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Pokémon: Aftermath #3b - Candice and the Battle for Snowpoint [IC]


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Carissa bent over to pick up the key card and displayed a genuine smile towards the two girls. "We really appreciate all you've done. You've helped us more than you know. But for us to help you, we ask that you leave the building right now. There are still others outside. Tell them that Jory and Carissa sent you out. I'm sure they can help you from there." Carissa then turned herself around. After a second she turned her head back over her shoulder. "Be careful you two." Carissa then made her way back to the stairs and slid the card quickly through the scanner and pushed the door open, being more cautious this time to not stick her head in so quickly.

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Gym Squad

Jon didn't answer Seth, completely focused at the battle. The hail kept falling in the arena due to Abomasnow's ability, so they could very well prepare for a brand new Blizzard session.

"Kite, make it hard for them to move and get away from the Abomasnow. Rock Slide!"

"Regie, do the same then! Keep the Blizzard up, and Abbie, protect and get ready for the party!~"

As the pokemon went to follow their orders, Candice pulled out her scarf revealing a small stone on it's tip. A blinding enveloped the Abomasnow, and it changed into an even bigger and more threatening beast: it evolved into it's Mega form.

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{Gym Squad}

"Not good..." said Seth. He should've expected a Mega at this stage of the game, and that was a good move on Candice's part, Protecting to ensure that Abomasnow pulled it off without instantly getting knocked out. Giga had plenty of moves in his arsenal to check ice types with ease, but this isn't an ordinary battle. Even though losing this wouldn't mean the immediate death of anyone, it'd mean serious trouble if Team Dusk failed. and he was gonna make sure he wouldn't be the one to screw up.

Well, since Abomasnow is busy protecting, let's go for the Regi... Seth thought to himself. He surveyed the area, and noticed a good sized boulder falling from Kyte's Rock Slide. He had an idea...

"Giga, grab that rock, and chuck it and a Focus Blast at Regice!" Gigawatt sprang into action, despite his size, he was super quick. He jumped up to grab the rock in one hand and quickly charged a Focus Blast in the other. While still in mid-air, Gigawatt spun and launched the rock first and the Focus Blast second, both hurtling straight for the legendary. As Giga landed back on his feet, Seth figured the Regice would be able to counter one, but would have a tough time with the other. He just hoped it'd work.

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{Conclave Group- 2F Stairwell}

Jory gave a quick "Thanks," to the sisters before following Carissa up the stairs. Shredder moved cautiously behind his Trainer, overtaking him at the end of the flight of stairs and waiting for Carissa to proceed forward. "Careful," Jory cautioned despite seeing Carissa actually moving slowly for once. "Like those Acolytes said, the ones on the upper floors are going to be much less willing to let us through. Maybe we should wait for the rest of the squad before running into another floor full of enemies."

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Gym Squad

Regice preferred to take the Focus Blast, using it's own movement along with the Blizzard's wind to avoid the rock. It tanked the hit pretty well and never stopped attacking though.

Meanwhile, Abomasnow finished Mega evolving and was retreating to a rock behind the golem's line. It stopped there, it's lower half invisible behind the stone, and started launching it's own Blizzard... Which was devastating. It managed to be even more powerful the the legendary's one, sweeping the field with brute force.

"Kyte!" Jon ordered yelling over the raging storm. " Circle to get near that Regice, but keep an eye open for Abomasnow! Don't stop tje Rock Slide either!"

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{Gym Squad}

"Giga, lay down some covering fire, keep 'em busy with Flamethrower!" Wow, he realized how bad of a pun that was... nonetheless Gigawatt kept to Kyte's left side and launched a powerful stream of flames in Abbie's direction to try to take the pressure off from the Blizzard. Occasionally he'd fire another stream at Regice to keep it on its toes. The Flamethrower was successful at lowering the damage from the Blizzards, but not completely. Also in the process, the Flamethrowers were melting small patches of ice here and there. If Jon had a plan, he'd need to put it into action soon, Giga always liked the cold, but not like this...

Edited by SilverJakler
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"Good luck," Ann whispered as Carissa and Jory left for the second floor. Susana has also stopped her charade and tugged on her sister's sleeve.

"Now what?" Susana asked.

