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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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As the group settled for food, Adam made a place for himself away from the group. He sat there, eating his ration of salted meat he had prepared beforehand. He was astounded that these people thought to bring treats like marshmallows and the like. He sighed, already weary of his "allies".

Lockhart, on the other hand, was flying around eager for some treats when he saw Jory take out the container of cookies. before anyone had a chance to react, Lockhart swooped down and plucked the cookies from his hand. He gave a gleeful cry at successfully stealing from his target.

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Nemir let out a small laugh, he knew dark types were into stealing, but stealing cookies? "Vis. You know what to do. Don't hurt Lockhart though." "It's been forever since someone has tried to steal from us. This will be fun!" he laughed as he jumped and used extremespeed while making a grab for the cookies.

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One had to be an early bird to steal back from Lockhart. Despite Vis' great speed, Lockhart was ready and using his keen senses he elegantly manoeuvred out of the way of the jumping pokemon who could not maneuver in the air anywhere near as easily. He gave a mocking little caw as he circled the group overhead.

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"Hmm. That didn't work quite as well as I expected. Vis go for mind reader and then try again when you see an opening!" Vis closed his eyes and sensed Lockharts intentions through its aura, and made another extremespeed jump.

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Miki was happy that her bag of marshmallows had received such a welcome. "I-I found it while Raito and I were exploring around the gym. I guess the acolytes left it, so feel free to devour them!" She took two cans from the stash and made her way back to Lupus' side, handing one over to him before she took a tentative sip from her remaining can. Miki only looked up every once in a while to watch Lockhart and Vis dueling it out for a container of cookies.

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As the Lucario soared up towards Lockhart, he flew higher and just when the Lucario was the peak of his arc, Lockhart looped around and slammed into the pokemon, sending him flying back down to the ground. Again, a mocking caw came from the bird as he looked down on the two.

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"Well there goes that plan. We would need another flying type to get them back." Taking a few marshmallows and quickly thanking Miki, he realized for the first time that the Honchkrows owner didn't get any of the food. He took a can of soup and walked a few feet to where the man was sitting and said. "Here. I know you don't like us, and probably are too proud to accept it, but you should have the same opportunities that we do." as he tossed the can to him and held out the marshmallows.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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Jory's pace was so quick that Carissa had to almost run after him. I mean, I'd be enticed by soup and marshmallows too in this circumstance. I'll let it slide. Carissa laughed inwardly as she arrived. She gratefully took a can of soup from Seth, sending him a small thank you with a thumbs-up. But the cherry on top of her affection to Jory was when he revealed his stash of cookies. Her face lit up instantly. "Ch-ch-chocolate chip?! I! Love! Chocolate!" As she reached towards the container, her chocolate-driven greed blinding her, Lockhart swooped in and stole the cookies! Carissa shook her fist at the bird as it soared away. "You damned bird! Give us back the damn cookies you bastard!" She turned and saw Adam idly sitting not giving a damn. Faster than a Ninjask with 6 stacks of Speed Boost, Carissa ran up to Adam. "You tell your damn bird to give us back the cookies or I will destroy him!"

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"You tell your damn bird to give us back the cookies or I will destroy him!"

"Listen, if that's meant to be a threat, I don't respond nicely to threats. Especially towards my one friend and lifeline in this team." Adam snapped back at the girl. What did she expect him to do? Lockhart did what he did, he only ever really acquiesced to Adam when battling. Otherwise, the bird was as wild as any other pokemon without a trainer.

"Here. I know you don't like us, and probably are too proud to accept it, but you should have the same opportunities that we do."

Adam clumsily caught the can, bumbllng with it a little and sloshing the contents a little. "I, uh, appreciate it, but no need for the marshmallows. I tend to stay away from luxuries like that." He said as he turned away from the offered treats.

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Jory watched as Carissa confronted Adam about the cookies, deciding to sit this one out. She's certainly a fiery one, though. Especially with as placid a partner as most Milotics tend to be, he thought to himself, smiling as he observed the cookie argument. He gratefully took a can of soup from Seth and pulled his own spoon from his jacket, sitting on a stump nearby. He made sure he left enough room for Carissa to sit with him as he began to tuck into his food, knowing that his hunger was the true priority. Shredder approached his Trainer, his orange-tipped ear and markings the only indicator that he was even there in the thick blanket of snow. His Trainer took specially prepared food out of his pack, putting it on a dish and handing it to the Zangoose. Shredder curled up near the stump, placing his food in front of his face and occasionally scooping a bit more into his mouth.

Eventually Jory decided to step in on the cookie situation. "Adam, you need to control Lockhart out of battle. I got those cookies for the whole team. He's welcome to a few, but he needs to share."

