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Pokémon Academy: Ch 2a: Dragons [IC]


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Java looked on in horror as the Tortoise swept the area with a Flamethrower so hot he could feel it even from here. He had no idea what had happened to the bug, but either way, his intent had completely and utterly backfired here. Now they both were Screwed...

The Flamethrower was coming closer. Damnit, he should've moved out of the way! to late now... looks like this would hurt, very much... why did he even come over here? Should've just stayed over by Nemo and watched the orphan play with the dragons...

"Protect him with a Vacuum Shield!" a voice called in japanese from behind the Porygon. The next thing Java knew, Erce appeared out of nowhere using Agility, then crossed her scythes defensively, charging them with a vacuum wave attack yet not unleashing the 'Wave' part, resulting in the energy culminating around her arms as she held them crossed. The Flamethrower made it's sweep towards Java, hitting erce instead... but aside from just sweating a little from the heat as it drew close, she was fine; the flames had died down while they had made contact with the shield she was making, resuming when Torkoal moved it's neck again and the sweep finally passed. Both the Scyther and Java were unscathed... well, Erce might have been hurting a bit from the sheer heat just now, but it would've been a far worse injury, all things considered.

"Return!" the same voice called in Japanese. Both Java and Erce were engulfed in a red light as their capsules recalled them a second later.

Mareek approached from behind Claude, stowing the pokeballs back on his belt, Nemo walked alongside him, taking in the powerful Torkoal that had almost taken out the Angular thing before his trainer reacted just in time.

"What's going on here?" Mareek demanded in english from the other boy, keeping his eyes on the still fire breathing Tortoise. "I take my attention away for one minute, and I find Java about to be grilled alive... but honestly though, I suggest you start explaining before this whole situation spirals out of control, because that's about what it looks to be doing even as we speak."

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Jacob grinned at the Trapinch's headlong attack. Charmander is WAY faster than any Trapinch except for maybe Teo. But this Trapinch looks like it's going to go right in for the attack anyway. But if he gets hit, this might hurt a lot. "Alright, Spitfyre, now's your chance! Stand your ground and hit this Trapinch with another Incinerate attack!" the Trainer ordered. The Charmander smirked as orange flames began to lick at his jaw. The flame lizard opened his mouth, releasing a jet of searing hot flame toward the oncoming Ground-type.

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Ryan was shocked that Victoria hadn't struck Hera quickly enough. When she prepared her assault behind Victoria, Ryan yelled out. "Victoria, he's behind you!" Victoria spun around to be met by 4 successful strikes from Hera. She was knocked back with a cry, accidentally spewing Dragon Rage in the direction of Hera. Victoria got up, a few tears running down her face. Ryan looked at her pitifully. "Don't give up Victoria! Everyone makes mistakes! Now brush off that dust and get back in the fight!" Victoria looked at Ryan, listening to his encouragement, before standing up, and preparing herself to fight. "Dragon Dance, Victoria!" Ryan yelled out to her, letting her know he still believed in her. Victoria spun around rapidly. When the dance finished, she leapt agilely from foot to foot, a sense of confidence flowing through her.

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Lance had used his sturdy shell to protect himself, even if the heat was incredibly had to deal with, and was sent spinning backwards towards the two boys. " Lance dragged me over to investigate this smoke and when this Torkoal came over, looking to challenge us, which I tired to ignore, Lance went psycho on it. Then Java did something that pissed it off and lo and behold, here we are" Claude explained, panting.

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"Well," Mareek sighed. why the hell had Java chosen to get involved? the porygon was usually a lot smarter than that... "If it's looking for a battle challenge, we might as well just give it what it wants. maybe then it'll calm down." Nemo stepped forward as if in answer to the call, glancing at Lance and then back to the Torkoal.

"You up for this?" Mareek asked Claude, his hand on Erce's ball again encase the other trainer wasn't willing to fight this thing.

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"I'm game, but I'm not sure how helpful Lance and I can be. Unless you can find a way to get Lance past it's defenses, that Torkoal won't care at all about any of our attacks." Claude replied. Lance had gotten up and was staring at the Torkoal, growling slightly.

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"Don't you have that Tyrunt you accidently cuaght yesterday?" Mareek asked, deciding that Erce would indeed be necessary in this fight due to her Vacuum shield technique. He brought the Mantis's capsule to full size in his hands, prepared to send her back out, then quickly considering what they were up against and getting Java's as well with his other. "Why don't you fight using her instead of Lance? From what I saw with that Snorlax yesterday, you shouldn't have an issue anymore..."

