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[IC] ANKL, Chapter I: Remembering to Forget


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Lilith looked at the drawing, and found her breath completely taken away by how absolutely gorgeous it was.

"It's n-nice to meet you, A-Arya." She said upon regaining it.

She gave the area a quick scan, nobody seemed to be around. She was sure someone so pretty and talented as Arya would have a partner, if not an entire group of friends. Even Lilith, who had only just opened herself to the idea of having friends--which would probably come back to bite her if her mother ever found out--hadn't had to sit alone for very long.

"W-why are you here all a-alone? Y-you and your art are so p-pretty, you must have a p-p-par-partner." She said.

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"Pretty? I've... been called a lot of things, but... pretty's never been one of them." Arya couldn't be pull back a little subconsciously. This was actually the first time she had really stopped to ponder about such a concept as how appealing or not she might appear in the eyes of others. personally, she had honestly always believed she wasn't anything too special...just... average...

"Um...Thanks...?" she said, not really meaning to make it sound like a question despite her own uncertainty how to accept the compliment. She glanced around herself, trying to move past the moment of breif awkwardness she was feeling... "I just prefer it, I guess, being alone..." She answered truthfully, giving a shake of her head. "The crowds... really aren't my thing. So I just stick to myself and stay out of them the best I can. Works out better in the end for the most part...though I guess it's also part of the reason why I still don't have partner yet."

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She preferred being alone? That was something Lilith found familiar. Though she did understand not liking crowds, Lilith had felt crowded with just three people.

"Crowds aren't fun." She agreed, "But being all alone can't be good for you either."

Lilith bit her lip, what she was about to say seemed pretty out of the blue. But it was almost like some unseen puppet-master was forcing her to say it.

"In fact... I'm partnerless myself." Lilith paused, giving it one last consideration before finishing her question, "So, um, i-if you'd l-like, I'd be h-honered to have you as my p-partner."

Lilith subconsciously braced herself for a negative answer. Arya was the first person she'd encountered she'd actually had a real interest in partnering with, so chances were she was in for major disappointment.

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"Oh... well... this is kinda sudden..." It wasn't like she had much of a choice though at this point. She'd been putting it off since lunch, and if she didn't just go with what was being offered now, she'd most likely only end up with someone worse- Lillith seemed nice enough afterall, a bit nervous, sure... but that could easily be said about a couple of other people she'd met today... like Vivienne (Whom she still had no idea where she had disappeared to). And at least she was even trying, Arya had to give the girl that too...in fact, Lilith almost reminded her more of her preferred type of person in a way.

"But... I don't see any reason to say no." The raven haired artist finally answered, nodding her head and giving Lilith a warm smile to try to ease her nerves. "So, guess it's settled; we're partners then... Lilith."

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Sion was a bit depressed when Lilith decided to walk away get up and walk away to talk to another person. To her, that meant one thing. It meant that Lilith did not consider her interesting enough to keep her there. That one moment had broke her inner chant. With that, she seemed to almost unconsciously spout a sentence filled with a tone of annoyance. "Well, that was rude…leaving us without a word."

Realizing what she had said, she immediately shut her mouth and widened her eyes. DAAAAAAAAAHHHH! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! You wanted to change yourself for the better right, Sion!? The first bit of human interaction you get and you're already being snarky to people who are all probably much better than you.

She averted her gaze towards the others immediately as a few tears began to well up in her eyes. I bet they already think I'm just some sort of condescending bitch. Way to go, Sion. You just pushed more people away from you without even trying.

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"Hmm...."Lyre tilted her head Sion's words "She didn't leave without a word she said she be back in a minute. Those are words right? At least three of them at my count." she said in a matter of fact way.

Noticing tears down Sion's face as she turned away "No need for that." Lyre said as she crawled behind Sion. Putting her arms around the girl Lyre pulled her into her body so Sion's head rested on her bust. "Pretty girls shouldn't cry. It will make others sad if they do. Now lets have some chocolate it will make you feel better." Lyre said well beaming a smile at the girl with one hand holding the box of chocolate up the the girls face well the other arm held Sion.

