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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AFTER SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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{Important Action}

Arthur gasped audibly as the new dueling field appeared in front of his eyes. "Wow..." he breathed, totally taken aback by the huge improvement in technology. "Those two sure missed out on something cool..." he said to no one in particular. He then shook his head, clearing his thoughts for the upcoming duel. "Let's get this show on the road, Arclight!"

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(Setsuna/Important Action.)


Dominic swiftly fell into a defensive boxing stance, but after no action was taken by the girl other than putting on a mask, he adopted a neutral pose before speaking "Now, now, we just wanted to help somehow. You were shaking, after all." Stepping back, he placed his hand on his chest to calm his breathing before continuing, "My name is Dominic, and she's Setsuna. We don't know who you are, or your face, I can assure you."

Exhaling with a sigh of relief, he hoped that relaxing himself would give her a sense of peace. "We came here in search of someone, but instead we found you. I'm uh.. Sorry for our disturbance, then." Dominic apologized, giving a slight bow afterwards, his heartbeat finally settling.

Edited by Zechs
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[[important action/Rene]]

The two youths arrived at the beach, wandering down from the Port. "Right, do you see anything of interest?" Klive asked, having not seen anything of import on the way.

((Minor bunnying to speed things up))

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(Klive; Important Action - Head to and start exploring the port to beach area)

"That's what I hope to find here, Klive," Rene said as they were heading towards the beach from the port area. Rene was really eager to find out if there was anything relating to Mr. Tenjo here and if it had any connection to the info that he and Arial had found back at the museum. Rene began to mull over the information from the museum since he spent quite a bit of time there. Such things that Rene thought about: Could people today really have a way to trap people though the game? Could anyone have the power to initiate duels of high magnitude and lose their lives if they lost?

Logically, Rene knew that the idea would be far-fetched, but in light of Mr. Tenjo's death he thought if there was a small possibility that it was a reality. He did not know if Arial felt the same way or how anyone else would feel if they knew what Rene knew. Nonetheless, Rene looked up with courage and eagerness waiting to see what awaited him and Klive towards the beach.

(OOC: Don't worry about it Dobby, I just thought I would put some of Rene's thoughts down here.)

Edited by tails12
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{Important Action / Red}
After showing Margaret the card Gawyn was startled by a flash of light. "Well, that can't be good....and this is going nowhere." he thought. "Answer my question first. What do you know about it?" he said. He wanted answers, and apparently so did she. "This might take awhile.."

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[important Action/ Anyone in the ally]

Roy stood in silence and decided to listen to the two chat it up. Zander seemed to have the questioning under control as well as knowing more info then him. Hopefully nothing too crazy happens though you can never be to wary. He didn't really care who did the stopping, just as long as he knew what was going on with Mr. Tenjo's death and his murderer.

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[[iMPORTANT ACTION: Dialogue with Eppes]]

[[To: Luna]]

Will stood dumbfounded as Luna just walked right over to the suspicious man and started talking. "Hey-!" He started, but then held his tongue. Would this work? The janitor attempted to maintain a casual pace as he approached Luna, who was already close to Eppes. Will looked at the man and said, "Huh, interesting meeting you here, Professor Eppes. I see this girl has already been bothering you." He said no more, however, on the account of him letting Luna try her own thing and see if it works.

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Important Action - in the alleyway with Roy, Paul and Zander

Monika winced back as the man walked around the corner. "Is this guy the mysterious duelist or is there someone else here?" she tought at first; Zander managed to give her some answers as he talked back to the man. "So he's Ayatane Michitaka, Zander has already met him, and he's... well, just acting suspicious. And, even if it's not the mysterious duelist, he should know something about it."

Monika decided to check the position of Roy and Paul, and, with relief, saw them standing behind her, after having caught up with the girl and Zander, observing the situation. Zander seemed to have everything under control, so it was just better to let him talk and just watch. In the meantime, Monika whispered to Roy and Paul: "If he tries to run away, you could let me handle that, but right now, let's just listen to this conversation." She adjusted her helmet, almost unconsciously and without an apparent reason, stood still on her rollerblades and listened carefully, also being ready to chase the man if he'd try to run away.