"We need to get out, that's what." Ann told the smaller acolyte. If the Mother is as unforgiving as her peers had told her, they need protection now. "Tell our friends to meet the rest of Team Dusk outside and make sure they tell them that a Jory and Carissa has sent us there. Can you do that for me?" Ann watched her little sister nodded vigorously before she ran to deliver the message. Ann, herself, went towards the remaining acolytes and informed of the good news.

Those of the Sylveon Unit that are still outside should start to see multitudes of acolytes running out from the conclave. Some could be seen carrying their injured comrades, others are more cautious of their surroundings. Finally, one brave soul spotted Drake, Alina and Sarcus just as they were about to head inside. She made her way through the crowd and stood in front of them, legs visibly shaking from either nervousness or fear. "Umm... W-Were you sent by Fria? J-Jory and Carissa said you could help us..."

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Before Carissa decided to enter the room of the second floor, her eyes fluttered back down the stairs. It wasn't all too clear, but it seemed as if Ann was circulating the room. Whispers wavered throughout the building and Carissa couldn't help but smile. I did something right. Who would've thought? She turned around and smiled at Jory, tilting her head slightly to act cute. "This is just the start, Jory. Soon we'll be saving people like it's nothing, you and I together." She took his hand and squeezed it before turning back to the door.

Carissa stepped cautiously into the room. No one seemed to notice her presence. All the acolytes were huddled around various desks, enthralled in some sort of card game. They were yelling and screaming, and as the enraged acolytes slammed their fists into the table, Carissa could tell they were strong, incredibly focused on brute force if in combat. Poker players. The pure sign of top tier assholes. The air conditioning in the room strengthened and sent a wisp of cool air at Carissa's hair. A small strand of hair flew in front of Carissa's eye, and she simply blew up at the hair, making it fall back into her hair as if it were the final piece of a puzzle. Her eyes scanned the room and she saw that every wall was covered in shelves. The shelves held thick, hardback books that were all organized by their color. One row red, one green, and so on. She then looked up to see a cheap ceiling fan spinning slowly on the low hanging ceiling. Bet you that fan is so helpful.

Carissa stepped forward, something she would have never done before. Normally she would turn the corner and retreat, deciding these meat-heads weren't worth her time. She would think they'd kill themselves out of anger towards the stupid poker game. But instead she stood, waiting for someone to notice her existence. As a minute passed by, she was fed up. She stuck her index and middle finger of her right hand between her lips, and let out a high-pitched whistle. This was, once again, something she would never do. But knowing all she had done already by helping the acolytes downstairs, and feeling stronger with Jory by her side, she wasn't scared. From all five tables, every acolyte looked up at Carissa, a raging fire blazing in every one of their eyes.

Carissa began to spin the card by the lanyard that was attached to it as she stepped forward. She inhaled slowly before releasing a breath. "So... I'm looking for a Lealia?"

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Jory smiled at Carissa as she squeezed his hand, then stepped into the room behind her. He signaled Shredder to follow him into the room, then shook his head as the girl whistled sharply. Way to draw all their attention at once. Maybe if we each had more than one Pokemon this would have been a good idea, but two against- he took a quick count, estimating the number of Acolytes in the room- almost fifty doesn't exactly put the odds in our favor. His mind began to race as he looked around the room for tactical advantages. The only ones he could find in the room itself were the desks, so he devised another strategy for the inevitable battle as the pair waited for Lealia to respond to Carissa's challenge.

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{Conclave - 2nd Floor}

Although the acolytes were just initially annoyed by the interruption, their curiosity turned into hostility once the girls registered what Carissa and Jory were demanding. The acolytes stood up from their table games and each took out their Pokeballs.

"You'll have to beat all of us first before getting to Lealia!" The nearest acolyte shouted. As soon as she threw her Pokeball, the rest of them followed suit. Jory and Carissa were now surrounded by a wall of not only the girls, but their respective Pokemon as well.

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Jory turned to Carissa, a frown on his face. "Great plan!" he said sarcastically. "Now follow my lead!" He quickly pulled Carissa backward into the beginning of the stairwell where the hallway was significantly narrower. Shredder followed behind them, baring his fangs and moving his arms in a complex maneuver, hyping himself up for the coming battle. When he was done he seemed to radiate power as he prepared for the coming onslaught.

