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Everything posted by DigitalAmber

  1. I just clarified it with Alaris, 3rd parties appear as innocent in my reports. Mr. Knightly appeared with Bok(dead town), and Caime(dead lover, my report shows her as innocent) Nicki appeared alongside good ole dead Bok and Lia(basically a confirmed town) Unvote Nicki, Eliminate Mr. Knightly
  2. Confident and happy from beating Florinia, I strode out of the Trainer's School. I checked my map to learn I had to travel through the North Obsidia Ward to get to Lapis, where I stood a strong chance of finding my sword apparently. Unfortunately, I soon found out I could not get into the Lapis Ward due to the North Obsidia Ward being closed. Apparently Florinia didn't have as much sway there due to being from Onyx and the lack of plant growth threatening the ward. Figuring I would take her advice and prove myself, I headed off for the Jasper Ward. I had thought Obsidia was a mess. It was a mess, in regards to all the massive chasms about it, but not the same as in the way Jasper was. Plant life crawled about the area and looked like it had started to reclaim buildings in some spots. One lone Meteor Grunt who looked vaguely familiar stood in an alleyway and I confronted him promptly. He didn't reveal his purpose there. The ward was very much a ghost town and wild bugs crawled about and absolutely littered the streets. Mel, my Slakoth I was training, evolved murdering one of these bugs. Gone was the lazy Slakoth, now was the hyper energetic Vigoroth. He could finally pull his own weight. I decided to leave Stali to rest a while to train him up. As I explored, I can remark on one thing I certainly learned. Nothing is more terrifying then encountering a swarm of Beedrill in a gloomy ill-lit run down building littered with rubbish to trip over, At a certain point, the Ward simply gave out and led me into a place where the spotty reception on my Pokegear told me was called Malchous Forest. I turned back for a moment to dodge a swarm of patrolling Beedrill by diving into a blue building. It was the Police Station. An old man looked at me funny, before walking over and cautiously extending a hand. I took it. "Greetings. I am the Chief of the Reborn City Police Department. Are you alright? You gave me quite a shock to see you barrel through the opened door." "I'm fine. I saw a Beedrill patrol outside and decided to take shelter here." "I see. As you may know, we are chronically understaffed as of late. More than a few of our officers have gotten lost in the forests and it has become a hassle to try to find them. We know a few of them our living due to picking up an emergency transmission." Just then, another officer came in, out of breath. “Hello chief, is this? It is. Sir, this is the young man we informed you about. He helped Miss Florinia over in Obsidia and Peridot." "Ahh, perfect, perhaps you could help us. The previous officers who went missing, there are about five of them. Get them back here if at all possible." As much as I wish I could have, I couldn't say no here. The police would potentially be a good ally and could maybe organist search parties for the lost heirloom had I enough sway and then enough manpower. I reluctantly agreed and went out of the building and back into the forest. The first officer I found relatively easily in a decrepit apartment building and stumbled upon meteor grunts both there and in the forest. I cleared my way through the overgrown mess and stopped multiple times to have Berlioz chop away at vines and small deadly saplings. I felt bad standing back, but my sword would be of no use here. Eventually, I hopped down a ledge and fell into a hollow and faced one familiar Pulse Tangrowth. A light brown haired boy with a scarf stood guard. "Hey there." The stranger spoke. "I figured you'd show up eventually, come on." Weary, I drew my blade and advanced. "I am not about to walk into some foolish trap." "I thought you came here for this thing. Seems I was right. It's a real shame huh. Tangrowth's caused a lot of damage in both lives and homes. My name's Taka, what's yours?" "Why are we being so civil? Step aside or get cut down, Taka. The name of your assailant is Regulus." "Regulus, not a bad name. Zel told me of your exploits in Obsidia. Don't cut me down, man, I'm just stuck doing my job, same as you. You might have beat Zel, but how familiar are you with the Pulse Project, really? "I know it is one of your abominations, rat." "Pokemon Ultimation Link System Exaggerata- Basically it morphs the Pokemon and amplifies its power. So any old Pokemon can become super-charged. All the destruction in Jasper is because of this machine here." "Are you going to keep talking, or will we fight. I'm getting tired of your stalling." "Let me finish, would you? It seems destroying a whole city section has put a pretty massive strain on Tangrowth. You know, part of me just wants to