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"True, but look at Lance, he's ready to beat this thing. Who am I to deny him that? Besides, Colere did take a real beating in the battle with the snorlax, I want to let her rest for tomorrow." Indeed, Lance was still gearing up to fight, a glint in his eye. Claude picked Lance up and began throwing him up and down, both of them falling into a rhythm, until Claude began rolling Lance across his shoulders and throwing him ever further into the air in higher and higher arcs. "When you're ready, make a gap in that things defences, then Lance can come in and help."

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That shell has got to make it incredibly resistant to physical attacks... Mareek began thinking to himself. Erce probably won't be able to do much against it then... I could use Java and Nemo for their combo, but the Torkoal might take it as an insult if we don't fight fairly... Java can fix his typing to do damage control, and he's got a complete non contact moveset...

"Just make sure you make your shots count," Mareek warned, sending out Java in a flash of white and ordering Nemo to fall back to his side. "Because I'm only gonna be able to make an opening so many times; The ways I can strategically use the strengths of each of my team members aren't exactly infinite in this situation... so please, don't screw up with the opportunities we manage to create." Then turning his attention to Java and swapping into japanese.

"Lock on," a red circle appeared before Java, before moving out across the ground and finding torkoal, constricting around the Tortoise and setting it in a red glow before disappearing. "Discharge." The air crackled around Java, then a second later he unleashed the electrical attack, sending torrents of lightning arcing across the sandy field towards the Turtle... Mareek was on guard the entire time, ready to react to a counter as he watched the attack fly closer and closer...

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Trapinch realized it made a mistake when it couldn’t dodge the Incinerate attack. With no choice left it plunged through the attack, taking a considerable amount of damage, but finally managed to close its big jaws around Charmander’s leg.

TurboAura, Tses and Tacos

“Horn Attack!” Alvin yelled when Hera couldn’t dodge the incoming attack. The Bug’s horn glowed bright white and collided head-on with the Dragon Rage. A small explosion of smoke covered the Heracross from sight for a moment. “Swords Dance!”

The smoke cleared fast enough to see a golden glow on Hera’s horn in the shape of a ring. It started at the horn’s base and went up before a new golden ring took the previous one’s place. After the third and last ring disappeared, Heracross was ready for the next incoming attack. Her speed advantage was almost gone so she just had to rely on her raw power.

Surge and Lucky Elf

Torkoal wasn’t very fast and considering the last attack that came from that weird Pokémon, the turtle wasn’t all that worried and took the attack head-on. The tortoise didn’t expect this much power. Apparently his opponents finally decided to go full power… two could play that game. Torkoal completely ignored Lance and whatever it was doing and turned his full attention towards Java, releasing another flamethrower.

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Waiting for their opportunity, when the Torkoal turned away from them, Claude launched Lance, using the momentum they had built to send him flying at an incredible speed. "Try spinning and use Peck!" Claude yelled as he threw, hoping this worked. They had yet to put the technique into practice. "Bullet Bug combo!" He yelled. A rather apt name, Claude thought. He had aimed at the back of the Torkoals head, rather than it's tough shell.

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If that flamethrower lands, it's gonna be hell to pay... but he needs it to... damn it this gonna be risky... but maybe. "Java, let it hit you, but use Conversion 2 as soon as it does." Java nodded at the Japanese orders, sitting there and letting the flamethrower close in. Then he began converting just before it hit, allowing the flames bath over him right before his typing changed, becoming a Fire type in place of a Normal type. The result was that the attack did some regular damage, then lost quite a bit of it's effectiveness immediately later, The Porygon now made somewhat resistant to it thanks to the idea from Mareek.

"You alright?"

Java nodded, glancing back at him. Mareek nodded at claude as he watched the young man launch the Karrablast and ordered it to attack, but by no means was he about to let up the offensive now.

"Java, Lock-on to the torkoal, and the moment immediately after Lance hits, use another discharge on it to keep it distracted and give him cover to get away." the Porygon again nodded, locking-on and preparing it's next strike as Lance flew closer and closer...

((just to clarify, if lance's attack hits, Java will use Discharge right afterwards...and it'll still use discharge in order to keep it busy even if Lance misses.))

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"Finally, it's done~" Danielle announced to her Pokemon as she held up the picture for them to see. The gooey coating of honey had made the entire picture glisten when it is hit by the sunlight. However, it is still wet and requires drying before it could be touched. She put down the collage beside her feet and took a quick shot of the finished product with the borrowed camera. Then, she began to gather her belongings to head back to the original campsite.

Avis and Corona gave their happy responses while Zared nodded absentmindedly, lost in thought over what Avis just told him. ‘Having seen such torture at such a young age… No wonder my master is scared of us now,’ he thought. Was there a way he could get Danielle to get over her fear without overwhelming her? He did recall that poking her didn't seem to faze her back in the cave, so maybe...