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Mary giggled more at Lexi's reaction. "I'm sorry Kitty cat Lexi, but I saw an opening and went for it~ Please don't hate me." Mary asked as she then began to tickle Lexi to see if she could get a better reaction out of her. "Riley, your day for this will come one day... oooone day." Mary turned her attention back to tickling Lexi after giving Riley a promise that she swears to fulfill later.

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Lyre pointing out the fact that Lilith had said she would be back shortly when she left made it even worse. GREAT! Now on top of looking condescending, I also look like I'm also an inattentive loser. I just keep making things wors--

Her thoughts were then cut off by a weird feeling of…warmth on the side of her face. Once she connected the dots, she had realized that Lyre had pulled her face onto her chest and was trying to console her. Rather than being pushed away, Lyre had drawn herself closer to her. Really…she's too nice. Far nicer than me.

The girl was even offering some chocolate, the ultimate comfort food alongside ice cream. It really would be rude to reject her offer. Especially after she was so kind to attempt to console her. So, Sion took one of the pieces. "T-thank you. I really don't deserve this…but thank you." She started to nibble at the chocolate as she finished her minor show of gratitude.

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"I would say that I considered it more than most, however. Despite what you might think based on my appearance, speech, and such, I am quite passionate about a number of things and it frustrates me greatly to have no, well, power to do anything about it. Not traits you might expect in a Laylite, I know. I eventually decided that pursuing knowledge would be better overall, and of course you know the saying." Arturia looked up from her book to scan the room. She noted one particular girl that seemed to have overreacted to something and was currently in what may be described as marshmallow hell. "I wonder what that's about..."

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Lyre shook her head at Sion's statement "No, everyone deserve to be happy and to be comforted when their sad." Lyre said gently. "You said you didn't have a partner yet right? Well then how about you and me be partners? I know I won't be good for much else other then this, but I would love to be your partner." she said well smiling at Sion.

Edited by rustytengo
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Cheesy. That was definitely cheesy. Even Sion could not help but think this when Lyre gave off that line. However, that kind of thought was pushed to the back of her mind. After all, Lyre offered to be her partner. Wait, partner!? Does this mean…someone I have actually successfully interacted without pushing them away?

Having finished the chocolate piece she took, Sion immediately pulled herself off of Lyre. "Wait, you're serious!?" Her voice gave off a mixture of elation, surprise, and suspicion.

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Lyre had a expression that said 'Ahhhh" as Sion pulled herself from her. At Sion's words Lyre blinked and tilted her head "Hmm..." Lyre giggled a little "Your silly. I said it so of course I'm serious." Lyre said with an attempt at doing a serious look on her face.

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Sion's expression for a moment became blank. Her thoughts were starting to run amok. Someone actually wants to be your partner! This is almost a success! So, don't stumble before you reach the finish line, Sion.

The girl quickly wiped whatever tears were on her face and held her and out to beckon a handshake. With a nervous stutter and a soft smile, she spoke, "I-I-I accept."

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"Yay." Lyre said well restating the urge to hug the other girl. Taking the girls hand in a eager shake. "And their we go partners. If you ever need anything just ask especially if its about sweets I'm good with those." Lyre finished with smile.

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I DID IT! I don't know how someone like me pulled this off but I did it! Sion was visibly elated.

"Uh-huh…thanks," she stuttered as she noticed and pondered her new partner and her obvious love for sweets.

Lyre is an odd one…but she's definitely kind...far kinder than I am.

Edited by Hiss13
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"Oh... well... this is kinda sudden..." It wasn't like she had much of a choice though at this point. She'd been putting it off since lunch, and if she didn't just go with what was being offered now, she'd most likely only end up with someone worse- Lillith seemed nice enough afterall, a bit nervous, sure... but that could easily be said about a couple of other people she'd met today... like Vivienne (Whom she still had no idea where she had disappeared to). And at least she was even trying, Arya had to give the girl that too...in fact, Lilith almost reminded her more of her preferred type of person in a way.

"But... I don't see any reason to say no." The raven haired artist finally answered, nodding her head and giving Lilith a warm smile to try to ease her nerves. "So, guess it's settled; we're partners then... Lilith."

"Seems we are, Arya." Lilith said, allowing herself a smile.