be nice and set this thing free. That'd be nice, right?" "So do exactly that then. Free it now. The chaos stops, my blade stops moving towards your neck, you live we all go about our merry way. I don't want to be here longer then I have to." "Likewise. Unfortunately, I have orders to the contrary." "I out rank your commander, you follow my orders. Now leave." "He wouldn't see it the same way. After all, I am with Team Meteor. One of my orders is to eliminate you, though. Please don't take it too personally. Taka decided to battle, the fool didn’t know who he was messing with. Taka sighed as the Pulse Tangrowth breathed its last and fell in an explosion of vines and plant life. "Well that's over. You know, Jasper might slowly return to normal, but there’s another machine like this up in Beryl. It's not really my place to say it, but you might want to check it out." "Why? So you can plan an ambush? Why are you telling me this?" "Common courtesy? I don't really know. Oh well, peace." He leapt off the small ledge before I could try to detain him. With one Tangrowth gone, I decided to try to look for the entrance to Beryl or preferably find a Pokemon Center. Grace was on her last legs. Upon chasing after the now gone Meteor Admin, I stumbled into a young pink haired child. She said the first words. "Just what do you think you're even doing?" "Nothing that concerned you. Simply searching for the entrance to Beryl." "Well don't alright. I was going to mess up those Meteor jerks myself. It's not even fair! I FINALLY got away from my dad so I could go stop the bad guy-- And he wouldn't even let me do that! He never lets me go anywhere! What kind of father doesn't let his daughter go out to beat up bad guys!?" "Let's see... a mature, reasonable man who values his daughter's life. Reborn City is not a safe place to roam, especially not with Meteor around. Go home, stay safe. Stay out of my way. I have an appointment to make in Beryl." "Don't go to Beryl! There's another one of those machines there!" "That's why you should stay out of it. Wouldn't want some protective father chasing after me." "I'm going to blow up that machine myself, so stay out of it!" "I am trying to ascertain your safety. Don't be stupid." "I won't. I'm not the stupid one here. Now, Salamence, let's go." The pink haired child called out a Salamence and flew off. Maybe I was wrong. She owned a Salamence, she might be fine. But it could simply be her father's Salamence. She's a child, she doesn't truly know the intricacies of battle after all. If that Salamence got knocked out, she would be helpless. I had thought that Jasper was a mess, but it was clearly obvious I was not prepared for Beryl. The bridge was surprisingly clean, but it was a challenge to even move anywhere else in the Ward. All the plants kept popping up and lunging out for me among the cracked sidewalks that were utterly overgrown. As I progressed further east, the buildings quickly disappeared and left me in a veritable jungle. As I slashed vines and trees out of the way, I felt a creeping sensation tingle my spine. I kept trading forward. The grass slowly started to feel different as I walked. It gained a less natural, stiffer texture; like fake grass. I took another step and plummeted into unconsciousness. I awoke in a well-constructed wooden cage staring at my captors, two Nuzleaf. They walked off and left me to starve in the wooden cage, despite my demands to be released. Hopefully they simply were deciding not to help me because they didn't understand me. It was preferable to sadistic Nuzleaf. As if summoned by a bad situation, a smug green haired rat named Fern casually strolled up to the cage, had the audacity to stare me dead in the eye, laugh, and leave. He came back moments later "Sorry about that Regulus. I just had to step away for a moment to keep myself from bursting with laughter. Seeing you trapped in that cage looking so helpless, it is truly ironic and fitting." "Shut up! You are just a measly rat! Probably orchestrated this whole thing." "Me? No. I don't have time to worry about how to catch small fry like you." Unfortunately, he didn't see me pull my blade out as he was gloating. By some grace of God, he managed to sidestep my lunge and back out of my confined range. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. That's no way to act around your superiors. Haven't you learned yet? You really should take a lesson in class." "You are really getting on my nerves at this point. Free me and I might consider sparing you later on the road." "Hmm, let me see..... Nope. Feel free to rot in a wooden cage. I might be more considerate if you begin to beg." "I would never bow down to you in a million years, rat. You deserve none of my respect. If you won't free me, get out of my sight instantly." "Well it looks like you are determined. Fine by me. Feel free to rot." With those words, he turned around a walked away. The dumb rat had been smart enough to stay out of my blade's reach the whole time. I fustily swung my blade against the cage, not caring that it wasn't how it was meant to be used. Nothing changed. Bard, Mel, Mussoli, and the rest of my team amazingly did nothing against the strength of the cage. It seemed the Nuzleaf were indeed master craftsman. ]] Fern was nowhere to be seen afterwards. I kept a close eye on everything as I continued my jungle trek. Eventually I entered the Ward again, fought some pesky Meteor rats, stopped in a dilapidated Library to catch my breath, fought more grunts, and lastly came across two familiar faces along with a third unknown person, whose face was hidden beneath a hood. "You." Zel stated "Hey there" Taka tried being friendly. The final person just stood there a moment before turning and saying, "What is it now?" Taka answered his question, "The trainer who defeated the Pulse in Jasper. I invited him here to take care of this one too." zEl: "Regulus also is responsible for the elimination of the Jasper Pulse too." The hooded figure spoke up, "Ah, that's you. An ally cat parading as a tiger. Heroism is vainglory. But don't worry, I know only dream. You haven't experience the cruel taste of reality yet.” At that I drew my sword, "An ally cat? You compare me to the lowest of the low. I can forgive you once, a member of Team Meteor clearly wouldn't be sophisticated enough to know me." The hooded figure opened his mouth to retort with what was likely some asinine comment when a roar practically shattered my ear drums as a Salamence with the pinkette from before arrived on scene. Could she not tell this was a dangerous time to be here? Kindly enough. Zel, or maybe it was Evelyn? took the time to inform me that the pink haired child was named Heather, and that she was the daughter of the Beryl Ward Leader. "Heather, what are you doing here?! This is an unsafe place for children incapable of fighting." "What does it look like I am doing, stopping evil people. Duh. I can fight with my Salamence." I walked over to her instantly. "And what if your dragon gets taken down? How long have you had that dragon anyway?" "My whole life. Salamence is strong, she won't go down easily. No one could take her down!" "Except for any ice type ever. It only takes one strong shot to take your Salamence down. And what then? You can't fight." "Just watch me. Stay out of my way, I don't have time to add you to my list of people in danger." By this point, the hooded man walked over. He seemed to have overheard some of the conversation. "This boy, if inexperienced with reality, is right. Leave. Now. This is not a safe place for children. You are not a target." "What! Why am I not a target!? I am the strongest battler here." "And the most inexperienced. You will learn that life is cruel, that strength is not everything, and things are not so black and white. This is not some game. Leave, child. Now." Heather came up with the most brilliant retort her young mind could ever have thought up, "Make me." The Salamence roared and the hooded man pulled out a Pokeball. I dived away as the flash of light that came from the Pokeball and I could feel heat suddenly erupt in the space behind and above me. A Crobat and Salamence were engaged in combat, with the Salamence alternating between blue flames, red fire, and a beam of blue energy. A boot nudging my side drew me back to reality. Taka stepped back, ceased nudging me, and offered a hand to help me up. I swung my blade at it but Taka retracted it faster than my swing traveled. I pulled myself up. "Man, I try to be genuine and I almost lose my hand. I was going to let you stand up before we fought. You still have the Tangrowth after all." "His statement is correct. The Tangrowth is still a threat to all not on our side. We have taken measures to ensure your death." "E-eve? Does he have t-to d-die? He seems nice." "Yes, this clown's death is needed. Now shut up Lumi!" "Must you be so harsh Zel? Try to be positive, I've heard it is pretty nice. But, yeah. I guess we have to fight now. Sorry about all of this Regulus. You probably know how orders are better than anyone." "Stop stalling Taka. Just kill this aristoclown already." "What did you just call me?!" "Calm down, I really don't want this to be worse than it needs to. I guess I should start before Zel has a tantrum? Well then, no hard feelings, here we go." The duo sent out their Pokémon. I faked a sword swing at Zel, who calmly sidestepped without distraction. Taka sighed as the Tangrowth went down, "That's not good." The one I assumed to be Eve spoke up next. It surprised me I could figure out which person Zel was deluding as. The harsh one was Zel, the nervous one was Lumi, and Eve was the one who sounded like a social Florina. "The Pulse has been deactivated, there is no use in defending this location any longer." "Well, in that case I'll just make myself scarce. You coming? I might be able to sneak