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"Jory!" Carissa protested as Jory dragged her into the stairwell. "I get that it wasn't smart of me but Lila can't fit and work to her full potential when crammed in the hallway. She could work well against them if she had more room. Not to mention, these guys seem to be more focused on throwing punches than aiming them. And when we have less space to dodge, we have a greater chance of being hit." Carissa peered through the door, seeing the group moving slowly towards them. "We don't have much time to get back in there. You're going to have to trust me, ok?" Carissa placed her hands on Jory's shoulders to comfort him.

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Jory looked into Carissa's eyes and sighed. He took a hand off of her shoulder and squeezed it lightly, then nodded. "Alright. But if things start to go south, we retreat into this hallway until reinforcements get here. I'll go first," he said sternly, brooking no argument. He reappeared around the corner next to Shredder and grinned cockily, both he and his partner taking fighting stances. He then turned to his Zangoose. "Looks like we're gonna have to go all-out on this one. No holding back like you did on the first floor and in the forest, got it?" The Zangoose nodded.

"Zan-GOOSE!" he cried, turning to face their opponents. The first few Acolytes began to run forward with their Pokemon. The first pair to reach Jory and Shredder was a girl roughly his own age and her Scyther, followed by a short girl and her Electabuzz. The two behind her had a Mightyena and an Exploud between them. Jory leapt into the fray, launching a side kick into the first Acolyte's abdomen. He then spun with a vicious elbow drop to her head, knocking the girl out cold. Her Scyther came at them with a Slash attack and Shredder engaged in a short parrying match with their claws before the Normal-type's fist caught fire and slammed into the Scyther's face, taking it down remarkably quickly. The duo was done just in time to intercept the next pair. Shredder's eye gleamed and he narrowly avoided an Electro Ball fired from several feet away. A white trail flashed behind him and he tackled the Electric-type to the ground, proceeding to hit it with several Crush Claws. As that occurred Jory took a punch meant for his face neatly on his left shoulder, then swung his right fist into the girl's chin. He then swept her leg out from under her and delivered a hard kick to her ribcage as she hit the ground, breaking her floating rib and the one above it and leaving her groaning on the floor.

Jory looked up and bent backward, dodging a high roundhouse kick thrown by one of the girls. The other pulled him by the arm and caught him in a full-nelson, offering free shots to her companion. The veteran leaned against her and kicked his feet outward, knocking the second Acolyte off her feet. He then tossed his head backward, catching the girl holding him directly in the nose. She screeched and let go with one hand to stop the blood flowing out of it. That was the opening Jory needed to get out. He elbowed her in the solar plexus, causing her to double over and release the other arm as the other Acolyte began to get up. He quickly launched a side kick backward, knocking the first Acolyte out cold and following up with a spinning kick to the incoming one, dispatching her as well.

Meanwhile, Shredder's fists began to glow orange as he met the Mightyena and Exploud that rushed at him. He hit the Mightyena with a blindingly fast two-hit combo, then followed it up with a kick that swept the canine Pokemon's legs out from under it. He then rushed the Exploud. His eye gleamed once again as he dodged a Mega Punch from his foe and jumped in the air, spinning and delivering two kicks that caused the Exploud to stagger backward. He then swung a pair of destructive Crush Claws at it, causing it to finally fall. The Mightyena took the opportunity to clamp its fangs onto the Zangoose's shoulder from the back. However Shredder didn't even flinch and grabbed the Mightyena by the neck, flipping it onto the floor and swinging another Low Kick at it to finish it off.

The pair stood up simultaneously, looking none the worse for wear. They put their fists up, ready for the next group of opponents.

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Carissa stood outside the doorway as Jory entered. She took out the Luxury Ball that held her longtime friend. Go get 'em darling. I believe you can do this. Carissa pressed her forehead to the cold shell. She held the ball in her hand as she entered the room. Without a moment's hesitation, Carissa launched Lila near the back of the room. She came out of her pokeball rather aggravated that she had almost toppled a bookshelf unintentionally. Her eyes lifted to match Carissa's across the room. Lila's ruby eyes glimmered and then she gave a nod to Carissa, signaling it was time to destroy these acolytes.

