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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 2 [OPEN]


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Verext - Bisharp

He instantly appeared into the throne room and knelt down infront of the king and Queen with a mortified look on his face.. he tried to hide it before he spoke. "you summoned me my lady?" he said looking up at the psychic poke'mon. "Whay is it that trubbles you?"

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King Shidew(Sableye)

"Ah Vertex, we have been talking and we want you to sail West. Look for any uncharted or unclaimed land. Take the land for the Magic Kingdom! But be sure to do it non-aggressively."

He notices Valerie walking up.


She walks up and bows.

"What is it, M'lord and M'lady?"

"Valerie, we want you to go to the Toxxia Badlands and use your diplomatic skills to... Convince the poison types to join us."

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Vertex - Bisharp

"As you comand My lord" He said as he summoned a small team of dark types. he then stood up as they were prepairing to leave, but a strange poke'mon was blocking the door. They were in a hood, but they were clearly not Xeen. "What business do you have here? speak!".

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Atlas (Golurk)

The Golurk looked down at the Growlithe and spoke. "Actually, yes, I do. You see, our King has tasked me with strengthening our defenses, and while our castle walls have been repaired, I feel as though they should be reinforced in case they take a hit like they did in our defense against the Kingdom of Water. I would like for you to gather some Timburr and Gurdurr to help do that, if you could. Maybe create a wall around the Capital as well. In the meantime, I will put together a few teams to help defend it." Atlas said. It then proceeded to resume it's plans to create an effective defense force.

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Freya- Flygon

"You're kidding me," Freya called as once again the guards turned her away from the Castle doors. They looked like two bisharps, medium builds... she was sure she could take them, if she had to. "How hard is it to request an audience with your king? It's not like I'm here to assassinate him or anything! I just want to talk to see what he knows..."

"Knows about what, foreigner?" One of them asked in a generic, gruff voice. The other simply kept his blade at the ready... looked like they might have trouble with this one.

"...Birds." Freya answered hesitantly. The both of them just laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world, slapping knees and doubling over.

"Birds, she says!"

"You want to waste his Majesty's time with talk of birds? That, my good lady, is a riot!"

"What, you gonna ask him about the legends of Zapdos and Articuno and Moltres?"

"Yes..." Freya said simply, unbemused by the banter. Sand began to fall from the confines of her Cloak, snaking toward the two unseen... eventually the laughter stopped without her having to mash their heads together though.

"Yeah, look kid, that's great and all, but beat it." This was from the guard who still had a blade extended, his voice a synical, reedy thing in contrast to his partner's. "I don't feel like getting a bunch of shit just because you wanna waste the king's time. Hell, I'm not even going to bother relaying your request, now get lost! Or else me and my buddy here will... have to straighten ya out." He tapped his length of steel against the axe like blade jutting from his war helm. His 'Buddy' was just now drawing his own weaponry...

"Arrogant swine..." Freya thought as she simply turned, and walked away back towards the plaza. "Ridicule me like that, will you? Let's just wait a little while for you to forget this... then later..." She smirked as she headed back down the avenue, searching for a suitable perch to keep an eye on the two guardsmen.

Little did either of the men know as they watched her leave though...

that Freya's Sand was scattered around their feet. And writhing, ever so slightly...

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Crystal - Espeon

"What business to you have with us? Also keeping your hood on inside is a bit rude don't you think?" The espeon asked the hooded the pokemon. 'Why does everyone barge in? couldn't they, i don't know, KNOCK ON THE DOOR FOR ONCE!' She thought to herself angrily.

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A loud roar may be heard from in between the two land masses, and the East and West coasts of the two(respectively) would start having harder waves.(If the host says it is okay)

"I have awoken..." It says to itself.

Edited by Cytan
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the poke'mon uttered something quietly as he approached the king and queen "~Xecra Region's falling down, Faling down, Falling down, Xecra Region's Falling down, My fair lordship" The poke'mon paused for a bit his head did a 180 looking back at Vertex "HIIIIIIII Steeeel Type". he then truned his head back around and contined to the king and queen.


(Something about this guy rubs me the wrong way) He then took a good look at the poke'mon and exclaimed "Careful my queen. its a Ghost type. and there is some off about him too" he said drawing his sword.

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Sir Darius (Gallade)

Sir Darius had begun making his way to the castle after dealing with a few things on the training grounds when a Sigilyph came swooping down to report to his captain. "So you've successfully delivered the letter?" The Gallade asked. The Sigilyph began to communicate telepathically. "Yes, sir." He answered. Sir Darius was glad to hear this news. "Good. You're dismissed for now." The Sigilyph flew off afterwards. Sir Darius then made his way to the castle and then the throne room to see the hooded pokemon. He didn't like this one bit. "Just what is going on, here?" The Gallade asked, preparing a Night Slash in case this mysterious pokemon had the intentions that Sir Darius was expecting.