you some of Solaris's Dragon Rush surprise." "Oh... yeah... um. I guess so... That sounds really nice... Just, um... it needs to be sweeter this time, I think?" "Oh I can do that, I guess. Well, we'll be off now Regulus. Don't chase after us, you really don't want to tonight of all nights." Zel threw a smoke bomb down and when the smoke cleared, the two were gone. The hooded agent was still there, fighting Heather. It currently seemed to have hit a stalemate. The Crobat was too acrobatic to get hit by Heather's wild flames, but it couldn't get close enough to do damage because of them. He seemed to sigh like a man beaten before commenting. "So they ran off." His Crobat dove downwards, the figure jumped off while it was near the ground, and began evasive procedures. "Crobat, Return." The agent simply ran off, much to Heather's surprise. She returned her Salamence and sped off after him. Determined not to let a mouse parading as a rat, for he called me an ally cat parading as a tiger, get away, I ran off after him. He didn't run far. Heather and a group of officers I recognized from all over the Ward completely surrounded him. It seems the recent battles bought enough time for them to regroup themselves. The Chief walked forward and spoke up. "You are surrounded. You have nowhere to go." The figure stared him dead in the eye I think, it was hard to tell if he did due to my angle behind him. "Tch. An ambush? The grunts were supposed to detain all of you." "Oh they did. We just happen to be a lot more resourceful when a certain miscreant helps. Oh, Regulus. Good to see you alive. We exonerate you from a potential wrongdoing with that sword for the time being." The figure whirled around and pure malice dripped like venom from his voice. "You." The chief, flanked by two officers, approached the figure. "Now, let's see who you really are." The figure tried to struggle, but the officers pulled his hood off to reveal a middle aged man with bags under his eyes, a wrinkled forehead, and spikey purple hair. What Heather said next took me completely by surprise. "DAD!?" The agent was the girl's father? No wonder he didn't want her out, it would have messed with his plans. It could have revealed him to be her father earlier. He sighed and a tone of resentment and resignation filled his voice, "You just had to do this in front of her." "I knew you were a jerk, but I didn't think you would be this evil. I- I can't. Goodbye. Salamence! Let's go!" She pulled out the ball containing her dragon and I thought I saw a tear drop down into the grass as she clambered on the back and it took off. "Well then. This is easier if she isn't here." His voice took me out of my shocked state. "Don't you even care about her?" My sword was out at this point. "Don't you even care about what you made your daughter see? You just changed her life forever." "Do I care? Do I really seem like I don't?" The chief spoke up. "Why Corey? Why would you, a gym leader of all things, do this?" "Heh. Don't take too much stock in authority. Welcome to reality. It's cruel. It's cold. It. Is. Life." "Wait, you mean there are others?" "It would be stupid to think otherwise. Not everything is nice and simple. Your wonderland is a crack-dream." All of the officials I met, could they be helping Corey? Could Florinia be leading me into a trap by suggesting Lapis? Could I trust anyone here? "Big words for where you’re going." "Are they? You have done nothing here. All you did was unmask a father before his daughter. You showed her what all girls eventually learn-pain. And that's all. You want to apprehend me? I'll be waiting at my gym. Regulus, I hope you’re happy with this. Welcome to reality ally cat. It doesn't play by your rules or mine. It just plays until there is nothing left to play with. I expect you at my gym." Almost as if a ghost, he began to blur before a cloud of gas filled the area. In the confusion, he escaped. "We know it's a trap, but we know he will be there. We can't afford to let him go." The officers marched off towards where his gym was. I followed them a little distance behind, wondering what I had done. I had just unmasked a father before his daughter, I had just torn away any respect she had for family. Why? Why would he do this? As I entered the gym, the police officers quickly tried to accost me, which the Chief explained was a result of Corey's poison gas leaving adverse effects on their minds. I pushed past them and entered the back room, which appeared to be an apartment. Corey stood in the back of it, staring at the wall, a picture of someone in his hand. He was talking to himself, but stopped when he heard me approach. He didn't turn around. "So you found me after all." He turned around and I began to wish he hadn't. His tired, worn face, was etched with an expression of cold, unyielding hatred. Sadness loomed behind his eyes. HIs voice was pure malice and regret mixed together "First you destroyed all