Carissa's attention was drawn away from her partner by a group of approaching acolytes. Two were incredibly tall, towering over Carissa by probably over a whole foot. The other was perhaps a few inches shorter than Carissa. Before a single attack was thrown, Carissa scanned their belts. None of them have a pokeball on them? Why is that? Just over the tallest acolyte's head, Carissa was able to see a group of three pokemon approaching Carissa. She would have been glad to see what they were, but the acolytes were approaching. One of the taller ones, a girl with long blond hair tied in a poor excuse for a ponytail, lunged forward at Carissa, following her poorly executed punch. Carissa took advantage of the acolytes poor performance and countered. She struck the girl's arm upward with a swift block before jumping and launching a webbed hand towards the girl's throat. The acolyte sputtered and choked while Carissa grabbed her inner elbow an placed her leg swiftly behind the acolyte's. In a speedy motion, Carissa threw her leg at the back of the acolyte's, causing her legs to crumble. Carissa was far less than gentle when she stepped over the girl to approach her next attacker. The shortest girl was throwing out a kick that would surely hurt Carissa if she didn't act quickly. She reversed her direction, stepping back with her left foot, preparing herself for the attack. When it was close enough, Carissa grabbed the acolytes ankle, stopping the kick, and twisted it causing her body to make a complete rotation. One harsh kick and the acolyte was lying stomach down on the floor. The last girl, the tallest had positioned herself just out of Carissa's view during her fight. Within seconds, the acolyte threw a punch straight at Carissa's stomach. She fell forwards, holding her hand to her stomach in pain. But it wasn't for long. Carissa had to think quickly or else she could be severely hurt. She threw herself onto her back, getting a better view of the girl. She had short red hair and a smirk that rivaled that of a Gengar. Carissa could no longer look at the girl's face as the acolyte's incoming fist blocked her view. Carissa wrapped her legs around both sides of the girl's legs, and then rolled, causing the acolyte to tumble to the ground. Carissa got up quickly and threw one swift kick to the girl's face, leaving her unconscious. Carissa threw herself against the wall. "Wanna come out now, Lealia? Or did I accidentally knock you out already?" She threw out a smile and winced, feeling the pain come back from the fight.

Meanwhile Lila was holding her own incredibly well against the three pokemon. The assaulting team consisted of an Excadrill, Gliscor, and a Sceptile. The first to strike was the Sceptile. He launched a vicious tempest of leaves at Lila. The leaves struck her harshly, leaving scrapes and cuts all over her. But as she was taking the attack, her body began to gleam, and when the onslaught had finished, a beam of light shot out of Milotic, reflecting back incredible amounts of damage. The Sceptile was out cold on the floor. Next came the Gliscor, but he wasn't much of a trouble. Just like the Noivern on the previous floor, Lila was unamused and shot an Ice Beam, crippling the pokemon mid-flight and causing it to faint upon impact with the floor. The last was Excadrill. Lila lead off with a Scald. The Excadrill took the attack and reduced its damage by shielding itself with its steeled claws. It then began to lunge at Lila, its iron helmet glowing. Lila didn't hesitate and snaked her tail behind one of the bookshelves. Her tail began to glow a ghastly purple and she launched the bookshelf at the Excadrill. The Excadrill wasn't prepared and was suddenly buried under a mound of books. Lila then looked up to see Carissa was hurt. However, she knew she could not do much from here, and instead, used her healing capabilities on herself.

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Jory looked back to the wall and saw that Carissa had evidently fared a bit worse against her foes than he had. "Carissa, stay with us!" he said quickly as he and Shredder moved to cover her position. More Acolytes began circling them, although they were now more wary of the young man and his Zangoose. Jory quickly unzipped his jacket and threw it to the ground, then rolled up the sleeves of his long-sleeved t-shirt. "Come out and play, Lealia!" he taunted. "Or are you just going to let these punching bags keep taking punishment? You know we'll get to you eventually."

