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Q-Jei last won the day on August 22 2023

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1027 Sage

About Q-Jei

  • Birthday 05/06/1995

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  1. Hello everyone! How are you all doing?


    I hope you had great vacation these months! With the new school year coming, I'm about to start a second year in computer science. Of course, I'm still working on my written run as well, and I would like to apologize if it takes long for new episodes to come these months. Sometimes, I even fear that people find it boring because of the upload timing, the current pace for the each new episode being two months long actually. I wanted to reassure those who follow this project from the beginning, I haven't planned for the sake of even one single second to put it aside. Even if I like my studies and my other hobbies, writing is a sort of oxygen to me, and when I do things, I like to do it in a hardworking way. Plus, I would feel really sad to declare the end of something I've worked for all this time. This even bacame my worst nightmare these days. I wanted to confess about it, because I kept it for myself for too long, and I'm not that talkative on the forum, so nobody could imagine what I feel, and I needed to disclose my state of mind to feel better. But hey, I'm not here just to cry about my own feelings, right? Since I keep working on this written playthough, I wanted to keep you aware about the most probable date of the next upload. This risks to happen in early or mid October for two reasons: first because of studies, and then, because the content of the next episode is something really really really HUGE! I even think it's by far the most filled and polished episode I've been working on for a long time now, and I'm not even talking about the exclusive content that will show up in it. Also, my apologies. I remember having promised to create and show you a fresh new character for my spriting collection, but I didn't know how to spare time for it. I'm already working on a voracious episode for Flannery's adventures, so don't expect anything to be done about sprites for a while. This is always dishonoring to me and I would love to split in half for doing more than I already can, but sadly, reality always brings me to remember how limited I am 😞 Anyway, I'm still alive, and I wanted to let you know. I hope you'll be all around to see these new writings about Flannery's adventures when it will be ready for upload.


    See ya soon, and stay tuned 🙂

    1. Candy


      it's ok fam. or at least I hope it's ok because I also take long breaks between episodes of my written run, and I actually have no excuse because I'm super chill 90% of the time. I just can't write unless I'm in the mood for it 🤣 everyone who knows me knows I have no self-control (oh and my wallet can be witness rip)

      this ain't a job, it's a hobby which should bring you joy and has the secondary effect of bringing joy to your readers. don't let it become a chore, that's all 😉 

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