three of the Pulse-Tangrowth systems I oversaw. Then you revitalize the City Police Department, causing them to ambush me. And out me in front of my own daughter. And now, what have you come for? My badge, or my blood? I'll return to the arena. We will finish this there." He began to brush past me, but I grabbed his wrist. It felt cold. "Why? Why did you join them? Why did you terrorize this ghetto?" "I told you, ally cat, the world is a wretched place. Wretched people live in wretched places. The world is cold, cruel, and heartless. Only such a person would ruin a father before her daughter. I hope misery swallows you up, maybe you will understand then. My arena awaits." He jerked his wrist loose and walked on out. Corey stood at the end of the battle field, staring coldly at the entryway I came from. His voice sounded hollow "Take your place. I will bar nothing. You've forced my hand Regulus. I have nothing left to lose. The only reason I kept going through the years was for Heather. She was my singular denial. My only hope and memory of her... And she may never speak to me again. So when I ask myself why, why did this happen? I came to one conclusion. The blame goes unto you alone. You alone caused her to suffer. I had rebuilt hope, even if it was a small splinter of it. You didn't just take it from me, no. You alley cats took it away, played with it like a rat, before squashing it and fracturing it into irreparable state before everyone. So, allow me to bring you down with me." Gas started to flood the room from the vents and I felt my lungs ache from breathing it in. "Suffer. Maybe then you would understand." Corey stared blankly at my face before holding his Pokeballs up for a moment and staring at them. He coughed, it seemed the gas was finally getting to him. My lungs felt about ready to explode. "Savor this victory. For after every joy, bitter misery comes running after." The man's eyes filled with sorrow and diluted, tired hatred. He wore the expression of a man who had stopped trying after life kept beating him down. He didn't run anymore, he didn't fight, he just accepted life's cruelty. "You’re not going to end me are you? You certainly could just run me through... I am part of Meteor after all. Do it, run me through. If you can't do that, why bother fighting at all?" My hand went to my blade's handle, but with my lungs burning so much and the gas not starting to affect my mind, my hands shook. I couldn't find the strength left in me to pull it out. Each inhalation added to the pain. I slowly wobbled and shakily began to draw my blade. Family is everything. He had destroyed everything his daughter cared about so easily. He deserved this, he had ridden too many people of their family. He had even done it to his own daughter. He didn't deserve to be run through with my blade, but sacrifices have to be made. I drew my blade and instantly dropped it to my side to lean on it. Why couldn't this damn gas leave?! I saw a shadow slink behind Corey and a strip of a beige that was almost white. It was a beige dusted with light purple and red from blood. Berlioz sprang out from the shadows behind Corey, claws out and ready to shred the man who had caused so much suffering. I counted the seconds till impact, till blood scattered the floor. Five. Four. Three. Two. One The bloodshed never came. Some wicked sense of divine cruelty must have intervened. Corey hunched over coughing at the exact moment claws were supposed to meet flesh. Berlioz harmlessly flew over him. The gas had begun to bring torment to his aged lungs. "Pathetic. You can't even do your own dirty work. You can't even stain your own hands red. And you can't turn me over to the police, no matter how much you want to. After all, I happen to know where your oh so precious sword is. I have a brilliant idea, a most succulent idea, Regulus. Come to Beryl Bridge. Take a victory lap, get a prize. Learn how fleeting joy really is. That, is where I will give you what you've been looking for." Corey coughed and fumbled with something in his jacket, causing more and more gas to fill the room. He used the cover to make his escape and not even Berlioz's feline eyesight or agility was enough to fight off the gas. I stumbled towards the door, wheezing. The world was spinning and tiny starburst lined and laced my vision. My feet felt like lead bricks. I wheezed and fell. My head ached, my lungs were past burning. They were no longer simply on fire, now someone had doused a pine tree is gasoline and taken to it with a flamethrower. Or a Magmorter. Or a Skunktank. My eyes felt extraordinarily heavy as I laid wheezing on the floor. Berlioz coughed loudly and somewhere above me. I barely registered it. It sounded funny. A cat coughing. It was a neat little sound, somewhere between a hack and a wheeze. It sounded like it had a hairball. I giggled slightly at the thought as my eyes became too heavy to lift up and my temples throbbed.