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Ken's eyes widened slightly from their perpetually relaxed state upon hearing Charles's tale. He was actually a bit shocked at what he'd just heard, he needed a second to process it. He didn't think Charles's was lying at all: In all of his years living in Heartland, Charles was a pretty honest guy... if not a bit secretive sometimes... and a bit of a womanchaser. But that wasn't the point here. The fact alone that it took him so long to spill meant it was bothering him, and that was reason enough for Ken. After all, it's like his dad told him when he was younger: If a person seems troubled, you help them with that trouble. Although Ken always privately added "As long as it doesn't interfere with naptime.." to the end of that statement.

So after going over what Charles just said in his head, Ken finally spoke after about a minute. "It's okay Charles. I believe you. You're right in that it sounds farfetched, but if it's bothering you this much, then I doubt it was in your head. I am a little curious though about what you said last. A duel between a kid and the professor ended with murder? Who was this kid?" Ken asked, a slight edge of curiosity in his voice. If someone was able to beat a professor at dueling... he kind of wanted to face him himself.

Maybe a change in routine was nice once in a while...

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{Important Action, Anyone in the Alleyway}

"Alright, if if should come down to that, he's all your's." said Paul. He was waiting alongside the other two, trying to listen in on Zander and Ayatane. It seemed as though neither of them knew that the three of them were listening in, which was good. If things started to go South, they might have to make their presence known... but for now, this trio would have to wait.

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(Important Action)

Charlotte gasped at how amazing these new Duel Gazers were. "I expected them to be better but not this is just..."She muttered before she turned back to the duel. It seems that this might actually be worth buying,these things are far more realistic than the previous version.

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Late night Recap Post! I will be making some minor bunnying involving Red, I hope it's not a problem but ehi, we couldn't stall out the roleplay any further to wait for a single person...

Commander and Pixl

Upon hearing his name being called out like that, Professor Eppes appears to be genuinely startled.

"O-oh, it's just you... Miss Fitzgerald, correct? W-what could you possibly be doing in a place like this, and with a guy like this too? H-he didn't offer you candies, did he?"

He is trying to sound natural and casual, he is trying to sound like someone who has met an old friend and a student oh his by chance, and cracks some friendly jokes to enjoy the conversation with them... But it is clear that it is all a facade! He sounds extremely forced, his eyes constantly dart from one side to the other, as if he was checking the surroundings for enemies, and the words don't come out of his mouth naturally... What will you do?

I am not going to give you options like originally planned because we are running out of time, so yeah, chances are that, no matter what you do or say, the proper event (I think you can imagine what I mean by this) will be triggered... Just try to stay in character and roleplay the psychology of the situation adequately, ok?

DarkLight, Dobby, Tails, Omega (I sneaked Omega in because making further posts in which he joins you would take too long, we are running out of time...)

Upon reaching the beach, you spot a familiar girl: it's Lisa, the daughter of Mr Arclight, a familiar (if creepy) presence for all the residents of Heartland. It is impossible not to notice her: it is a very beautiful afternoon of late spring, so now, as the sun slowly begins to set, there are plenty of people who are leaving the beach, dressed in light clothes or simply in swimwear... Yet, Lisa is standing there, in the middle of the beach, completely dressed in her usual gothic lolita fashion, her platform shoes look horribly uncomfortable to wear in the sand, and despite the fact that she has been spending time in the broad sunlight of the beach, she is as pale as ever.

Creepy as she is, she is still the smartest kid you know, if something suspicious has happened at the beach, chances are she will be able to tell you... Will you approach her?

Tacos, SilverJakler, Cyaloom, ExLink

"Interesting. It would seem that I underestimated you: you are more than just a nosy kid. Judging from your summarization, you are pretty skilled when it comes to investigations and logical deductions..."

Ayatane turns his attention to the others, an enigmatic smile on his face.

"What about you, young ones? Are you all here for the reason that your friend stated? Do you all believe that I am involved with professor Tenjo's murder?"

It's hard to tell what's going through his mind, but he doesn't seem to have dangerous intentions... What will you do?


You somehow manage to drag Adam all the way back to the Bootleg. It would seem Luna is not here anymore: as soon as you enter, Jack comes out to yell at Adam, but he swiftly changes his mind when he sees the conditions his bouncer is in.

"W-what is this? Adam? What happened to you?"

