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Lucifer Morningstar

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Posts posted by Lucifer Morningstar

  1. 13 hours ago, yvltc said:

    Ha, I always keep Bulbapedia open when playing Reborn to check evolutions and stuff xD

    My Wonja evolved at level 42, I don't understand why TTar's hasn't yet.

    My KingOfHearts evolved around level 35 I believe but granted I trained him up for Kiki so I had access to the salons. 


    13 hours ago, LeoYT said:

    hes been doing that since he introduced that rule, Jacques should also be dead from the first terrawr battle

    Touche and I said that that rule felt too subjective. 

    13 hours ago, BurntCornNuts said:

    I think that’s why type: null finally evolved because it killed something 

    I disagree.
    Myassisfish had also finished off PLUSE Belly and didn't evolve. 

    Mine killed things as well, admittedly I did most of it's leveling via Clown Indra who is too strong for it but I made sure to take it to route 2 a few times to let it get in some kills and it still took 3 trips to each of the two salons, the Soothe Bell and a bunch of Tomato Berries to evolve. 
    Ugh I hate friendship evolution but the amount of time I was able to maintain my patience with this one I personally felt was impressive. 

  2. 13 hours ago, yvltc said:

    Wonga is absolute trash until it evolves

    I didn't remember that Swoobat was happiness evolution either but if it hasn't already occurred to me by then, it'll be around level 40 that I start to wonder if it's NOT level up evolution. 
    Two words (technically): Serebii.net! 

  3. 17 hours ago, BurntCornNuts said:

    Its a shame he didn't get the piplup from 7th street because he needs a somewhat decent water type and not a level 77 woobat 

    Agreed. He complained multiple times about needing a water type leading up to Charlotte and then passed up Lumineon!

    17 hours ago, BurntCornNuts said:

    At least when he gets back to reborn city he has a chance to find a kings rock to evolve his poliwag into politoed and use drizzle on an all fire type team because thamill is insane 

    He'll also be able to get Popplio which will also provide him with a decent fairy type. Something he could really use now since he's got 3 dragon battles to get through (Fern's Haxsarous, Soloris's Garchomp and Ciel's Altaria). 

  4. Did anyone besides myself and a Youtube commenter notice that he essentially cheated the blackout roulette to save Wanja who never managed to get a single attack in before going down?


    19 hours ago, Eagleby18 said:

    You know, I was never comfortable with the fact he was playing such a heavily modded version of the game.  The reason I care about Youtubers playing this game is that it’s essentially advertising, and when he’s playing a version of the product that isn’t accurate to the actual product, it undermines the whole purpose.


    And now we’re here, this dumb mod crashed the game at what would have been the funniest moment.  Not a good look for the game.


    He didn't mod his game until relatively recently, just before Luna nor does he much use the mods. Let's be honest here, do we think he'd have made it this far if he had to switch his team around to accommodate TMX needs?
    I see your point though about his having them installed tainting the promotion. 

  5. On 2/7/2020 at 5:43 AM, TripleHHH said:

    Is actually optional? I remember trying to ignore them, but after I reached the point where you need to go to 7th Street I found no other way but join one of them. I tried to talk to the Police Chief, since the cops later have a agent infiltrated down there, but no luck.

    7th Street is what I meant by:
    "To a point" and "None of this matters, however, to the one reason I am thus far aware of that you require a gang to progress in the game. You just need an acquaintance with a gang leader."

  6. No, there's no downside and to a point joining either is optional. 
    Each team just prioritizes a certain set of items and Pokemon. 


    i.e Which Pokemon do you want sooner rather than later, much later: Ponyta or Buizel?

         Do you want or need a Water Stone or Fire Stone sooner rather than later? 


    You also MUST join a team to obtain the Bike though since this game doesn't have a Cycling Road (Well not as far as I've gotten at least) even that's optional. 


    None of this matters, however, to the one reason I am thus far aware of that you require a gang to progress in the game. You just need an acquaintance with a gang leader. 

  7. 50 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    But you know, if he gets his butt handed he might finally try to replace some of his moves with the help of the Move Relearner at the circus.

    Does he know the move relearner is there? I don't recall ever seeing him talk to the guy. 
    But indeed, he has very novice move sets and is at the point in the game that's not going to give him a pass on that anymore whether he likes it or not. The question is will he recognize and concede to it?
    My move sets are ten times better than his and this Gauntlet still drove me crazy! Terra didn't bother me much at all. 


    47 minutes ago, LeoYT said:

    Everyone in the comments keeps saying he made the wrong decision. This was the one decision that he made correctly.

