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[IC] Brailens Gifted: The First Gift: Premier


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Jackson was enthralled by the site. This place is magnificent. Complicated and probably a hard puzzle to complete, but still, magnificent. He stood next to one of the pillars, pressing its button, and then stared out at the center of the arena, hoping for a reaction. I'm sure nothing will happen with the door. It will probably open as soon as I'm finished here.

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Desmond went from cabinet to cabinet as he each takes a taste of these fine wine just sitting here at the basement, like he's not giving a damn about the commotion upstairs. as far as he is concern, this basement is his territory, i mean look at all this wood. Anything here can be use as a weapon, if those police decided to show up here.

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Thomas looked around the wine cellar, which had no escape route, not even an air vent. There were plenty of barrels, so hiding in one was an option, but breathing would become a problem. The police looking through each one was an unlikely scenario, there was no need to start a mass hunt for the suspect of a mere bar fight. Finally, there was a fair amount of space under the stairs, so if given the chance, he could wait under them, then sneak out, but with so much police... well, the cellar was large. If he waited for them to spread out, it wouldn't be impossible to carry this out. If anyone spotted him, he could produce a high-pitched tone in their head in order to make them dizzy, thus not raising the alarm. He felt that this was the best option for him, and prepared himself.

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When Jackson pressed the button, several cracks rose up the stone until it crumbled. There was a quiet grinding sound. and the stone slab moved up a fraction of an inch, barely enough to tell it moved.


The man Cara attacked gave a short cry of pain which dropped to a death rattle as the weapon hit the top of his spine and a spray of blood was sent directly into Caras face. The spokesman went down as Elemus swept his legs, but as he flailed he grabbed Elemus and brought him down too, disarming the both of them. He tried to climb atop Elemus and pin him down whilst Lucilles rodent friend tried his best to gnaw on one of the men who tried cornering Cara. He stumbled as he yelped in pain and brought down the man next to him. The two of the remaining three guarded the door, watching the chaos whilst Frank, the last man, did the same, none of them moving at all.

The pub

Mos of the Gifted, Travis included were apprehended and being held in the holding areas set up by the police or Dealt with. There was only the matter of the wine cellar, the men seemed to be waiting for Richard to lead the charge.

((PC interaction agogo))


"Oh my, you like gett-" Nigel stopped himself. He was not that crude unless he was severely inebriated. "So, is it only water you can manipulate, or Liquids? Because that is a Gift on it's own level..." Nigel questioned further.


Dismissed by Dorian who was pleased with the short interview, Solace was led to a waiting area to await the rest of the Gifted who would join him.

((Sorry for the short updates, but I had to write this out twice because Reborn decided backspace meant leave the damn page. Still I promised an update, so there you go))

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Richard checked to see that the other officers had secured their quarry before continuing his advance. After seeing that this was so, he steeled his resolve as he alternated to his left leg to kick the door in. With the door crashing open, Richard immediately went down the stairs and surveyed what he could from the surroundings to find one man sampling the various wines within. Is this how fiends treat their insurrections? Despicable! Try as you might, no amount of drink can wash the filth from your corrupted veins!

"Gifted! You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! You are surrounded in all senses of the word!" Growled Richard as he flourished his blade in savage arcs. "Surrender yourself to the laws of Trevalus or forfeit your right to life! I have put down enough of you swine as it stands, but I assure you I have no qualms delivering your fate!"

Richard started to move closer to the man by the wine cabinets with proud strides and a soul-piercing, lime-green glare. Disgusting vermin! Miserable ingrates! Test me but once and my blade will take you!

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Dammit! I forgot that Desmond was in here, I can't just abandon him. The only option is to either fight everyone, or to try to talk the policemen out of this witch hunt. If I take advantage of his distraction and leave, Desmond will have to fight a one-sided battle thanks to being completely outnumbered, and either jailed or killed. However... my gift can shatter glass. If I use it, the dozens-no, hundreds of bottles will explode and incapacitate everyone, although that does include Demond. I'll save that for a last resort if things get out of hand. For now, i'll attempt to talk him out of it...

