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Lucifer Morningstar

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Posts posted by Lucifer Morningstar

  1. 19 minutes ago, BurntCornNuts said:

    Did you talk to him in the meteor base where you fought the pulse abra? I think you have to talk to him there beforehand 

    I don't believe I did. Did I miss out on the super rod then? Isn't Simon in the cemetery the super rod quest? That's what I heard somewhere. 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Mindlack said:

    To be honest, I really don't want Adrienn to be evil. So even though there are definitely good points, I'll grasp at straws here. 

    I don't want Xer to be evil either but I try to be a realist. 


    40 minutes ago, Mindlack said:

    Their behavior sounds smarter than the rest of the cast. Seriously, what is the point of fighting in Devon Corp? If Lin's willing to torture you for losing or not fighting, what makes you believe she'll let you go off scot-free for winning, and let you save your allies too? Better to keep your allies (counting your Pokemon) in shape than get them tired in a pointless fight. 

    I concur that xer refusal to battle in Devon Corp has it's legit merit, as I mentioned it's the Belrose creed to not acquiesce an aggressor and here it's nothing but pointless brutality but I believe either scenario is plausible. 


    40 minutes ago, Mindlack said:

    About Adrienn making a deal with Meteor to preserve the city -- what would they be getting out of such a deal (the Meteors)? Why does Lin gain, if she's the one, as hinted by Eclipse, who masterminded the PULSE attacks on the city? A bit of extra sadistic satisfaction? Drive home a message? Disorganize the League? A lot of these can be satisfied without the convoluted Devon Corp. setup with very mundane strategies (or with more publicity). Maybe Adrienn could have given them Labradorra, though. 

    There is potential for a Dark Crystal arrangement. As a gym leader Adrienn is an influential figure and influence is powerful. 
    Adrienn has currently secured something of a savior status for facilitating the city's restoration so the citizens will be inclined to admire and trust xer. 






    3 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    I mean, it took hours for him to find Victoria in Reborn City. The graveyard was my first thought back when i was at that point in the game for the first time. Finding DJ Arclight and Adrienn was easy, as both of them were at obvious places where you'd expect them to be, so i just went to the graveyard, as i expected Victoria to visit Kiki's grave.

    Honestly, I found Victoria by accident myself, I'd gone to the graveyard for a Pumpkaboo encounter as I was catching up on as many of my missed statics as I still could. 😆
    Strangely, Simon is not there in my game? Is that another exclusive event to beating Solaris's Garchomp?

  3. Halle-freaaking-lujah, at least he found Indra!
    He's now headed for the two most difficult battles in Devon Corp and Ame's death scene. Dude's so gonna break. 


    22 hours ago, Candy said:

    Also I'ma gonna say this again but I theorize that Adrienn is a turncoat among us. Xe raises many red flags like:

    • Xe has practically brainwashed the whole region to see xem as the savior
    • The region hasn't been destroyed after xe took charge (sounds like xe made an agreement with Team Meteor to spare the region in exchange for xyr cooperation)
    • In Devon corp mission, xe enters with Ame, so it might be that xe overpowered Ame together with other grunts to capture her
    • In Devon corp mission, xe leaves practically unharmed in the end


    Damn. These are some sound thoughts which have brought some other red flags to mind. 

    In retrospect, xe never expressed remorse for being wrong about the Gardevior situation or faulted El for his deception as Radomus did.

    Xe then refused to battle Arclight in Devon Corp. From Arclight's POV, it sounds as though xe was acting under the Belrose creed to not acquiesce to Team Meteor but I can see how it could have been set up to appear that way which does match up with the above observation that apart from the player who wins their way through Adrienn was the only one to leave Devon Corp practically unharmed. 

    Just before Devon Corp, I found it suspicious that xe happens to mention wanting to meet xer replacement as the fairy gym leader to Ame and that the replacement abruptly disappeared.


    Personally, the whole Adrienn had no idea xe had been trapped beneath the city for 10-years story felt off to me. 
    That a gear stopping or whatever derailed the entire flux of time and just for one person doesn't add up for me, why then didn't 10 more years pass while we were down there and that Radomus was the one to offer that explanation is concerning. He then disappeared off the radar after the event at the Sanctum of the Seven. 

  4. On 3/31/2020 at 12:51 AM, ShogokiX said:

    As a result you can see a lot of players who never played on a competetive level struggle quite a lot in Reborn.

    Well there it is. I'm not into competitive playing. 


    On 3/31/2020 at 12:51 AM, ShogokiX said:

    Looking at TTar, who had Pokémon that could dominate her entire team easily, if he just had something to Fake Out her Illumise, lost his Blaziken in this fight that he could have won without any casualties. And you saw how much TTar had to struggle during the course of his Let's Play already, not only during the first season with nuzlocke rules, but even now, without nuzlocke rules, he gets his butt kicked a lot.