Danielle felt a poke on her leg and found her Mawile looking back at her gently. Before she could ask what's wrong, she saw Zared holding out the palm of his left hand and poked it with a finger on his right. Zared then waved his palm out in front of her face and let out a soft cry of encouragement asking her to do the same. Danielle was confused, yet relieved, that her Mawile stood by her side at first before she realized that she didn’t react negatively to Zared every time he has poked her. ‘He’s trying to make me lose my fear slowly so that I won’t run away.’ Danielle nodded at his suggestion and inched her finger towards Zared’s small palm. She quickly shut her eyes when her finger made contact with the Mawile’s surprisingly cold skin.

“Mawile! Maw!”

Danielle slowly opened her eyes to find a jubilant Mawile giving her a thumbs up with his free hand. She smiled despite her racing heart; this was definitely a good step in the right direction and her new partner knew it. They both nodded as put down their arms. A silent agreement has been made: They will conquer that fear together. With that done, Danielle slung her backpack over her shoulder, picked up the tree bark and motioned for her three partners to follow along. “Let’s go back and give this to Rebecca, okay?” All three of them were only happy to oblige after that experiment; Corona began to crawl along on Danielle’s left side, Zared was on his master’s right and Avis flew from above as they all headed back to the clearing.
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Henry recognized that look Evan gave to the water stone as it was similar to the one he did to Burrow's Poke Ball before realizing it was a fake. "There's more to that water stone than what you're telling me, isn't there? Wait...don't answer that. I'm just having a deja vu moment. Er...I will say something though. That stone is just a piece of rock. Whether you use it or not, nobody will think any different of you, especially your Eevee."

Meanwhile, things were tensing up between Gypsy and Burrows. The mole's claws began to glow as he slashed them towards the Venonat. The bug easily dodged each strike showing no signs of struggles. After a few more attempts, the mole finally gave up and went back to chasing the little Togepi. The proud bug quickly retreated back to here prized stash of berries and began munching down on them again.

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Victoria was no longer intimidated. She knew she was faster than the Heracross at this point. If she was agile enough, she could rush in and out without being hit. "Get him, Victoria!" Ryan screamed at Victoria, letting her take this into her own hands. The speedy little Bagon rushed around the Heracross in a circular motion, leaking Dragon Rage essence from her mouth. The blue flames encircled the Heracross, creating a ring in which the Heracross was surrounded. She then dove towards the Heracross's legs, attempting to hit a Fire Fang.

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Watching as Alvin realized his mistake, Robert let out a laugh as Alvin ran towards the battle, which Robert now realized was against Ryan and a new Bagon. While Robert was very interested in watch the battle, he decided to wait near Sissy, atleast until he knew why she came over. "So, I'm assuming you coming over means that Sofia's fine for now? Or was there anything you even had to handle." After done with his questions, he shifted to a likely question, especially with what was expected of Alvin before the 'plan' even started. "And if your wondering about my side of the plan, Alvin's not that bad, either that or I just struck a good note with him. The only thing had thing I could say about him is that he seems overproud. In hiensight, I may have stroked his ego when I showed actual interest in his Heracross, but he's not as bad as I expected."

Edited by TurboAura
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Spitfyre screeched in pain as the Trapinch's powerful jaws closed around its leg. It tried to shake the Ground-type loose to no avail. Jacob, however, was able to keep a cool head, as he didn't have a large set of teeth digging into him in a rather painful manner. Crap! I never meant for the Trapinch to get this close, but maybe it's time we finished this at close range. "Alright, Spitfyre, let'im have it one more time! Incinerate that thing once and for all!" With that, Spitfyre's eyes set in a harsh glare and his mouth began overflowing with flames. He finally released them in a searing jet at close range, the Trapinch's fate sealed.

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Trapinch went down and panted heavily, not able to battle anymore. His fellow Trapinch came along and one of them carried some Oran Berries. Spitfyre’s opponent ate them in one big gulp and left along with its friends giving a small nod of appreciation to Jacob and his partner.

“Giiiiible!” the little dragon yelled. He saw the entire battle and couldn’t help but want to get a piece of the action. He pointed at Jacob while hopping from one leg to another.

((Like I said in the OOC; Gible will be the last sparring partner here. Lapras and Togepi can fight at the lake))

TurboAura, Tses and Tacos

Victoria made a mistake by coming closer. She lost her speed advantage inside the blue circle. “Hera; stand your ground and retaliate with a Night Slash!”

With no way out Heracross had no choice but take the Fire Fang attack. A cry escaped her mouth but she quickly regained her composure and smashed her horn, with a black aura surrounding it, down on the Bagon.

