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[IC] Brailens Gifted: The First Gift: Premier


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"well yes, and kinda.." Desmond replied with a chuckle. "I have the gift to produce plants.." Desmond said as he grows a lavender plant under his sleeve and aided the man "it's soothing aroma should wake him up" he applies it under the man's nose and hope it works.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Thank you, I hope that-" Travis was interrupted by the riot that had just started in the pub. Funny, all of these people were just shouting in agreement a moment ago. Now they're beating each other to bits as if someone offended their great ancestors.

"Here, take this." He threw the man he was carrying into Desmond's arms, still light as a feather. " Get him out of here, I'll be out in a sec!" he said as he dove into the fray.

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"Now, next I need you to tell me why you want to join. And please, if you can, spare me the simple "I want to help people" approach. Think about it, and find a reason that fits you, lad."

Solace looked away for a moment, thinking. As he lost focus, the now-fading pain from the blow stopped flowing into Dorian. After a long pause, Solace spoke. "I just want people to be treated decently. Life is hard enough without people being nasty to each other because they're different, and the police don't really help either. I feel like it can't be hard to change that."

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"Aye sir," Emelia responded. "I will prove myself to be worthy of such a task." She was rather surprised to be doing field work. This would be a rather unusual interview for her, but she loved the idea already. Since she always kept her equipment on, she was ready whenever everyone else was.

Before Emelia could make another movement, she noticed Richard approach him with some materials. "...Why do you think so lowly of me? I was a mercenary before deciding to try this out. I've dealt with bar fights and gifted before so stop acting like I'm some little kid. If anything, you need to watch yourself and especially that fowl mouth of yours." She snatched the leather armor out of his hands. "I'll use my own weapons for this."

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"Hey man, wait a minute!" Desmond cried out to Travis as he was force to carry the man(Thomas) in his arms, strange? this man was light as a feather. "I guess i'm stuck with you." Desmond sighed as he squirms and tries to get the man in harms way. All Desmond can do now is protect the unconscious man and himself from getting hurt from the utter chaos that ensues at the pub. Desmond defends himself from the hostile crowd as he puts a couple of them to sleep with his sleeping spore.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Richard's visage grew pale as Emelia rebuked him. I... Have been nothing but kind and amiable to Elliot. This is inconceivable; unprovoked even! He is not even a real police officer and yet he has the gall to diminish me!? It must be my insolence as a Gifted that continues to plague me. Why else would Elliot despise me so?

"I... I merely wished to offer you the opportunity to be brothers in arms," Spoke Richard as he slowly released the extra gear and turned away from Elliot with his head hung low. "Forgive me for my ignorance. I have underestimated you, Elliot, and I only continue to shame myself with my arrogance. If it is what you wish, this dog will have no more words with you."

Richard sulked a moment longer before suddenly adopting his usual near perfect posture and bringing his head high once more. I will show Chief Montgomery! I will show Future Officer Elliot! I will show everyone! I may be a dog, but at least my loyalty and my prowess can be counted on! I cannot falter! Richard started to leave the station equipped with his armor, sword, crossbow, and buckler. He took one last, deep breath before exiting the building. I face fellow beasts today. Every power has a weakness. They are limited by their imagination. Observe and adapt: That is how one slays a monster!

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Yeah, you better be sorry. Emelia thought to herself. You have the nerve to call someone weak before you even see them swing a sword. Part of me wants to kick his ass right now. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts. No, that'll have to wait. I have to focus on the task at hand. I just pray it doesn't go south otherwise I might have to use this 'Gift' as they call it. She looked at her right hand before putting it back down. She headed out with the other policemen ready for some action.

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Ryen watched as the Tavern quickly became a fighting ring. Not wanting to stay there and be punched in the face he turned on his Gift and crept away out of the bar and outside making sure he wasn't hit by a stray punch. After he was outside and away from the door he turned off his gift and proceeded to leave the area. 'At this rate this whole town will be in chaos and these bunch of jokers aren't helping at all.' He sighed and continued his way away from the bar.

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The man stood next tor Jackson and looked into his eyes. After a moment, Jackson became drowsy and slumped to the floor, lying on a bed of grass. "There, he'll be out util he either succeeds, or I let him out. Not that you'll let me, I assume?" The figure only nodded. "Well then, take me back" Nigel said, the figure complying and returning him.

