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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Alignment can't refer to people, it is much too simplified a concept. People are multi-faceted in our personalities and outlooks. We might have tnedicies that line up with them, but we cannot truly be classified with them.

((also which Assassin is this?))

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Well yes, it is a guideline, it shows where they normally stand, but circumstances can change this.

Also, Assassin is a super strange Irregular Servant.....so he, to be fair isn't a good example cause weirdness could be the explanation of it.

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@Hukuna: So that's why all of them cast spells in languages... Oh well, you're still British then, Maria

About the Alignment... I always just thought the first part of it indicated their position considering the law, while the second part indicated if they were good or evil. Granted, I have no idea about DnD or its Alignment system (which is also used here), so I'm probably wrong

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D and D didn't create that Alignment system, it has kinda always been a thing, it just Incorporated it. ((at least ot my knowledge.))

And you are right, the first word represents one's stance on the Law vs Chaos Scale. The Second one is the Good vs. Evil Scale. However, none of those things are clear cut, so it is a somewhat flawed system when not dealing in extremes.

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And you are right, the first word represents one's stance on the Law vs Chaos Scale. The Second one is the Good vs. Evil Scale. However, none of those things are clear cut, so it is a somewhat flawed system when not dealing in extremes.

It doesn't really define the character, but it doesn't even need to. We're the one's who will be doing that ~

Also, you guys should be the ones to tell me when to make the IC thread for this. We're still waiting for some people to finish their profiles though, so will it be fine if I make it by the end of the week, like on Sunday?

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I'm almost done. I'm thinking about a second NP that involves poison in an offensive way. Summoning Asps (Egyptian Cobra's) would be the exact same thing as Queen of Egypt and that's a bit boring.

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Lancer is finished and I'll have my PC up by today.

And damn, I was really looking forward to that Saber/Berserker/Lancer group. Thing of beauty, that team. But it's funny how we had an influx of MA characters and now people are more than happy to offer their spot.

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I only did it cause nobody wanted it lol. We will see though, it might end up Berserker/Assassin/Lancer or Saber/Assassin/Lancer....so it depends if you Swordsmen sees Ghosts of their past friends they killed due to extreme paranoia or not, or is a little less crazy.

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I want to do something like this as second NP: Curse of Isis: All water in the area evaporates and becomes deadly poisonous mist that surrounds the target(s). Surrounding nature dies from drought and poison and flowers wither.

I'm not sure if she needs Territory Creation for it or how big the affected area will be.

Edited by Chimchain
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I want to do something like this as second NP: Curse of Isis: All water in the area evaporates and becomes deadly poisonous mist that surrounds the target(s). Surrounding nature dies from drought and poison and flowers wither.

I'm not sure if she needs Territory Creation for it or how big the affected area will be.

That sounds more like a bound field to me. Anyways, an modification I would make to it is to have the water evaporate when she touches it with her hand. That would actually make it cooler and seductier if you ask me :P

Or you could keep it the way you imagined it. There isn't anything really wrong with her ability, as long as the radius isn't too wide

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Are we even near an area with a lot of water? Cause it seems super conditional at the moment and I don;t want a player to have an ability they can;t use cause that would super suck lol.

((keep in mind these NPs needs ranks so I know if Berserkers is immune to them or not.))

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Well... Fuyuki city is full of water actually. There's the sea and the canal flowing through the middle of the city. I think that's more than enough, not to mention she could just carry around a bottle of water with herself or something :3

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What about two bottles of water ~

Also, here's a map of the city, just so we can all decide on our characters' temporary homes there: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111010011339/typemoon/images/a/a8/Fuyuki.png

EDIT: Note that the city has grown a bit during the 24 years gap between the wars. And technology is a bit more advanced, mostly regarding cars, mobile phones, tvs and computers, so it isn't really game changing.

And here's the wiki page about the city, so use it as reference ~ http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Fuyuki_City

Edited by Bfroger6
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I'm with Hukuna on this one, it sounds too situational for my liking.