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Adam sighed, he figured it was easier to try than argue. He stood up, put two fingers to his mouth and whistled to Lockhart, who flew down onto the branch of a nearby tree and shook a good chunk of snow from it. Adam went over and gestured for Lockhart to give him the cookies but the bird disregarded. Once more, Adam sighed. he whistled, chirping the beginning notes of Lockharts birdsong. The pokemon couldn't resist and he continued the song, dropping the cookies in the process for Adam to catch. "There. Enjoy." He said as he held out the cookies for Jory with Lockhart singing in the background.

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Jory accepted the cookies gratefully, taking 6 out of the package and handing them to Adam. "Like I said, all are welcome to them." He then took 4 for himself and Shredder, handing the pack to Carissa. "Here. Take as many as you want, then hand them off to Seth. He seems to be doing a good job of distributing the food."

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Despite himself, he was kinda grateful for the cookies. He muttered a small thanks and went back to sitting where he had been, occasionally eating one of the cookies, surprised at how good they were.

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Carissa watched wide-eyed as Jory swept in like her knight in shining armor, fetching the cookies with ease. She was kind of upset that he had decided to give some to Adam, but when Jory handed the package to her, she had basically fallen in love. She took ten cookies from the container before closing it up and tossing it over her shoulder in the direction of Seth. She quickly shoved them all in to her jacket pocket for after she finished her soup. She threw her arms around Jory not caring how awkward the embrace was. The thought of chocolate was blinding her common sense. She whispered in a pleasured moan, "My hero..." She then released her grip and returned to her soup on the stump. She was dissatisfied to see that it had already cooled at this point. She groaned and fumbled around to find her Lila's Luxury Ball. She released her and Lila gave her an aggravated stare. Carissa rubbed her arm and whispered to Lila. "I hate to do this to you, but can you warm up my soup for me." The Milotic rolled her eyes as Carissa placed the can on the ground. She let out steaming stream of water towards the closed can. Carissa gave an appreciative smile as she picked up the can and simultaneously returned Lila to her pokeball. She sat down on the stump, patting the spot next to her to recommend Jory sat with her.

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Seth barely had time to react as Carissa threw the package of cookies. Luckily he caught them just in time, and tossed one to Giga, as he had finished his Pokefood.

"Well, now that THAT situation is over, if anyone wants cookies, feel free to take some." He decided to have his share before the others decided to dive in. Damn, chocolate chip cookies... felt weird having a treat so innocent in times like this, well that and marshmellows.

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Nemir took the package from Seth and grabbed a few cookies. "Thanks. Now I know we don't have a fire and whatnot but I was thinking that maybe we could tell stories as if we were out camping...? It's been too long since I've had people to do that with." He said to the group. "It will certainly help us get to know each other better, and nobody has to say anything they're uncomfortable with."

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Jory stood still, his cheeks flushed redder than a baboon's ass as Carissa threw her arms around him and moaned into his ear. He was left like a statue in the middle of the makeshift camp, incredibly flustered and having no idea how to react until Carissa indicated that he should sit next to her. I... uh... um... really wasn't expecting that at all, he thought to himself as he dumbly walked over and sat down, not saying anything as he attempted to process the entire ordeal that had resulted from his pulling a simple package of chocolate chip cookies out of his pack. He sat in awkward silence for a few moments before turning to Carissa. "So... I... uh... guess you really like chocolate chip cookies, huh?"

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Drake had remained silent for the time being. He ate some soup he had stored and gave the leftovers to his Crobat who he released for only a short amount of time. There wasn't much he needed or even wanted to talk about for the time being. It seemed like no one had any idea what they were getting into.

"Thanks. Now I know we don't have a fire and whatnot but I was thinking that maybe we could tell stories as if we were out camping...? It's been too long since I've had people to do that with." He said to the group. "It will certainly help us get to know each other better, and nobody has to say anything they're uncomfortable with."

After hearing this man, he about had it. "I don't know why you are all so keen on getting to know each other. This is not some kind of social gathering we're in. The more you know about each other, the worse the parting will be."

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"True but it's better to know who your fighting by and to build relationships for later. It seems Sylveon is a unit that is constant, so unless you feel like you shouldn't know your comrades then you should converse." Pine said. Then again him and Skarmory weren't that close, the only time he spent with the pokemon before his mother's death was when she used it to fly to her next dig site. "I don't know maybe steeling your self for the future is best, but for now i'm alot happier knowing who I'm working with" Pine says as he snags a cookie from Seth.