Meanwhile, Jackson awoke to a rather vexing sight. He was in a dank cave with strange sigils covering the walls arond him. The caves corridor led on to a large open cavern that looked like a circular stadium, except where the seats would be, there were rows and rows of short stone pillars with a button on the top of them. One pillar would reach Jacksons waist if he stood by it. In the centre of the room, a large metal ball hung from the ceiling from a chain that extended up through a small hole. On the opposite end of the room from where Jacson entered, there was a large slab of stone clearly outlined like a door, with no handles or ways to latch onto it.

((Investigate, explore, yada-yada-yada))

Stratos & Annie.

"Well then, you can fuck right off. No one wants you 'ere, and you don't want to be here. Tell 'em to fuck off Frank." The man bellowed. "Fuck off" Frank, a large brute stood at the back of the room, complied. The spokesman for the men spoke up again. "But you're till leaving these women!" He yelled, drawing his sword and stumbling over to launch a thrust at Elemus. 3 men surrounded Cara and 2 more blocked off the exits. Frank didn't move.


"I'm sorry lad, but it's much more difficult to have any sort of change in this city than you have been led to believe. But we can try. I'm willin' to give you a chance though. For now, because of your capabilities, you'll be given a job to protect someone, an official of the Shields who we think is in danger. Personally, I don't like the man, but he does his job. Follow him, see how shit gets done, then decide along with the other candidates if you still want to join up. Is that good?" Dorian concluded after his small lecture.


"Sorry for the interruption, let's carry on, shall we?" Nigel gave a smile more dazzling the light that brought him back. Or he tried, when he stumbled. "Sorry, that form of travel is, rather disorienting." He said as he tried to cover his stumble.

Steelsword Pub.

just before Reyn left, several panicked people looked his way, trying to flee from the chaos. the panic still raged as everyone fought to escape the panicked pub. Meanwhile, the police had already set up a perimeter and captured a few people trying to flee. This is how things were when Richard, Emelia and the rest of the force arrived. Montgomery didn't hesitate to bark out orders. "Richard, I want you to lead the way into the building. Incapacitate as many as you can. Everyone else, take care of the strays and support Richard as he does so. We have one Gifted versus a fuckton of pissed off Gifted, so be careful. That goes for you too, new guy. Support Richard and catch the strays. understood?"

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Thomas regained full consciousness and became aware of the chaotic state of the pub. He tried to move, but found that his body was nearly weightless and had difficulty moving his body. He also found that he was being carried by someone.

"Who... are you?" he asked.

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Travis had been having his fun in the Tavern, incapacitating as many people as he could with his Gift. Throwing them off balance by making them weightless or making them so heavy they would fall on their faces and get knocked out. He tried to dodge as many fists and kicks as he could, but he got a few hard hits here and there. He couldn't keep this up, there was no way he'd be able to stop them all, especially since he's Gift was starting to leave him without much energy to spare. There were just too many.

And then the police started showing up, cuffing and apprehending anyone and everyone they could. "Time to go. Can't be caught on my first week here... that would be pretty bad." he thought to himself. While the chaos was still going strong around him, he sneaked onto the street behind an officer taking care of another one of the berserkers and used his Gift to spring up to the roof of the building next door. But when he landed, it wasn't very graceful. Travis couldn't keep going, he released everyone he'd been using his power on and instantly felt a huge weight lifted off of him. He was panting, lying down exhausted from how much he'd exerted himself just now. "Should wait here... until I can... catch my breath. Find Desmond... later."

Edited by SilverJakler
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Emelia understood her orders and took down any stragglers who went past Richard. Most of ones she faced were exhausted and went down after a punch or two. She then saw one try something funny and fly through the air. She rolled her eyes pulling out a crossbow and aiming it at the man's legs. She released an arrow and was sure it hit the man, but she didn't have time to check and readied herself for some more. Once she was done here, she'd see what happened to that escapist.

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As Reyn was leaving the pub he saw that the place had been surrounded by police and he had been seen. It seems that they weren't going to let him through. It wouldn't be smart to get aggressive on them so he stayed calm, "So, am I arrested or can pass through gentlemen? I'd rather not have the hassle of being arrested but if I must it's better if we do it now." Reyn said in a non-aggressive tone, and beginning to lean against a wall of a nearby building with his hands in his pockets.

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It was then that Travis found company in a shooting pain in his leg. He almost screamed in pain, but just gritted his teeth as he sat up and examined it, finding a crossbow bolt in his right leg. It was stuck in there good alright, but it hadn't gone all the way through, thankfully. He tested to see if he could move it, and that brought the obvious but undesired result: a shit ton of pain.