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"I'd recognize a Banette from anywhere... What business do you have with us? Speak."

Shidew knows something is now right about this guy.

He might also inform Xeen of this the next time they encounter each other.

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Crystal - Espeon

Crystal stared harshly at the ghost coming towards them, "State why you're here or I'll have you out of our city." She said assertively. However she prepared herself for if the creepy ghost decided to attacked.

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Yien - Banette

He lets out a insane giggle "I knew I could not fool a ghost type like me" he said looking at the king with his unblinking eyes. "You see, i see nothing inparticular... I just want some one to play with" he said with a crazed grin, he then turned to the Gallade and the Bisharp "Will you play with me?"

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The awakening of the titan sends large waves away from it. These waves can be seen from the coasts of the continents. A large part of the Land Kingdom near the coast is going to be submerged. Panic rises in the kingdom and the people hurry inlands. Some fear that even the Capital may be submerged.

This disturbance is felt across the region, mainly by the Sky Dragon, Azauqyar and the Water Wolf, Rain. Even the King of the water kingdom understands the meaning behind the sudden change in the ocean.

On the other side the commander of the Permafrost kingdom feels the incoming waves. The large waves halt any attempt by the Land Kingdom forces to search for the new Kingdoms.


The violence in the water is obvious. Something big had happened. Could this be the power of the Water King? I must inform my King. Brandon shouts orders to his troops, "Men, something big has happened. Go scout the area and bring your findings to the castle." With that, he rushes back to the Capital.

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Alucard (Gengar)

Alucard had whizzed over to the Sky Kingdom's castle gates so quickly his sprint left him wheezing. Two dragon Pokemon stood in the way denying him entrance to the castle. He presumed these guys were part of the Azauqyar's Drake Guard, but he couldn't be sure. "I need to speak to Ulkina NOW!" Alucard shouted. The two dragons merely shook their heads as Alucard started to ineffectively pound one with his tiny fist. "Tell Ulkina that BROTHER is looking for her."

Ulkina (Latias)

Ulkina had lived in the castle since Kruga's invited them to stay. She merely zoomed through the halls doing sweeping barrel rolls and alley-oops in the time the servants weren't telling her to stop, and even then she ignored them. She'd been introduced to her blood brother Eric too. Even though they had a broken telepathic connection with each other that was restored, her memories of him were weak at best in recollection.

She didn't quite know how to feel about her blood brother. On one hand, Eric was the only real relation she had in this world. On the other hand, Alucard the Gengar accompanied her as they wandered around alone for the longest time. She didn't know what to do, because Alucard may not have been her caretaker from long ago.

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Otto (Samurott) and co.


Otto nodded when Magister walked in.

"Sorry for having bothered you, but one of my Scouts has some news that I thought you might be interested in."

Otto then turned to the Ducklett.

"Go on, tell Magister what you told me."

The Ducklett then proceeded to inform Magister of what it had seen.


Otto had been letting the rumors percolate throughout his Kingdom, and now decided to start up an Expedition to survey the new Continent. So, he called for one of his Ducklett Scouts.

"Tell your fellow Scouts in the Wingull Division that I would like them to map out that New Continent to the East."

The Ducklett nodded, and then headed off towards the Barracks. That's when the Waves hit. Otto then yelled.

"SCOUT! Get back here NOW!"

The Ducklett came speeding back in. Otto promptly gave it new orders.

"Get magister to come here pronto."

The Ducklett then quickly sped off to find Magister.

Edited by K_H
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Ignis (Entei)/Rader (Manectric)

Both of the Officers felt the waves and they were coming for them Both of them shouted to the whole pier "Get the heck out of here!" Everyone including themselves got out of in time there before the wave hits (I leave this to the Mod to decide the destruction) Ignis and Rader met with each other. Ignis spoke: Well, so much for our waters from the waves, Traversing by sea will not be safe. Rader responded: Well, guess we need to fly or send the Noiverns on their way to scout. Both of them returned to throne room, disappointed. They both sat and Ignis spoke "Your majesty, a report saying the seas won't be safe to traverse. So we ask permission to use Fly to scout."

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Azauqyar- Rayquaza

"That sensation..." The Sky Lord stopped in his search, instinctively turning his head to the east... "It has been... eons since I last felt it. But it can be no other..." "Ah, Kruga, you young fool..." He chuckled under his breath, bemused by the bitter irony of the whole thing. "just weeks after you are gone... and here the beast awakens..." He didn't quite know about it though. While the man had been a fool, in the end, he had realized it on his death bed... would Kruga's order to seek out his fellow gods of old still stand? And if so, who could he possibly send? Azauqyar was one of only two who could possibly track the leviathan, and only then, only when there was a disturbance... and he couldn't very well just up and leave his post, not with the business at hand.