Thomas left his hiding place under the stairs and called out to the man advancing on Desmond (Richard)

"Oi, you. I have no intention of fighting you unless you force me to do so, so sheathe your blade and listen to me."

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Richard shifted his gaze to the new individual that revealed themselves. The gall of this bastard!

"No! You are to listen to me! Your kind have caused a massive surge of violence that has upset the order of Trevalus! Now if there are any more of you, I suggest they listen well!" Spat out Richard as he shifted the tip of his blade to be in between the two men. "As an officer of the law, I have full authority to dispatch you if you continue to usurp my authority! Remove your arms and prostrate yourselves before me if you value your meaningless lives!"

Taking extra care to watch these two, Richard attempted to study them for any clues on their capabilities. Damn! A fruitless effort! Their power is unknown to me, however it must be advantageous in close quarters. Why else would they flee here?

"I am giving you until the count of three, worms! One! Two-" Started Richard as he emphasized each number with tightening in his muscles and his hateful glare growing sharper and more disturbing.

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"My kind, you say... fascinating. I do not see how anyone without a gift could not cause a mere bar fight. Either way, do not take us all as the same person. Those who started this fight are agressive, admitedly, but that is only due to persecution from those who can live a peaceful life. They are tired of being treated like vermin, which you ignore. Many of those who were in this bar originally just wanted to debate on how this could be fixed through other, non-violent means. They are capable of being normal people, how are you unable to see this?"

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This... This monster pretends to be human!? Another one like... like...

"Three! I have given you ample time to surrender and you have failed to comply! Your arrogance has brought this conflict upon yourself! You are all the same! We are the same! For your crimes against the pure people of Trevalus and for your sinful existence, I..." Roared Richard as he moved his sword to begin a slashing motion. "I will purge you from the existence you taint!"

Richard slashed his sword through the air in a wide, horizontal arc as a red haze filled the edges of his vision. The gritting of his teeth was almost audible as his face contorted in feral rage. The space where he slashed formed a lime-green edge which after one and a half seconds, proceeded to fly toward Thomas at high speeds. Strike true, Richard Gallus! I CANNOT FALTER!

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Thomas heard the swing of the sword, and quickly took a step to the side. He failed dodge it completely though, and felt a jolt of pain in the side of his arm, as an amount of skin was peeled off.

"Hmph. Well, I tried to reason with you..."

He focused his mind to the tips of his fingers and released a sound burst.

Edited by Red'sCharizard
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Elemus tore his other knife from his belt as the man tried to get on top of him. A smoldering annoyance burned in his eyes as he went for a stab to the man's Trachea, intending to completely destroy his wind pipe and end this nonsense before it went any further. The idiot would more than likely bleed out, but boo-freaking-hoo, he was the one who'd attacked first, not Elemus. If he died from the retaliation, then it was the man's own damn fault.

Lucille, meanwhile, went to work to find more rat's like the one that was attacking one of the Armored Men; She had found over the years that when she tried to micro manage an animal, control everything it does, she could never manage to split her focus from more than one at a time. When she took a step back though, simply gave them quick directions instead of completely devoting her attention to what they do, went in and then backed off, she could do a lot more.

It wasn't long before she found two others. And when she did, they too put up resistance, but getting them to get moving was as simple as saying that the men possibly had food on them along with sending the image of the men along with the message, as she had done with the one she'd set on them before. The next moment they were both eagerly scuttling along the floor towards the two men blocking the exits and climbing up their legs in a flurry, seeking to locate this supposed food...