Adam opens his mouth to answer, but once again, all you hear is gibberish... Jack turns to you, he doesn't say anything but the question is pratically written in his face... What will you do?

1) "Look, if I told you, you'd never believe me."

2) "First a drink, then we talk."

3) "What are you waiting for? Call an ambulance!"

Hiss and Zechs

The girl seems to be extremely agitated, almost panicked.

"N-no, you don't understand... 'A quick glimpse' still means you saw something! B-but I cannot allow anybody to see my face, not untill I have..."

At this point, Dominic begins to talk, but his calm tone only seems to further piss the girl off.


She screams. And as she does so, she points a finger towards Dominic... And a pale blue beam erupts from it, hitting Dominic in the chest: just like that, Dominic has been turned into the most stereotypical, cartoon-esque human popsicle you can imagine! He was completely frozen over!

"Now listen girl."

Says the masked person, looking straight in Setsuna's eyes.

"This is not some silly WB cartoon. In that condition, your friend can barely breathe, and his body's temperature is rapidly dropping: basically, if the cold doesn't kill him, it will be the lack of oxygen. However, today was a hot day, and the air is still warm despite the fact that the sun is starting to set: if you can bring him to a place where he can be exposed directly to sulight, he will thaw out before his brain can register his death. So now here's the deal: you take your friend, and you bring him to such a place, as far from here as possible. Carry him, make him roll, do whatever you want, it's not my problem a long as you get the hell out of my sight. And if you value your life, don't you ever, ever set foot in this area again, did I make myself clear?"

And without waiting for an answer, the masked lady turns around and starts running away, disappearing behind a container! You don't have much of a choice...

After a post by Hiss describing her effortsto carry Zechs someplace safe, Zechs can make a post describing his sensations as he thaws out! This time, the Ice Queen let you go without murdering you in cold blood, but you won't always be this lucky...

Jory and Azery

The duel doesn't last long: Arthur seems to be having a bad day with his draws, while Arclight's strategy, while simple, unfolds quickly and steadily... Arclight's Gogogo monsters allow him to quickly perform a Xyz summon after the other!

Jory lost the duel!

"Better luck next time, my young friend! Eh eh, I'm on a roll today... It's a pity that you had to embarrass yourselfin front of your girlfriend, but don't feel too blue about it: this game is mostly a matter of luck! Hell, not even that archeologist could beat me today, and his deck had a clear advantage over mine: I am that lucky! And being lucky makes me feel generous: you can both keep the Duel Gazers I gave you! Consider them gifts!"

What will you do?

1) "Thank you sir, that's generous of yours"


3) "... Wait, did you mention an archeologist?"

Protip: pick different options. Like, one of you guys complains about the girlfriend thing, while the other picks up on the archeologist hint... This way, both of you will have something relevant to do in your respective posts!

DMK and Red

"This is interesting indeed..."

Says Margaret. Her veil covers her mouth, but you have no problems imagining her with an enigmatic smile.

"A person who has a Number card and doesn't know what does that mean, and a person who does know what it means, but cannot remember where, when or how she obtained it..."

She shuffles her deck and draws a card. It's the monster card High Priestess of Prophecy.

"Just as I was expecting. Would you like to hear an interesting story?"


Charles looks really confused.

"I... I don't know. All I know I was riding my back around town, and I dropped by Central Square. And I saw this person switch off their D-Pad as if they had just finished a duel: the person in question was too short to be an adult, or even a high schooler. And it couldn't have been a midget either, because they had correct proportions in their body. No, it was definitely a kid. And the kid's opponent fell to his knees and then to the ground: at first I thought it was just some dude being overly dramatic about a loss, which is why I didn't intervene... But then I realized the kid had walked away without looking back, and the other dude was still on the ground. So I went to check and... W-well... Do I really need to say it?"

Charles is revealing something seriously shocking: what will you do now?

There, I did it after coming back from a blind date, and it's already 1:30 AM here, so apologies if it wasn't exactly my best creation so far... I hope I didn't forget anyone!