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"You are still young," responded Drake. "I was actually about you're age when Dawn became the Goddess. Things have really changed in the world since then. Maybe I'd believe in those words if I haven't seen so many drop dead already. Only a couple others I know aren't dead or corrupted by this new world order. Some of them committed suicide just to leave this world on a happy note. Those were the smart people. As for myself, I've grown weary of this livelihood. I no longer wish to suffer in this world and will help change it for the better or be sent to the depths of hell trying. Anywhere is better than this." Drake would be lying if suicide was not in his thoughts before joining. He never did like this world, but he always thought some day it would all pass if he kept on living.

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"Bummer really, Well i was born in this world and I've only heard shards of what happened before Dawn. If I had known what it was like before I'd probably try to hold on to that idea, and seeing how your here with us. You probably see it the same way. It has to get better from here right. I mean in general, honestly without this coat I'd feel 10 times worse." Pine says trying to brighten the mans day.

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Sarcus would have preferred to press on during the night, but apparently they were stopping. He heard someone mention that they had no fire, which gave him an idea. He walked over with Absolution trailing him as usual and gave him a quick hand signal once he reached where everyone seemed to have gathered. A pale, ghostly flame wafted from the Dark-type's horn and settled near the ground. It didn't give off a lot of light, but the heat was the same as a normal fire. He scraped himself a seat in the snow and settled down, listening to the conversation around him.

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"I have seen countless lives lost and ruined by Dawn's hand, so many that I am no longer afraid of dying for this cause. The more we get to know these people, the more efficient we will be as a team. Both inside of battle, and out. Strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, fears. Knowledge of these things could turn the tide of battle more than you might think. And yes, the parting will be difficult if some of us die along the way, as a few surely will, but we all have to someday, right? If it isn't now it will be 20 years from now, and it will be just as hard then." Nemir said. Then he realized that someone had started a fire and quickly thanked the man.

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Carissa turned over to Jory and gave him a questioning look. "Well, not just chocolate chip cookies, chocolate in general I must say." Carissa stared him up and down, noticing his stiff nature. "Is something the matter? Are you too cold?" Carissa had completely forgotten how she had acted earlier, the thought of chocolate just always managed to blind her.

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"My name is Flux, and I used to be a professor and researcher in my region before Dawn invaded. It's been a while since I last traveled far enough to see snow, but it's just as beautiful as I remember..."

"Oh hey, a professor? It's been some good twenty years since I last saw one... Guess you can imagine why." Fria answered to the man. " I used to know Professor Rowan, don't know if you ever heard of him. He sometimes would come to Snowpoint to make his researches, and I always tried to have a good talk to him when he did. Such knowledge about pokémon... And most important, he had the will to share that, to help everyone become stronger and be happy with their pokémon. A shame there's almost no more of that anymore... You know, once he asked me to show him to lake Acuity - it's beautiful there, the water is amazingly clear because it comes from the snow melting - and then we saw this cuuuuute Snorunt and..."

If Flux had imagined how much of a talker Fria was, he probably would have thought twice before starting a conversation. After going a long way talking about how beautiful the landscapes and pokémon of Snowpoint were, and unfortunate it was that so few people got to see it under the new regimen, she finnally realized that they'd lost the group. When that happened, she put both her hands to her head and stood there looking astonished in the middle of the snowy path, seeing their trail slowly getting erased by the falling snow.

"Uuuh... oh. I.. Think I got a little too carried on. Guess we should try and go back to find them, eh?" she told Flux with a worried tone. She had barely finished saying that when gust of strong wind hit the duo, spraying snow and hail with enough speed to hurt. ...The snow storm. Fria thought, with a shiver going up her spine. "...Aand we better do that fast."


Back in the camp, it seemed no one had noticed Flux's and Fria's abscence, so entertained they were getting to know each other and eating. Jon had been quiet in the rear of the group, trying to save energy... And honestly, he didn't notice anything either. It was the first time he had ever seen snow, and though at first it had left him amazed as a little kid, soon the cold was starting to get into his nerves. Dang, he never thought the air could be this cold. Even when he went to the Shoal Cave with his father to capture pokémon - clandestinely - the temperature was higher, as the sea acted as a termical regulator and there was barely any wind inside.

When the group stopped, the boy took cover under a three and just watched everyone, too cold to have any will to socialize with them. That was when he realized Fria and Flux weren't there. They must have gone ahead and didn't see us stop. He thought. He was almost calling out for everyone to warn them of this, but changed his mind. The missing duo shouldn't be too far away, so he could just go look for them himself and come back before anyone noticed. In his mind, doing it himself was the only way to be 100% sure a job was well done, so whatever.

Quietly, Jon got up and walked again into the forest. As he predicted, it wasn't long until he heard the noise of someone walking on the snow. "Flux? Are you ther.."

In the camp, all heard a mighty roar coming from the woods.

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