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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Yea, Nadia uses basic thaumaturgy, along with Material Alteration, mostly with Darkness. She can basically change Darkness into a solid object ((most commonly a sword, but can create walls and other things as well.)) Her powers are similar to the Gentleman's, or the main villain of Graterras. ((though they don't destroy their victim's soul like his Shadow Lance did in Chapter 1.))

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Been a while since I last posted here, so have a totally unnecessary reply to your posts on this page ~ shut up, I'm bored

I'm just rolling with basic thaumaturgy much like Nadia. Everyone else (except Rusty) seems to be using runes though, which is interesting.

Makes me wanna change that up with Maria, but I won't. Besides, she's got lots of other tricks up her sleeve :3

~ But yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see a bunch of people utilizing the same thing in a different way, I suppose ~

I'm not instead using Witchcraft just because curses are fun to use. but yeah a lot of people are using runes(probably because its something they understand a bit easier then the other stuff)

Runes just seemed fun to me, plus, I can use them to reinforce Rider if necessary :3


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Oh I should note that I've helped edit every servant in this war except my own Archer. Obviously I can't critique my own creation, so if anyone wants to read over the legend of Arjuna, take a look at my recreation of him as a servant, and point out anything flawed or unbalanced I'd appreciate it. I'm far from infallible, and many minds make a better final product than one.

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to be fair you just reworded something for me....and asked a lot of questions that caused me to rewrite the NP's of my servant so they where clearerish. but i guess i could take a look at the Hindu Gilgamesh legend and see how you used it.

edit:Guys Sheep wasn't kidding his servant is very powerful. It the guy who kills Karna in legend. You know Karna Lancer of Red one of the strongest servants to date!!!!

Edited by rustytengo
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Yeah and i am hoping y'all are going be worrying about the other servants then Caster so she at least can get some staying power in a fight.

((though i am starting to see so many different outcomes we could make like 3 or 4 different stories with these servants and masters))

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If I were to rank the level of the servants being summoned based off their legends and the profiles presented it would probably look something like this: Archer>Lancer=Saber>Berserker=Assassin>Rider with Caster being an anomaly with the potential to kill or be killed by any of them. Of course a ranking such as this doesn't take into account good or bad matchups, have fun trying to kill a giant bird Berserker.

However, I was allowed to bring this particular Archer to the contest on the condition that I didn't get carried away blowing everyone else up with his overwhelming power and I intend to uphold my end of the bargain. This is somewhat easy to justify through the character's personality in general, he almost never used more power than he thought his opponent deserved. Also, there are plenty of situations (such as attempting to fight Lancer, Saber, or Berserker at full strength in close quarters) that can pretty easily lead to his death. His strength doesn't come from being hard to kill as much as it comes from having very potent and diverse offensive capabilities if he so chooses to use them.

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Hmm...thats a fitting ranking though your right it really doesn't matter cause so many different things can happen in the war just look at Fate/Stay Night if it was legend and profile alone Hercules should of been the victor but stuff happened and he gets taken out in all routes quite early.

and yeah that how i made Caster to have the potential to be a force or not within the war.Though your right about her being an anomaly she is the furthest thing from a hero i think any grail war has seen.

if anything though its going be a fun story no matter how it turns out.

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Hels is all finished, I just need to post him. Gave up on finding a picture for a Command Seal so I'll just have to explain it... Once I'm out of class tomorrow I'll go over it once more and post him.

On another note just out of curiosity, if you all picked a face claim for Servant and Master, who would it be?

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On another note just out of curiosity, if you all picked a face claim for Servant and Master, who would it be?

Female Ace Trainer from XY would be Maria and Jeff Bridges would've been Rider if Rider was like 40 years older. Dunno who'd be the 20~30 year old Rider, but I'll take a look around.

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I see.

Oh and not sure if Berserker can easily be ranked either Sheep, as he has a lot of strange variables. ((like he is much more powerful the first fight where you figure out his identity, and the complete randomness of Banquo Rage, like when it goes off can't be accounted for. [it will quite literally be random at least to an extent, I will be doing something to make it random, just not sure what I can do for that yet.))

The only thing for certain is your Archer is super powerful, however, you have the problem that you are indeed working entirely alone against a team of 3, and 3 other lone wolves who could possibly team up. So you have 6 opponents, 3 of which are a coordinated team.

Going to say though this will be super interesting.

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Yeah, nor can Assassin as his greatest trait is the way he can go after other masters easily. Not a servant that should be ranked according to it's anti-servant capabilities. Don't stress yourself over the rankings too much though, they're just a loose observation at best.

And yes I've already considered the fact that I may have to see Archer facing down 3 opponents simultaneously. When I realized I was particularly unenthused at their identities as well. Saber, Lancer, and Assassin. Who wants to face that team solo? Meanwhile you're quite right in that I don't have any friends, and if Archer's power level becomes common knowledge I think it'd become even more unlikely for me to receive any help as just about everyone would want him dead.