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  • Veterans

Having gotten past quite a few of the acolytes,Micheal ran up the stair to the second floor.Entering the door,there was already conflict going on with that girl he had an argument with earlier,she was called Carissa right.No matter.Along with her was her Friend Jory who had thrown his jacket off."Need help you two,because from my perspective you're quite outnumbered."He commented on their current situations."Regardless,Nappy use Gunk Shot on that incoming Dragonair,then Body Slam it!"Micheal shouted out as a Dragonair was headed straight for Carissa's Milotic while it was distracted by healing itself.

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{Conclave - 2nd floor}

The acolyte Jory and Carissa were looking for could be found at the end of the wall of acolytes and Pokemon. Lealia was just standing around idly by an abandoned table, examining her fingernails as the onslaught raged on. She occasionally looked up to see where the trio of troublemakers are located. Seeing that there were still a few acolytes standing between them, Lealia went back to examining her nail polish.

{Gym Squad}

As the ice began to melt from the Flamethrower's heat, it became easier for Kyte and Giga to move around the field. At the same time, the Rock Slide from earlier was able to hinder Candice's Pokemon from moving around as easily. Jon noticed this and decided that this could be the perfect opportunity to strike down the legendary Ice type Pokemon. "Kyte, now is our chance! Use Hammer Arm on that Regice!"

On the other side of the field, Candice whistled at the turn of events before she pointed towards the Swampert. "Not so fast! Abbie, go for a Grass Knot! And Regie, counter it with a Hammer Arm of your own!"

The Regice raised its own arm to prepare to clash with Kyte while the Mega Abomasnow called out the vines. Underneath the Pokemon, the ground began to shake as the vines sprang out in an attempt to snare both Kyte and Giga. Some of the spare vines also managed to shatter some of the rocks from the Rock Slide.

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{Conclave Groud - Outside}

"Oh joy, I'm in charge of babysitting," griped Drake making sure the Acolytes couldn't hear him. He then cleared his throat ready to give the girl a response. "Perhaps, but all I can offer is protection and nothing else." Drake folded his arms looking over at the Crobat who looked slightly disappointed. His thirst for battle would have to wait a bit longer.

These children...do they even realize what they've done. Deserting their post won't be taken so lightly...this also could be considered treason. Still...I'll have to go along with it for now. I'll have to keep an eye to make sure no spies are among them. Drake carefully looked over at each one trying to pick out which ones looked suspicious.

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{Gym Squad}

Thinking on his feet, Seth came up with another plan. It was dangerous, but he knew Giga and Kyte could pull it off.

"Giga, set the vines on fire, burn 'em down with Flamethrower and Fire Punch!" As the vines started swarming around Giga and Kyte, the big yellow yeti burned them all to a crisp, one after the other, blasting ones further away with Flamethrower and scorching the ones within melee range with Fire Punch. Vine after vine burst into flames, turning up the heat in the entire Gym. The vines that were forming underneath Kyte were just about to connect and ruin his Hammer Arm, but with a split second to spare, Gigawatt ignited that one too. The vines started to burn and disappear before they even reached the allied Swampert.

All of the fires that Giga had started had melted almost all of the ice in the arena, with only a few small patches here and there. With all these fires blazing, the enemy Ice Types would have trouble creating even a simple snowball without it melting, let alone a full-blown Blizzard. The heat would probably only be a minor nuisance to Kyte, due to his Water typing, giving him the perfect chance to clash with the Regice.

Seth looked at Jon. "Now's your chance, go for it!"

Edited by SilverJakler
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{Gym Squad}

Jon was about to panic when Seth's Electivire burned all of the vines to provide a clear path for his Swampert to charge forward. He gave a determined nod to Seth to show his appreciation before turning his attention back onto the field. Perhaps, just perhaps, this team was something he can learn to trust. "Full power, Kyte!"

The Swampert breezed by the burning field easily due to his natural resistance to the flames. With a mighty roar, his Hammer Arm clashed with the Regice's, creating a resounding crash that echoed throughout the field. The battle seemed to be at a standstill for a few seconds until the Regice finally stepped back. It kneeled down, trying to recover from the damage that the Hammer Arm and the burning field it has sustained. The legendary seems to be on its last leg...

After that display, Candice was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "Yeah! Now this is what I'm talking about!" she praised before she regained her composure. "Buuutt~ Let's see how you can handle this. Abbie, use Mist to hide us! Then use Blizzard to freeze the air! Regice, try going for a Rest!"

