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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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(To Setsuna.)

Dominic grinned widely at her offer and put his hands on the table to push himself upright, "Hah! That's more like it! We'll figure out what exactly is going on with this situation to the extreme!" Putting on his jacket, and pushing his rolled up sleeves up a bit, he threw a few jabs at the air, ending with a look of determination, his spirit burned with the feeling of having to find out the unknown.

"I can't stand mystery myself, so something like this has to be investigated further!." Adopting a casual stance, Dominic grabbed his bag and swung it around his shoulder before continuing, "And we might confirm the rumor about the illegal duels." At the thought of finally unveiling this tragic mystery, Dominic's spirit fired up, "While some might dismiss that rumor, I cannot shake it from my mind. These 'Illegal duels' must have something to do with it. I can extremely feel it!"

Edited by Zechs
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(To Dominic)

As usual, Dominic's energy startled Setsuna for a second. However, she stood up and grabbed at his arm before he could leave.

"Wait just a second there. Before you head off, we need to exchange contact information." She let go of him, sat back down and rummaged through her bag. She pulled out a customized D-Pad with an appearance reminiscent of a Spring Starflower and placed it next to him on the table with her (fairly small) contacts list open. "I don't want to have to end up running around missing you because I can't contact you. Pass me your D-Pad so I can add my contact information as well."

She sighed. "But you're right. Even though I dismissed the idea earlier, we are probably going to have to look at this from the angle of the 'illegal duel' theory as well during the investigation."

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(Paul, and charlotte, I guess?)

Klive nodded along with what Paul was saying. Using you as a battering Ram would have been quite ineffective xe thought to themselves. When Paul introduced himself, Klive again put on a shallow grin to keep up appearances. "I'm Klive Hartluck. I don't converse too much, something i'm trying to fix. I'm glad I might have had a hand in Arthur calming down."

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To Dominic and Setsuna

Walking into the garden, Anna saw two familiar faces. And she also hear words about "illegal duels": her previous bait hadn't gone unnoticed, apparently...

Excuse me for butting in, but I couldn't avoid hearing what you two were just saying. You were in my class earlier, correct? Well, I am sorry if something I may have said has put some weird ideas in your mind: I probably should have known better than mention a rumor as silly as the whole "illegal duels" thing in front of a group of young, easily influenced students...

She paused, to make sure she had the attention of both students: it was time to give destiny that final little push.

Still, don't you think it's fascinating how urban legends are the modern incarnation of ancient myths? Once upon a time, legends were used to explain the world, but now that we have science for that, they are relegated to an underground culture, to obscure websites and to z-series magazines. And yet, some may have much nobler origins... Take this "illegal duels" rumor, for example: I understand that there is a myth strictly related to that rumor, which goes as back as ancient Egypt! That's over 3000 years of history, don't you think it's incredible that a legend would survive for such a long time?

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To Sidus

Monika was even more amazed now, as she had just received a compliment from one of the classmates she admired more. She smiled again and replied with a whisper: "Thank you for the compliment... and just call me Monika". She felt Sidus actually wanted to tell her more, but couldn't, so she kept looking at him, waiting for a reply, as she also didn't know what to tell him... She had some ideas but she wanted to just choose the right one.

After a pause, she said: "So... could I ask you where you come from? Are you from Heartland or did you moved here, like I did?"

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(To Anna and Dominic)

There it was. As soon as Anna approached and started talking Setsuna noted the same out of place feeling of deja vu...? Nostalgia...? Wariness...? Familiarity...? She still could not put her finger on it but she was sure it was the same feeling she had earlier that day. She at that point fairly certain that Anna was the cause of these weird feelings. Still, it was probably better to suppress the weird feelings she was having.

"Even if it is a silly sounding rumor, the fact remains that the world of illegal dueling operates differently than one so whatever common sense and logic I applied to dismiss it may not really apply to the situation. Regardless of how ridiculous it sounds, the case still needs to be analyzed from that angle as well in order to at least weed out the possibility."

Setsuna made a quick glance at the book she left on the table next to her half empty bento box and continued, "Besides, when we dismiss urban legends and rumors for simply being that, we narrow our focus way too much. Despite how outlandish they sound, urban legends generally have a reason they are created. Sometimes, they are a person's explanation of an actual event that they found surreal. Sometimes, they are used to divert attention from a connected item...and like you said, some are modern interpretations of myths and legends of the past which have their own level of truth. A lot of them eventually fade away but some will pass the test of time. A lot of older religions are great proof of that. That being said, the myths you're talking about in regards to Ancient Egypt areinteresting at least. A bit far-fetched at first glance but definitely something I want to know a bit more abouteven if it likely won't help with finding out the truth behind Professor Tenjo's death."

After her long and somewhat incoherent rant, she took her spoon and dug back into the rice in her bento while awaiting what her new teacher was going to say next.

