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Everything posted by hi_im_z0

  1. So sorry about the delay, I never received the notification that you replied. I will be online for some time and I will keep this tab open. If you hop online again, let me know
  2. @DracostarA just getting online now.
  3. Can do. Just have to breed them for you
  4. I can trade you one, let me know when you're available EDIT: I have to leave for a few hours but when I get back I can trade it to you
  5. Let me know what other ones you still need after trading with Mu7e. I can provide the rest if needed
  6. *poof* I am here in place of Q-Jei! Now watch as I magically summon......SilverHelio!
  7. You're welcome Thank you as well
  8. I can trade you one. Let me know when you're available in exchange could I have one of the noibats?
  9. I can get you one later today. In class for a few more hours then will need a little bit to breed it
  10. hi_im_z0


    No problem at all. Enjoy your mons
  11. hi_im_z0


    Hopping online now, sorry for the delay. Whats your username so I can send the request? @DjSeon
  12. hi_im_z0


    I'll be online in about an hour. I'll message you then
  13. Hello! I am Q-Jei!.....wait no im not.....oops SilverHelio come forth!
  14. Anything in particular that you may want?
  15. hi_im_z0


    I can trade all the others to you. No need for anything special in return Just let me know when you're online
  16. *we're sorry, CodeCass is unavailable at this time.* *summons LykosHand*
  17. hi_im_z0


    Sent you a DM about it
  18. figured it'd be fair to give a mon with pokerus since you offered a shiny
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