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  1. So i turned off all my mods (by changing the name of the Mods folder to Mods!) before going into the safari zone. Then after leaving the Safari Zone, I changed the folder's name back to Mods, but now debug does not work. All other mods I have installed still work. Does anyone have a fix for this?
  2. When I pick the Sunny option on the weather machine, it rains in the overworld. It still functions properly in battle, as in during battle it is sunny. Is this a bug? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a quick fix I can do if this is a bug?
  3. my first time making custom sprites. I made Ash OW sprites! I know that there are lot of Ash OW sprites online, but they are all shorter/chibi-er compared to the rest of the OW sprites in Desolation. Let me know what I can do to improve on!
  4. Yo so I found a way to rebind keys.... yay. anyways, this changes some of the functions on your keyboard when running the script Don't worry the remapped keys will only run when pokemon reborn is running and if you are currently on that window. So outside that window your keyboard should function as normal. 1. google AutoHotKey, download, and install 2. create a shortcut for your script anywhere you want and name it whatever you want. Right click -> new -> AutoHotKey script 3. Right click and edit (you can delete whatever is written in there) 4. copy and paste #IfWinActive Pokemon Reborn w::Up a::Left s::Down d::Right Numpad4::z Numpad5::x Numpad9::s Numpad8::Shift Numpad7::a NumpadDiv::d Now it went from this Arrow Keys: Move Z key: A button; Talk/Select X key: B button; Open Menu; Skip Text Space: Run S: Toggle Walk/Run Shift: Registered item; Rotate Tile Puzzle A: Mega-Evolve; Dismount Pokemon; Sort Bag D: Quick-Save F1: Program Options (Mute sound/music) F8: Take Screenshot F12: Soft-Reset Alt+Enter: Full Screen to this WASD: Move Numpad4: A button; Talk/Select Numpad5: B button; Open Menu; Skip Text Space: Run Numpad9: Toggle Walk/Run Numpad8: Registered item; Rotate Tile Puzzle Numpad7: Mega-Evolve; Dismount Pokemon; Sort Bag NumpadDivision: Quick-Save F1: Program Options (Mute sound/music) F8: Take Screenshot F12: Soft-Reset Alt+Enter: Full Screen Hopefully this works for yall.
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