Edited by Hiss13
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{Zander and Ken}

Arial grinned at Ken's response, pleased to know that the Sugar Prince didn't mind the slip up. "No need to thank me, Ken! I give credit where it's due; it's only fair and just." With a quiet chuckle, Arial finally got up from her seat to stretch herself out. It seemed like forever since she has been up on her feet; it looks like her restlessness is finally catching up to her. The tomboy glanced down at her mini-computer to check the time before she let out a gasp. "Seriously?! Class is about to start in ten minutes? Come on!" With that, Arial raced out onto the steps and made her way to the door. "I might as well take a bathroom break before I sit down for another five hours, right?!" she called out to the boys before she escaped the classroom.

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Blair's eyes lit up at the sight of the room. "It's perfect," she said simply. There was more than enough material and equipment here to do whatever she pleased. She was quiet for a bit, thinking about what she would do and perusing the various parts in the room. She saw plenty of things that she could probably use. "Would it be alright if I let myself in here sometimes? I could get a lot of work done."

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(To Anna/Setsuna.)

Dominic took Setsuna's D-Pad, in exchange for his, which was for the most part standard, spare the extended edges that spanned out in a yellow flame-like pattern, the color slowly turning orange more toward the center. He was in the midst of adding his information into the D-Pad when the new teacher showed up, upon meeting eyes, he experienced a strange feeling, of familiarity, as if he knew her extremely well, and remembered what Setsuna talked about regarding her earlier, "There certainly is something strange.." He said quietly under his breath before exhaling

Putting in the last bit of information in Setsuna's D-Pad, he set it down next to her, and turned to the teacher once more, and as soon as he did, he felt his next words were toward a great acquaintance, "For whatever reason, I cannot break that rumor out of my mind, try as I might. Mystery is one extreme enemy I must defeat." Throwing his shoulder up to push his bag up before heading off soon, he retreated into his own thoughts, which for him was new, but in the case of this person who stood before him, something was off, "Could these be the feelings Setsuna was talking about.. Just who is our teacher.."

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To Setsuna and Dominic

Anna gave the two students her best enigmatic smile. They were going straight where she wanted them to go, she wasn't even going to need that this time around...

Is that so? Well as a teacher, I am proud to see that my students refuse the notion of mystery, and aspire to knowledge. However, I am afraid I cannot be of much help in this quest of yours: as I said, the myth you are interested in originated in ancient Egypt, and unfortunately I am not very knowledgeable about such topic, as it isn't really my field. I wonder if someone who has an interest for ancient Egypt could be of more help? Wasn't that... Janitor into this kind of stuff? What was his name again... Mister Van Dine?

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[[To: Blair]]

Will considered the thought. He shrugged, "Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt." He walked over to the main part of the room where his things were, where a keyring hung on a pegboard rack. Will himself had every key he needed on his keycard, save the one for the new staff room he had previously been in, since every door was updated to have a digital scanner. But they still had their old keyhole locks from their installation time. The keyring had most of the keys for the rooms that existed at the time of the building's construction.
The janitor plucked the key for the supply room from the ring and went back to Blair. He held it out to her. "Here. Just don't get caught coming in here. I'm the only one that ever comes in here so once you get in you should be safe." He stretched. Will felt a nice kind of feeling about this situation. "Anyway, I think I should get back to my duties. I presume you'll be safe in here. Just don't lose track of time and miss the bell for school getting out. I am a bit obligated to drop by and check if you're still here by then." Even though he was a good rule-follower, he felt a twinge of excitement about letting a student break the rules, as if he had some dark secret to keep.

Edited by Pixl
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(To Eric + anyone who wants to talk to Roy)

Their duel took up most of Lunch and ending with a tie. "Good game." Is all Roy said to Eric before taking his bag and heading to the cafeteria. He had been looking forward to eating his lunch since this morning he forgot to eat breakfast. So he quickly got out his lunch which was some soup in a canteen and a juice pouch. 'Man I wish I didn't have to rush my lunch but can't complain now.' Roy thought to himself as he opened his soup container and took out the plastic spoon he had. Not wasting anytime he started to eat his lunch before the next class started.

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Blair nodded. "Don't worry about me. If I get caught -which I won't- I'll just say I broke in here. It wouldn't be too shocking; locks are pretty basic contraptions. Interesting, though, and you can do a lot of elaboration with them. They could keep me out for a while with a digital security system and a deadbolt, which I guess you could call a lock, but the mechanical details are a long ways away from your classic lock-and-key system. . ." Blair continued to ramble onward about locks and other ways to keep a door closed while she drifted about next to a shelf full of parts, selecting pieces without an immediately apparent goal in mind.

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(To Anna/Dominic)

Setsuna finished inputting her contact information on Dominic's D-Pad while she listened cautiously to Anna's words and returned the D-Pad in her hand back to its owner while taking back her own.

"Janitor...janitor..."Setsuna mumbled to herself. Ugh. I can't remember the janitors' faces. I guess I'll just take his name down and see if I can probe him after school. Hopefully, Dominic would be willing to wait for a bit longer to meet at the Square. She shuffled the remainder of her belongings into her bag. She decided it would be best to let Dominic know once she was settled back in the classroom.

"I'll look into that then." She said to the teacher in front of her. "See you guys later, then."

It was at that moment she realized that she had just allowed the teacher she was suspicious of to drag her into her pace as she cursed under her breath.