  3. @Mr. Knightly I am still wary of you, but I am unsure if the lovers would appear as mafia in my reports. I will go to my second almost 100% guarantee of being mafia target, PurpleCicada. After all, unless Lia was recruited, she was mafia. Unvote, Mr. Knightly, Eliminate PurpleCicada
  4. I believe either Ancient Being or Psychologist(might be feeling a little selfish here) should be disclosed. Also, here is more or less the names of all the remaining mafia. Nicki/Purple Cicada, Dive, Jace, and Mr. Knightly(100% confirmed). Lia has replaced Bok for the position of appearing in my searches every time though. She has appeared a total of 3 times.I was restrained yesterday. Last night, I got that either Venus, Lia, or Amine is mafia. Amine is believed to be recruited, but didn't I read somewhere that Venus's role has changed? Regardless, Mr. Knightly is confirmed mafia due to the fact that the two other names that appeared alongside his are now dead. Eliminate Mr. Knightly.
  5. The Captain(?) whirled around and stared as the bookshelf was noisily pushed around. "What is th--" He got cut off by Crevasse opening the door and attacking a Kenku outside. The Kenku, although ready, was sliced into by the blade. The two struck together in retaliation. The injured Kenku faltered from the pain and failed to slice flesh, but the second one managed to do the job and deal 4 damage. The Captain(?) found his voice and spoke up. "All of you, stop this! Those are allies, they are with me!" Admist the chaos, the outsticking wooden chunk roughy slid back into the wall. A hole widened as it was pushed back in. The Captain(?) was unaware of these developments.
  6. The captain coughed, reeling from two slaps and an attempted Shocking Grasp. The violin bounced against the bookcase and bent a decent bit. A few books on the bookcase josteled a bit from the force. "Damn it, stop trying to murder me! I am with the traitors against her royal bitchy highness. Shut up, you just alerted everyone nearby that shit is going down in here and an outsider is involved, if they didn't know already. My name is Indoya, I am a navagtor here, not the captain. I came in here for snooping and maybe some forging of documents. If you keep ranting like a madman, we might come to blows. I don't know where her high bitchyness is. I was hoping she was in here, and you all interrupted before I could do anything important. Got that. Now get out of here if you won't help or try to be fucking diplomatic."
  7. I believe Candy is allowed in Seventh Street without a gang due to a matter of respect. In Reborn’s alleyways, where strength rules, you don’t mess with an ex-champion who has finically backing from her buissness(also a way to maintain strength). They simply let Candy in as a matter of respect and fear in my opinion. Not that they should fear such a cheerful person ofc.
  8. "No, shut up! Stop speaking in tongues I do not know." The Captain's voice shifted to a different language briefly. "I do not know where to find the head bitch. I had hoped it would be in this room. I am-- No. I won't tell you. You are working with her, aren't you? She strung a third party under her wing and got them to kill people from both sides. I won't be a part of it." The Kenku shifted his hand to his cloak.
  9. I believe Mr. Knightly is Mafia too. The first night I received that Caime, Knightly, or Bok is Mafia. Apparently Amine vouched for Bok, although Amine could have been recruited. Day 2 I got that either, Sail, Jace, or Lia is Mafia. It is safe to say Jace, but I fear maybe Lia has been recruited. Recruited people do in fact show up in my reports I believe. Day 3, I got that either Sail, Dive, or Bok is scum. I lean towards Dive, Sail is currently dead. Again, Amine confirms Bok is town, but I still have my doubts. Day 4, I got that Lia, Purplecicada, and Bok are potential mafiosos. Lia appears yet again, and Purps hasn't before. Maybe I got a lucky draw? Unvote Jace Stormkirk Eliminate: Mr. Knightly
  10. Let's see. I am the psychologist. Bok's name has appeared three separate times, which could either be him getting really unlucky or me getting really bad odds. Also, the three names of Sail, Jace, and Lia appeared. Lia is basically confirmed innocent and Sail is dead. This confirms Jace as scum unless Lia has been recruited and is the scum.