It felt nice to have finally found a partner, Lilith was beginning to worry she was going to have to partner with Lyre. Which wouldn't have been the end of the world, Lyre seemed nice enough, but Lilith wasn't sure she could handle sharing a room with someone like that. Arya seemed like she would be a nice partner, if only because of her artwork. Lilith knew she had told her friends she would return, but she wanted to sit with Arya now. After a short moment of deliberation, Lilith turned and sat next to Arya. It felt awkwardly quite, and Layla was about to say something when the room suddenly went dark. There were cries of fright from several of the more squeamish girls and Lilith herself nearly cried out. Then there was a flash of light, like a spark of electricity. It seemed to appear directly in front of Lilith's face. This time she did cry out. Then she suddenly felt as if her whole body was coursing with electricity. A bolt lanced out and shot past Arya's cheek, burning it. Lilith would have screamed, except the darkness had closed in. Her last thought before passing out was that she hoped Arya would still want to be partners


When the lights came back up, Katherine immediately ran over to the girl from whom the lightning had come, Lilith. It was strange, to be certain, but Katherine did her best to keep her cool. The same could not be said for the rest of the room.

"Alright, calm down girls, everything is going to be fine." She yelled, not that it did much.

Sighing, she turned to the girl who had been next to Lilith.

"Arya, right?" She said, hoping she had gotten the name right, "Would you mind taking Lilith here to the nurse? I'd do it myself, but I have a room full of panicked girls and you probably need to get that burn checked out anyways. There's a wheelchair in the closet."

(OOC: Strat, go ahead and post through until you reach the nurses office and knock. Then I'll move things along from there)

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"Holy shit, what the hell was that!?" Arturia yelled, unfortunately for Emberly's ears. Along with a bolt of lightning being rather surprising in and of itself, her attention had been focused on her conversation and the book she was reading. As the lights came back up, Arturia worked momentarily on calming herself before realizing that someone - Lilith? She wasn't sure; Arturia was bad with names - was unconscious and already being helped by her partner. "Is anyone else hurt?" she called out in a somewhat quieter, but still clearly audible tone.

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When the lights had cut, Rein's eyes had narrowed. Her body had completely tensed up, entering high alert. The eyes were the only observable indication, along with a slight tremor running along her skin as she tensed every muscle in her body. When the lightning struck, she instinctively shielded herself, crossing her arms in front of her.

When nothing hit her and the lights came back on, she scanned around the room, noting that Lilith was unconscious on the floor, with another girl - Arya, if her memory served - next to her sporting a burned cheek.

She finished up the sandwich - which by this point had finger-shaped indents along its surface from her grip strength - then walked over to the pair. Miss Katherine had, at that point, instructed Arya to help Lilith to the nurse's office, then turned around to ask the class, "Is anyone else hurt?"

Rein turned to the teacher and spoke up.

"Rein, fine. Can help. Directions?"

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Karrin was as shocked as anyone, her mouth forming a perfect O in surprise. She was about to exclaim her surprise when she realised that she didn't really have anyone to exclaim that surprise too. She had been entertaining the thought of joining in on a conversation but she wasn't sure her normal brash approach would be appreciated. So Karrin had just nestled back into her seat and entertained herself with a daydream for a while, staring into space. The dream featured a storm...

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The world was spinning for Arya as the lights finally flickered back on. She had no idea what the hell had happened; one moment Lillith was sitting down beside her, then the next the world had gone pitch black and something had blinded her before she could say or do anything. Her cheek stung against the air. It felt almost familiar... the burning. Felt just like a knife slice... there was no scar, but she remembered the pain, would always remember the sensation, would never let herself forget the lesson....

except this felt about ten times worse, that is. And the fact that the area around the injury felt a bit stiff was cause for concern as well. And come to think of it... her jaw felt a bit funny too...

"Arya, right? Would you mind taking Lilith here to the nurse? I'd do it myself, but I have a room full of panicked girls and you probably need to get that burn checked out anyways. There's a wheelchair in the closet."

"Lillith?" She hadn't even thought about the other girl in her fog of muddled senses. In fact she was finding it hard to think much about anything right now

"Who's... Lillith?" she glanced over to the girl, and Lo and behold, it all slowly came trickling back in. There she was, still beside her... yet out like a light. "Lillith!" She only let the panic live for a moment before killing it with the stone cold fires of self discipline, took a deep breath and used the wall to steady herself as she rose to her feet. Even though her partner had no visible injury from what she could see, she knew giving in to shock wouldn't be any help here. She had to focus; had a task to do...

