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Everything posted by LeoYT

  1. "I have 4 heart scales holy crap" Meanwhile: Think of all the 'Rare Candy' I could make
  2. you need to finish the episode before getting access to it
  3. LeoYT

    Lost Train?

    you might be interacting with the wrong tree
  4. have you finished episode 18?
  5. considering i only record on Mondays and Fridays this might make my nuzlocke more challenging im in
  6. x items are on 8th floor now so they dont have access to them anymore but he was on ep17 for the longest time
  7. twit also had the one mon that counters her perfectly
  8. I dont think they have enough stickers to get to them now so they better use them wisely
  9. The Great wall of Serra did her job if twit gave percy a seed and lead off with him he would have destroyed her same with jay and klinklang also rip to all those relationship points with Serra just show no fear and you win
  10. are you talking before you enter the room? otherwise Im pretty sure no
  11. Someone finally put it into words and nobody in his comment section points it out this episode made me lose all credibility for Shofu because it was his choice to keep playing and not wait for the game to finish If you really have trouble understanding the story or want a recap, Look up Lord Wallace on YT and theres an hour long video recapping up to E17 He doesn't realize how much hard work goes into these kinds of games No wonder I sent this man to the shadow realm
  12. For some reason I really wanna Walk With Elias no idea why
  13. What have I done...


  14. 8 minutes talking about a show half of them don't even like + 30 minutes of them waiting for Mo because he fucked up + another 7 of them not talking to Charlotte in the railnet I don't know what character Sirius resembles but its definitely not Solaris who is much more of a Thanos
  15. I was about to say wait until the rift Carnivine and then realized its reborn
  16. Lin vs Ame in a nutshell Rated R for Reborn
  17. I really wanted sigmund to go through the wall but Sirius getting beat over and over is just as good I am sick of seeing this stupid ad...so I spent 3 hours improving it
  18. Terra 23 gonna assume the samson and ciel are around there to Arc 24 Luna 18 Bennet 17 I think somewhere it says he younger than luna Charlotte 14 Laura 18 Saphira around 20 Cain 15 (Surprising considering how thirsty he is for the mc) Anna & Noel 12 Radomus around 40 Taka 22 the 4 sorority sisters are between 20-21 since Florina graduated from the school 2 years prior Aya, Hardy, Fern 16 since hardy and fern went to school together MC is 17-20 Shelly 12 Heather 10
  19. I've never seen Jay be the first to beat the gym before
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