    Ttar illustrates well how one's own preparedness is a significant factor, quite possibly more significant than the game's actual difficulty level because there are more effective ways to handle the difficulty level than others such as the over leveling tactic I explained above. 
    Ttar, for example, most of the time tends to go in expecting to just brute force his way through and doesn't choose the strongest of move sets which entails more struggle.


    On 3/31/2020 at 12:51 AM, ShogokiX said:

    I think TTar will have a really hard time with the Devon Corp building, as you have to face a few strong fights in there

    Oh yeah. 
    Victoria is pretty easy but Arclight and ZEL are pretty hard.

    I think the electrocuting tiles puzzles are also going to prove a challenge for him as I expect he won't figure out that he can avoid electrocution by toggling the tiles or that having a ground Pokemon on your team will prevent the tiles from blacking you out because they're immune.  


    Damn I need to get going again, he's catching up to me now. I'm grinding up with Indra for Adrienn. 

  5. This is the first time I've played a Pokemon game with this level of difficulty and honestly I've a lot of the time relied partially on over leveling though in games with the EXP. share that effects the entire party it's not on purpose and I don't necessarily like the amount of control that it takes from me. There were times in Sword where I'd have preferred to turn it off but as far as I've been able to tell, one can't in that gen.

    When I do have control I don't go over 5 levels (i.e if a gym leader's strongest Pokemon is level 30 I'll grind to level 35) because even I don't have as much fun if I'm too OP.  


    So the obedience cap seemed to have been made to challenge my particular strengths which I find smart but I'm also not used to the AI having such complex strategies that one is almost equal to a player.  

  6. 23 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    In my last Reborn nuzlocke i lost exactly 3 Mons, all of them within the course of the last 3 badges, and all of them to unlucky critical hits. Without those crits i would have had a perfect run XD

    Damn. That's insane. 
    I'm barely getting through most of this game and I'll never Nuzlocke Reborn or any other game. 

  7. Oh that's right, I forgot that he totally didn't get the ZeL backstory 🤦‍♀️ and now he's coming up on his next ZeL battle!
    That will certainly be interesting. 


    Pool time: how many times do you think it'll take him to beat PULSE Magnazone now that The Peeko seems to have left him on his own?
    It took me about 3 just to GET to PULSE Magnazone and I took it down with Destiny Bond + Quick Claw Houndoom!

  8. FYI folks, I'm assuming the follower version is now out of date as the game was updated to 18.2 in January. 


    That being said, I reported this as it's own thread but it's probably best reported here that I had to stop using the follower version before this because 'Fly' can't be used outside of battle even after earning the Suspension Badge. The "a new badge is required" error persists. 


    I hope the follower is fixed and updated as I quite enjoyed it. 

  9. 15 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    Because it was Shade who made Lin do that. The truth is that Lin is not evil at all. Shade is a ghost, and he possessed Lin to have her do all the evil stuff. If you were to free her from Shade's control over her body, she would be all like "I'm sowwy oni-chan! Pls don't be mad at me!" and burst into tears.

    Ttar? Has this account been you the whole time!? 😲 🤣


    15 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    Also i can imagine him being all like "NOOO! I don't want that!" when he confronts ZEL and is given the option to answer whether he is here to stop ZEL or not, and says "no", but has to fight Pulse Magnezone anyway XD

    I wonder if the rhetorical choices such as this were made specifically to freak him out? 😂

  10. On 3/27/2020 at 4:01 PM, ShogokiX said:

    Now i feel old.....

    Ha, as do I. XD


    23 hours ago, andracass said:

    if you've been following this thread then you might notice that there are some things hidden.

    stuff got a little bit off topic/out of hand.

    I apologize for that, I believe I and my curiosity was the instigator, bad habit of mine. 



    His overreactions are hilarious though worrisome at this point! I legit feel like he might quit when Ame is killed. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, ShogokiX said:

    back then it was not as easy to just look up any guide or advice on the internet as it is today....

    True, not only did the internet not offer game guides but I was just getting into it (the internet) at 13. I used to purchase the official physical guides, I remember having one for Red/Blue and Crystal but those don't offer complex strategies if I recall correctly.  

  12. On 3/26/2020 at 3:52 AM, ShogokiX said:

    It's there, trust me. And with so many people now staying at home, especially with schools closed, some of these toxic people have nothing better to do with their lives than looking for "reasons" to start flaming.

    I do and it's true, one downside of this quarantine is that it gives some people too much free time.

    On 3/26/2020 at 10:11 AM, Zane0144 said:

    I like the weakest link system. It forces him to change his team up when it under performs.

    Except there essentially is no "system" right now. He's not abiding by the criteria of the weakest performer, he's just been choosing which Pokemon he wants to kill and a lot of the time he's choosing his strongest team members.


    It's not about the excuse to grind new team members. No one needs an excuse to switch up one's team and grind up new members, I've done that plenty in any given game including Reborn and I don't Nuzlocke. Our protest is that he's set these rules and isn't following them hence we're saying he needs to either follow the rules whether the official Nuzlocke rules or his own or he else might as well drop them and free play including resuming use of his dead Pokemon, all of which he still has. 