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Desmond takes a sip out his bottle of rum, unfazed by the fight scene that's going right infront of him, infact he was watching them from a distance like some-sort of payperview. Oh, that's gotta sting, Desmond winced as he saw his friend got a flesh wound from the lawman. Ah, yes what better way to resolve this by killing each other.. humanity's way of saying my beliefs are better than yours. such a pity display, eh they know what they're doing. Desmond was about to drink from his bottle as it shatters from the soundwaves that Thomas produce, dammit! nobody messes with Desmond's happy hour. time to intervene.

Desmond touch the wooden flooring as he works his magic, the wooden floor cracks as it rise up like a pillar and forms a wooden fence between the two man. protecting the hostile police man from the soundwave.

"This has gone far enough!" Desmond yelled and still upset about his drink. " i don't think you understand the situation you're in Officer, i have the ability to control plants, and tell me what you see, most of this pub is made of wood, including the flooring. so unless you and your man like to get impaled from where you stand, i suggest you leave and forget this whole thing ever happen, besides we were never apart of that bar fight anyway." Desmond threatens the man in the uniform as a 2 foot wooden spike appears underneath, ready to grow and impale Richard.

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Richard was about to close the gap between him and Thomas before a sudden droning noise pierced through his ear drums. S-sound!? This must be his-

He had no time to finish his thought before the glass bottles all around him shattered in violent, explosive force. The rain of the translucent shards caused Richard to bring up his shield to parry them with marginal success, as some of the glass found home in his legs. It was then that the wooden fence was formed in between Richard and Thomas, causing Richard to turn towards Desmond who was the source of this obstacle. Controlling wood!? How? With control of moisture maybe... Accelerated growth? Blast, Richard! Observe and adapt!

Desmond's threat came to Richard as he looked to see, indeed as mentioned, a wooden spike underneath him. This... This is unforgiveable! Yet I am only one man... No! If my fellow officers are to stay alive, if Chief Montgomery is to acknowledge my purpose... If Elliot... Damn!

"You cretins are brazen in your foul actions! I told you to surrender and you reacted with insolence and your damnable powers! Have you no sense of right and wrong, or does your curse cloud your minds so!?" Said Richard with contempt as he lowered his sword. "I will remember this act of treason against Trevalus, mark my words..."

Richard turned and began his ascent up the stairs, head hung in shame as drew blood biting his own lip. He turned to the officers up above and spoke.

"There are two Gifted in the wine cellar. One has the ability to manipulate foliage, and thus can make this entire building a death trap," Explained Richard as his shoulders slightly shook, head drooping lower to hide the starting of tears forming. "My cursed power... It is not enough! I cannot guarantee your safety, nor the safety of any innocents involved. They have requested passage out of the Steelsword Pub with our cooperation. In exchange, no more blood has to be spilled. Escort them for me, as... As I must attend to the outside perimeter now that the inside has... Has been dealt with to the extent of my capabilities."

Richard moved past his fellow officers as he wiped his eyes with his right arm, trying his best to stifle his weakness. I have faltered once more... Why is my curse never enough? Forgive this lame hound... Richard increased the pace of his powerful stride as he proceeded to go outside the Steelsword Pub. Elliot was not inside with me... Are they alright!? Richard's eyes snapped into focus once more as he quickly surveyed the area, desperately searching for the rookie who relied on his Gift like the others. It took very little time for Richard to find Elliot talking with what he could presume to be bystanders here. Richard quickly hurried his way to Elliot, passing over several bodies from the less cooperative Gifted who attempted to flee. Richard's vision started to slightly blur, however he continued to move forward despite the obvious blood loss from the glass shards and the knife still present in his gut.

"Future Officer Elliot! Are you unharmed!?" Sputtered out Richard with genuine concern as his usual predatory gaze and harsh features had softened. "The scope of this obstruction- My failure to stop them- I- Please tell me you and the others are fine! I cannot- Not after what-"

Richard's vision blurred more as he started to get closer and closer to hyperventilating from the stress of his failures and his worries over the others started to overwhelm him. I-I... F-Faltered...