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[[important action/Talking to Lisa]]

Klive waved for Rene to follow as Klive walked up to Lisa. "Well hello, you look interesting. Or at least involved with something interesting. I'm Klive and if I'm not mistaken, you are Lisa Arclight, daughter of the man we're looking for..." Klive would rather have found the man himself but surely the daughter might know of something, right? Klive was not offput by Lisa's supposedly creepy demeanour. Hell, it was better. If Klive had waltzed up and started interrogating a normal girl, xe would have gotten more negative attention over curious attention...

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[important Action/Ally Way]

Roy turned to Ayatane after he asked his question. "I have my suspicions." Is all that came out of Roy, he tried to give as little detail as possible while making it seem he thought it was him. After what Zander said his suspicions grew though he didn't know the specifics and he didn't want to ruin Zander's hard work in getting this far so he played along a bit.

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(To Arial, Klive, Dean; Important Action - Talk to Lisa with Klive)

Klive had waved towards Rene so that they could talk to Lisa together. Rene decided to follow, but because he was naturally shy towards people he didn't really know, he took a backseat and let Klive start talking to Lisa. If Lisa was warm and welcoming, Rene would join in the conversation. Otherwise, he was treading caution just in case something dangerous could possible happen. Rene kept one hand near his D-Pad, but not right on it, in case something would go wrong. Rene then said to Lisa after Klive finished speaking, "Hi...Lisa? Would you happen...to know if anything...strange...has been going on around the beach lately?"

Rene kept a distance in case something would happen.

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Important Action with DMK

Red still stunned to see her card blank card change into something, looked at the teller with a puzzled looked. To herself, "How did she even know that I knew nothing about how I obtained this card.....And why does my head still hurt...I might as well listen to what the lady has to say...but boy .....this day is sure turning out weird....."

Red then turned to the professor, "I'm going to listen to what this ma'am has to say, it may lead us to some answers aboutt these strange cards or lead us to a dead end...which can't be any worse than this headache..."

Edited by Red_Chaos
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{Important Action}

That first draw really messed me up bad, Arthur thought gloomily. I couldn't even beat this buffoon. At least we get to keep the new duel gazers, though, he noted as he tried to see the silver lining. Suddenly, what Arclight had said clicked. Already in a foul mood from embarrassing himself in front of Charlotte, Arthur practically screamed, "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" at Arclight, fuming visibly as he struggled to control his temper.

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[important Action]

"Well...it all started back in a bar where I was enjoying a drink with another boy. That boy just had nerve to just get up and leave and that's when I met this nice fellow who gave the ride of my life. Anyways, there's been a few rumors going on about magic glowing cards, the world ending, and people losing their minds. Lots of crazy shiz recently. You don't happen to know anything about this, do you?" Luna asked. While she could've continued on with her story, she knew she had to get to the bottom of this mystery.

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[[Dominic/Important Action]]

The encounter with the hooded girl went by like a blur. She was actually far too mystified by what happened to really feel frightened. She had multiple questions she wished to have answered in regards to the masked girl and what she did. However, that would have to wait.

Thawing the human popsicle that was her friend came first. She heeded the advice of the masked girl and rolled the giant ice over about 200 meters to an area where there was some very heavy exposure to sunlight. Fortunately, it seemed that the ice had already started to melt due to the combination of rolling and heat. However, the girl was panicked. There was no guarantee that the ice would melt in time and there was no guarantee that help would arrive in time if she called for it. So, she picked up a fist-sized rock nearby and started to recklessly slam it against the ice.

"BREAK, DAMMIT! BREAK! I CAN'T LOSE THAT HOT-BLOODED IDIOT RIGHT NOW! SO BREAK APART YOU DAMN FROZEN WATER!" She continued to scream with tears falling from her eyes as she continued to smash into it. "I CAN'T LET HIM DIE BEFORE I APOLOGIZE FOR PULLING HIM INTO THIS!"

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((Important Action / Adam and Jack))

Lane was out of breath and dropped on a nearby chair. "Finally," he grasped for breath, "the guy is way too heavy for me to do this." He could almost feel how Jack looked straight at him when Adam started talking nonsense again.

"Don't look at me," he said to the barman. "I don't even understand half the things that happened and even if I tried to explain it, you wouldn't believe me anyway. I think we should try to snap Muscles out of it since he's the one who knows more then he's willing to admit."

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With Zander, Paul and Roy - Important Action

"Well, you mentioned this murder yourself" pointed out Monika. "You may know something about it, or even more... So, could you please share your knowledge already?"