    I personally believe it should be valid for him to use the Pokemon he lost during his Nuzlocke since he started different rules. 

  13. 15 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    But you know how that works.....there is always that group of people that flames the content creator for not playing the way that they think is the ONLY right way to play the game, and it's actually the very same people that start flaming if you DO play just the way they wanted you to play.....some people only exist to be that kind of person all the time....

    Quite unfortunate but true, some folks seem to only watch this stuff specifically to find something to judge. 

    Though I've never seen any flaming for not releasing dead Pokemon. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, LeoYT said:

    I feel like Youtubers don't release dead pokemon because otherwise the death montage would take longer to make, thats what I always thought.

    Of course there is always that group of viewers that give you shit for not releasing mons

    Ah, I've seen thumbnails for death montages but have never watched one. That does make sense. 

  15. Indeed, he's essentially free playing at this point. 
    Technically since the "roulette rule" is pure choice he could choose to bring back Tiki, Belly and the rest of his "dead" Pokemon.  I almost feel he might as well. 


    16 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    As far as i know the original nuzlocke rules were just 3 in total.

    1. You can only capture the very first Pokémon you encounter on each new place you visit

    2. You must give every Pokémon you caught a nickname

    3. Pokémon that are defeated in battle are counted as "dead" and have to be released.


    Every other rule you might know about nuzlockes was made up later and by different people, but are now commonly considered default nuzlocke rules.

    Interesting. Even the shiny clause wasn't an original rule? That seems unfair. 
    So much the way supernatural lore such as vampires and werewolves does, the Nuzlocke rules have been changed over time by free license. Probably by folks wanting to adapt them for ease and convenience. 
    I wonder how far back this goes and who exactly established the modern rules as I've never seen any Youtuber release dead Pokemon vs. leaving them in a designated death box.

  16. 1 hour ago, Dreamblitz said:

    Dupes clause is always optional

    I appreciate the insight. I'm only familiar with Nuzlocke rules through watching Youtubers like Ttar. 


    1 hour ago, Dreamblitz said:

    (and Wonja is doubly fine because Shiny Clause)

    The shiny clause I am aware of, the Wanja reference was in regard to the "weakest link" roulette not it's capture, that he should have killed off Wanja like two episodes ago but has kept it by pure choice in defiance of the rules. 




  17. 16 hours ago, ShogokiX said:

    TTar's Reborn adventure will end with Budew.....as Budew is the source of all evil

    That reminds me, this last episode, he had to technically "eliminate" a few Pokemon that are considered illegal but he didn't include Belly Jr.  Apparently Belly Jr. is another Wanja story as it should be illegal because it's a dupe. 

    At least he hasn't actually used it yet. 

  18. 16 hours ago, Dreamblitz said:

    Well, Silvally was just temporarily boxed because he didn't have any memories that were particularly helpful against flying / on that field.

    I concur, Myassisfish isn't dead just sidelined. As was Kaido becauase he's 4x weak to flying. 

  19. I concur, Stealth Rocks is useful in this battle, it halves Oricorio right from the start. 


    But this is Ttar, he threw out Beartic who'd OHKO-ed two of her Mons instead of that damn punching bag of a bat, who did the whole route 3 event without any Pokeballs and complained about needing water types all the while passing on at least two of them.  


    He's never been the best decision maker.

  20. 7 hours ago, Dreamblitz said:

    We had a pretty good indication just from the fact that E36 was uploaded, since being able to do that meant that the footage had been successfully recovered from the same hard drive that the save would be on.

    the most recent non-game update video directly confirms that the save has been recovered successfully

    Of course, the video itself is evidence of a recovery, that is logical. 



  21. "Team Captain: Wanja, the Mavis!"
    Me: SilentDazzlingLacewing-small.gif
    How dare he insult Mavis!


    I was worried for a moment that he was gonna beat Ciel on the first try which would have meant that the Peeko is back on his side. 


    14 hours ago, Candy said:

    I don't understand how the weakest link works cause I thought the beartic did so well killing 2 mons via OHKO shling

    There isn't a "weakest link" system at this point, he's just killing off the Pokemon he wants to. Or else Wanja should have gone a while back. 
    He was going in the right direction with the seeded Beartic. He OHKO-ed two of her Pokemon with it he just needed to choose it's battles more wisely. 
    A seeded Beartic was a Ciel ace for me as well. It one shot Noivern and Minior and I think Oricorio as well. 


    9 hours ago, SerGoldenhandTheJust said:

    So that's all his pre recorded episodes. We won't get any new reborn episodes till April when he gets his new computer so that sucks but hey atleast we know he recovered his savefile so this series will be back.

    I'm not understanding. If these are pre-recorded episodes from before the crash than how do we know that he has salvaged his save file?

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