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As the aggressive lawman left, Desmond release a sigh of relief as he feels a remorse about his current actions, my gift isn't intended to harm people, dammit! but in this case i'll make an exception, he put me in a position i have to, it's either him or us. he drew blood when we were pleading not to fight. i'm sure we haven't seen the last of him as that bastard remembers our faces. the spiky wooden floors begins return to their usual state as Desmond release his control of it.

"I think he'll be back, and we're trap here like rats. i think there's no other option here.." Desmond hesitated to finish the sentence as he doesn't want to continue this fugitive act against the police. "but to surrender.." Desmond said to Thomas.

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Desmond nodded at Thomas as he said nothing and went upstairs, only to blinded by the police lights flashing before his eyes. Lightheaded and speechless about the scenery, Desmond raised both of his hand and was ready to surrender,meh, maybe i'll get a light sentence, after all, the only thing i did is threaten an officer and it was out of self defense.

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"Richard!" yelled Emelia using her normal female voice. While she was distracted, someone nailed her in the face causing her hair to fly out of her shirt. She quickly took the man down and used a band from her wrist to keep it from hitting her face. She wanted to go over there and help him, but there were still too many gifted running around to abandon her task. She looked over and noticed the Reyn still leaning against the wall. "You there! You wanted to be set free. Help that fallen officer and I will personally ask for you to be let go freely."

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"Understood," Reyn said nodding as to the deal. He turned on his gift and ran to pick up the injured man as to not draw any aggro to himself. With the man in Ryen's arms he then ran to the police that were surrounding the pub and when it looked like it was safe he turned off his gift and went to the first cop he saw, "No time to explain, this man needs immediate medical attention. If you have anyone on hand that can treat this man let them come, if not guard him. He is a fellow cop, the least you could do is help him." He said hoping he'd get a good result.

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Ell... Elliot... I am almost there... Richard started to lose his balance as his left leg started to give out. His blurred vision and labored breathing caused him to get close to blacking out many times, and also showed him strange visions. All around him were the bodies of monsters from... From the stories Mother used to read him. The monsters... I slew the... Richard felt his right arm go slack as he turned his gaze back to... A raven-haired princess. The... Maiden! I am... Knight... Protect the... Richard's hallucinations came to a close as he closed his eyes and opened them again, only to find himself hanging slightly off the ground. No... I am...

"Let me... Monsters... Save her..." Rasped Richard in between harsh breaths as his head tilted towards some of the King's soldiers. "I cannot... Falter..."

Edited by GotWala
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((Still waiting on a few others in their scenarios, but it's unfair to keep the pub people waiting. Consider this Montgomerys adventures in getting all of our shit straight))

Gotwala and Commander

The chaos had died down thanks to the efforts and Richard, Emelia and the police. Now, everyone had been brought to the station in the living quarters whilst the wounded were tended to, including Richard himself, who was waiting on a debriefing. Emelia had een asked to guard him until Montgomery could arrive.

Typhlosion and Charizard

The two had been apprehended and were now in a jail cell together, alongside several other people, including a disgruntled Abigail...

((You may interact for the time being, with each other, or Abigail))


Reyn, having helped Richard, had been the first to be brought to Montgomery in his office. The gruff man looked to be in a sour mood, though he kept his tongue in check when Reyn first arrived. "Right, do you want to give me your side of the story? Or shall I put it together from witnesses who place you there?"

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Richard laid on the stretcher slipping in and out of consciousness; his surroundings changing constantly from the outside of the pub, to a familiar road in the Living Quarter, and finally to the inside of the station's sick bay. All the while, Richard thrashed about in his stupor, constantly muttering about 'Protecting the Maiden from the monsters'. Eventually, Richard finally stops his fever dreams as he lets out a sharp gasp and sits up in the cot. As he attempts to turn and survey his surroundings, a sharp pain originating from his gut courses through his body.