  11. "What's so bad?! The fact that the means are purposefully being hidden from us, that's what's so bad. They are hiding something. We have never even met the head bitch in person. And the way she clearly wrapped the Captain around her finger stinks of foul play. I am not blindly doing the bidding of someone like that, as innocent as it might seem. They were probably planning to slaughter all those passengers in the storeroom. But we wouldn't know, because she had excuses galore for her actions. She might have started the rebellion just for the sake of excuses. She is dangerous and untrustworthy."
  12. Either life really hates Bok, or he is Mafia. I hope it is the later, because otherwise fate really screwed him over. Jace is scum by the way. I have a gut feeling that maybe Lia or Ali have been recruited tho(simply because they role claimed) Eliminate: Jace Stormkirk
  13. “Stalla was with them? I, I thought she was with us. She said she was. Damn it! The pieces have fallen out of place. We put the white rags in place to tell our Kenku from hers, the head bitch, as we call her.” The bird looked at the parchment. “That’s Auran, you know. The language is. It’s our native language. It has roots from primordial, which is where infernal has roots. It uh... Shit. It tells Stalls to betray us. The head bitch knew she wasn’t with them, she knew. I want wings, just like the rest of the crew, but the ends are not worth the means. I’m not the captain. I’m just doing some snooping, now leave me in peace.”
  14. The captain was taken by surprise and shoved against the wall. The violin fell to the floor. “Damn it! Unhand me! I can’t die here. Not when the tipping point is so close. Not when we sacrificed so much. I guess I will have to comply.... unless! Unless! Unless! Wait, you said someone murdered your captors and some Kenku? Who died? Did they have a white rag strapped around there leg? I never ordered you to be kidnapped, nor drugged and abducted.”
  15. I just figure she doesn't have a soul, this is not truly alive and able to take an Aegislash as a result. After all, Shade said two souls would be taken. Corey was one soul, and Shade never said one of the souls couldn't have already been taken.
  16. The lock yielded easily and noiselessly. If the party chose to open the door they would see a Kenku in somewhat fancy robes and a tricorn hat reaching for a violin. He was seated in a chair behind a desk. Two chairs were on the opposite side. A bookcase was on the left. Scrolls hung from the walls. Soft violin music could be heard through the wall. Will the party enter the room?
  17. While corpses were being carried and interrogations were had, everyone decided to sit down for a time and recoup their wounds. It also provided ample time to hide the bodies behind a few barrels in the storage room.
  18. This penguin is very trust worthy, but keep in mind that they said you had around a 30% chance of being Mafia. At least you did, until I learned the percentage was even higher. In fact, Sailboat has an equally high chance of being Mafia, and if he is, then you are not, Bok. Unfortunately, Sailboat is not able to help me determine a mafia ally as easily as you. TlDR- Either Bok and Jace are scum, or Sailboat is scum. My night action tells me the probability of things occurring, you could say.
  19. We should disclose a role, shouldn't we? Oh, and a quick thing. If Bok is Mafia when he flips, then Jace is too. Be wary about the disguiser and the Lawyer Amine. This info might result in my death but if I found two scum, then so be it. A quick thought here. Maybe the perfectionist appears as if he had went no where if he kills, thus having a perfect alibi and having commited the perfect crime. Disclose: Perfectionist
  20. Hey, @Amine Chankey3ft7, could you investigate Bok Choi tonight. There is a high he could be mafia according to a penguin who visited me. By penguin, I mean a random info giver role. I don’t know the actual role. I am am suspicious of Caime, but her response was that of a town who is watching for scum and being observant.
  21. I don’t necessarily think the taking of a soul means death. Or at least, death does not equal the taking of a soul. Kiki could simply have had her soul passes on to some sort of afterlife normally. I think a soul is taken when it can no longer move on to any sort of afterlife. Kiki died normally, but with an intact soul(unless her disease changed that) Corey lost his because of Shade. We know Eclipse has her soul incinerated, meaning it couldn’t pass on. She might be a shell. Lin could simply have no soul, and thus, no mortal coil.
  22. Well then, it seems Newt is mafia. I guess I have to contribute here. Also, Caime is town, as confirmed by her reactions. Eliminate Newt/Jeff
  23. Banned for Double Posting and given a warning point too kidding.
  24. Once said 25, Can a mod delete this? A bad connection sent two of the same post for some reason.
  25. Once said 25, my posts duplicated. I didn’t double post, I triple posted, K. Can a mod please delete this when you come to ruin the streak please?
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