Surge and Lucky Elf

Torkoal’s attention was still drawn by Java until Claude yelled his bullet bug attack. The tortoise was lucky the Bug aimed at its neck and barely dodged the attack when another electrical attack hit him. This battle proved to be really annoying with two opponents at the same time. He would try to end this right now. An inferno of scarlet flames came from the Torkoal’s mouth and quickly made their way to both opponents at the same time.


Evan stared at Henry. “Eevee is not the problem,” he answered. “I am. If I use this stone I’m forced to take a path I swore I wouldn’t walk to reach my goal.” He put the stone back in his pocket. “Doesn’t really matter, but I think your team has some issues,” He nodded towards the Venonat. “That one doesn’t seem to get along with your Drilbur.” He obviously wanted to change the subject as soon as possible.

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"Well, I didn't particularly cheer her up, but I explained why I wanted to talk to her." Sissy said at Robert, with her face at the battle. "Moreover, I came back cause I thought you might be in trouble with him, when I saw all you pokemon out." She looked at Robert this time. "But it seems, your part is finished pretty well. And that battle right now, gives us a good advantage on avoiding him for the moment."

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Lancelot sailed past the torkoal, skipping once off the ground a small distance before landing on his feet and trying to jump out of range of the attack, towards a tree. "Lance, climb up that tree and attack the Torkoal from above using Fury attack!" Claude ordered, and Lance did so, scampering up it quickly, waiting for the Torkoal to finish attacking, and then diving down, onto the Torkoal, preparing to unleash a flurry of strikes onto the torkoals head, rather than it's tough shell.

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Java again took the attack head on, taking a highly reduced amount of damage thanks to his altered Fire Typing. But the attack looked like it hurt a bit more than the flamethrower from earlier. The porygon actually winced when it passed over him, hovering back a few feet.

"You good?" Mareek asked. Java hesitated, then slowly nodded. He was injured somewhat, but he felt himself to be able to still go on for at least a bit longer. "Good then... now hold all fire." Java looked at the boy like he was crazy. Why the hell should they change the plan now, wasn't the point to distract the stupid flaming reptile? "Don't give me that look," Mareek said, pointing at Lance as the bug prepared to try to assualt the Torkoal once again. "We use another attack right now, and Lance will be in the direct line of fire." The porygon saw his trainers point... but that didn't stop him from using a quick lock-on, just to prepare for afterwards...

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"Who, Gypsy? She's hard to understand if you haven't been around her enough. Actually, I originally thought Zuko and her were going to be bitter enemies, but they get along pretty fine. I doubt anything bad will come out of this one either." Henry decided to drop the subject with the water stone. He knew there was something Evan was hiding and hiding well, but it was way out of his boundaries to know what it was. "If you want, I can take it off of your hands. Back home in Orre, I have a rock collection with a wide variety of evolution stones. Since there basically is no body of water near where I live, water stones are quite rare."

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Listening to Sissy's reply, Robert felt that the plan went decent enough. His whole team, on the other hand, was focused on the battle taking place between Ryan and Alvin. After Sissy mentioned the battle as a way to avoid Alvin, he turned directly towards Sissy. "Oh, using the battle as a distraction? Was there something else you had in mind, or do you just want me to come back over with you to Sofia? Not like I have anything else planned either way. I mean, unless you want to just pawn Alvin off on Ryan even when the battle ends, I'd even be fine handling 'Alvin Duty'... That's if you don't actually need me, of course." Robert had his hand behind is head, unsure on what exactly was going on. Did she already have something planned? All he knew was that he was up for anything.

Edited by TurboAura
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"I don't wanna keep up with Sofia." Sissy replied back at Robert. "It's not that I don't like her, but something inside me, tells me to avoid her for the moment."

She took Cotton's pokeball from her pocket and pressed the button on it. The golden Swablu appeared in front of her. She took it in her arms and looked at the battle once again. "Moreover, a hint came to my mind right now. I wanted to catch a certain bug pokemon I saw at the academy forest, but I was unsure if it would fit good on my current team." She looked at Robert and continued. "I might hang out with the bug boy for a bit after his current battle is over. He might have some more knowledge about it than me."

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Robert was a bit suprised by Sissy later statement, not sure why it hadn't come out sooner 'Wait, so she wanted some bug advice too? Did she just skip over it before, or did she not actually want a distraction? Maybe she came over with that in mind too.' Shaking his focus away from unnecessary questioning, he turned back towards the battle. "Well, I was interested in the battle anyway. We can watch from over here, or we can get closer so that you can get the question out to Alvin as soon as they're done battling. It's all up to you, really."

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