So the strongest servant will by no means guarantee me victory overall. As food for thought though, keep in mind that this strongest servant also has an independent action rank of A, meaning he'll stick around for a full week after his master dies in the event of that happening. Quite the prize for a servant-less master to snatch (ala Fate/Zero) wouldn't you say? Yeah, this could go a lot of different ways.

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Aye of course, not to mention possible Master Switching shenanigans. ((since that is possible too, mostly only with Archer, but you get what I mean lol.)). None of our masters seem to be huge pushovers either as well, them all seem pretty capable. and that is not to mention what is truly going on with this War in the first place. Oh, I am so giddy....I want this to all get started already.

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Face claim is like, the picture of a person/character (anime and video games mostly) that you use to most closely relate to your character's appearance.

Edit: Stupid phone submitted the post before I was done typing.

I want to see how the Masters really interact with each other, which might ultimately decide the alliances that are formed. Especially for those outside the MA. As for Archer, I can't say I'm not worried considering his raw capability but it's exciting to think about all the ways I can fight him.

Edited by Flynn
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Ah, I see.....not sure for mine exactly.

Edit: Now looking at it, Nadia would have a similar build to Saber, most specifically in Fate/Zero. ((Naida tends to wear suits, similar to the one Saber would wear in Fate/Zero when not in her armour.)). That is a good ball parky idea, as she doesn't otherwise look like her. ((Nadia's hair is a jet black, and she has deep emerald green eyes.)).

Macbeth I have no idea though.

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Hels Kurgis of the Holy Church.

Name: Hels Kurgis

Age: Twenty-three

Appearance: Hels is a tall, sinewy man, obviously athletic, somewhere around 6'1” with almost no fat on his body. His skin pale in contrast to his jet black hair which lies in a wavy mess across his eyes when on his own, and fully slicked back when in public. His eyes are a stately gray, more accurately a piercing hazel that seems almost devoid of emotion, which lies opposite of the devil's grin that always seems to have a place with him. Hels can be seen dressed in a priest's garbs with the long black coat, steel rivet buttons down the middle and a silver cross fitted on the chest

Personality: Hels lacks any regard for the rights of humanity, only keeping in thought those designated by the Lord. Within the rounds of business such as the Church or within its territories, under company of the priests or in times of the Holy Grail War, Hels stands resolute in the beliefs given to him. In an almost obsessive manner, Hels carries out the will of the lord in the most enthusiastic way permitted. If you do not bow to the lord, you are nothing but trash to be disposed of. Hels considers the Holy Grail War to be a trial of God to prove his faith true.

Hels has a calculative mind, preferring to have a plan before moving or taking action. However, Hels revels in the fact that everything he plans could go wrong and relishes the challenge it might present. Working with others has always been a strong suit for him as he has a talent for taking into account the abilities and compatibility of those with him, yet he rarely gets the chance to practice this.

When outside the boundaries of the religious standard, Hels is a completely different person, almost vulnerable in his thoughts. Curious and open to the world around him, he cannot help the “sin” of curiosity and questioning when he is not bound by the chains of priesthood. Days like this come few and far between. It is not a side Hels is proud of, but it is a part of him nontheless.

Nationality: Welsh

A trifle of trivia: When not bound in prayer or chores, Hels has taken to re-writing the holy mandates of various religions. The Qur'an, Tanakh, as well as the various forms of the bible with claims God speaks to him to correct the follies of man.

Outside of the Church, Hels has a secret hobby of exploring the town in disguise trying out the local cuisine.

Elemental Affinity and preffered Magecraft: Fire/Earth Affinity – Holy Sacraments as Magecraft

Command Seal (design and location); An ornate “7” with the edges curved into thorny crescents that shape outwards, an “x” with each edge curving out in a similar crescent manner crossing through the base of the “7”. Located within the palm of the left hand.

MA (is or isn't working for the MA): Allied with the Mage's Association

I know I said I would have it posted earlier. I recently arrived home after the worst fucking day I have ever had the displeasure of living through. I'm going to go drown myself in ice cream and chill out.

Sorry for being late. But, here's Hels.

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If you'd like, I can explain it if it's too much an anomaly. In simplistic terms, it's in the same regard to Kirei Kotomine although under different terms and regulations from how Kirei was under a tutelage, Hels is more over a tool to secure the Grail, or rather increase the chance of doing so by providing a Master easily commanded.

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How on earth did the mages association manage to get someone from the church on their side?

Temporary alliance to ensure that the Grail doesn't fall into the wrong hands. The Church is thinking that, after the group had eliminated the other Masters, Hels would be able to asassinate his teammates and snatch the Grail for the Church, while the MA thinks the opposite.

I believe that is the best way to describe the situation. Besides, I was planning for the new priest guy (the one replacing Kotomine in the Fuyuki church) to be riding in the same plane as the MA guys, so it all fits by default.

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