He could send Stratos... but the giant's command over the systems and defense of the city were so fluid that the Sky Lord didn't dare want to run the risk of sending him away when it could come crashing down...besides, his place was defending his people. That left a commander... but again, they'd only get lost...

"Enough..." He said finally, shaking his head. "He gave that directive when he was still a fool lusting for power. I have the far more pressing matter of a Lordling who needs to be raised to the throne at the moment."

He turned his head away from the east... and continued searching for Eric, passing in full view of Ulkina as he flew down one of the adjoining corridors...

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Krusher -Tyrantrum

The massive King looked down his warriors "Very well, But I wat ships to sail to meet up with them as soon as the tides start to calm" he then looked down at his map again and spoke once more "The sea may command out ships, But I command this empire." He put his map a way and looked at his officers. "In the mean time head to Tarros Plains and being exploration. in other words we will continue our plans there until the ocean will allow us to cross"

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Sir Darius (Gallade)

Sir Darius knew he didn't like the looks of this pokemon. This Banette was clearly insane. He turned to one of the Pawniards at the door. "You! Get to the gates. I have an old friend on their way here. I don't expect her to be here anytime soon, but since she has a tendency to arrive early, I need you there just in case." He ordered. The Pawniard responded with a "Yes, Captain" before headed to the gates. The Gallade then looked over to Vertex to see that he was also prepared for a fight. "I hope you're ready for a fight, Vertex..." He said. "...Because I don't think this is going to be an easy one."

Velvet (Lopunny)

Seeing the Kingdom of Magic's capital in the distance she's getting more and more excited to see her friend. If anyone did see her, they would probably think that she might be getting way too hyped for something like this, even if it had been a while. "I'm so close... I can't wait!" She said. She began to sprint as fast as she can to get to the capital before dark.

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Vertex - Bisharp

He turned to his commanding officer "I have a bad feeling about this sir" he said as he used 'Iron Defense'. "I don't think its smart to mess with this guy, but your the captain and I'll follow you to the bitter end". he got into a fighting stance and waited for orders. "What do you say my lady? should we take him out?"

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King Cold (Glalie)

The King watched as more and more of his men gathered towards his castle. He was proud of the army he spent many years to build to rule a world fit for his leadership. He then noticed a Cloyster coming his way in a rush. "Ah, Commander Brandon here at last. I suppose that means your men are ready. Good to hear. Artemis should be back soon then we may make haste to the lands west."

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To the king orders, Both of the officers responded with a yes sir and made their way of the throne room. On the way to barracks, the commander Rader brought up a interesting topic relating to Mega Evolution "About me transforming 3 weeks ago, during the attack. You also seen it before while you battling the commander from the magic kingdom. Do you think all pokemon has the potential to break their limits by turning into a more powerful Pokemon temporarily?" The captain responded "Everybody has potential but sometimes they won't fulfill their true potential. You are the only few out of the whole kingdom to break the limits by "Evolving" further and beyond for temporarily." The young commander responded "Oh so I did evolve further but for temporarily." Ignis told "Let just stop talking for now and focus on the real thing." Rader responded "Yes sir!" The duo have arrived at the barracks. the captain called out the Luxrays, and Gliscors. He told them " Boys we are exploring the fields in northwest of us. Move out!" They proceeded to leave the forest to explore.

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Crystal - Espeon

"No, don't engage him. Just escort him out the castle." Crystal spoke to the two. She got an uneasy feeling about this ghost and she didn't want to recklessly endanger her captain and commander.

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Sir Darius (Gallade)

"Of course, milady." The Gallade responded. He got out of his fighting stance, but he didn't dare let his guard down, feeling as though doing something like that right now could put him in a very fatal situation. He then turned to the Banette. "Well then, shall we go? It's obvious that no one here wants to fight. It would probably be best if we saw you on your way out."

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Alucard (Gengar)

"Let me in!" Alucard shouted to the assumed Drake Guard. One of them kicked Alucard away, sending him sprawling on the ground. He had to talk to Ulkina and he was pretty crazy to attempt what he was about to do. Alucard's eyes glowed pink. "Heh. You guys should let me talk to your Commander Azauqyar." He then conjured two little purple Will-o-Wisp flames and started juggling them and laughing loudly. "It would be a shame if someone got burned by these little babies right here. Bring your Commander or I might just use these on you."

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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