He was faced with two choices, either give himself up and hope for the best, or try to use his Gift to take the pressure off his leg to run away. Travis decided the former would probably be the better choice at this point, he just hoped they wouldn't automatically throw him in with the berserkers and give him more injuries to bring home. That was probably the last thing he needed right now.

He struggled to get up, but his Gift helped him along the way. He'd regained just enough energy to float gently to the ground, then slumped onto the wall in back of him. In clear view of the police, he raised his hands non-threateningly and simply said, "Alright, ya got me."

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This was it! Richard had this opportunity to serve Trevalus in the best way he knew how. The putrid fiends, the disgusting vermin, the forsaken bastards; Richard was what stood between them and the pure world they wished to defile. Observe and adapt. Observe and Adapt! I cannot falter!

"I understand and comply, Chief Montgomery! These bastards would see Trevalus under their heels if we simply allowed it! However, their arrogance fails to account for our mission; our duty! We are the protectors of Trevalus and the saviors of it's people! This dog will give his life for our cause; all I could ask of you is to give me the support I need to do so! Now enough talk; With me!" Bellowed out Richard as he prepared his crossbow.

Particularly, Richard held his crossbow with the support of his right arm, and used his left to slowly time out a proper speed for cranking it back with his left. After giving it some focus, Richard created a perpetual force of a lime-green hand constantly going through the motions of reloading the crossbow. All I need to do is load the bolts, just as I practiced. Using this technique, Richard was able to fire his crossbow bolts at a considerably faster rate compared to the others, pegging many people as they poured from the entrance like the animals they were. With practiced efficiency, Richard aimed mostly for their legs and occasionally their hands; a common focus point for Gifted to channel their abilities. Of course, many stragglers made it past, as the faster firing crossbow and Richard's skill with the weapon only go so far. After many bolts had been loosed, Richard noticed that the draw was being worn considerably, as it always is whenever he does this. Realizing this, Richard ceased his reloading perpetual force and slung the crossbow around his back once more. Blast! There are too many for even the crossbow to handle! No matter, I prove myself with swordplay as well. There are more than a few ways to defeat a monster!

Drawing his sword in his left hand, Richard proceeded to force his way forward, using his Gift sparingly with the buckler tied to his right arm to project extra shields for his comrades. In his usual style, Richard would either bash them with his shield arm or dispatch violent usurpers with quick thrusts, considering all who would dare use their Gifts against him or his fellow officers. Whenever one of them would choose to assault him, Richard avoid them first to see what they were capable of, and then take them with his biting steelwood. Eventually he slogged his way to the entrance of the Steelsword Pub, making sure not to enter immediately so his fellow officers can reach his position. Once they've been accounted for, Richard checks his right arm to find it already partially enflamed and covered in pulsating veins. It seems I've already reached my limit of my Gift for this arm of mine... No matter! I have more than one for a reason!

"Fellow officers, I have reached my limit on providing you with protection! Stay cautious and alert as we enter the den!" Yelled Richard as he readied himself to bash down the door if need be.

(( Since Richard is at the front, he would not be interacting with Travis who managed to get past him. ))

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Fuck... and I thought this would be rather easy. Things always have to take a turn, don't they? Elemus drew one of his knives and brought the blade around in a back handed arc, Blocking the Spokeman's thrust and turning it aside, making sure to keep the weapons in contact all the while. The next moment he stepped in and thrust one of his palms towards the man's throat, while at the same time going to sweep one of the assailant's legs from behind, aiming to take him down to the floor and disarm him... All the while taking steady note of the light sources in the room, namely the windows behind him and the Fire Place in the back...

Lucille, meanwhile, took a step back, consciously weary of the two men blocking the doors as she did so, The mouse's hazy near sighted view coupled with her compensatingly increased hearing giving her more or less a clear idea of what was going on. I can't help but think that this was a very obvious set up right now... She thought to herself with a bit of Chagrin. Perhaps I should've just not come after all... As much as she didn't want to admit it, Elemus may have been right about the whole thing. But this wasn't the time to dwell on wounded pride because a Criminal had been right where she was probably wrong; They weren't exactly going to get out of here peacefully from how things seemed.

"Stay," She mentally ordered the mouse hiding silently within her cloak. Not like the Rodent had any intentions of leaving this excellent source of heat it had gained just yesterday, though. The thing was perfectly content to obey the command. Lucille set her mind to searching the area, trying to find something that could be a bit more useful right now... She knew there had to be rats somewhere in this run down place, at least one if not several or many. And She found what she was looking for; Right in one of the walls over near the other woman. A few moments of poking around and prodding in the thing's mind and managing to ease the resistance it instinctively put up, and the Larger rodent was now willingly under her control. She gave but one request, pushing the image of what she saw through the Mouse's eyes into the mind of the Rat, emphasizing the Steel Wood armored men.

