rise of Neville's staff, the ground slightly trembles, it suddenly stops as a sound of cracking tiles was heard. Without warning, a huge ice pillar violently erupts beneath his mentor's feet as it tries to impale the knight from where he stand, trying to shatter the Crimson knights remaining armor.

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