    The Taka battle?
    I agree that Reshiram is the right choice even though down the line it costs him his life and Anna supposedly insists he wasn't supposed to die. Tragic as that might be, I feel helping him lie is an even greater disservice to him. At least he dies an honest man. 
    Reshriam is also the better choice because it gets you more Meteor backstory. 

    Admittedly, I'm minutely disappointed that he didn't go with Zekrom so I can see what happens since I am not sure I'll be playing again, that's how difficult this game is. 

  8. 7 hours ago, yvltc said:

    His Pokémon make me cry. He doesn't even have Extreme Speed on Debbie (I can't count the amount of times Extreme Speed has saved my butt), doesn't keep High Jump Kick on Medkit even though he insists on using Sing with 55% accuracy, he couldn't even yet evolve Wonja. Come on man, what are you doing?

    The videos are always fun though, and I laughed my ass off in the battle with Terra. We all saw from miles that he would struggle a lot with that, he doesn't even read terrains anymore.

    And again, he refused to teach Karen Blizzard in favor of continuing to put misplaced faith in Sing. 
    Unlike Sand Attack as we just saw, Sing has never even really worked for him. Even when he does land it, the damn thing never sticks. I hesitate to count Radmous's Reuniclus since Radmous basically threw that battle. 

    He also passed on teaching Kiki Play Rough right before the Luna battle no less resulting in his no doubt being the first player to ever black out to her. 

    Admittedly, however, these such choices are what make him an entertaining albeit a bit frustrating watch. 

    I almost feel bad, this upcoming gauntlet might just break him harder than Terra. 

  9. Just when you didn't think it could get anymore rediculous than Slowking opting out of Trick Room, frickin' PULSE Swalot is practically rendered benign by Sand Attack, from first to last!  WTF?!


    Welp. He's gonna have a lot of fun with these chain battles coming up. 

  10. Ttar: Why is Karen a piece of crap again?
    Me: Because you didn't teach her Blizzard and are obsessed with fucking sing with its fucking 50% accuracy! 

    Has someone made him aware that the Taka battle in the WTC is pretty much the most important decision in the game and what each choice entails?

  11. 10 minutes ago, Edo said:

    You should get it after restoring the railnet when you talk to her again. This is also the case for other stickers in Reborn city that you miss before the restoration, like the one with the girl from Jasper stuck because the elevator wasn't working. Since you're the one responsible for the city's restoration, they are still thankful for indirectly helping them and give you the sticker.

    I'm pretty sure the Missing Boyfriend sticker is the only one I'm missing but then again until I discovered that one I didn't think I was missing any.
    I know I got the elevator girl sticker. 


  12. Indeed, it is I again in need of clarification. 

    I've just finished Devon Corp and through Youtuber Dai Laughing have realized that I missed a sticker quest, the one involving a girl in the Pokemon center whose Boyfriend fell underground during the plant attack. 
    Am I too late to complete it now?

    The girl is still alone in the Pokemon center and still tells me that her boyfriend is missing but the boyfriend does not appear in the railnet. 
    I tried it before and after talking to the girl and even tried both versions of the game, original and follower but still nothing. 

    I haven't defeated Adrienn (or fought them for that matter) so the railnet hasn't been restored yet.

  13. Fuuuuck. He broke! He actually broke!
    He fainted from confusion damage!

    He is aware that the glitch field uses Gen one rules but seems to have forgotten what Gen One rules are. 

    "Myson can't take ground attacks."

    "How is Iron Head not super effective is this a steel Rhydon?"

    "How do I have +6 special attack and nothing?! This is bullshit!"



  14. 7 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I mean, come on.......Shelly literally said that this book was titled "Lumina's diary". And Lumina wrote about her sister Evelynn building the pulse machine, the "organisation guy" showing up and the accident that fused them into one being with 3 minds in a single body.

    Although Zero is not called by name in Lumina's diary, it should still be obvious that this diary is about how ZEL was "created", since Lumina and Evelynn are just the full names of Lumi and Eve. Lumi even calls her sister "Eve" multiple times in her diary.

    And who was it again that does all the maintenance on the pulse machines for Team Meteor all the time?


    No, SERIOUSLY, how much more obvious do you need to get? Man, now i get why people hate dem Zubats in da caves.....poor TTar got hit really hard by dem Confuse Rays.....

    Precisely. The whole thing should have been obvious but particularly the part that bluntly describes 3 individuals being fused together.


    2 hours ago, LeoYT said:

    the other 50% are making the connection Evelynn = Lynn (Literally all of them forgot how its spelled)

    ......I can't......

  15. 37 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    I was intentionally not going for nuzlocke rules, i was only pointing out all possible Pokémon that would have had Fake Out available. But you are right, according to nuzlocke rules Meowth, Purrloin and Pichu would have been out of the picture, but Espurr and Alolan Meowth, both appearing at the same location would have been a viable option at that time.