"Gah! Curse my... My weakness," Gasps Richard as he tightly grips his left fist and attempts so with his right. "The station... I am back at the station."

Richard started to lay back down and turn his head to look around the room, eventually spotting Emelia who seems to be standing guard. Elliot is safe. Those horrid beasts did not hurt... him.

"Elliot," Said Richard as his face took on a look of pain and anger, wincing as he lowered his gaze. "I faltered in the line of duty. I have failed you and the rest of department; my corrupt power not being enough to stifle the darkness."

Slightly sitting up, Richard covered his face with his left hand in shame, trying to hide his mortified look. I should have been capable. I should have drove the scourge of taint from Trevalus. Why must I falter so!?

"I am sorry," Softly spoke Richard as his muscles tensed. "You are more worthy of this position than I, Elliot. No, Officer Elliot... I still do not know your full name... I beg your forgiveness for that as well..."

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Even now, he still thinks I'm a man. Emelia made sure her hair was out. There was no point in hiding her gender especially after what had happened at the bar fight. She looked at the man feeling a bit sorry for the poor officer. "It's Vanderton. Emelia Vanderton." Instead of the harsher masculine she usually used, this voice was a nice gentle feminine one. "And don't be too hard on yourself. If I had to face as many as you did, I'd probably had been killed. There is something that concerns me though. You kept mumbling about a maiden. I'm a bit puzzled because I saw no one like that down at the pub."

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Richard dropped his left hand slowly as his gaze took on one of shock. Elliot... Emelia Vanderton... Elliot is-

"Ell- No, Emelia Vanderton!?" Gulped Richard in surprise as he turned to face his partner. "You were... But that..."

Richard shook his head in disbelief as he collected his thoughts. He- She deceived me! This Emelia Vanderton had lied to me from the beginning. But why? I cannot begin to understand...

"I-I apologize for being overly friendly with you, Miss- Erk! Officer Vanderton!" Stated Richard as he turned his face away from Emelia, trying to hide the fact that it was turning red with embarrassment. "I am terribly, deeply sorry for any uncouth behavior I may have had in your presence!"

Richard's head started to piece together the signs that had been all around him since first seeing Emelia at the station. The boyish look, the gruff voice that while practiced still sounded young, the raven-haired maiden-

"Yes, the maiden... I..." Richard stammered out a response, attempting to find the best way to say it. "Mother... She used to read me stories whilst Father was on his rounds about... About silly, childish things..."

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"Well, I didn't do much," Reyn said casually, "Only that there was talk of a foolish rebellion and I spoke out to stop it. Then the a girl, who I suppose is their leader, let out a red mist that turned the bar into a free-for-all, putting everyone in it to turn into a blind rage." He then began to stretch his arms as he continued, "Not wanting to involved in any fighting I walked out when I noticed the bar was surrounded by your men. I went to one of them and asked if I could leave the area because I really wanted no part in the fighting. It was a female, I think someone called her 'Future Officer Elliot'. The one who said that was badly injured and had glass and a knife sticking out from his gut. The same girl from before told me to take him to get medical attention and she'd vouch for my freedom." Reyn said beginning to stop stretching and stand up straight with his hands in his pockets, "That's the general gist of it. If you want any specifics I'll answer them them to the best of my knowledge."

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Desmond was quite frustrated in the current predicament he is in, as he sits quietly in the corner of the slammer, thinking.. this is just great...i'm just trying to defend myself from the hostile crowd and the police and look what it got me, well atleast the rebellion got cancelled, and nobody got seriously hurt from that outcome. Desmond sighed as he takes a glance and confront the one who started it all.

"so much for the great rebellion for the future of Trevalus.." Desmond started talking to Abigail as he opens with a sardonic remark. "I don't know what witchcraft you pull back there at the pub to get the people going, but do you really have a plan in the long run? cause it seems to me you just like seeing people getting hurt." Desmond questions Abigail about her methods.

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