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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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Mrrp. So, like, I actually have legit excess time on my hands. So I should be doing the posterings here now

It's been a long time tho, and I don't have the legit excess time on my hands to read everything, so it'd be nice if I could have something resembling a recap?

A few of those who crashed with Takashi last night went out in the morning and had a parkour lesson on the rooftops of the slums and are currently wandering and such. Meanwhile, Faust The Lightning German!, Bark, and Nagi along with Vixen at the end made their way seperately to the upper class part of the city and investigated the cause of reccent suicides as reported last night on the tele... and all failed miserably at taking down the beast, which is now more or less flying freer than Josef Mengele in Argentina...

And that about somes it up for this here "Episode" (Cause I guess that's how the chapters will be organized, lols)

EDIT: on second thought, Ya know... I kinda like name "The Lightning German!"

Has a nice ring to it... and reminds me of the days of surge...

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He's headed to the peace keeper head quarters more or less... I just haven't gotten around to posting... cause I know nothing about it besides where it is and have been a bit busy lately

I'll try to get something up later on.

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Hmm... Alright. I think I know what I'd like Kindle to do. Sarcy, would it be plausible for Kindle to run into someone from the Protectors at the hospital? (Like, it's a place full of injured people, it wouldn't be that unrealistic for a group dedicated to protecting people to show up there, would it?) I'd like to have her speak to a Protector, but I don't really see a good way of getting her out of the hospital in the middle of the day

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I don't really know what to be doing now. Q&A with Takeshi is nice and all but I'd like to get Bobby involved with the rest of the world soon :/

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By the way... for those two that went to check on the flare... I did mean for Vixen to leave by then. So... was kinda confused while writing that post. Everything check out or no? Cause not sure what on earth happened there to be honest lol.

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I'll think of something. Though, Protectors live on the other side of town.

Mkay. I'll post a wake-y up post and you can have someone interact with her from there? I assume that since Takeshi could tell she had magical powers, if a Protector spotted her they could also tell?

I ask a lot of questions without actually doing anything, don't I? (Oh look, another question, lol)

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I ask a lot of questions without actually doing anything, don't I? (Oh look, another question, lol)

You can solve that quite easily

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Is anyone opposed to a timeskip after the interactions here are finished up, btw? (Not only the alleyway one, but upcoming stuff with Takeshi's group, Faust, and Kindle.) It allows me to progress a few things - including the power levels of some of the characters - and remain mechanically consistent. The skip would be about a week.

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A week skip sounds good to me, means I can get Kindle out of the hospital (also I'll get a wake-y type post up tomorrow afternoon assuming my English teacher doesn't hold me prisoner for forgetting to redo my one paragraph of my one essay so I can have an A this weekend, which is a semi-likely scenario)

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So I just re-read my post with Kindle's family and stuff. And, like, holy shit when I write well, I right good

I'm really proud of the character her dad's becoming, and I think with a little more interaction her mom could be pretty interesting too owo

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I have just replied (quickly).

I actually haven't planned to ask any other question; so you could still assume I am in that group, but only listening to the others... I might reply if I find something else to say after someone else's post, for example, but I guess I could be ready for this action you have planned... (maybe)

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Yeah, I didn't really know where to go with the last Takeshi post. I was expecting a timeskip and really it doesn't interest me to probe a character about their backstory like that. It's all well and good when the questions seem natural but this was feeling very forced :x

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