That was all she said, and of course, she said that with an unsteady and soft voice: after what happened that day, she felt like she talked too much and, while she could have asked more things, she'd rather avoid that. In fact, her ordinary question came to her mind again: what if she said the wrong thing to Ayatane? Despite how he was acting, he surely was being suspicious according to Zander: he could have even been the mysterious duelist, after all. Monika, for once, was happy to be what she was: a timid and cautious girl.

"Well, I don't know what to say now. Should we really tell him that we came from the police station because of a mysterious duelist or that we are Mr Tenjo's students...?" she whispered to Paul, as Roy had already spoken. "I don't want to give away a lot of informations, especially to this 'suspicious' person; but if you wish, you can tell him this".

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{Important Action - Talking to Lisa// Klive, Rene, Dean}

"Wait, isn't that... Lisa? Oh boy..." Arial said to herself as she parked her scooter by one of the bike rails. After she was satisfied with her locked scooter, Arial walked along the sandy beach slowly, weaving in and out of the crowds that were dispersing for the day. Despite her knowing that Lisa Arclight is the smartest kid amongst her peers, that gothic look with a side of crazy - for the lack of better words - never sat well with Arial. If this didn't involve her professor's death, Arial would surely be staying as far away as she could from the girl. Yet, here she was, inching slowly towards Lisa step by step, pondering on how to ask her question without upsetting the lolita.

Arial's stalling did allow Klive and Rene made it to Lisa first, which brought a sigh of relief to the green-eyed teen. She managed to catch the end of Rene's question for Lisa, so Arial opted to shed some light on why they are approaching her. She didn't dare intrude on Lisa's space, though, for fear of Lisa unleashing some type of horror movie scare tactic on them, as unreasonable as that sounds. "Hey there, s-sorry for the sudden interrogation, Lisa... Name's Arial Longshire, from class 2-2. I'm sure you're familiar with what happened to that class' professor, it's all over the news and all, so... We were just wondering if you knew something about it, that's all."

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[[iMPORTANT ACTION: Dialogue with Eppes]]

[[To: Luna]]

At the insinuation of perverse actions by both Eppes and Luna herself, Will felt obligated to defend himself. "H-hey! No it's nothing like that!" He was looking back and forth between the two to make sure they were not being serious. But he regained his composure, and noticed the strange demeanor in which his colleague was acting. "Not that you knew me, but, I work at the school too. I'm a janitor."

Luna then went off on her explanation, and the janitor allowed her to finish before speaking once more. "But why do you seem so paranoid? I'll admit things are a bit strange lately, but you're being considerably stranger!" He was attempting to make light of the situation to perhaps get a laugh out of the man, but that was obviously not working. This man was far gone already. "L-look..." the strange atmosphere present made Will falter a bit. "I've noticed the students investigating. It's not just this crazy one either." He gave Luna a pat on the shoulder. "So I figure you must know something about this whole situation. So could you do me a favor and help this girl out? I think the sooner this stuff blows over the better."

Will then took a step back to give professor Eppes some room. That, and he did not quite feel comfortable around him. However, the janitor stayed within a distance to where he could pull Luna out in case things got alarming. He waited to see, with apprehension, how the story would play out. He thought to himself that from now on, he would simply blame all strange happenings on that woman, and was satisfied by the thought. But this was Luna's hunt, and he was just helping. Not that this particular subject interested him enough to play detective anyway. Will decided to let Luna have the lead in whatever investigation was going on presently.

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{Important Action / Red}

Gawyn sighed as the fortuneteller drew a card from her deck. She still hadn't answered his question. He nodded to Red and said "I suppose a story couldn't hurt....." Would this get him answers? Probably not, but it was worth a shot.

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(Important action)

Dean slowly approached Lisa with caution even with 3 other classmates keeping eyes on her, calmed spoke figuring it it will assure her "Um, what happened to you? Asides from the questions they are asking." Dean quickly turns his head to his classmates and whispered " It's best if we know what happen to her before getting info out" the usually dark boy even is disturbed by the abnormal aura around her. He also whispered " Honest, it's better if we assured her." He turned his head back to Lisa "So what happened for you to standing out here at this hour?"

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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