The field began to fog up with the moisture, making it difficult for anyone to see one another. Soon, the air surrounding them began to chill more, although it wasn't as bad as it was before Giga's Flamethrower and Fire Punch combination. Jon knew that Kyte was still standing strongly near the exhausted Regice. "Don't give Regice that opportunity! Finish it off with another Hammer Arm!" he ordered Kyte, who immediately got up and ran into the direction where he last saw the Ice Pokemon.

{Conclave Squad - Outside}

The little girl in front of Drake seemed satisfied with the answer and gestured for the others to come over. Soon, Drake, Alina and Sarcus found themselves surrounded by the injured acolytes. They were eager for any protection that could be provided by the three Team Dusk members.

"Is there any place we could go? Maria here has a broken nose." One acolyte asked.

"I want to go see my mom and dad." A younger girl pleaded.

"I just want to some food..." Another mumbled.

Whispers and little conversations began to surface here and there amongst these inexperienced acolytes. Most of them were just happy about the possibility to be out Mother's reach while others began to reminisce on their lives before the Church took over.

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{Gym Squad}

I've got just the thing for this... thought Seth to himself. If he had Gigawatt use Flamethrower or Fire Punch, not only would that give his position away, but it just might make the Mist even worse. No, he would use this to his advantage, and he had just the move to use...

"Giga, Shock Wave, now!" Giga quickly charged twin pulses of electricity from his hands and shot them straight ahead. At first they only seemed to move forward, but as they got closer to the thick of the battle, they changed directions and started homing in on Regie and Abbie. Seth knew it wouldn't do much to Abbie, due to her Grass typing, but Regie was weakened, and if it didn't knock it out, it'd give away its location to Kyte for another clean shot to finish it off. Seth just hoped it'd work...

Edited by SilverJakler
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{Gym Squad}

Just as Regice was about to go to sleep, the legendary felt sharp, electrical shocks from Giga's Shock Wave. It tried in vain to resist the pain in order to recover its energy, but its efforts were in vain. Kyte, who was able to locate the struggling Regice due to the yellow lights, was able to land another Hammer Arm. This uncontested attack finally sent the Regice crashing onto the ground. A low, almost monotonous cry that a Regice tends to make could heard in the Mist.

"That was great Regi! Thank you for everything~" Candice's voice echoed through the Mist. A red beam of light could then be seen as she recalled the legendary back into its capsule. "That was a really smart move, you guys!" A sound similar to that of an enlarged Pokeball could then be heard. "Alright Mamo, use Rock Slide on the Swampert! Abbie, Giga Drain on Electivire!"

A loud thud could be heard as Candice sent out her Mamoswine. She had landed right in front of Kyte. Mamo then stomped on the ground, causing multitudes of rocks to begin to tumble onto the battlefield once more.

The Mega-Abomasnow, in the meantime, has sneaked up to Giga and was preparing to fire off a Giga Drain after he shook off the effects of the Shock Wave. Two green shafts on its back glowed an eerie green before it shot out and attempt to latch onto Seth's Electivire.

Jon clenched his teeth as he saw his partner trapped inside a ring of rocks. He could order Kyte to Dig him and Giga out, but that would make them susceptible to an Earthquake. Another option would be to allow Kyte to propel himself out with Waterfall, smash through the rocks, and deal significant damage to that Mamoswine. While that seems like the best strategy, Jon couldn't help but feel that he owe Seth a favor for helping him out before. How odd... "Kyte, can you keep going?" he decided to ask, mostly to receive a confirmation for what he was about to do. The Swampert's strong cry could be heard, which gave Jon a reason for making his next order. "Go for an Ice Beam... on the Abomasnow!" Since Kyte's back is turned, Jon knew he would be susceptible to an attack from the Mamoswine but, judging by Kyte's enthusiastic battle cry from before, he could take at least a hit from it.

Kyte turned around to find the green lights that Abbie was emitting. He then fired off the Ice Beam to block one of the shafts from hitting Giga. Now he just hoped that the Electivire would be quick enough to escape.