  16. 5 hours ago, Launce said:

    There are more ways to beat Charlotte than using rain dance.  Not once have I ever used that tactic to beat her(I prefer sand) and as Candy said he did use the fire tip.  So just because he didn't use rain dance doesn't mean he ignored advice.

    I specifically said he ignored the Rain Dance advice not all of it, the reason for which being because there was a bit of a debate as to whether or not he'd use Rain Dance. 

    I did use Rain Dance but didn't think to give my user the Damp Rock (if I even had one then, I do now but don't remember if I did then) so it wore out before the end of the battle and she still got the burn field going. So I'll be the first to admit that Rain Dance won't always be successful. Though still that was the attempt I managed to win out of about three same as Ttar.  Earthquake, Dive and Rain Dance Quagsire FTW. 


    3 hours ago, Edo said:

    Well technically he didn't ignore it, he tried it on the second run, then immediately forgot for his next try though 😂

    Did he? Honestly, my attention was split so I completely missed that. 
    Though he might not have forgotten it in the next try, but just decided to ditch it despite not narrating this. 


    1 hour ago, ShogokiX said:

    That aside, he had more than just 2 chances to get Fake Out. The Pokémon available to him at the point where you face Shelly would have been Meowth (Level 9), Alolan Meowth (Level 9 as well), Purrloin (Level 21), Espurr (Level 19) and which some people easily forget: Pichu, who can have Fake Out as one of it's egg moves if you got the one on that roof in Onyx Ward. That makes 5 possible Pokémon that would have been available at that point in the game.

    Well don't forget Nuzlocke rules and he'd already gotten Jacques (and Peanut permitted by the shiny clause) and Kiki from the areas where Meowth and Perrloin are available. So wither Espurr or Alolan Meowth were his best chances at that point. 



  17. 23 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I recently watched all of that again and i came to the conclusion that he would not have lost even a single Pokémon, not even those he intentionally sacrificed, if he had just traines his team properly from the beginning.

    Strategized better as well. 

    Example; had he used Espurr/Meowstic fake out and Ampharos wipe out against Shelly that I believe you had given me, Tiki probably would have survived that battle and I wouldn't be surprised if he'd still be around now. I even pointed this out in that episode's comments. 

    Even the Nuzlocke rules would have allowed it as he hadn't gotten his Aqua hideout encounter at that point. He had two chances to get a Fake Out Pokemon in that ally as Alolan Meowth also comes with it. 


    Then we had that stupid stat battle with Kiki's Hitmonlee which cost him Belly. 


    I'll admit it's all the more fun to watch him go into these battle ill prepared and The Peeko cheat win for him but he's a bit of a hypocrite to complain when he's making it difficult on himself. 


    12 hours ago, Arcinblade3 said:

    Dont get me wrong, ttar IS careless to a fault, but i just feel it's a little weird that it seems like people just constantly want him to fail, crash and burn 😛

    There is a significant difference between wanting him to fail and stating factually that it's a possibility or likelihood due to his circumstances. 
    That aside, that said possibility of failing even exists and watching the player struggle against it is the point of a Nuzlocke is it not?

  18. 13 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    Sorry, but i can't take Fern serious at all. Prophecy or not, if Fern were to ever battle against Team Meteor in a similar way to the player, he'd get beaten in seconds flat, he'd keel over and cry like Shelly did when he beat her. I can see Cain, or even Victoria being the one to stand against Team Meteor, if the player was not there, but not Fern. That guy is too busy projecting his self-loathing on everyone else.

    I concur. 
    The player didn't give Fern his inferiority complex, he gave it to himself. If the Player hadn't been around for him to target he just would have found someone else to project onto. 


    13 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I'm not sure whether he'd actually use Rain Dance or not, because he already declared that TM as useless.

    Exactly what I was saying and although Ame might recommend Rain Dance, he didn't listen to her information regarding Samson.

    13 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    And his head has been in the clouds lately (well....even more than usual). He complains about not getting water type Pokémon, fails to bring Pokéballs, claims that encounters don't count because he's got no balls to capture them, and when he finally finds water type Pokémon he doesn't want them.

    I must say, this has been the most ridiculously careless behavior I've seen from him. It's almost as though he's creating reasons to complain just to complain. 

  19. 14 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    We are not talking about shiny Pokémon for the player. The topic is about shiny Pokémon on NPC Trainers.

    I can see now how that is a possibility but it's a grey area until the topic creator clarifies as the first post is unspecific. 

    It wouldn't be inaccurate to refer to the players as trainers. 


    Same basic answer either way.
    NPC shines are not an abnormality either, they're intentional. 

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