Focusing right now was an endeavor more easily said than done though. She gritted her teeth against the pain in the side of her face, throwing open the closet door and retrieving the chair before wheeling it back to Lillith. She tested the girls weight as she attempted to pick her up; She was at least a good five inches taller than her, Arya didn't think she would have much trouble... if she wasn't so damn disoriented right now, that is...

"H..." She tried to call outm finding her tongue refused to cooperate enough to even form a full word. "Come on Arya, get your shit together..." Her eyes fell upon some other girl, rein apparently from what she had heard. Her mouth still felt like it was in full scale rebelion against her minds orders... but she simply put more mental force into it this time, barely managing to formulate the words "Hey... you, Rein...can you... help me... get her in the chair?"

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Emberly wasn't that startled by the quick flash of lightning, nor was she ever really startled by much. She just so happened to be a rather level-headed individual when it came to these things. However, she did have a nasty ringing in her ears from a certain partner of hers yelling in surprise. That startled her more than the lightning ever would have. The scene was nearly a mess after the lights came back on, as expected after that. Their Teacher barely keeping widespread panic from erupting. It wasn't her fault though, not many could keep such a large group of frightened young women calm and collected. Emotions were high... and emotions tended to make situations like these sloppy.

However, Emberly noticed that this Arya, the one hit with the lightning was certainly not doing well. It might not have been easy to see, but her labored breathing and struggle to talk meant she certainly wasn't in good shape after being struck. Emberly wondered just how much she was pushing through or trying to hide. Emberly walked up to Arturia and spoke into her ear calm and collected. "I need you to stay here. That one is trying to strong-arm her way through her pain and that isn't good for her." She said pointing to Arya. "Imma see what I can do, Hopefully I can help somehow. For the mean time see if you can't get at least some of these girls to calm down. If they start panicking too much things might get out of hand and we'll have a lot more than two injured."

"Miss Katherine." Emberly said as she approached their teacher. " I'm telling you right now that that girl is in no shape to walk herself. And I very much believe that I cannot let her walk herself and the other down to the nurse's office on her own. I'll take them, they need the help. Once they get the other in the chair I am going with them just in case. She was struck by lightning after all, she might be disorientated or worse. I can't in good conscience leave her alone."

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Mary jumped onto Riley when the lights went out. She was a little startled by it, but calmed down quickly. "Oh, it's only the lights... I thought it was something like, a giant monster trying to blow everything up." Mary said jokingly as she was still clinging to Riley. "I guess you can say that this is quiet a shocking situation." Mary got off of Riley and just sat down next to both Riley and Lexi, twiddling her thumbs and thought to herself, "Wow, that was a stupid thing to do at all. Good job Mary... very good job."

Edited by RubyHeart
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Rein tilted her head at Arya's request. The girl certainly seemed in terrible shape. She supposed it wouldn't do any harm to comply. Besides, she was slightly worried about Lilith's condition too. They were friends, after all. The handshake had sealed that.

She nodded her head in compliance and handily picked up the unconscious Lilith in both arms in a bridal carry, gently placing her on the wheelchair. Rein might have been of a small build, but she had well-trained muscles and a decent amount of strength, and Lilith was more or less about the same size, which made it easier.

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The lights cutting out all of a sudden was definitely a bit jarring but nothing to be afraid of. The power would eventually come back on. While Sion did not like having to sit wide awake in the dark, the entire thing felt like nothing more than a jump-scare.

That being said, what did cause Sion to be shocked was what happened afterwards. The flash of lightning caused Sion to widen her eyes. She was unable to tell what was going on but she found herself entranced by it. Even when the lights came on at some point after the lightning phenomenon had ended, she could not help but stare blankly at the spot where she had seen the lightning.

Eventually, the atmosphere of panic and confusion registered in Sion's brain and she realized what just happened. Lilith had fallen unconscious and was being helped by Rein. She immediately got up.

She had been a bit mean earlier and even though Lilith was likely not aware, Sion felt that it would be best to try and make it up to her somehow.

So, Sion walked up to where Arya, Rein, and the unconscious Lilith were. "Do you need any help?"

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