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{Gym Squad}

As the remaining light darted for Gigawatt, Seth thought quick on his feet. He didn't want to risk dodging out of the way, just in case his yellow friend wasn't fast enough. Even if dodging were an option, the rocks being thrown around would be troublesome to maneuver in. So, Seth just decided to lame it out.

"Giga, use Protect!" Gigawatt held his hands forward and produced a small circle of glass-like energy. As soon as it was completely formed, the Giga Drain made contact with it, the Protect seemingly absorbing the green beam of light until it disappeared. As it did, the shield did as well, and Seth was left with a few options. Might as well keep up the offensive, he thought. "Giga use Low Kick to launch the rocks at Mamoswine!" He did as he told, a maroon light enveloped his feet as he kicked the nearby rocks towards the Mamoswine. If she could handle them, Seth was at least hoping they would distract her for Jon to make a move.

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{Gym Squad}

The Mist is starting to wear off, allowing all of the Pokemon and their trainers to see the field more clearly. Candice was able to see the rocks incoming and quickly gave instructions for Mamo to knock one towards Kyte with an Ancient Power. The Mamoswine did as she was told; her body glowed white as a white ball appeared in front of its tusks. As the boulders reached her, Mamo launched the Ancient Power at the rock that was aiming for her face, redirecting it to Jon's Swampert. The rest of rocks brushed by Mamo, inflicting minor injuries.

"Crap, use Dig now!" Jon called out to his Swampert. Kyte began to dig a hole to, hopefully, get out of the way of the incoming rock. Unfortunately, the two Hammer Arms have exhausted the sturdy Pokemon; Kyte was able to avoid most of the blow as he went underground, but not entirely. A grunt of pain could be heard before he disappeared.

"Caught you now~ Abbie! Shake things up with an Earthquake!" Candice called enthusiastically.

The Mega - Abomasnow roared as he raised his two arms. With as much force as he could muster, Abbie slammed them to the ground, causing the whole gym to shake uncontrollably. Mamo had steeled herself to take the blow, knowing that this move could benefit them more in the long run.

((Sorry for the delay, I was down with seasonal allergies so I didn't want to make a crappy post.))

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(Sorry for no posting, I've had limited times with exams recently.)

{Conclave Squad}

Lila shot an angered look at Nappy. Her ruby eyes were shimmering and if one looked close enough, it mimicked that of a raging fire. She was absolutely ashamed that she was saved by another pokemon. She shook off the disappointment and craned her neck, surveying the area. On one side of the room, sat an obviously unamused acolyte, choosing to examine her nails over the brawl occurring across the room. On the other side, Lila noticed Carissa was lying in pain against the wall, with an obviously concerned Jory ready to protect her. In an instant, Lila was rushing over to Carissa's side. She slithered across the floor, knocking about a dozen acolytes off their feet as she charged through the crowd. She positioned herself next to Carissa, coiling around her as she shot a hostile glare at the acolyte group. Carissa rubbed Lila's scale, showing appreciation without words. Lila knew that this situation was grim, and that they needed to hustle to get to the mother quickly. Getting impatient, Lila released a powerful Hydro Pump, sweeping it across the group of acolytes. Almost all of them were swept over. One struggled to get up but fell back onto the floor.

Lila uncoiled herself, allowing Carissa to see the lone acolyte on the other side of the room. Carissa stepped over Lila's tail, wincing once again as a wave of pain swept up her stomach. But she had to maintain a sense of confidence. No weakness. You are in control, and you will get this key. She stood in front of the table and slammed her hands onto the table. "Do you not care that your own allies were just destroyed in front of you? What makes you think that you're that much better than your underlings? You have a fucking key? You think that makes you special? You're just another brainwashed bitch who thinks Dawn is some incredib-"

Carissa was interruped when Lealia got up and lunged towards her. She slammed Carissa into the wall, grasping her throat forcefully, cutting off her wind pipe. Carissa was panicking as the vision began to leave her eyes. She kicked and kicked, trying to free herself. Lealia's nails began to dig into Carissa's skin. A small bead of red began to turn into a stream as Carissa's blood began to trickle down her neck, staining the white shirt underneath her coat. "You want to know why I'm so special? Because I could kill a heretic like you right here."

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