"Bite one of them, distract them as much as you can"

A few squeaks came afterwards as the vermin emerged and closed in on the closest target... and then one of the men surrounding Cara was about to have the back of his leg bitten into, and quite hard at that...

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"Im Desmond, and it appears we're being arrested." Desmond said to the man that just woke-up. "Now if you'll excuse me, i'll be hiding in the wine cellar, you're welcome to come if you like. unless you like explaining to the cops what happen in this joint." Desmond said with a smile and leaves a flower at the counter. He sneaks past from the back before anyone can notice and went straight through the basement.

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Good timing, Kyrie thought as Nigel had returned, deciding not to ask where he had gone, and instead raised an eyebrow briefly before grinning and holding out her left hand palm up. It was actually quite convenient that he left at that time because she had managed to pull most of the moisture in the air to one half of the room, which took a lot more concentration, especially if it was invisible. She held it there for the time he was gone so that she could try to dazzle him when he came back, and while he wasn't gone long, holding it in the state it was was already giving her a splitting headache which she knew would last for some time. All of the moisture in the air got pulled into her hand to form a small sphere of dense mist hovering half an inch above her hand- the air around them was quite dry- and she willed it to spin around and then freeze, pulling it together to make very fine ice crystals. She took a deep breath before making it shift into liquid water for a few moments, spiraling in her hand, before it evaporated into the air, letting go of her "grip" on it. Her shoulders noticeably relaxed and she replaced the look of concentration on her face with a grin.

"To state the obvious for the sake of being official, I have hydrokenesis."

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Solace nodded. He hadn't really thought change was easy; after all, if it was easy, anyone could do it. He wondered how he was going to protect the man, though. Haru's skills were good for soothing people, and worked in a pinch to get people to stop fighting, but it's not as if he could actually heal wounds. . .

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Thomas quickly followed the man named Desmond into the wine cellar, as getting caught by the police would not give him a good reputation. There's no way they'd believe that he didn't throw a single punch in such a chaotic barfight. He closed the door and started walking further in.

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Cara growled, edging back slightly, careful not to touch any of the men. She looked around. Noticed a small shadow in the corner of the room. She let out a small chuckle, vanishing in an instant, slowly and silently reappearing in the northeastern corner of the room. They hadn't noticed her. She crept slowly, soundlessly, drawing a small blade from the insides of her jacket, looking over at the boy beside the other girl. He gave him a very small thumbs up, raising her dagger to strike the back of the man's neck, using all of her strength to try to plunge it inside the unaware man.

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"So, am I arrested or can pass through gentlemen? I'd rather not have the hassle of being arrested but if I must it's better if we do it now."

"I'm a little busy here," yelled Emelia. She was facing three more gifted this time using swords. She figured they must've used their powers up if they went down to swordplay. She'd deal with this man later.

While she locked swords with one, another decided to play a dirty tactic by attacking her from behind. She noticed this and sidestepped barely dodge it, but the other wasn't just standing there and took a swing at Emelia as well. She had no other option but to fall to the ground to dodge the last sword. The first swordsman then tried stabbing his sword into his opponent, but she managed to slide out of the way and watch the sword stab at the ground. She used the time to kick the man back a bit while pulling out his sword and stabbing it into the other man's leg while he hollered in pain. The three men were clearly inexperienced with swords and dropped their weapons with their hands held up as they slowly lowered themselves to the ground.

She was relieved to finally be finished when another gifted appeared ready to fight. This one also held a sword in his hand, but there was a strange blue light encircling this. Emelia noticed the lighting on the sword which frightened her a bit. The man noticed this and began teasing her by swining the sword out in front of her while she kept stepping back. Then, she saw her moment to strike. She held out her hand slowing the sword down a bit and delivered a kick right into the man's crotch. The pain was too much as the man crouched down losing focus on his gift. Emelia then beat the crap out of him and made sure to tie this one up with ropes.

She was about to approach the man when something nailed her in the face and flew her towards the building. She got back up on her feet and saw a man with clay arms running towards her. She quickly jumped out of the way and watched the man knock himself down by crashing into the wall. Before she could move, a woman with metallic sword like arms tried to pierce Emelia. She managed to avoid the attack watching the blades go into the wall. Emelia grabbed on to the metallic sword with her right hand, but did not unsheathe it. The other woman tried pulling her arms out of the wall, but they were stuck for some reason. After a few punches from Emelia, she went down as well.