As far as Cleopatra goes, she's a difficult servant to make powerful because there isn't that much special about her.

If you want to keep going down that line then that's fine, but I looked into ninja culture to see if there are any notable names ('cause ninjas are badass).

1. Yamato Takeru. He's not really a ninja but he did murder some people, and got given a sword that can control wind magic.

2. Hattori Hanzo. He's a ninja/samurai kind of warrior, and one of the more famous ninjas. He's a master of spear fighting, but was also a clever general and reputed to have the powers of psychokinesis and precognition. (He could move stuff with his mind, and would have a huge rank in clairvoyance, a very useful thing for an assassin to have).

3. Mochizuki Chiyome. A woman descended from a clan of ninja. She started a school that took women from the streets and taught them how to be ninjas. Aside from having the skills herself, she would likely have somewhere between 200-300 weaker followers to gather information.

You don't have to use any of these if you want to come up with something for Cleopatra, but I thought you might appreciate the brainstorming.

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I feel like the IC could go up whenever. Not all the Masters summoned their servants at the same time (though the MA people will probably be close together), and the anime is lots of people doing their own thing and happening to run across one another (or hunting the others down).

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Does magic resistance affect either of them?

With Witch Trial, it sounds like the ability itself judges them in an impartial manner after Caster accuses someone. You say it takes into account their history and their abilities when this occurs. Does it automatically know all of the accused's noble phantasms/skills or only the ones that have been used in the war? Or even only the ones that have been used in the radius of Hysteria?

Finally, is Caster the only one that can make use of this or is it possible for someone else to work out how it works, and then use it against her? I'd imagine she's the only one as it's her noble phantasm, but you've gotta admit that'd be a pretty funny way to die.

with Hysteria magic resistance wouldn't effect it since the main magic is just the bound field to keep it within Caster's territory. With Witch Trial its highly dependent on what the magic resistance is from(if it is from high peaty like Joan of Arcs then it would effect it{though Joan her self would be weak to it cause she died from being accused as a witch} if its just from the class or a item or from divinity it would only effect it initially at it early stages of power. {since most of that would be considered pagan or whatnot}).

Wait you think Witch Trial is impartial then you are all ready dead cause no witch trial was ever impartial. Anyway how that works is it dependent on what Caster knows of the target or targets of it since that stuff would count as "proof" of the accusation.At least in its earlier stages. So if she just started to accuse people without her herself knowing things its less likely to do much or anything, though as it grows in power its more likely to just "take her word" on it. so in short she would still need to learn that stuff like other servants. Though keep in mind that because of Hysteria she has the ability to find things out a bit quicker since if there are new people within it the more paranoid people would be of them(since their new) and would watch them. Hope that makes since.

Hmm...I think i made Witch Trial something akin to a Reality Marble without knowing it...

and finally she is the only one who can use it well unless she was against the other girls who where also part of the afflicted at that time(Mary Walcott and Ann something.)Mainly as Hukuna guess because she didn't die of it(if she did then i probably would have something like that.) But her fate was much worse then the other girls anyway who actually lived relatively normal lives after Salem. Caster on the other end left Salem and no one really knows what happened to her though the most common thing thought is she had to sell her self to make by.

so i hope that helps a bit more its hard to make logical sense of something since in it self if defied logic as we know of it.

also for me its best if we start this on a Saturday or Sunday or else everyone is going have to along time for me to post(longer if its a Tuesday or Wednesday since that's Dragon Age and DnD nights for me)

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Still don't get *how* it kills you.

Yeah its not as simple as say a sword or something since its not really something tangible. think of it like it literally throws the targets in to a witch trail where they face the fate of someone accused as a witch.(most times found guilty or not the person died)

Hence why i said i think i turned it into something akin to a Reality Marble with out knowing it.

If anyone can come up with a better way to explain it i am all ears since we should all know by now explaining things is not my forte. I understand what I am trying to do i just don't know a better way to explain it.....its actually very annoying to me and y'all too.

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