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Anna smiled. With that final push to destiny, her duties for the day were over. Now she only had to wait and see what her precious students would do...


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Lane was confused. He kept silent as he watched Miss Reinier leave. Apparently she did take her job seriously after all if she came all the way to the cafetaria just to scold him. The young rebel shrugged it off and was about to return to Arthur's table when he noticed blue haired boy was no longer there. Lane sighed.

Might as well head towards the next class. I should keep a low profile with Miss Reinier watching me. I don't want her to call my parents and make everything worse.

He was about to leave when he noticed the empty duel monsters card. Weird. Where did it come from? Lane had no memory recalling he had it previously... The blond held the card on eye level and tried to recall how he got it, only to be met with a serious headache.

I guess it was a long day. I'll figure this card out later.

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"Yeah, I don't know what got into him, he seemed fine a second ago..." Paul wondered what the hell that girl did to make him lash out like that. He seemed so calm before. "Oh yeah, I've been dealing with a lot social B.S. myself lately. We all gotta deal with that sorta stuff sometimes." he said, reassuringly.

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"Well, it seems our daily allotted time to deal with that BS is coming to a close" Klive sighed. Xe hadn't ended up picking up Lunch. Maybe Xe and Robert could make a detour and pick up some food later. "I have thankfully avoided most of that BS. Privileges of a self-proclaimed loner. That said, I wish you luck in your endeavours" live tried half-heartedly to put on an air of extravagance, giving a lazy flick of xyr hand in an attempt at a flourish before standing up to see if there were any snacks on sale xe could stuff in their mouth before next lesson.

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"Yeah, same to you." Paul said as he waved goodbye to Klive. He turned heel and left the cafeteria, all of the past events flowing through his mind like a river.His sister, his parents, his life from here on out, all of these were thrown into question. He had no idea what was gonna happen in the next few weeks, but he'd figure he'd take the punches as they come. Better than rushing forward into the unknown.

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(Arial and Zander)

"Alright, later!" Ken said to the retreating figure of Arial as he turned to Zander. "Well, I don't know about you, but I think I'm gonna catch a few winks before the bell rings again. See you some other time, Helios." Ken said as he put his deck box into his pocket and returned to his desk, eager to get his nap on.

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((To Monika))

Sidus turned in his seat to face Monika, linking his fingers together, and then separating them again; a nervous habit he was barely conscious of. "I'm from the back country past the city over, it's kind of a long story but..". Sidus felt warmth in his cheeks, he was speaking a little fast, feeling embarrassed by how difficult it was to talk casually to a stranger. After years of talking only to his mother and father-- and his older sister on the rare occasion, it was unnerving to peek outside the shell of social seclusion. He put his hand up to his mouth as if to clear his throat but realized he was avoiding Monika's gaze, and turned back to her. "It's a boring story I mean. But um-" Sidus made a show of looking at his watch. "I think we're about done with lunch and I need to settle kind of a pressing errand. We should talk later!". Without waiting for a reply, Sidus snatched his backpack and slung it over one shoulder, quickly maneuvering through the mess of desks and out of the classroom. He felt bad for rushing away from Monika so anxiously, but he couldn't stand stumbling over his words like a fool for much longer.. ..Also, there WAS a seriously pressing matter to attend to. Lunch was nearing its end, and Sidus had yet to eat! A travesty beyond comparison, as missing a meal could stand comparable to losing your ace monster right before a duel. Sidus hurried to his locker where lunch awaited.

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(Involves Rene)

After Rene and Red had set out their things and shuffled their decks, Rene proceeded to go first and set a great starting field. On Red's turn, she preceded to pass her turn, her hand was littered with non summonable monsters and spells that she was not ready for. By Rene next turn, he had already summoned two scrap dragons and striked down over half of Red's life points. By Red's next turn, Rene's trap defense stopped Red's only play. Red conceded the duel and gathered her things. She had pretty much knew she wasn't going to win the duel. She wasn't known for winning much at all when it came to duel monsters, it was just a hobby that everybody else seemed to like. As Red proceeded to homeroom, she began to wonder about the professor's fate. If he had lost his life to an illegal duel, was it possible that others have experienced the same fate? Could others be danger for playing just a simple card game?

As Red sat down in her usual seat, she realized something.....Could she lose her life next?

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To Sidus

"oh, you are right..." said Monika.

She looked at her watch and noticed that the lunch break would have ended in a few minutes. "I should have expected it..."

she thought, before waiting for the end of the pause, staring at the window.

Maybe she could meet her other classmates later.

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(Red, then all in the classroom)

Rene had finished up his duel with Red. Red didn't seem to say anything after gathering up her things to which Rene wondered, 'Is she okay?'

Rene wasn't one to get up in people's faces for anything, so he quickly finished his lunch as the lunch period was ending rather soon. He then got all of his belongings together and proceeded to return to the classroom. Upon entering it, he saw several of his classmates had already returned, or never left for that matter. He said aloud to everyone there, "So how do you think we can find out what happened to Mr. Tenjo?"

Rene was aware of the idea of the illegal duel that Miss Reiner had mentioned, but he was curious to hear what the others we're thinking as well.

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