The sword wielder went over to pick her dropped sword and noticed she had a quick minute to spare. She went over to the man leaning against the wall. "Now what did you want?" Before he could answer, another man jumped inbetween them and threw a punch at Emelia. He was rather weak letting Emelia stop it with her own fist. She was about to punch the man when he suddenly became a puddle and slid off. Not being able to stop, her fist was aimed right at Reyn's face.

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Reyn was watching the entire time the women was fighting, and the man attacking her while close to him as well put him on guard. Since he noticed the stray punch before it could hit he quickly lifted his hand and grabbed her fist before it hit him, though his hand was now hurting a bit. "Whoa, that was close." He said before releasing his grip from the girl's hand, "Anyways, all I wanted to ask is if I can leave, seeing as you have this place surrounded for the fight going on in the pub which I want no part of. That's really about it, so would it be ok if I just leave this area?" He asked proceeding to get off the wall.

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Emelia noticed another dozen men appearing out of the bar. "Honestly, I don't have time for this. Just stay out of our way and talk to the chief when we're done." Emelia prepared herself to battle the next group of men heading out. "How many of these blasted people are there?"

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Using the pommel of his sword, Richard bashed open the front door of the Steelsword Pub, immediately pulling his buckler-strapped arm up in a defensive stance. This prudent action made what would've been an icicle rammed through his chest into an icicle that shattered upon his shield. Another projectile user. I must react accordingly. Richard kicked a table over so that it provided him with some cover while he yelled to the other officers to get behind this newfound cover. Several icicles pierced the table as a smoldering, smoky smell arose from the bottom of the table. This fire was slowly causing the table to burn away, working with the damnable frosty spears to reduce this faulty protection. Quick to come up with a solution, Richard immediately stood up from the cover with his buckler raised to where the icicle-throwers pattern would go next, started to focus upon his right leg, and eventually piston kicked the table forward. As the table shoved forth a decent way, it seemed to accomplish nothing until a lime-green boot appeared and forced the table even further. This boot propelled the table all the way to where several Gifted were, and those who couldn't get out of the way in time were slammed into the far wall and continuously held there by the table until Richard released his focus.

"It was you that chose this path, Gifted! You have brought violence and destruction upon yourselves and now you flee when the repercussions of your actions precede you! Shameful dogs! Miserable swine! Surrender your foolish ambitions or surrender your lives, villains!" Spouted Richard as he pointed the tip of his sword towards the group inside and glared at them like a man possessed.

"Oppressor! You're just another tyrant who'll try to snuff out us Gifted! We'll never be free if bastards like you slaughter us for expressing our wills!" Shouted a Gifted naysayer whose legs started to become obscured by a small tornado.

The tornado legs Gifted started to zoom towards Richard at blinding speeds and managed to shove a knife into Richard's gut before he could react. Feeling the intruding force in his abdomen, Richard gasped before looking down at the smaller man and his knife that had pierced the breastplate. Observe and adapt. His Gift is mobility. Rob him of his power and he will fall like a house of cards. Richard used his right arm to hug the knife-wielder's arm to his body until a lime-green projection formed. Unable to escape, the opposing Gifted stared into the lime-green eyes of smoldering hatred and animalistic fury as his blood ran cold. Richard rammed his sword through the man's chest before dismissing his projection and unsheathing his sword from it's fleshy scabbard. Wasting no time as the man fell to the floor, Richard proceeded to swing his sword in full arcs to either side of himself, forming lime-green arcs to his left and right. Using these offensive barriers, Richard trudged forward in his Spartan-like stance, bashing and stabbing his way through the inside of the Steelsword Pub while deterring attacks to his sides with his makeshift phalanx.

"Find the other exit and secure it! I shall take to the bowels of this infested hell-hole and subdue whatever monsters feel they escape justice!" Commanded Richard as he made his way to the stairs of the cellar.

The knife in my gut... Will have to wait. My tireless crusade cannot stop! Checking his left arm as he went down, he felt the pain of rigorous use starting to catch up to him and dispelled the lime-green arcs to his sides. More monsters must answer for their crimes. More beasts would try to plot their schemes against the innocent people of Trevalus. As long as warmth still flows through my veins, Richard Gallus cannot falter!

Edited by GotWala
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