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Clutterfunky last won the day on September 29 2019

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99 Samaritan


About Clutterfunky

  • Birthday August 4

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    Jasper Ward
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    Tumblr: elsenlover4ever

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  1. So I started playing Gale of Darkness and had an absolute EXISTENTIAL CRISIS when I realized Agate Village is LITERALLY IN REBORN. I'm still floored by how ingenious that was and how well it was tied into the world of Reborn! Does that mean Reborn is actually the Orre region??

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Clutterfunky


      Okay but can you actually find the door Florence mentioned?

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Yup. There are actually two different tricks to it, though I don't remember which leads to the eevee rather than the other thing. The tricks are:

      1) Go through all the doors that don't have railroads leading into them.

      2) Go through all the doors that have two rocks near them. (He did say that he tried to mark his travels)


      They're... not the most intuitive methods, but the poor guy wouldn't have been driven to such great lengths if they had been, ya know?

    4. Clutterfunky


      The first you listed goes to the Eevee, the second goes to the room where you find a TM and a Field Effect read out. I didn't realize there were two stones by every door, I just noted and wrote down the pattern by trying all the doors until I progressed because I noticed the four way tracks continued if you went the right way. The way the notebook described it I thought it was one of the ruin doors like under Reborn, but I guess not? Oh well lol

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